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In this study, a new analytical solution for the wave-induced seabed response in a multi-layered poro-elastic seabed is developed. The seabed is treated as a multi-layered porous medium and characterized by Biot’s theory. The displacements of the solid skeleton and the pore pressure are expressed in terms of two scalar potentials and one vector. Then, the Biot’s dynamic equation can be solved using Fourier transformation and reducing to Helmholtz equations. To obtain the general solutions for the multi-layered poro-elastic seabed in the frequency-wave-number domain, the transmission and reflection matrices (TRM) method is used to form the equivalent stiffness. Using the boundary conditions and continuous conditions, the frequency-wave-number domain solutions are obtained. Finally, the time-space domain solutions for the multi-layered poro-elastic seabed are obtained by means of the inverse Fourier transformation with respect to the horizontal coordinate. Based on the new solution, a parametric study is carried out to examine the effects of soil characteristics (number of layers, permeability and shear modulus) and wave characteristics (water depth and wave steepness) on seabed responses. The results indicate that the seabed response is affected significantly by permeability, shear modulus and relative water depth.  相似文献   
In rock engineering, the damage criteria of the rock mass under dynamic loads are generally governed by the threshold values of wave amplitudes, such as the peak particle velocity and the peak particle acceleration. Therefore, the prediction of wave attenuation across fractured rock mass is important on assessing the stability and damage of rock mass under dynamic loads. This paper aims to investigate the applications of the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) for modeling wave propagation problems in rock mass. Parametric studies are carried out to obtain an insight into the influencing factors on the accuracy of wave propagations, in terms of the block size, the boundary condition and the incident wave frequency. The reflected and transmitted waves from the interface between two materials are also numerically simulated. To study the tensile failure induced by the reflected wave, the spalling phenomena are modeled under various loading frequencies. The numerical results show that the DDA is capable of modeling the wave propagation in jointed rock mass with a good accuracy. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
文中分析了江淮流域旱涝过程与南北半球经向波列遥相关特征,结果表明,前期赤道地区高层大气的三维热力结构异常与中国江淮流域夏季旱涝异常存在显著相关。进一步研究发现,江淮流域夏季旱、涝年与前期春季低纬高层大气热力结构呈显著的反位相特征,且两者垂直方向均呈跨越南北半球经向波列结构特征,该波列扰动源可追溯到南极冰盖强信号因子。采用EP通量诊断分析可进一步揭示出与江淮流域旱涝过程相关的经向波列传播及高层大气波射线折射特征。  相似文献   
太平洋次表层海温年代际变率及其突变特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
利用经验正交函数展开和滑动t检验等方法研究了太平洋次表层海温的年代际变率特征。研究表明,太平洋次表层海温在19800年前后从上至下,先后经历了一次显著的年代际突变,而且随深度不同存在着四种不同的空间突变模态,这四种模态的形成与北太平洋海温异常的西南潜沉路径有着密切的联系。从北太平洋窗口区潜沉的年代际信号沿西南路径传播到副热带地区,在温跃层160m上下与西太平洋向东北传播的异常信号汇合。因此,北太平洋沿西南潜沉路径传播的年代际信号对ENSO的影响可能是间接的,而热带西南太平洋则可能扮演更为重要的角色。  相似文献   
2005年6月广东特大暴雨垂直螺旋度分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
尤红  姜丽萍  彭端  夏冠聪 《气象》2007,33(4):71-76
利用NCEP1°×1°格点资料和常规观测资料对2005年6月广东发生的连续性特大暴雨过程进行垂直螺旋度诊断分析,结果表明:广东特大暴雨范围、强度与该地区上空中低层正、高层负垂直螺旋度中心迅速增大、减小密切相关,并和中心增大、减小区域也有很好的对应关系。当中低层正螺旋度迅速增大,高层负螺旋度迅速减小或中低层正、高层负螺旋度中心增大、减小区重叠在同一经度或纬度线附近时,对应地面雨强最强和强降水范围最大。过程中龙门连续两天特大暴雨和广东最多暴雨日出现期间,其上空垂直螺旋度对应有中低层正、高层负螺旋度闭合中心向低层明显传送的特征。  相似文献   
The characteristics of atmospheric-angular-momentum (AAM) and length-of-day (LOD) on different timescales are investigated in this paper, on the basis of the NECP/NCAR reanalysis data and an LOD dataset for 1962-2010. The variation and overall trend of the AAM anomaly (AAMA) at different latitudes are presented, and the relationship between AAMA and LOD is discussed. The AAMAs in different latitude regions exhibit different patterns of variation, and the AAMA in the tropics makes a dominant contribution to the global AAMA. In the tropics, the AAMA propagates poleward to the extratropical regions. It is confirmed that a downward propagation of the AAMA occurs in the lower stratosphere. Correlation analysis shows that the relationship between AAMA and LOD varies significantly on different timescales. Specifically, the tropical AAMA is positively correlated with LOD on short timescales, but they are not obviously correlated on long timescales. This indicates that the interaction between AAM and the earth's angular momentum follows the conservative restriction on short timescales, but the influence of the earth angular momentum on that of the atmosphere depends on the interaction process on long timescales.  相似文献   
李艳  赵南  董敏 《气象学报》2009,67(3):388-396
利用NCAR大气模式CAM3.0探讨了包括山脉和海陆分布等下边界条件对北极涛动(AO)或北半球环状模(NAM)形成的影响.主要进行了控制试验和两个地形敏感性数值试验,对比了控制试验结果与资料分析结果.控制试验和NCEP/NCAR资料分析结果对比指出,CAM3.0模式能够较好地模拟出AO的水平环状结构和垂直相当正压结构.在去除山脉的敏感性试验中发现,AO中纬度北太平洋和北大西洋两个活动中心的强度、范围和位置发生变化.在水球敏感性试验中发现,AO两个大洋上的活动中心被环绕极地主活动中心的环状结构代替.两个敏感性试验共同表明,AO是大气内部某种过程作用的结果,它的存在本身不取决于下边界条件的改变.山脉和海陆分布主要影响的是AO的具体形态.通过控制试验和两个敏感性试验对比,又分析了准定常波和瞬变波对AO的影响.去除山脉和海陆分布热力差异共同强迫的准定常波,AO纬向平均纬向风高纬地区平流层异常最大值活动中心消失,这表明在平流层准定常波和纬向平均流的相互作用与AO活动关系密切.在只有对流层瞬变波作用时,AO仍然存在,表明准定常波不是AO存在的必要条件.平流层准定常波与平均流的相互作用和对流层瞬变波与平均流的相互作用与AO形成之间的具体关系有待通过E-P通量诊断进一步确定.  相似文献   
We point out one problem of the grid advection schemes when used in wave models in coastal areas. The deficiency of the schemes is investigated by means of the ‘third' generation WAM wave model, in which the wave energy is advected by a first order upwind scheme. Two similar, alternative modifications of this scheme are analyzed, the second of which is shown to solve most of the problems encountered with advection along the co-ordinate axes.  相似文献   
To investigate the low temperature fatigue crack propagation behavior of offshore structuralsteel A131 under random ice loading,three ice failure modes that are commonly present in the Bohai Gulfare simulated according to the vibration stress responses induced by real ice loading.The test data are pro-cessed by a universal software FCPUSL developed on the basis of the theory of fatigue crack propagationand statistics.The fundamental parameter controlling the fatigue crack propagation induced by randomice loading is determined to be the amplitude root mean square stress intensity factor K_(arm).The test resultsare presented on the crack propagation diagram where the crack growth rate da/dN is described as thefunction of K_(arm).It is evident that the ice failure modes have great influence on the fatigue crack propaga-tion behavior of the steel in ice-induced vibration.However,some of the experimental phenomena and testresults are hard to be physically explained at present.The work in this paper is an init  相似文献   
The definition and subsequent use of dimensional and dimensionless parameters to characterize various nonlinear aspects of ocean surface waves has again become a matter of great interest to the offshore community. The desire to ascertain whether laboratory simulations are adequately representing the surface waves found in the oceans and the concern over the mechanisms behind platform response phenomena, like ringing, has driven this resurgence of interest. This paper presents a depth independent characterization of single design waves, from which improved estimates of localized wave crest front and back slopes follow that are consistent with discrete time series analysis. Characterization of the nature of the entire wave data recorded requires a combination of spectral parameters and probabilistic models in addition to those used in the design wave characterization. A new expression for the direct evaluation of the kurtosis from knowledge of the spectral bandwidth, the relationship between some of the common spectral parameters, and some modified spectral parameters are presented and discussed. Three illustrative examples are presented. The first example provides a detailed examination of wave data measured from a series of random amplitude and random phase tests in a large model basin. The second presents estimates of the various parameters for the Pierson-Moskowitz and Wallops wave spectrum models. The third example investigates the use of the spectral peakedness ratio for comparing data with selected wave spectrum models. The examples illustrate how the formulae can provide a comprehensive local and global parametric characterization of surface wave elevation data.  相似文献   
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