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Borehole radar velocity inversion using cokriging and cosimulation   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
A new radar velocity tomography method is presented based on slowness covariance modeling and cokriging of the slowness field using only measured travel time data. The proposed approach is compared to the classical LSQR algorithm using various synthetic models and a real data set. In each case, the proposed method provides comparable to or better results than LSQR. One advantage of this approach is that it is self-regularized and requires less a priori information. The covariance model also allows stochastic imaging of slowness fields by geostatistical simulations. Stable characteristics and uncertain features of the inverted models can then be easily identified.  相似文献   
视觉效果是地震资料处理质量的重要评判标准之一,本文从信号处理、聚焦质量和信噪比等三个方面对影响地震资料处理视觉效果的几个侧面进行了探讨。好的信号处理体现在剖面的子波周期数少且旁瓣幅度小,同时频率丰富、频率成分之间能量关系协调。好的聚焦质量相当于获得了地层的特写图像,其关键是合适的成像方法和对应的速度分析质量,文中探讨了速度分析的基本原则。提高信噪比的同时,要保证成像的可靠性,其关键是在噪声衰减过程中把握有效信号和噪声的平衡关系,注重去噪的针对性。  相似文献   
Using a new ring-shear apparatus with a transparent shear box and video image analysis system, drained and undrained speed-controlled tests were conducted on coarse-grained silica sands to study the shear-zone formation process in granular materials. Velocity distribution profiles of grains under shear at various stages in the ring shear tests were observed through processing the video image by the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) program. Shear-zone thickness and type of shear mode (slide-like or flow-like) during shear were observed. Before reaching peak strength in low-speed and drained condition test, a comparatively major part of the sample in the upper shear box showed a velocity distribution profile of structural deformation and dilatancy behavior. After peak strength, the velocity profile changed into a slide-like mode and thereafter showed almost no change. In higher speed tests with drained and undrained conditions, an almost slide-like mode was observed, compared to low-speed test. Apparent shear-zone thicknesses of high-speed tests are thinner than low-speed tests. Unexpectedly, almost no difference was observed in the shear-zone thickness and mode of shear (slide or flow-like) between drained and undrained tests. This study was conducted as part of the International Programme on Landslides (IPL) M101 “Areal prediction of earthquake and rain induced rapid and long-traveling flow phenomena (APERITIF)” of the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL). These results will contribute to understanding the mechanism of shear-zone development in granular materials as a basic knowledge for disaster risk mitigation of rapid long run-out landslides.  相似文献   
川滇地区中小震重新定位与速度结构的联合反演研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过震源与速度结构联合反演, 利用2000年4月至2006年3月云南和四川区域地震台网给出的P波初至走时资料, 确定了川滇地区的三维速度结构, 同时获得了川滇地区6642次中小地震的重新定位结果。 结果表明: ① 川滇地区地震震源平均深度随震级增大而加深的特征明显, 地震震级越大, 震源深度越深, 但震源下界不超过25 km; ② 在瑞丽-龙陵、 丽江-小金河以及龙门山等断裂带以西地区, 震源深度偏浅, 大多在15 km以上, 15 km深度以下地震稀少; ③ 川滇地区中小地震分布具有与强震相同的地壳深部介质背景, 震源大多分布于正、 负异常过渡区的速度相对较高一侧, 而其下方主要为低速异常分布。  相似文献   
We assessed in absolute and relative terms how solar radiation and water vapour pressure deficit control the latent heat flux density in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest growing under boreal conditions. The absolute and relative total control can be expressed as sums of the physical and biological forms of control. Physical control is based on the direct effects of solar radiation and water vapour pressure deficit on latent heat flux density, and biological control on the effects of solar radiation and water vapour pressure deficit on latent heat flux density through surface resistance. Measurements based on the eddy covariance method were used in the assessment, which defined the scale adopted in the study. Relative physical control over latent heat flux density was mainly exercised by water vapour pressure deficit, and the role of solar radiation was only marginal. The relative biological control exercised by solar radiation over latent heat flux density was higher in the morning and afternoon, unlike the control exercised by water vapour pressure deficit, which was strongest around noon. The values for the relative total control exercised by solar radiation over latent heat flux density were in general higher than those for relative total control exercised by water vapour pressure deficit. This is inconsistent with expectations based on Omega theory, where a decoupling coefficient () indicates the relative control exercised by surface resistance over latent heat flux density. Solar radiation and water vapour pressure deficit do not necessarily act in opposite directions in the absolute or relative total control that they maintain over latent heat flux density.  相似文献   
Full-scale observations from two urban sites in Basel, Switzerland were analysed to identify the magnitude of different processes that create, relocate, and dissipate turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) in the urban atmosphere. Two towers equipped with a profile of six ultrasonic anemometers each sampled the flow in the urban roughness sublayer, i.e. from street canyon base up to roughly 2.5 times the mean building height. This observational study suggests a conceptual division of the urban roughness sublayer into three layers: (1) the layer above the highest roofs, where local buoyancy production and local shear production of TKE are counterbalanced by local viscous dissipation rate and scaled turbulence statistics are close to to surface-layer values; (2) the layer around mean building height with a distinct inflexional mean wind profile, a strong shear and wake production of TKE, a more efficient turbulent exchange of momentum, and a notable export of TKE by transport processes; (3) the lower street canyon with imported TKE by transport processes and negligible local production. Averaged integral velocity variances vary significantly with height in the urban roughness sublayer and reflect the driving processes that create or relocate TKE at a particular height. The observed profiles of the terms of the TKE budget and the velocity variances show many similarities to observations within and above vegetation canopies.  相似文献   
沈阳春玉米不同生育阶段需水量及缺水量变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
慕臣英  梁红  纪瑞鹏  徐全辉  周晓宇  隋东  赵凤  高桐 《干旱气象》2019,37(1):127-133,158
基于1960—2016年沈阳5个气象观测站玉米发育期资料及气象观测资料,计算春玉米不同生育阶段需水量、有效降水量,进而计算水分盈亏指数并分析其变化特征。结果表明:沈阳市春玉米除播种—出苗、出苗—七叶及拔节—抽雄期有效降水量呈增加趋势,其他发育阶段及全生育期呈显著减少趋势;全生育期及各生育阶段需水量均呈下降趋势;全生育期缺水量总体以下降为主,其中拔节—抽雄期处于强下降趋势,播种—出苗和出苗—七叶期呈弱下降趋势。沈阳北部有效降水量偏少、需水量偏高,是缺水量高值区;拔节—抽雄期缺水量最大。  相似文献   
Profiles of velocity variances based on observations in flat rural areas are well established, and are used for modelling turbulent dispersion in all types of regions including those of complex terrain and urban areas. Surface-based and balloon observations are used to assess the profiles in both rural and urban areas. It is shown that, with good meteorological inputs for the locality of friction velocity and surface sensible heat flux, the profiles are equally well suited to urban areas. The sensitivity of the profiles to the input meteorological data, in particular using numerical weather prediction (NWP) data, is discussed. This highlights the limitations of NWP data for dispersion modelling and stresses the importance of schemes for modelling urban meteorology.The British Crowns right to retain a non-exclusive royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   
对公路建设中时常遇见的砂土类软弱路基问题,采用瞬态面波法并结合少量钻孔测试信息,建立面波速度和砂土力学参数的关系模型,可预测勘查区的砂土力学参数的纵横向展布特征和规律。经实践检验,预测结果与实际砂土介质的变化规律基本吻合,表明所建立的关系数学模型基本正确并具有较高的实用性。结果为公路砂土路基分类评价以及软弱路基的勘查提供了一个经济可行的思路和方法。  相似文献   
1 RESISTANCE TO WATER-STONE FLOW As a special sort of debris flow, water-stone flow, or as generally called, sub-viscous debris flow, always occurs in channel of steep slope, dominantly in composition of coarse grains of bedload and laminated load with less suspended load. In some literature, water-stone flow is defined for convenience of study as that without suspended fine grains in composition, and it follows from this definition that transportation concentration of this kind of …  相似文献   
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