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Seismic wave propagation through a fluid-saturated poroelastic layer might be strongly affected by media heterogeneities. Via incorporating controlled laboratory simulation experiments, we extend previous studies of time-lapse seismic effects to evaluate the wave scattering influence of the heterogeneous nature of porous permeable media and the associated amplification effects on 4D seismic response characteristics of reservoir fluid substitution. A physical model consisted of stratified thin layers of shale and porous sandstone reservoir with rock heterogeneities was built based on the geological data of a real hydrocarbon-saturated reservoir in Northeast China. Multi-surveys data of good quality were acquired by filling poroelastic reservoir layers with gas, water and oil in sequence. Experimental observations show that reservoir heterogeneity effect causes significantly magnified abnormal responses to the fluid-saturated media. Specifically, reflection signatures of the gas-filled reservoir are dramatically deviated from those of the liquid fluid-filled reservoir, compared with ones of the homogeneous media. By removing the influences unrelated to reservoir property alterations, 4D seismic estimates of travel-time and frequency-dependent characteristic are reasonably consistent with fluid variations. Nevertheless, strong 4D amplitude difference anomalies might not correspond to the regions where fluid variations occur. We also find that 4D seismic difference attributes are evident between oil- and water-filled models, whereas significant between oil- and gas-filled models. Meanwhile, rock physics modelling results reveal the predicted 4D seismic differences are obviously smaller than those calculated from seismic observations. The results in this paper, therefore, implicate that the effect of a reservoir's heterogeneous nature might be beneficial for hydrocarbons detection as well as monitoring small variations in pore fluids.  相似文献   
磁场重联是空间能量释放和转换的重要机制.静电孤立波(ESW)虽然在空间中有广泛观测,但在磁场重联附近少有直接观测,对它在磁场重联附近的特性了解甚少.通过Geotail卫星对一个磁场重联事件的观测,仔细分析了其边界层上观测到的静电孤立波的特性,并讨论了它对磁场重联的影响.研究表明,亚暴期间在磁尾发生磁场重联,重联区域的分形线附近观测到了大量的静电孤立波,其特性与在其他地方观测到的并没有显著差别,但具有更明显的非线性和孤立性的特征.它们对电子加速和能量耗散有促进作用,加速磁场重联的进程.  相似文献   
为了得到山东沿海台风浪的重现期波高分布场,以Jelesnianski-Ⅱ模型构建的风场作为模式驱动,利用SWAN模式建立了山东及其附近海域的台风浪数值模型。通过对典型台风过程"麦莎"和"梅花"的数值计算,将模拟的有效波高与观测数据作了对比分析,验证了模型在计算海域的适用性;基于建立的模型,对1960-2012年期间发生于山东沿海的50场台风进行模拟。选取计算海域10个点的模拟所得波高序列,寻求复合极值分布拟合最优的分布型式,根据所得分布进行重现期波高的统计分析;最终绘制计算海域50年一遇和100年一遇的台风浪波高分布图,为山东沿海的防灾减灾和海洋结构设计提供参考依据。  相似文献   
A systematic armour stability and the hydraulic performance, including wave reflection, wave transmission, experimental study in the twin-wave flumes of Leichtweiss-Institute (LWI) is performed on a geocore breakwater and a conventional rubble mound breakwater in order to comparatively determine the wave run-up and wave overtopping. The geocore breakwater consists of a core made of sand-filled geotextile containers (GSC) covered by an armour made of rock. The geocore is more than an order of magnitude less permeable than the quarry run core of a conventional breakwater. As expected, the core permeability substantially affects the armour stability on the seaside slope, the wave transmission and the wave overtopping performance. Surprisingly, however, wave reflection and hydraulic stability of the rear slope are less affected. Formulae for the armour stability and hydraulic performance of the geocore breakwater are proposed, including wave reflection, transmission, run-up and overtopping.  相似文献   
Extended common‐image‐point gathers (CIP) constructed by wide‐azimuth TI wave‐equation migration contain all the necessary information for angle decomposition as a function of the reflection and azimuth angles at selected locations in the subsurface. The aperture and azimuth angles are derived from the extended images using analytic relations between the space‐ and time‐lag extensions using information which is already available at the time of migration, i.e. the anisotropic model parameters. CIPs are cheap to compute because they can be distributed in the image at the most relevant positions, as indicated by the geologic structure. If the reflector dip is known at the CIP locations, then the computational cost can be reduced by evaluating only two components of the space‐lag vector. The transformation from extended images to angle gathers is a planar Radon transform which depends on the local medium parameters. This transformation allows us to separate all illumination directions for a given experiment, or between different experiments. We do not need to decompose the reconstructed wavefields or to choose the most energetic directions for decomposition. Applications of the method include illumination studies in complex areas where ray‐based methods fail, and assuming that the subsurface illumination is sufficiently dense, the study of amplitude variation with aperture and azimuth angles.  相似文献   
高程基准面相对于大地水准面的垂直偏差是区域高程基准转换和全球高程基准统一的基础数据.利用最新发布的EGM2008地球重力场模型和中国均匀分布的936个GPS水准点数据计算得出中国青岛大港验潮站的重力位为62 636 852.85±0.07 m2/s2,进而得到中国1985高程基准相对大地水准面的垂直偏差为0.32 m.  相似文献   
由于最小二乘法不能有效地抵抗粗差,而控制点的平面坐标和高程异常值中不可避免地含有误差,对应用最小二乘法和稳健估计法在GNSS高程拟合中的粗差探测进行探讨。通过对不同数量控制点的高程异常观测值中加入粗差,采用两种算法在求解GNSS高程拟合中的精度进行分析比较,并对粗差在稳健估计中的干扰范围进行研究,结果表明,稳健估计具有抵抗多个粗差的能力。  相似文献   
GPS高程拟合转换正常高的研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
通过对GPS测高与水准测量理论及其异同分析的基础上,阐述了确定似大地水准面的原理与方法,分析了用数学模型法,用少量GPS与水准重合点将GPS大地高直接转换为具有cm量级正常高的实现方法。实验结合黑龙江省虎林地区的地形特点,提出了用线性内插法、平面模型法和二次曲面模型法等来转GPS高程,证明在黑龙江省虎林地区可以通过少量且分布合理的水准点来直接求出该地区具有cm量级的正常高,且精度可以达到四等水准测量的精度要求,满足一般工程的需要。  相似文献   
在研究高程突变TIN的滤波算法基础上,对该算法进行了改进。首先,进行粗差剔除,之后以Mean Shift算法进行点云分类,并分块构造D-TIN,分别设置动态坡度阈值;最后,对滤波结果进行定性与定量分析。实验表明:改进的算法能够有效地滤除原算法中不能滤除的植被及其他地物,提高了滤波的准确性。  相似文献   
地统计学(Geostatistical Analysis)是一门以区域变化量理论为基础,以变异函数为主要工具,研究分布于空间上既有随机性又有结构性的自然或社会现象的科学,它遵从空间位置相近的地理现象具有相似属性值。GPS点的高程异常在区域内随点平面位置的变化而变化,具有一定的空间相关性。因此,可以将地统计中的相关插值方法应用到GPS高程异常拟合中。通过对地统计原理的分析,结合实例比较了ArcGIS中地统计分析中的相关插值方法在GPS高程异常拟合中的精度情况。  相似文献   
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