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V2213 Cyg was discovered as a variable star by Pavlenko (1999) in 1998. We present our photometry of V2213 Cyg from 1998–2003 based on CCD observations with the K-380 Cassegrain telescope of CrAO and the 60 cm Zeiss telescope of SAI. Observations have been carried out mostly in R and sometimes in B and V Johnson system. The total amount of data is 2270 points, covering ∼50 nights. We classify this binary as a W UMa-type contact system. Using all data we determined the orbital period to be 0.350079 ± 0.000007 day. The mean brightness varies between R = 14.35 and 14.05. The mean 1999–2003 orbital light curve has two humps and a primary minimum (I), which is 0.04 mag brighter than the deeper secondary one (II). The mean humps have slightly different height. The difference between two individual maxima varies within 0.1 mag, which may indicate an activity of the components. The highest hump is an asymmetrical one: it has sort of a shoulder at phases 0.75–0.80, before entering the less deep primary minimum (phase 0.0). The system is rather reddened, its colour indices are: BV ∼ 0.8 and VR ∼ 0.7, and give a spectral class of V2213 Cyg earlier than K.  相似文献   
A new method for the determination of the proximity effects and gravity darkening exponents in contact binaries of W UMa type is presented. The method is based on Kopal’s method of Fourier analysis of the light changes of eclipsing variables in the Frequency Domain. The method was applied to 36 W UMa systems for which geometric and photometric elements have been derived by the most powerful techniques. The derived values are very close to those predicted by the existing theory of radiative transfer or convective equilibrium.  相似文献   
A flare of OH maser emission was discovered in W75N in 2000. Its location was determined with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) to be within 110 au from one of the ultracompact H  ii regions, Very Large Array 2 (VLA2). The flare consisted of several maser spots. Four of the spots were found to form Zeeman pairs, all of them with a magnetic field strength of about 40 mG. This is the highest ever magnetic field strength found in OH masers, an order of magnitude higher than in typical OH masers. Three possible sources for the enhanced magnetic field are discussed: (i) the magnetic field of the exciting star dragged out by the stellar wind; (ii) the general interstellar field in the gas compressed by the magnetohydrodynamic shock; and (iii) the magnetic field of planets which orbit the exciting star and produce maser emission in gaseous envelopes.  相似文献   
Intrusive features of varying size can be interpreted from the aeromagnetic map of the Xanthi area in N. Greece.The Xanthi pluton, which outcrops north of the city of Xanthi, seems to have the shape of a truncated pyramid. This feature has relatively large areal extent and reaches an approximate depth of 7 km. Another, relatively large magnetic body is buried under the sediments at the estuary of the Nestos River.3-D models of several smaller intrusions were constructed and the produced effect was compared to the observed. Some of these intrusions seem to be detached branches of the large Xanthi pluton.The basement in the outer part of the basin of the Nestos River seems to be buried at about 4 km depth. This figure is obtained by the Multiple Source Werner Deconvolution estimates and it is in agreement with the results of former geophysical studies and deep industrial boreholes.A 3-D model of the Xanthi-Komotini basin suggests that this basin is about 0.4 km deep at its southern part. The depth at its northern boundary is about 1.8 km while the boundary itself is formed by the large Kavala-Xanthi-Komotini fault.The Tertiary basin of the Nestos River and the observed magmatism are consistent with the idea of an older extensional tectonic regime in the area.  相似文献   
A multiproxy approach (textural characteristics, heavy metal concentrations and benthic foraminifera data) was adopted to study the OMEX core KSGX 40, collected at the Galicia Mud Deposit (NW Iberian outer continental shelf) and recording the last ca. 4.8 ka cal BP. Geochemical profiles of Fe, Mn, Zn, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Al and Ca show significant temporal variations. Benthic foraminifera productivity proxy suggests that the recorded muddy events were contemporaneous of a higher Corg flux to the marine benthic environment. The higher flux of organic matter, following a long-term intensification of the upwelling and coinciding with a finer sedimentation, led to depressed levels of oxygen beneath the water-sediments interface and to early diagenetic processes of several redox-sensitive elements.  相似文献   
The Multi frequency Scanning Microwave Radiometer (MSMR) onboard Oceasat-1 was used to develop a retrieval method fornear-surface specific humidity by means of multivariate regressiontechnique. The MSMR measures the microwaveradiances in 8 channels at the frequencies of 6.6, 10.7, 18 and 21 GHzfor both vertical and horizontal polarizations. Regression coefficients were derived using the ship reports of the Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (COADS) for the months of July, October and December, in 1999. Daily near-surface specific humidity data from COADS in 2° × 2° latitude/longitude bins and collocated brightness temperature data from MSMR were used to derive the coefficients. The derived coefficients werevalidated with humidity given in COADS.A linear relationship is established to determine the near-surface specifichumidity from MSMR brightness temperature (Tb) with an rms error of 1.2 g kg-1 for individual situations and an rms errorof 0.84 g kg-1 for monthly time scales over global oceans.The retrieval algorithm is validonly for the open sea regions.  相似文献   
双鸭山铁矿早已被开发利用,而钨矿却被忽略。文章通过对该成矿区典型矿床的地质特征,矿物学特征研究认为,铁矿、钨矿往往处于同一成矿区段,相伴产出,因此在该地区应加强钨矿的勘查力度。在矿床开发方面应统一布局,合理开发利用,达到资源利用最大化。  相似文献   
王然  李庆辰  徐全洪 《第四纪研究》2012,32(6):1255-1260
华北平原西南部的石垄地貌位于河北省邯郸市西北10km的黄土台地区,由沿北东方向延伸的1条大石垄和9条小石垄组成。野外调查、测量资料和室内分析数据表明,垄岗状地貌由钙质胶结的古洺河入宁晋泊的河口三角洲分流河道沉积沙体组成,形成于晚更新世晚期的玉木Ⅱ与玉木Ⅲ之间的间冰阶,距今约2.86万年。垄岗上的"V"型裂口是在玉木盛冰期期间,三角洲上的分流河道沙体暴露于气下,在脱水干缩过程中形成的横切裂隙,与泥裂的成因类似。沿分流河道沙体下泄的富含碳酸钙的地下水在此渗出或溢出,形成了裂隙两侧脊状突起和大石垄左侧的分支状钙板堆积体。伴随邯郸断裂在晚更新世末期以来的强烈活动,紫山断块快速隆升,由此阻断了南洺河向东的自然流路,使其在清化附近被迫改为向北流,在大油村汇入洺河干流。邯郸断裂的正向滑动所引起的地层旋转,使得局部地层倾向逆转,由此造成了垄状沙脊整体向北东方向以5°的仰角翘起。  相似文献   
冈底斯成矿带是西藏重要的多金属成矿区之一,在该成矿带北部申扎县首次发现的甲岗雪山钨、钼、铋多金属矿床是不同于其南部斑岩型铜多金属矿床的成矿新类型,该矿床的发现是藏北地区内生金属矿找矿的重要突破.文章对该矿床矿石稳定同位素地球化学特征进行研究表明:成矿流体主要来源于岩浆岩,围岩(地层)可能只提供了少量成矿物质;该矿床硫的来源单一,属于岩浆硫范畴,矿石与围岩中的硫具有相同的来源;铅的来源以地壳铅为主,并混有少量地幔铅.根据上述研究,结合矿床地质特征及同国内外同类型矿床的对比,认为甲岗雪山多金属矿床是在大陆碰撞后陆内伸展构造背景下,形成于喜马拉雅中期中酸性岩浆活动阶段,矿质主要源自岩浆的石英大脉型钨、钼、铋多金属矿床.  相似文献   
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