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Up to 10 m in length and >1 m in diameter tubular, calcite-cemented sandstone concretions are hosted by the faulted Dikilitash unconsolidated sands and sandstones. These structures document shallow subsurface pathways of Early Eocene methane seepage in the Balkan Mountains foreland (NE Bulgaria). Their exceptional exposure allowed a unique study of the factors governing the morphology and spatial distribution of such fossilized fluid conduits. The large dimensions and subvertical, cylindrical shape of the most common tube type primarily reflects the buoyancy-driven, vertical path of an ascending gas-bearing fluid through permeable, mainly unconsolidated sandy host sediments. Tube morphology was also influenced by local stratigraphic anisotropies and might as well document differences in former seepage conditions. Mapping of >800 tubular concretions showed the NNW–NNE elongation and alignment of tube clusters and massive cemented sandstone structures. This suggests that Paleogene fault systems played a major role in directing the movement of fluids. However, within a single tube cluster, tubes are preferentially aligned, over distances up to 50 m along directions at an angle between 10° and 36° with respect to the inferred NNW–NNE, cluster parallel fault traces. In addition, cylindrical tubes of analogue dimensions are aligned over distances >100 m along N15° to N25°-oriented directions. It is hypothesized that this spatial geometry of tubular concretions reflects the complex geometry of deformations structures in fault damage zones along which fluids were preferentially channelled.  相似文献   
迄今所发现的现代海底成矿作用主要分布在沿大西洋中脊、东太平洋海岭和西太平洋沟弧盆系的各热液田中。现代海底成矿作用形成了大量具有重大经济意义的矿产,它们主要是铁锰结核、富钴结壳、多金属硫化物和被称之为21世纪能源的气体水合物。现代海底成矿作用及其所形成矿床的研究是矿床前研究的前沿课题,它对于矿床学的发展,揭示成矿作用的奥秘和海底资源的开发都具有重大意义。  相似文献   
淮北平原裸地潜水蒸发计算公式比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依据安徽省五道沟水文试验站观测资料,比较了不同公式在浅埋区黄潮土与砂姜黑土的潜水蒸发计算中的表现.建议使用彭曼公式计算的蒸发能力代替实测水面蒸发以提高拟合效果.对于黄潮土建议采用阿维里扬诺夫公式、沈立昌双曲线公式、叶水庭指数公式和幂函数公式计算潜水蒸发.对于砂姜黑土建议采用阿维里扬诺夫公式、沈立昌双曲线公式、叶水庭指数公式和反logistic公式计算潜水蒸发,不推荐在淮北地区使用清华大学公式.列出了各公式的拟合参数.  相似文献   
塘口水电站大坝基础座落在断层和裂隙较发育的龟裂纹灰岩上,岩体完整性差、透水性强,多年运行后,大坝灌浆廊道和排水廊道出现多处集中性漏水,为确保大坝安全和电站正常发电,根据渗漏性质和成因,采用对灌浆廊道补充帷幕灌浆,对排水廊道进行固结+帷幕+回填灌浆。通过灌浆处理后,效果良好,表明灌浆工程有效的将导致坝基渗漏的上下游的裂隙通道封闭,并顺利的经受了随后的汛期洪水考验,大坝安全得到保障。  相似文献   
地球化学参数是与气候、环境、生态、资源等关系最为密切的指标之一,过去几十年中在矿产资源勘查、环境保护等领域得到了充分应用。海洋地球化学调查和研究工作也在不断深入,但缺少类似陆地地球化学填图那样系统的专项工作,对全球海洋资源、环境的评估与研究的支撑作用仍不够明显,元素含量及同位素组成等在全球海洋中的分布趋势仍认识不足。笔者对全球海洋沉积物、岩石、结核结壳和水体的无机地球化学调查进展进行了系统梳理,全面介绍了目前已开展的工作和取得的主要成果,以期为全球尺度地球化学研究提供重要参考。  相似文献   
峡东地区的“三峡奇石”——沉积结核   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
峡东地区大量发现的具有极大观赏价值的三峡奇石,实际上是夹持在沉积岩中的同生大型钙(硅)质沉积结核.通过对这些奇石野外特征、内部组成、形成环境等方面的研究,表明它们应该是形成于强还原环境中陆棚浅海一滞流(海湾)盆地,稳定水动力条件下的产物.本文借鉴“人工合成锰矿物实验及其产物”报道的经验和“晶体成核理论”以及国外有关学者的近期研究见解,全面深入地分析、讨论了该类罕见的同生钙质结核的形成机理.  相似文献   
Carbonate concretions are conspicuous in organic-rich shales and are generally related to decomposition of organic matter.The black shales from the Chang 7 Member of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation of the southern Ordos Basin host abundant carbonate concretions,which provide a unique record of depositional and early diagenetic conditions of the paleo-lake sediments.However,little attention has been given to the genesis and growth processes of the concretions in these lacustrine petroleum source rocks.New petrographic observations and geochemical analysis show that the concretions are composed of calcite,phosphate fossil fragments,K-NH_4-feldspar,quartz,bitumen,and minor Fedolomite.Phosphate minerals,mainly carbonate fluorapatite (CFA),show pervasive replacement by calcite,most of which contains phosphorus,ranging in concentration from 0.26 to 2.35 wt%.This suggests that the phosphate minerals are the precursors for concretion growth.Positiveδ~(13)C (+5.6 to+12.4‰V-PDB) signatures and the absence of pyrite indicate that microbial methanogenesis was the dominant driver for concretion growth,rather than bacterial sulfate reduction.Quartz,bitumen,and Fe-dolomite are the last cements that occurred,at deep burial depths and high temperatures.The formation of phosphate minerals might have been induced by upwelling of phosphate-enriched deep water in the Late Triassic paleolake,which promoted phytoplankton blooms and further enrichment of organic matter.Extremely slow sedimentation rates of fine-grained detrital minerals,relative to dead organism accumulation,led to the high permeabilities of the organic-rich sediments and rapid concretion growth during shallow burial.The close association of phosphate-bearing carbonate concretions and organic-rich shales reflects that upwelling played a critical role in the formation of the high-quality petroleum source rocks in the Triassic paleo-Ordos lake.  相似文献   
When the soil condition and depth to water table stay constant, climate condition will then be the only determinant of evaporation intensity of phreatic water from bare soil. Based on a series of long-term quality-controlled data collected at the Wudaogou Hydrological Experiment Station in the Huaibei Plain, Anhui, China, the variation trends of the evaporation rate of phreatic water from bare soil were studied through the Mann-Kendall trend test and the linear regression trend test, followed by the study on the responses of evaporation to climate change. Results indicated that in the Huaibei Plain during 1991-2008, evaporation of phreatic water from bare soil tended to increase at a rate of 5% on monthly scale in March, June and July while in other months the increase was minor. On the seasonal basis, the evaporation saw significant increase in spring and summer. In addition, annual evaporation tended to grow evidently over time. When air temperature rises by 1 °C, the annual evaporation rate increases by 7.24–14.21%, while when the vapor pressure deficit rises by 10%, it changes from-0.09 to 5.40%. The study also provides references for further understanding of the trends and responses of regional evapotranspiration to climate change.  相似文献   
The degree of bending (DoB) characterizing the through-the-thickness stress distribution has a profound effect on the fatigue behavior of tubular joints commonly found in steel offshore structures and the determination of DoB values is essential for improving the accuracy of fatigue life estimation. Probability density functions of the involved random variables are necessary for the fatigue reliability analysis of offshore structures. The objective of present research was the derivation of probability density function (PDF) for the DoB in tubular KT-joints commonly found in jacket-type offshore platforms. A total of 162 finite element (FE) analyses were carried out on 81 FE models of KT-joints subjected to two types of axial loading. Generated FE models were validated using experimental data, previous FE results, and available parametric equations. Based on the results of parametric FE study, a sample database was prepared for the DoB values and density histograms were generated for respective samples based on the Freedman-Diaconis rule. Thirteen theoretical PDFs were fitted to the developed histograms and the maximum likelihood (ML) method was applied to evaluate the parameters of fitted PDFs. In each case, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate the goodness of fit. Finally, the Generalized Extreme Value model was proposed as the governing probability distribution function for the DoB. After substituting the values of estimated parameters, six fully defined PDFs were presented for the DoB in tubular KT-joints subjected to two types of axial loading.  相似文献   
光生物反应器的组建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于1997年4月在借鉴国外资料基础上,组建成了一种适用于实验室培养光自养生物(如光合细菌,微藻和单克隆无性繁殖系)的气升式螺旋管道串联的光生物反应器,该装置内可插入pH值电极,溶解氧电极,温度电极,细胞密度电极,粘度电极等,通过传感器获得的电信号,进一步传导入微机,实现按程序化自动记录和控制有关参数,进行一次性,间歇和连续浮培养,以红球藻为材料进行培养和初步结果表明,培养时间较常规方法缩短了一半,  相似文献   
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