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对黏土浆液进行磁化处理,研究磁化处理后黏土浆液的黏度、密度、pH值、电导率、析水率、结石率及抗渗性等物理性质变化特征。磁处理后,黏土浆液密度、黏度、析水率均减小,pH值、电导率、结石率增大,黏土浆液的析水率与结石率的改善效果随磁化时间的增长而增大,磁处理改善了浆液的流变性能,磁化后黏土浆液固结体的抗渗性能较未磁化黏土浆液固结体抗渗性能有了大幅提高。黏土浆液经磁化后Zeta电位值、pH值增大,使得其分散程度提高,从而降低了析水率,提高了结石率,同等质量黏土浆液抗渗性能的提高得益于磁处理后黏土浆液结石率的大幅增加,而其黏度的降低,是因磁处理后黏土浆液颗粒间有较强的排斥力导致。  相似文献   
磷酸盐结核主要由磷质凝块、藻类碎屑和纤柱状磷灰石组成。呈特殊的栉壳状结构。结核中的凝块和藻屑与围岩中的氧化硅、粘土是同时在海底沉积的。纤状磷灰石则是在成岩期间从孔隙水中沉淀的。这些磷酸盐结核是由于纤状磷灰石在碱性微环境中不断淀积增长而成。  相似文献   
The behaviour of an axially pre-loaded cylindrical member of an offshore structure, hit by a supply ship, has been investigated. The effects of axial pre-loading on the dynamic properties of members, the extent of damage and propagation of dynamic instability in the tubular members have also been investigated. Numerical models have been validated using available experimental data from the literature although these are mostly static with no pre-loading. Axial pre-loading was found to change the dynamic characteristics of some cylindrical members quite dramatically while it had no significant effect on others. The study examined whether there was any change in the behaviour between local and global modes when the loading was dynamic rather than static. The effect of damping on the dynamic instability of axially pre-loaded tubes under lateral dynamic loads was also studied. It was observed that for some geometries the quasi-static response can be used to define the boundary between bounded and unbounded dynamic responses. The main contribution of this study, compared with previous investigations reported in the literature, is that both pre-loading and dynamic effects have been included.  相似文献   
贵州关岭上三叠统瓦窑组中碳酸盐岩结核形成的生物作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王尚彦  王宁等 《地质通报》2002,21(12):855-857
贵州省关岭县新铺乡附近的晚三叠世早期地层瓦窑组底部产具重大科学意义的关岭生物群。关岭生物群产出地层中伴有大量大型碳酸盐岩结核。这些结核中部都有植物茎干,结核内的海百合、双壳、菊石、牙形刺等生物化石含量明显高于结核周围的岩石,且有许多生物化石直接附着在植物茎干上。这类结核的形成,除化学沉积作用外,还有生物作用的影响。海百合、双壳类和菊石类栖息在植物茎干上营假浮游生活,随着栖息生物量和化学沉积物灰泥的增加,逐渐沉积在海底形成结核。  相似文献   
陈小金  刘云林 《矿产与地质》2004,18(6):609-610,616
本文利用MATLAB计算机辅助应用软件处理固结系数数据,求固结度为90%的时间,取代传统的手工绘图,减少人工处理误差,提高工作效率。  相似文献   
一种特殊瘤状灰岩的成因研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
关于瘤状灰岩的成因主要有三种观点,其中一种认为与碳酸盐结核有关,另一种则认为是差异压实所为,再一种则认为是同沉积作用形成。然而,广西德保县都安下泥盆统达莲塘组发育的一种特殊的瘤状灰岩却因其产状貌似通常意义的砾状灰岩而使得人们将其误认为砾状灰岩。作者通过对这套“砾状灰岩”的沉积岩石学、生物化石、古构造等特征的研究,发现该“砾状灰岩”既不是沉积作用形成,也非同沉积构造作用形成,而是首先在闭塞的台内洼槽环境中形成同生和成岩碳酸盐结核,然后差异压实作用导致地层表面强烈地凹凸不平或地层整体的不均匀性 (致使强度降低 ),最后在印支期的穹隆形成过程中由于翼部的剪切、弯滑、弯流作用,致使结核发生转动、移动而形成今天所见的“砾状灰岩”。因此都安“砾状灰岩”实为瘤状灰岩,它代表的是闭塞、贫氧的 (台内洼槽 )沉积-成岩环境,是沉积成岩和构造等多种因素共同作用的产物。  相似文献   
Calcite septarian concretions from the Permian Beaufort Group in the Maniamba Graben (NW Mozambique) allow controls on the composition and nature of diagenetic fluids to be investigated. The concretions formed in lacustrine siltstones, where they occur in spherical (1 to 70 cm in diameter) and columnar (up to 50 cm long) forms within three closely spaced, discrete beds totalling 2·5 m in thickness. Cementation began at an early stage of diagenesis and entrapped non‐compacted burrows and calcified plant roots. The cylindrical concretions overgrew calcified vertical plant roots, which experienced shrinkage cracking after entrapment. Two generations of concretionary body cement and two generations of septarian crack infill are distinguished. The early generation in both cases is a low‐Mn, Mg‐rich calcite, whereas the later generation is a low‐Mg, Mn‐rich calcite. The change in chemistry is broadly consistent with a time (burial)‐related transition from oxic to sub‐oxic/anoxic conditions close to the sediment–water interface. Geochemical features of all types of cement were controlled by the sulphate‐poor environment and by the absence of bacterial sulphate reduction. All types of cement present have δ13C ranging between 0‰ and −15‰(Vienna Peedee Belemnite, V‐PDB), and highly variable and highly depleted δ18O (down to 14‰ Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water, V‐SMOW). The late generation of cement is most depleted in both 13C and 18O. The geochemical and isotopic patterns are best explained by interaction between surface oxic waters, pore waters and underground, 18O‐depleted, reducing, ice‐meltwaters accumulated in the underlying coal‐bearing sediments during the Permian deglaciation. The invariant δ13C distribution across core‐to‐rim transects for each individual concretion is consistent with rapid lithification and involvement of a limited range of carbon sources derived via oxidation of buried plant material and from dissolved clastic carbonates. Syneresis of the cement during an advanced stage of lithification at early diagenesis is considered to be the cause of development of the septarian cracks. After cracking, the concretions retained a small volume of porosity, allowing infiltration of anoxic, Ba‐bearing fluids, resulting in the formation of barite. The results obtained contribute to a better understanding of diagenetic processes at the shallow burial depths occurring in rift‐bound, lacustrine depositional systems.  相似文献   
针对煤层压后易出砂的情况,提出了低温覆膜树脂砂技术。该技术是在携砂液阶段后期尾追覆膜树脂砂,随后注入固化剂使树脂缩聚并固化,把分散的砂粒变成一个有机的整体,阻止支撑剂随地层流体运移而导致地层出砂。根据固结、渗流速度测试、抗压强度等实验结果,证明低温覆膜树脂砂具有固结效果好、导流能力强、抗压强度高等特点,能很好的解决支撑剂回流的问题。通过现场应用,进一步验证了低温覆膜树脂砂的防砂效果。截至到2009年11月,采用该技术现场施工15井次,施工成功率100%,防砂有效率达93.3%。  相似文献   
A new nonlinear two-dimensional tubular joint element is developed in this study on the basis of flexibility equations and the interaction between the axial force and the in-plane bending moment in the joint. Empirical equations are used to define the joint yielding in the axial direction and the in-plane rotation. An elastic-perfectly plastic yield function is adopted to include the combined effects of axial loads and bending moments on the yielding of the joint. The element formulation is straightforward, and it can readily be implemented in nonlinear finite element programs. Verification studies are carried out for the element to prove its suitability for the modeling of tubular joints of offshore jacket structures. It is concluded that the nonlinear joint model that has been developed produces accurate results, verified against experimental data as well as against sophisticated multi-axial finite element joint models.  相似文献   
针对难以堵漏的恶性漏失地层和水泥封固效果不良的垮塌层,开发出新型可固化工作液。该工作液以常规钻井液为基础,具有优良的悬浮能力、流变性和抗盐能力,与钻井液相容性良好,在一定条件下能固化达到一定强度。可作为堵漏液使用,也可在井壁失稳地层作为封固液使用,能有效提高堵漏成功率和对失稳地层的封固效果。  相似文献   
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