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A numerical simulation of circulation in the Columbia River estuary and plume during the summer of 2004 is used to explore the mixing involved as river water is transformed into shelf water. The model is forced with realistic river flow, tides, wind stress, surface heat flux, and ocean boundary conditions. Simulated currents and water properties on the shelf near the mouth are compared with records from three moorings (all in 72 m of water) and five CTD sections. The model is found to have reasonable skill; statistically significant correlations between observed and modeled surface currents, temperature, and salinity are all 0.42–0.72 for the mooring records. Equations for the tidally averaged, volume-integrated mechanical energy budget (kinetic and potential) are derived, with attention to the effects of: (i) Reynolds averaging, (ii) a time varying volume due to the free surface, and (iii) dissipation very close to the bottom. It is found that convergence of tidal pressure work is the most important forcing term in the estuary. In the far field plume (which has a volume 15 times greater than that of the estuary), the net forcing is weaker than that in the estuary, and may be due to either tidal currents or wind stress depending on the time period considered. These forcings lead to irreversible mixing of the stratification (buoyancy flux) that turns river water into shelf water. This occurs in both the plume and estuary, but appears to be more efficient (17% vs. 5%), and somewhat greater (4.2 MW vs. 3.3 MW), in plume vs. estuary. This demonstrates the importance of both wind and tidal forcing to watermass transformation, and the need to consider the estuary and plume as part of a single system.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The emerging scholarly literature on contemporary African migration to the United States has primarily focused on populations concentrated in large urban areas. In contrast, this study considers the experiences of African university students living in two distinctly different places, Eugene, Oregon, and Washington, D.C., to examine how the context of the local host community shapes ethnic and national identities. Specific contextual variations under consideration are the extent to which newcomers have contact with coethnics/conationals and access to material and nonmaterial culture. Results based on thirty‐six in‐depth interviews show that, despite easy access to coethnics, some students in the Washington metropolitan area readily identified with conationals. Likewise, in the absence of coethnics in Eugene, many students described strengthening national identities; and, in the absence of conationals, they have constructed panethnic African identities. Additional research into the experiences of newcomers in various host‐community contexts is needed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Meltwater contributes to watershed hydrology by increasing summer discharge, delaying the peak spring runoff, and decreasing variability in runoff. High‐elevation snowshed meltwater, including glacier‐derived input, provides an estimated 26.9 percent of summer streamflow (ranging annually from 16 to 40 percent) in the Nooksack River Basin above the town of Deming, Washington, in the North Cascades Range. The Nooksack is a major spawning river for salmon and once was important for commercial, recreational, and tribal fishing, and in the past its flow met the demands of both human and aquatic ecosystems. But the river is already legally overallocated, and demand is rising in response to the rapidly growing human population. Variability in snowshed contributions to the watershed is considerable but has increased from an average of 25.2 percent in the 1940s to an average of 30.8 percent in the 1990s. Overall stream discharge shows no significant increase, suggesting that the glaciers are melting, and/or precipitation levels (or other hydrologic factors) are decreasing at about the same rate. If glaciers continue to recede, they may disappear permanently from the Cascades. If that occurs, their summer contribution to surface‐water supplies will cease, and water‐management policies will need drastic revision.  相似文献   
Tomographic inversions for velocity variations in western Washington indicate a high correlation with surface geology and geophysical measurements, including gravity observations. By assuming a simple linear relationship between density and velocity (Birch's law) it is possible to calculate the gravity field predicted from the velocity perturbations obtained by local tomographic inversion. While the predicted gravity matches observations in parts of the model, the overall correlation is not satisfactory. In this paper we suggest a method of constraining the tomographic inversion to fit the gravity observations simultaneously with the seismic travel time data. The method is shown to work well with synthetic data in 3 dimensions where the assumption of Birch's law holds strictly. If the sources of the gravity anomalies are assumed to be spatially localized, integration can be carried out over a relatively small volume below the observation points and sparse matrix techniques can be applied. We have applied the constrained inversion method to western Washington using 4,387 shallow earthquakes, to depths of 40.0 km, (36,865 raypaths) convering a 150×250 km region and found that the gravitational constraints may be satisfied with minor effect on the degree of misfit to the seismic data.  相似文献   
Various land use/cover types exhibit seasonal characteristics which can be captured in remotely sensed imagery. This study examined how different seasons of Radarsat-2 data influence land use/cover classification accuracies for two study sites. Two dates of Radarsat-2 C-band quad-polarised images were obtained for Washington, DC, USA and Wad Madani, Sudan. Spectral signatures were extracted and used with a maximum likelihood decision rule for classification and thematic accuracies were then determined. Both despeckled radar and derived texture measures were examined. Thematic accuracies for the two despeckled image dates were similar with a difference of 3% for Washington and 6% for Sudan. Merging the despeckled images for both seasons increased overall accuracy by 2% for Washington and 9% for Sudan. Further combining the original radar for both seasons with derived texture measures increased overall accuracies by 9% for Washington and 16% for Sudan for final overall accuracy values of 73 and 82%.  相似文献   
Pseudo–coprolites are inorganic structures often confused with fossil faeces. The absence of some diagnostic features, such as inclusions, coprofabrics, grain adhesion, and defined shape, suffices to disregard these structures as coprolites. Herein we revise the so–called “coprolites” from the Serra da Galga Member of the Marília Formation (Maastrichtian of Bauru Group, Paraná Basin), at “Ponto 1 do Price” locality near the town of Peirópolis (Uberaba municipality, Minas Gerais State, Brazil) and conclude that they are, in fact, pseudo–coprolites related to calcretes. These data also agree with the geological setting of “Ponto 1 do Price”, composed mainly of coarse sandstones and conglomerates, in which these pseudo–coprolites were found. In addition, some of these specimens exhibit superficial traces, here described as a new boring ichnospecies, Asthenopodichnium fallax isp. nov., produced by invertebrates in Late Cretaceous fresh–water settings of Brazil.  相似文献   
Within the past decade exceptional preservation of original organic components have been reported from several dinosaurian families, including members of Sauropodomorpha. Here we document the partial preservation of a vertebral ligament in the dorsal and sacral series of a titanosaur. Unlike other cases of tissue preservation, this structure does not represent biomineralization of the original organic components. Histology, morphology, and comparative anatomy from extant taxa as well as the preferential placement on the vertebral column suggests that it represents the partial preservation of the nuchal ligament. While preservation of other sauropod connective tissues are known, this case represents the first reported non-biomineralized tissue from a sauropod. In consideration of the location and external and internal morphologies compared to modern vertebral ligaments, we believe this structure to be the micritic replacement of the original tissue via microbially-mediated processes. Along with the suggestive external morphology, internally we interpret some of the unusual structures to represent the remnants of the collagen and elastin fascicles that are strongly overprinted by a clotted, thrombolytic-like fabric recording microbial activity and deposition of micrite prior to lithification. In consideration of the interpreted depositional history, we theorize that post-deposition, bacteria deposited the micrite as a byproduct of metabolization. Subsequently, the recognition of this structure as a vertebral ligament, the largest of such thus documented, substantiates previous findings on the morphological attributes of sauropod vertebral ligaments.  相似文献   
Historical records of monthly streamflow and precipitation coupled with mean, minimum, and maximum air temperatures for Washington State were used to study the variation and the trend characteristics that occurred over the last 50 years (1952–2002). Results indicate that the 1967 statewide water resource assessment needs to be updated because all of the stations used in that study exhibited a decreasing trend in annual streamflow ranging from ?0·9% to ?49·3%, with an arithmetic mean of ?11·7% and a median value of ?9·8%. Furthermore, a slightly decreasing trend in annual streamflow, although not statistically significant, was detected. The decreasing streamflow magnitude was about ?1·178 mm year?2, or 4·88 m3 s?1 year?1, which caused a decrease in annual streamflow in the state of about 58·9 mm, or 244 m3 s?1. This magnitude was about 9·6% of the average annual streamflow for the entire state from 1952 to 2002. Contrastingly, the overall annual precipitation in the entire state increased 1·375 mm year?2. Overall the annual means of daily mean, maximum, and minimum temperature increased by 0·122, 0·048, and 0·185 °C/10 years, respectively, during the study period. Thus the corresponding annual means of daily mean, maximum, and minimum temperatures increased by 0·61, 0·24, and 0·93 °C, respectively. All of these trends and magnitudes were found to vary considerably from station to station and month to month. The possible reasons resulting in these detected trends include, but are not limited to, human activities, climate variability and changes, and land use and land cover changes. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Hypoxia affects the distribution of pelagic nekton (i.e., fish and large invertebrates) in both marine and freshwater systems. Bottom hypoxia is common, but midwater oxygen minimum layers (OMLs) also develop in marine offshore regions, fjords, and freshwater lakes. Studies of nekton responses to OML in marine ecosystems have primarily occurred in deep, offshore regions with thick, persistent OMLs. Our study examined the response of pelagic nekton to an OML in a shallow temperate fjord, Hood Canal, WA, U.S.A. Using acoustics, we quantified vertical distribution of nekton at two sites (Hoodsport and Duckabush) before (July) and after (September) OML development. Both Hoodsport and Duckabush had strong OML between 10 and 35 m in September, with lower (minimum 0.63 mg L−1) oxygen levels at Hoodsport compared to Duckabush (1.58 mg L−1). The OML did not affect daytime distribution of fish or invertebrates, with both occupying depths >60 m. At night in July, with no OML, invertebrates migrated into waters <20 m and fish dispersed to within 15 m of the surface at both sites. In the presence of the September OML, invertebrates migrated into waters <20 m, but the upper limit of fish vertical distribution stopped at the base of the OML (35 m) at Hoodsport. Fish vertical distribution at Duckabush was less pronounced within and above the OML (10–35 m) than it had been in July. Our results suggest that the OML did not affect invertebrate vertical distribution, but did affect fish vertical migration, and may provide a seasonal, diel prey refuge.  相似文献   
Channel adjustments in the North Fork Toutle River and the Toutle River main stem were initiated by deposition of a 2.5 km3 debris avalanche and associated lahars that accompanied the catastrophic eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington on 18 May 1980. Channel widening was the dominant process. In combination, adjustments caused average boundary shear stress to decrease non-linearly with time and critical shear stress to increase non-linearly with time. At the discharge that is equalled or exceeded 1 per cent of the time, these trends converged by 1991–1992 so that excess shear stress approached minimum values. Extremal hypotheses, such as minimization of unit stream power and minimization of the rate of energy dissipation (minimum stream power), are shown to be applicable to dynamic adjustments of the Toutle River system. Maximization of the Darcy–Weisbach friction factor did not occur, but increases in relative bed roughness, caused by the concomitant reduction in hydraulic depths and bed-material coarsening, were documented. Predictions of stable channel geometries using the minimum stream power approach were unsuccessful when compared to the 1991–1992 geometries and bed-material characteristics measured in the field. It is concluded that the predictions are not applicable because the study reaches are not truly stable and cannot become so until a new floodplain has been formed by renewed channel incision, retreat of stream-side hummocks, and establishment of riparian vegetation to limit the destabilizing effects of large floods. Further, prediction of energy slope (and consequently stream power) by the sediment transport equations is inaccurate because of the inability of the equations to account for significant contributions of finer grained (sand and gravel) bank materials (relative to the coarsened channel bed) from bank retreat and from upstream terrace erosion.  相似文献   
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