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An explosion in a borehole or an accidental explosion in a tunnel will generate a two-dimensional (2-D) compressive wave that travels through the surrounding rock mass. For the problem of 2-D compressive wave propagation in a rock mass with parallel joints in the radial direction normal to the joints, parametric studies on the transmission ratio and the maximum rebound ratio are performed in universal distinct element code. The variation of the transmission ratio with the ratio of joint spacing to wavelength is generalized into a characteristic curve, which can be used as a prediction model for estimating the transmission ratio. The relationship between the maximum rebound ratio and the influence factors is obtained in charts. The charts can be used as a prediction model for estimating the maximum rebound ratio. The proposed prediction models for estimating the transmission ratio and the maximum rebound ratio are applied to a field explosion test, Mandai test in Singapore. The minimum possible values of peak particle velocity (PPV) at the monitoring points are estimated by using the proposed prediction model for estimating the transmission ratio along the radial direction normal to the joints. On the other hand, the maximum possible values of PPV are estimated by using the proposed prediction model for estimating the maximum rebound ratio along the same radial direction. The comparison shows a good agreement between the field-recorded PPVs and the estimated range of PPVs given by the minimum possible PPVs and the maximum possible PPVs at the monitoring points in Mandai test. The good agreement between the estimated and field-recorded values validates the proposed prediction models for estimating peak particle velocity in a rock mass with a set of joints due to application of a compressive wave at the boundary of a tunnel or a borehole.  相似文献   
苏里格气田北部下石盒子组盒8段沉积微相研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
通过对苏里格气田北部20余口钻井岩心的岩石学特征、沉积构造、剖面结构的详细研究,结合测井相标志和古生物标志,认为苏里格气田北部盒8段属辫状河沉积,发育河道和洪泛平原两个亚相。河道亚相可进一步划分为河床底部滞留沉积和心滩两个微相,往往组成向上变细的剖面结构,测井曲线一般为中-高幅的齿化或微齿化的箱形或钟形;洪泛平原亚相在剖面结构上表现为砂泥岩的不等厚互层,测井曲线多呈锯齿状。在微相分析的基础上,编制了盒8上和盒8下两个时期的沉积微相平面图,其显示出河道心滩砂体呈南北向展布的规律。根据沉积相的时空展布规律,建立了本区盒8段的沉积相模式。  相似文献   
The threshold condition and mass flux of aeolian sediment transport are the essential quantities for wind erosion prediction, dust storm modeling and geomorphological evolution, as well as the sand control engineering design. As a consequence, they have long been the key issues of windblown sand physics. Early researches on aeolian sediment transport focus mainly on steady transport process. While recently, synchronous, high frequency measurements show that wind field in atmospheric boundary layer is always unsteady, showing up as intense fluctuation of wind speed, which thus results in the intense spatial-temporal variability of aeolian sand transport. It has been proven that unsteady sand/dust transport is closely related with boundary layer turbulence and affects significantly the determination of threshold condition and the prediction of aeolian transport rate. The researches of experiment, theory analysis and numerical simulation on unsteady sand/dust transport in recent two decades are reviewed. Finally, open questions and future developments are suggested.  相似文献   
对于已进入开发中后期的碳酸盐岩缝洞型油气藏,进行缝洞单元精细研究非常重要。盲目部署加密井,很容易导致因为所在单元的储量已被动用而失利。本文采用的碳酸盐岩缝洞单元多学科综合划分方法是:在有井控制的地区,首先分析井间连通性,然后结合生产动态、常规解析试井、流体性质、数值试井等多学科资料确定缝洞单元边界;在无井控制的地区,影响连通性最重要的主控因素是储层本身的相互连通性,其次才是断裂和裂缝,这时可在连通性约束下进行储层和裂缝预测,并以此为主要依据确定缝洞单元边界。对塔里木盆地轮古油气田轮古11井区划分出80个缝洞单元,其中有55个为储量未动用单元(潜力单元),并部署了一些加密井,已钻的XW1井获得了成功,投产初期日产油95t,不含水。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地靖边气田马五_(1+2)气藏储集单元研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合地震、地质、测井等信息,考虑沉积、成岩、地貌、生产动态等多因素,在沟槽识别和致密带研究基础上,通过井间干扰、油层压力变化和试井边界响应分析,按照局部、就近原则对靖边气田马五1+2气藏进行了储集单元划分。共划分出111个储集单元,其中独立型69个,复合型42个。这些储集单元的面积多介于10~50km2之间,单个储集单元的井数一般少于6口。在对气藏储层特征综合认识的基础上,确定流动单元划分思路与流程,并认为关键环节包括古沟槽识别、致密带研究、动静结合确定储集单元等3个方面。储集单元一方面受控于被致密岩相包围的有利成岩相带,宏观上与弱—中等充填泥粉晶白云岩相对应性好;另一方面又受各级古沟槽夹持,在两个一级古沟槽之间往往共生多个储集单元,而这些储集单元边界又严格地受二级或三级沟槽切割控制。  相似文献   
车镇凹陷古近系沙河街组三段上亚段—二段下亚段是较为典型的深断陷型三级层序。层序的发育主要受控于幕式断陷作用,可进一步划分出低位体系域、湖侵体系域和高位体系域。通过岩心观察、薄片镜下鉴定、粒度分析、古生物及遗迹化石分析,并综合利用测井曲线和地震相特征,认为该时期主要发育有扇三角洲、三角洲、近岸水下扇、湖底扇、滨浅湖滩坝等骨架砂体相,以及滨浅湖、半深湖—深湖等沉积相及其亚相。综合考虑物源特征、沉积环境、沉积体系平面展布以及生、储、盖组合关系,认为有利的沉积相带主要是三角洲、扇三角洲前缘、湖底扇、近岸水下扇的中扇和外扇以及滨浅湖中发育的滩坝和砂坝。  相似文献   
方解石是若尔盖铀矿田与成矿最为密切的脉石矿物之一。方解石的REE地球化学特征研究表明,产于地层中的方解石、矿区中的方解石和含矿方解石具有明显不同的稀土元素组成特征,分别具有轻稀土富集右倾型、重稀土富集左倾型和相对平坦型的3种稀土配分模式。其中产于地层中的方解石明显继承了地层中岩石的稀土元素特征,而含矿方解石表现出与矿石稀土元素相似的特征。碳氧同位素显示地层中的方解石为海洋沉积碳酸盐岩的碳氧同位素组成特征;矿区方解石脉、含矿方解石脉的碳同位素组成明显表现为地幔来源的特点;而矿区方解石脉的氧同位素组成具明显的深部来源特征,含矿方解石脉的氧同位素组成表明在成矿过程中有大气降水的混入。若尔盖铀矿田的方解石主要为热液成因,其矿床成因类型属于典型的热液矿床,成矿流体主要来源于地幔。  相似文献   
通过系统开展元坝气田长兴组超深层生物礁储层岩石学与岩石地球化学分析,结合碳酸盐岩溶蚀动力学模拟实验,以及储层古压力恢复,揭示了元坝超深层生物礁优质储层的发育保存机理。研究表明,早期暴露溶蚀、浅埋藏白云岩化是基质孔隙发育的基础,储层深埋引起的古油藏原油裂解导致的超压水力破裂缝的形成,是储层渗透性改善的关键,\"孔-缝耦合\"共同控制了超深层优质储层的发育。在此基础上,构建了生物礁非均质\"孔-缝双元结构\"储层模型,为生物礁储层预测奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   
The nuclear field shift (NFS) is an isotope shift in atomic energy levels caused by a combination of differences in nuclear size and shape and electron densities at the nucleus. The effect of NFS in isotope fractionation was theoretically established by Bigeleisen in 1996 [Bigeleisen J. (1996) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 118:3676–3680] and has been analytically measured in laboratory chemical exchange reactions. More recently, some isotopic variations of heavy elements (Hg, Tl, U) measured in natural systems as well as isotopic anomalies measured for lower-mass elements in meteorites have been attributed to the NFS effect. These isotopic variations open up new and exciting fields of investigations in Earth sciences. In this paper, we review the different natural systems in which NFS has been proposed to be the origin of isotopic variations.  相似文献   
Wind power has become one of the fastest growing renewable energy. With the large-scale deployment of wind farms in the world, people have started to pay attention to the impact of wind farms on the ecological environment and climate. This paper summarized the impact of wind farms on climate and ecological environment by investigating relevant literature: In the areas of wind farms, on the one hand, the set-up of wind turbines changes original aerodynamic roughness height and strengthens the dragging of the land surface against turbulence, directly affecting the turbulent motion of the boundary layer, resulting in the changes of intensity and pattern of material energy and water vapor exchange between land surface and near-surface atmosphere, further affecting the atmospheric circulation and climate. On the other hand, wind turbines convert the majority of the wind kinetic energy into electric energy, which produces the wake effect of the wind turbine. The budget patterns and spatial and temporal distribution of large-scale kinetic energy in the boundary layer are changed correspondingly, generating changes in various fluxes (heat flux, water vapor flux, etc.) in the atmosphere, which affect temperature, precipitation, and wind speed. Generally, the warming or cooling effect of wind farms on the near-surface is related to the stability of atmosphere. However, simulations in the global climate model showed that the average impact of wind farms on global climate is small, much smaller than the expected changes in greenhouse gas emissions and the interannual changes in natural climate.Wind power emits almost no carbon dioxide and pollutants. Compared with other traditional energy sources, it reduces water consumption but may generate some negative ecological impacts such as animal habitats, bird collisions, and noise, vision impact. However, some measures can be taken to mitigate these adverse effects.  相似文献   
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