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依据穿过巴颜喀拉地块的北部、秦岭地块、祁连地块、海原弧形构造区和鄂尔多斯地块的玛沁-兰州-靖边人工地震剖面的P波、S波的速度结构和泊松比结构,对青藏高原东北缘的地壳组成进行研究,并探讨其动力学过程. 首先,系统地归纳总结出一套将地震测深得到的原位P波速度校正到实验室温压条件下波速的具体可行的方法,利用大地热流值求取地壳不同深度的温度是该方法的关键. 然后,将上述剖面的原位P波速度校正到600 MPa和室温条件下,结合泊松比与相同温压条件下的实验室岩石波速测量结果进行对比,确定研究区的岩性组成. 结果表明,青藏高原东北缘地壳平均P波校正波速为6.43 km/s,地壳整体像上地壳一样呈酸性. 巴颜喀拉地块和秦岭地块南部的下地壳底部缺失校正速度Vp>6.9 km/s的基性岩,下地壳中酸性互层,下地壳整体呈酸性. 其他地块下地壳底部有2~10 km厚的校正速度Vp>6.9 km/s的基性岩,下地壳整体呈中性. 最后,根据青藏高原东北缘地壳结构和组成的研究成果,支持地壳增厚主要发生在下地壳的观点;提出巴颜喀拉地块和秦岭地块南部曾发生过下地壳拆沉作用,并导致高原的加速隆升.  相似文献   
The salinity of groundwater increases with depth in the Canadian Shield (up to 1.3 kg/L of density). The existence of brine can be critically important for the safe geologic disposal of radioactive wastes, as dense brine can significantly retard the upward migration of radionuclides released from repositories. Static and flushing conditions of the deep brine are analyzed using a U-tube analogy model. Velocity reduction due to the presence of dense brine is derived under flushing conditions. A set of illustrative numerical simulations in a two-dimensional cross section is presented to demonstrate that dense brine can significantly influence regional groundwater flow patterns in a shield environment. It is implied from the results that (1) the existence of Shield brine can be an indicator of a hydrogeologically stable environment, (2) activities near ground surface may not perturb the stable groundwater environment in the deep brine region, and thus, (3) the deep brine region can be considered as a candidate geologic site for the safe disposal of waste. In addition to brine, other issues associated with long-term waste disposal, such as geological, glacial and seismic events, may need to be considered for the safe storage of spent nuclear fuel in a shield environment.  相似文献   
Based on the detailed laboratory experiments and theoretical analysis, a new three-layer model is proposed to predict the vertical velocity distribution in an open channel flow with submerged vegetation. The time averaged velocity and turbulence behaviour of a steady uniform flow with fully submerged artificial rigid vegetation was measured using a 3D Micro ADV, and the vertical distribution of velocity and Reynolds shear stress at different vegetation height, vegetation density and measuring positions were obtained. The results show that the velocity profile consists of three hydrodynamic regimes (i.e. the upper non-vegetated layer, the outer and bottom layer within vegetation); accordingly different methods had been adopted to describe the vertical velocity distribution. For the upper non-vegetated layer, a modified mixing length theory combined with the concept of ‘the new vegetation boundary layer’ was adopted, and an analytical model was presented to predict the vertical velocity distribution in this region. For the bottom layer within vegetation, the depth average velocity was obtained by numerically solving the momentum equations. For the upper layer within vegetation, the analytical solution was presented by expressing the shear stress as a formula fitted to the experimental data. Finally, the analytical predictions of the vertical velocity over the whole flow depth were compared with the results obtained by other researchers, and the good agreement proved that the three-layer model can be used to predict the velocity distribution of the open channel flow with submerged rigid vegetation.  相似文献   
A velocity formula is proposed for flow over a mobile sediment bed induced by velocity-skewed waves and current. The formula is obtained by a separation of waves and current velocities and requires seven free variables related to free stream velocity and sediment characteristics. The formula includes two parts:(1) a wave part consisting of the free stream velocity and defect function, which considers phase lead, wave boundary layer thickness, and mobile bed level, and(2) a current part, which ch...  相似文献   
南亚高压与华北夏季降水的关系   总被引:21,自引:11,他引:21  
黄樱  钱永甫 《高原气象》2003,22(6):602-607
利用1958-1997年40年华北地区逐月降水资料与南亚高压的特征参数进行比较,分别检验了同一年6月南亚高压中心经度和前一年6月高压中心强度与华北夏季降水的相关性。从100hPa流场形势、低层到高层速度势和流函数的上下配置、辐合辐散风场以及涡旋风场的高低空配置等不同方面讨论了南亚高压对华北夏季降水的影响机制。结果表明,如果当年6月南亚高压的位置偏西,华北夏季降水就有可能增加。  相似文献   
李辉  殷俊锋  王华忠 《地球物理学报》2017,60(10):3916-3933


青藏高原东缘上地幔顶部Pn波速度结构及各向异性研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
黎源  雷建设 《地球物理学报》2012,55(11):3615-3624
本研究使用中国地震局地壳应力研究所2010—2011年期间在云南地区布设流动地震台站以及青藏高原周边地区固定地震台站记录到的波形资料,提取了大量高质量Pn波到时资料.联合中国地震台网观测报告,我们获得了一个新的青藏高原东缘上地幔顶部Pn波速度和各向异性结构模型.结果显示,研究区内上地幔顶部存在明显横向不均匀性.古老盆地和稳定地台区如四川盆地、柴达木盆地、拉萨地块和阿拉善块体呈现为明显高波速异常,而祁连山至西秦岭褶皱带和川滇菱形块体北部等为相对弱高波速异常.在龙日坝断裂带以东的松潘—甘孜地块往南沿安宁河—则木河断裂至川滇菱形块体南部显示为一条近南北向明显低波速异常.三江褶皱系、缅甸弧俯冲带以及四川盆地东南等地区为明显低波速异常.地壳强震多发生在高波速异常边缘或高低波速异常过渡带上,表明地壳强震的孕育可能还与地幔构造作用存在一定相关性.青藏高原东构造结的各向异性快波方向呈顺时针旋转分布,与印度—欧亚碰撞密切相关.龙门山断裂带东西两侧的各向异性快波方向发生明显变化,由其西侧松潘—甘孜地块下方的NE向转变为四川盆地下方的近EW向,说明青藏高原物质流动遇四川盆地后分为NE和SW向两支.在川滇地区26°N以南地区上地幔顶部各向异性呈现近NS向与地表GPS观测相一致,但与SKS分裂结果存在较大差异,可能表明地壳与上地幔顶部形变表现为耦合现象,而上地幔顶部至岩石圈内部则存在解耦现象.  相似文献   
利用1999-2007和2009-2011年中国大陆GPS水平速度场数据, 采用DEFNODE(反演计算弹性岩石圈块体旋转、 应变和块体边界断层闭锁或同震滑动的Fortran程序)负位错反演程序估算了芦山地震前龙门山断裂带的三维闭锁程度, 并结合剖面结果分析了断层深浅部变形特征. GPS反演结果表明, 1999-2007年, 龙门山断裂中北段(闭锁比例为0.99)处于强闭锁(本文将闭锁比例大于0.97的称为强闭锁)状态; 龙门山断裂南段地表以下深度16 km内为强闭锁, 深度16-21 km处闭锁比例降低为0.62, 深度21-24 km处整条断裂逐渐转变为蠕滑状态. 2009-2011年, 即汶川地震后, 龙门山断裂中北段处于震后蠕滑状态; 龙门山断裂南段深度16-21 km处闭锁比例降低为0.45, 其它位置闭锁程度保持不变. GPS剖面结果显示, 2009-2011年, 即汶川地震后, 龙门山断裂中北段为逆冲兼右旋走滑运动; 而南段断层不能自由滑动、 变形宽度较大. 综合分析认为, 汶川地震时, 龙门山断裂南段并没有发生破裂, 一直处于较强的闭锁状态, 汶川地震的发生又加速了芦山地震的孕育进程; 由于龙门山断裂带南段的闭锁深度较中北段浅, 因此芦山地震较汶川地震强度低、 震级小、 破裂范围窄.  相似文献   
广东省碳减排总量目标的地区分解及其盈亏格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林文声  胡新艳 《热带地理》2014,34(5):618-626
合理界定初始排放权并进行排放权交易是实现减排目标和减排资源最优配置的关键。对低碳试点省广东进行减排目标地区分解,既能明确减排责任,又能使碳交易变得更加明确而具有可操作性。设定广东碳减排目标的假设情景,以碳排放核算方法和最优经济增长模型为基础,引入兼顾人均平等和历史责任的“碳预算”思路,对广东省减排目标进行地区分解,计算各市排放权配额并测算未来时期排放权的盈亏格局,初步模拟广东省各市之间“碳交易”基础。结果表明:1)1985―2020年全省累积碳排放配额区间为524 659.185 5~542 518.565 2万t,人均碳排放配额区间为57.065 5~59.008 0 t/人。人均碳排放配额、人口数量和实际碳排放量是影响各市排放权配额的重要因素。2)预计到2020年7个城市将出现“碳预算”赤字,主要分布于珠三角;14个城市拥有“碳预算”盈余,集中分布在粤北山区和东西两翼。  相似文献   
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