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A coastal upwelling event in the southern Taiwan Strait (STWS) was investigated using intensive cruise surveys (four repeated transects in a month) and satellite data in July and early August 2004.The extensive upwelling-associated surface cold water was first observed in early July (~2.0×10 4 km 2) along the STWS coast.Then,the cold surface water reduced in size by ~50% with decreased chlorophyll concentrations after 15 days,indicating the weakening of the upwelling event.At the end of July,the cold surface water disappeared.The temporal variations of the surface cold water and the 3-D hydrography around Dongshan Island are thought to be mainly attributed to the weakened upwelling-favorable southwestern wind,the asymmetric spatial structure of the wind field and the intrusion of warm water from the northern South China Sea.  相似文献   
王雨  林茂  林更铭  项鹏 《海洋通报》2011,30(2):221-225
浙闽沿岸流对台湾海峡的水文环境意义重大.依据国家海洋局"908"补充调查专项,通过对覆盖浙闽沿岸流海洋锋面过程的海洋生物调查研究,于2008年4月实施针对浙闽沿岸流消退时期(春季)台湾海峡锋面海域的浮游植物取样分析.结果共记录3门41属86种,其中硅藻35属76种.甲藻5属9种,蓝藻1属1种.种类组成以暖水性种类和广布...  相似文献   
Detailed data on seagrass distribution, abundance, growth rates and community structure information were collected at Orman Reefs in March 2004 to estimate the above-ground productivity and carbon assimilated by seagrass meadows. Seagrass meadows were re-examined in November 2004 for comparison at the seasonal extremes of seagrass abundance. Ten seagrass species were identified in the meadows on Orman Reefs. Extensive seagrass coverage was found in March (18,700 ha) and November (21,600 ha), with seagrass covering the majority of the intertidal reef-top areas and a large proportion of the subtidal areas examined. There were marked differences in seagrass above-ground biomass, distribution and species composition between the two surveys. Major changes between March and November included a substantial decline in biomass for intertidal meadows and an expansion in area of subtidal meadows. Changes were most likely a result of greater tidal exposure of intertidal meadows prior to November leading to desiccation and temperature-related stress.  相似文献   
卡里马塔海峡水体交换的季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four trawl-resistant bottom mounts, with acoustic Doppler current profilers(ADCPs) embedded, were deployed in the Karimata Strait from November 2008 to June 2015 as part of the South China Sea-Indonesian Seas Transport/Exchange and Impact on Seasonal Fish Migration(SITE) Program, to estimate the volume and property transport between the South China Sea and Indonesian seas via the strait. The observed current data reveal that the volume transport through the Karimata Strait exhibits significant seasonal variation. The winteraveraged(from December to February) transport is –1.99 Sv(1 Sv=1×10~6 m~3/s), while in the boreal summer(from June to August), the average transport is 0.69 Sv. Moreover, the average transport from January 2009 to December2014 is –0.74 Sv(the positive/negative value indicates northward/southward transport). May and September are the transition period. In May, the currents in the Karimata Strait turn northward, consistent with the local monsoon. In September, the southeasterly trade wind is still present over the strait, driving surface water northward, whereas the bottom flow reverses direction, possibly because of the pressure gradient across the strait from north to south.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTheSCSisthelargestmarginseainthewestoftheNorthPacificOcean .Theprevailingwindinwinterisnortheast,whileinsummeritissouthwest .Itisstilluncertainthathowthecirculationandtemperature -salinityfieldassociatewiththemonsoonforcingandaccompanywithseveralkindsofvariationsbeforeorafterthesummermonsoonburst .DuringSECMEXin 1 998,twointensiveobservationperiods (IOP)havebeencarriedoutntheSCS (Fig 1 ) :IOP1 ,from 1 0Aprilto 5May ;IOP2 ,from 1 2JunetoJuly 6 ,inordertounderstandthe…  相似文献   
利用2006—2007年4次908计划ST06区块海洋光学调查的数据和MODIS水色遥感数据,对台湾海峡及周边海域的水色光谱特性进行了研究和分析。结果显示该海域的水色光谱主要有4个类型:类型1光谱峰值出现在580 nm附近,谱峰两侧遥感反射率随波长变化迅速减小,主要分布在紧靠中国大陆的海域;类型2光谱峰值出现在540~560 nm之间,具有谱峰宽的特点,主要分布在台湾海峡靠近大陆的一侧;类型3光谱与大洋水体光谱类似,主要分布在台湾西南的南海区域和吕宋海峡区域;类型4光谱在.450 nm附近出现极小值,在500~600 nm之间出现峰值,主要出现在台湾海峡中部和靠近台湾岛的一侧。其中类型2和4水体分布具有明显的季节特征。类型3、4、2、1对应的叶绿素a浓度和悬浮泥沙浓度呈上升趋势,对应的透明度依次降低,该海域以二类水体为主。  相似文献   
本文根据1983—1984年,1987—1988年台湾海峡中北部海域调查资料,着重讨论了该海域夏季溶解氧分布特征及其与上升流、生物活动的关系。该上升流区温度、盐度、溶解氧含量及其饱和度的特征值分别为24.4℃,34.3,4.49mlO_2/L和93%。溶解氧含量及其饱和度与温度呈正相关关系,与盐度呈负相关关系。  相似文献   
台湾海峡及其西边地区正常地震动态及危险性特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
柯龙生  林世敏 《台湾海峡》1994,13(2):190-197
本文从地震的时,空分布特征,区域应力场动态,能量释放方式,b值及震群特征6个方面研究了台湾海峡及其西边地区地震活动的正常动态及异常特征。结果表明,具有前兆意义的变化模式表现为区域地震活动在时间,空间及功能方面的有序性变化,即:(a)地震空间分布由分散转为集中,形成条带或空区;(b)断裂活动由多组转为单一,应力场趋向一致;(display status  相似文献   
黑潮在吕宋海峡的形变及动力机制   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
根据1990年以来对吕宋海峡和中国南海(SCS)北部的WOCE水文资料和其它海洋调查资料的分析,以及对同一海区的卫星遥测海表温度(SST)的资料处理,推断在吕宋海峡常年存在黑潮路径弯曲,西折进入SCS并又流出SCS的现象,作者将黑潮的这种变形称为“黑潮流套”。黑潮变形进入SCS的位置在冬季位于海峡中部、南部附近,范围较大;在夏季略向北移,较集中于海峡中部,范围较小。作者认为,黑潮流套现象可用位涡守恒理论作定性的解释:当黑潮在吕宋海峡失去西边界支持后,其流轴以西贴近西边界的一部分流体,因具有较大的相对正涡度,会脱离黑潮主体在南海东北部形成反时针旋转或顺时针旋转的环流,而黑潮主体会以顺时针旋转的形式在海峡以西的海域出现。整个黑潮以弯曲、扩展的形式在海峡处产生形变,在海峡东侧出现反气旋涡旋的倾向。吕宋海峡黑潮流套及南海北部的诱生环流之流型,会因黑潮本身以及副热带环流整体的变化而变化,也与海峡的宽度有关。总之,吕宋海峡黑潮流套的形成是由当地特殊的地形条件和地转β效应这些内部机制决定的,它的常年存在有其必然性  相似文献   
Ocean circulation influences nearly all aspects of the marine ecosystem. This study describes the water circulation patterns on time scales from hours to years across Torres Strait and adjacent gulfs and seas, including the north of the Great Barrier Reef. The tridimensional circulation model incorporated realistic atmospheric and oceanographic forcing, including winds, waves, tides, and large-scale regional circulation taken from global model outputs. Simulations covered a hindcast period of 8 years (i.e. 01/03/1997–31/12/2004), allowing the tidal, seasonal, and interannual flow characteristics to be investigated. Results indicated that the most energetic current patterns in Torres Strait were strongly dominated by the barotropic tide and its spring-neap cycle. However, longer-term flow through the strait was mainly controlled by prevailing winds. A dominant westward drift developed in summer over the southeasterly trade winds season, which then weakened and reversed in winter over the northwesterly monsoon winds season. The seasonal flow through Torres Strait was strongly connected to the circulation in the north of the Great Barrier Reef, but showed little connectivity with the coastal circulation in the Gulf of Papua. Interannual variability in Torres Strait was highest during the monsoon period, reflecting variability in wind forcing including the timing of the monsoon. The characteristics of the circulation were also discussed in relation to fine sediment transport. Turbidity level in Torres Strait is expected to peak at the end of the monsoon, while it is likely to be at a low at the end of the trade season, eventually leading to a critically low bottom light level which constitutes a severe risk of seagrass dieback.  相似文献   
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