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精化大地水准面是现代重力场和大地测量学工作的重要任务之一,本文介绍大庆市区域似大地水准面项目所采用的技术路线和方法。论述了GPS和水准路线的布测精度,GPS、水准数据处理和似大地水准面确定所采用的方案,及似大地水准面所获取的精度。  相似文献   
采用曲面拟合法对武汉市区4座桥梁工程的施工高程控制点进行GPS高程拟合,并与常规水准测量成果进行对比分析。结果表明,采用曲面拟合法进行GPS高程拟合,推算出的水准点高程达到相应等级高程控制网的精度要求,可用于桥梁施工高程控制网施工复测及监理复测。  相似文献   
根据直立层状岩石边坡的实际失稳模式,基于欧拉压杆失稳模型建立了直立层状岩石边坡在自重荷载作用下的失稳计算模型及临界高度计算方法。同时基于岩石内部含有初始损伤的客观事实,建立了基于统计损伤模型的直立层状岩石边坡失稳模型,并对两种不同模型的计算结果进行了讨论。研究结果表明,根据自重荷载作用下的失稳计算模型计算得到的直立岩质边坡溃屈失稳破坏临界高度约为其他研究者相应计算结果的75%,更符合边坡的实际受力特征及破坏情况。基于岩石统计损伤本构模型提出的直立层状岩石边坡失稳模型不但考虑了岩石的弹性模量等参数,而且结合了应力-应变曲线等特征,得出的结果也更符合实际。研究还发现计算参数m、ε0的变化对计算结果有较大影响,说明在类似问题中考虑岩石的损伤演化特性十分必要。  相似文献   
航空电磁勘探中,高度计显示的发射线圈高度数据往往是不准确的,这可能会影响反演结果,出现假异常现象.针对这一情况,提出了一种高度计数据不准确条件下的航空瞬变电磁资料一维反演方法,在重构地电参数的同时也对发射线圈高度值进行校正.由于航空电磁反演问题是典型的病态问题,使用正则化反演方法,正则化因子由数据目标函数与模型目标函数之间的关系以自适应方式给出,使得反演迭代能稳定进行.以直升机航空瞬变电磁资料反演为例,用理论模型响应数据加入噪声进行反演,结果表明,无论初始高度值是高于真值还是低于真值,该反演方法均能够较好地重构地下介质参数和发射线圈高度值;作为反演初值的发射线圈高度测量值越准确时,反演迭代收敛速度就越快,反演效果也越好.  相似文献   
The flux profile of a blowing sand cloud: a wind tunnel investigation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The flux profile of a blowing sand cloud, or the variation of blown sand flux with height, is the reflection of blown sand particles that move in different trajectories, and also the basis for checking drifting sand. Here we report the wind tunnel results of systematic tests of the flux profiles of different sized sands at different free-stream wind velocities. The results reveal that within the 60-cm near-surface layer, the decay of blown sand flux with height can be expressed by an exponential function: qh=aexp(−h/b), where, qh is the blown sand transport rate at height h, a and b are parameters that vary with wind velocity and sand size. The significance of coefficient a and b in the function is defined: a represents the transport rate in true creep and b implies the relative decay rate with height of the blown sand transport rate. The true creep fraction, the ratio of the sand transported on the surface (h=0) to the total transport varies widely, decreasing with both sand size and wind speed. The flux profiles are converted to straight lines by plotting sand transport rate, qh, on a log-scale. The slope of the straight lines that represents the relative decay rate with height of sand transport rate decreases with an increase in free-stream wind velocity and sand grain size, implying that relatively more of the blown sand is transported to greater heights as grain size and wind speed increase. The average saltating height represented by the height where 50% of the cumulative flux percentage occurs increases with both wind speed and grain size, implying that saltation becomes more intense as grain size and/or wind velocity increase.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the thermal activation behaviour of current in an inhomogeneous Schottky diode with a Gaussian distribution of barrier height by numerical simulation. The analytical Gaussian distribution model predicted that the I--V--T curves may intersect with the possibility of the negative thermal activation of current, but may be contradictory to the thermionic emission mechanism in a Schottky diode. It shows that the cause of the unphysical phenomenon is related to the incorrect calculation of current across very low barriers. It proposes that junction voltage Vj, excluding the voltage drop across series resistance from the external bias, is a crucial parameter for correct calculation of the current across very low barriers. For correctly employing the thermionic emission model, Vj needs to be smaller than the barrier height Ф. With proper scheme of series resistance connection where the condition of Vj > Ф is guaranteed, I--V--T curves of an inhomogeneous Schottky diode with a Gaussian distribution of barrier height have been simulated, which demonstrate normal thermal activation. Although the calculated results exclude the intersecting possibility of I--V--T curves with an assumption of temperature-independent series resistance, it shows that the intersecting is possible when the series resistance has a positive temperature coefficient. Finally, the comparison of our numerical and analytical results indicates that the analytical Gaussian distribution model is valid and accurate in analysing I--V--T curves only for small barrier height inhomogeneity.  相似文献   
TOPEX and Jason were the first two dual-frequency altimeters in space, with both operating at Ku- and C-band. Thus, each gives two measurements of the normalized backscatter, σ0, (from which wind speed is calculated) and two estimates of wave height. Departures from a well-defined relationship between the Ku- and C-band σ0 values give an indication of rain. This study investigates differences between the two instruments using data from Jason's verification phase. Jason's Ku-band estimates of wave height are ∼1.8% less than TOPEX's, whereas its σ0 values are higher. When these effects have been removed the root mean square (rms) mismatch between TOPEX and Jason's Ku-band observations is close to that for TOPEX's observations at its two frequencies, and the changes in σ0 with varying wave height conditions are the same for the two altimeters. Rain flagging and quantitative estimates of rain rate are both based on the atmospheric attenuation derived from the σ0 measurements at the two frequencies. The attenuation estimates of TOPEX and Jason agree very well, and a threshold of-0.5 dB is effective at removing the majority of spurious data records from the Jason GDRs. In the high σ0 regime, anomalous data can be caused by processes other than rain. Consequently, for these low wind conditions, neither can reliable rain detection be based on altimetry alone, nor can a generic rain flag be expected to remove all suspect data.  相似文献   
前期南亚高压的异常增强或者减弱,热带、副热带地区100 hPa高度的异常增高或者降低,热带西风的异常增强或者减弱,对长江流域和华北地区夏季的降水异常具有预示作用。文中设计了一系列的数值试验进行模拟研究,包括控制试验、敏感试验和4组合成试验。合成试验模拟结果表明,前期热带、副热带高度异常分布,能够再现长江流域、华北旱涝情况。前期南亚高压、热带、副热带高度、风异常对长江流域和华北地区夏季降水的异常均有预示作用。100 hPa叠加高度、风异常的敏感试验结果表明:前期南亚高压、热带与副热带地区100 hPa高度场和环流场的异常不仅可以预示、事实上能够引起长江流域和华北夏季降水的异常———前期南亚高压异常增强、热带、副热带地区100 hPa高度场异常增高、西风异常增强,易引起长江流域降水偏多、华北降水偏少;反之,则容易引起长江流域降水偏少、华北降水偏多。  相似文献   
甘肃省及邻区Ms4.0以上地震前的电磁波异常特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文根据分布在甘肃省河西地区14个电磁波台站近6年来的观测资料,分析了近几个来发生在甘肃省及邻近地区的11个Ms4.0以上地震的电磁波异常特征。结构表明,震前电磁波异常信号主要有低频脉冲和阵发性脉冲两类;异常信号出现的时间强度与地震的大小及距离远近有关,震级大、距离远的地震信号出现的时间早、幅度大;震源浅的地震异常信号强,累计持续时间长,其信号呈脉冲形式,震源深信号相对较弱,并显示低频脉动特征;震  相似文献   
张秀英  冯学智 《高原气象》2006,25(1):123-127
在数字地形模型(DTM)的基础上,利用地理信息系统软件ArcGIS确定阴影、提供的地图代数语言功能,模拟了甘肃定西安家沟小流域任意时段内天文辐射的空间分布。该模型借助于ArcGIS的地形分析功能,解决了常规方法不能解决的地形遮蔽对天文辐射的影响。该模型是一个物理模型,对天文辐射能的时空分布可做出较精确描述,提供在常规条件下的重要参数。时空分布分析表明:地形对天文辐射的影响很大,尤其是坡向的影响;天文辐射随着季节变化很大,从3月底开始直到6月上旬一直处于上升阶段,然后下降;地形对天文辐射的影响程度随着季节不同有所不同,但是没有表现出明显的规律。  相似文献   
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