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Samples of suspended particulate matters(SPMs),surface sediment and road dust were collected from the Yangtze estuarine and nearby coastal areas,coastal rivers,and central Shanghai.The samples were analyzed for the presence of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)in the USEPA priority-controlled list by GC-MS.The compound-specific stable carbon isotopes of the individual PAHs were also analyzed by GC-C-IRMS.The sources of PAHs in the SPMs and surface sediments in the Yangtze estuarine and nearby coastal...  相似文献   
Multi-temporal series of satellite SPOT-VEGETATION normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and normalized difference water index (NDWI) data from 1998 to 2007 were used for analyzing vegetation change of the ecotone in the west of the Northeast China Plain. The yearly and monthly maximal values,anomalies and change rates of NDVI and NDWI were calculated to reveal the interannual and seasonal changes in vegetation cover and vegetation water content. Linear regression method was adopted to characterize the trends in vegetation change. The yearly maximal NDVI decreased from 0.41 in 1998 to 0.37 in 2007,implying the decreasing trend of vegetation activity. There was a significant decrease of maximal NDVI in spring and summer over the study period,while an increase trend was observed in autumn. The vegetation-improved regions and vegetation-degraded regions occupied 17.03% and 20.30% of the study area,respectively. The maximal NDWI over growing season dropped by 0.027 in 1998–2007,and about 15.15% of the study area showed a decreasing trend of water content. Vegetation water stress in autumn was better than that in spring. Vegetation cover and water content variations were sensitive to annual precipitation,autumn precipitation and summer temperature. The vegetation degradation trend in this ecotone might be induced by the warm-drying climate especially continuous spring and summer drought in the recent ten years.  相似文献   
井底压力对岩石破碎的影响机制及应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑德帅  冯江鹏 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):205-208
钻井液井底压力与地层孔隙压力是影响岩石破碎的重要因素,由于岩石具有一定的渗透率,在压力差的作用下钻井流体与地层流体之间会相互影响,导致靠近井底的地层孔隙压力发生变化。实际的地层孔隙压力随时间与距离变化的规律可以使用一维不稳定渗流模型来描述和计算。在此分析基础上,综合分析地应力、井底压力及钻头牙齿吃入地层产生的应力,计算出任意平面上所受的剪应力和正应力,然后使用摩尔–库仑准则来判定岩石的破坏。建立这样一个综合各种因素的井底岩石破碎模型,可以将各种因素尤其是实际井底压力差的作用清楚地表达出来。该模型可以较好地解释欠平衡钻井提高钻速的力学机制,并为随钻地层孔隙压力监测dc指数法的适用范围提供明确的计算方法  相似文献   
桂跃  付坚  吴承坤  曹净  高玉峰 《岩土力学》2016,37(11):3197-3207
为明确高原湖相泥炭土渗透特性并建立渗透模型,采用固结-渗透联合试验装置对取自6个场地20余组土样天然状态及一维压缩过程中渗透系数进行测定,并分析了加载时长、应力水平以及烧失量、残余纤维含量等因素对其渗透性的影响。试验结果表明:分别加载条件下,泥炭土渗透系数 随加载时长T增大而减小并趋于稳定,稳定时长在10 d左右;分级加载条件下, 随固结应力 的增大呈非线性减小, - 关系曲线为反S型;高原湖相泥炭土渗透模型可用e- 表示,其渗透指数 与初始孔隙比 满足关系式 0.25 ;初始渗透系数 和烧失量 、残余纤维含量 及 关系较为离散, 和 、 及初始含水率 有一定的正相关性。通过电镜扫描试验,从土中孔隙特征角度探讨了高原湖相泥炭土渗透特性的机制。  相似文献   
新疆乌什县北山1:50000填图试点项目位于塔里木盆地西北边缘和西南天山交接部位,海拔较高,地形切割较深,属于典型的高山峡谷区。利用ASTER、SPOT6、GF-2等多源遥感数据,基于典型岩性光谱吸收特征,进行岩性差异信息增强与提取研究,总结出一套基于多源遥感数据进行岩性单元边界划分的方法。以ASTER数据、ASTER与SPOT6协同数据、ASTER与GF-2协同数据等为基础影像数据,并选择最佳波段组合进行RGB彩色合成,从而增强影像差异,结合已有研究区地质资料,初步圈定不同影像单元边界;继而利用矿物丰度指数、SMACC端元丰度提取等方法识别研究区内主要岩性的分布位置和范围;最后结合野外实际调查数据,依据实际地质背景和影像质量进行筛选,获得最终的岩性单元解译图。研究结果为该区进一步进行地层优化划分及对比提供了参考资料。   相似文献   
陈科比  杨成凤 《热带地理》2016,36(5):815-822
采用Gibbs-Mirtin 多样化指数和区位熵、产值贡献率,对福建省2005―2013 年20 个制造业行业面板数据进行了测算,并从产业部门多样化和优势产业专业化2 个角度对福建省制造业产业结构特点及演变规律进行了分析。研究表明:福建省制造业产业多样化水平逐年提升,全省产业朝多部门均衡发展;各个制造业专业化发展水平存在差异,化学纤维制造业、通信设备、计算机及其他电子设备制造业等行业专业化水平高,行业优势明显;全省20 个制造业总体产业优势不明显,研究时段内区位熵始终≥1 的行业仅占35%,对全省20 个制造业产值贡献达46.71%;非金属矿物制品业及农副食品加工业等新的优势产业及潜力产业涌现,关联产业优势程度成对上升,产业专业化发展形势良好。  相似文献   
在研究煤田火区对自然-社会经济系统影响的基础上,提出了煤田火区环境影响综合评价指标体系的构建思路,建立了煤田火区环境影响评价的一般性指标体系,包括5级32个指标。以内蒙古乌达煤田火区为实例,论述了煤火环境影响综合评价的实施过程。根据煤田火区特征,在一般指标体系框架内确定了23个评价指标,采用层次分析法与综合指数法相结合,建立了火区环境影响综合评价公式。评价结果表明,乌达煤田火区对环境的影响为较严重水平,与定性分析结果相符。  相似文献   
贵州区域地质灾害发育程度初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张建江 《贵州地质》2009,26(4):317-320
根据全省完成的县(市)地质灾害调查与区划成果,结合各地行政区面积及山地丘陵比例,采用地质灾害综合发育程度指数法,对9个地区级行政区域进行地质灾害发育程度分析,划分出的地质灾害高、中、低发育区比较符合省情实际,对地方政府的地质灾害防治工作具一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
松辽盆地北部双城—太平川地区扶杨油层原油地球化学特征相近,正构烷烃分布完整,呈单峰型,主峰碳主要为C23,部分原油具有轻碳优势,奇偶优势不明显。三环萜烷含量较丰富,部分原油伽马蜡烷、孕甾烷和升孕甾烷含量较高,规则甾烷呈"V"型分布,碳同位素值偏轻,生源构成以低等水生生物和菌藻类为主,兼有高等植物生源输入,母源形成环境为微咸水还原—淡水氧化环境。本区原油的总体特征比较接近,具有相似的生源母质和有机相,但其成熟度存在着一定差异。根据生物标志物参数,原油分为三个组群,即低成熟油、低成熟—中等成熟油和中等成熟油,主要为低成熟—中等成熟原油。认为研究区具有形成低成熟油的有利烃源条件,应该加强对低成熟油的勘探开发。同时加强长春岭背斜带及其周缘构造高部位有利圈闭的勘探与评价。  相似文献   
This paper describes a quantitative methodology for deriving optimal exploration target zones based on a probabilistic mineral prospectivity map. The methodology is demonstrated in the Rodalquilar mineral district in Spain. A subset of known occurrences of mineral deposits of the type sought was considered discovered and then used as training data, and a map of distances to faults/fractures and three band ratio images of hyperspectral data were used as layers of spatial evidence in weights-of-evidence (WofE) modeling of mineral prospectivity in the study area. A derived posterior probability map of mineral deposit occurrence showing non-violation of the conditional independence assumption and having the highest prediction rate was then put into an objective function in simulated annealing in order to derive a set of optimal exploration focal points. Each optimal exploration focal point represents a pixel or location within a circular neighborhood of pixels with high posterior probability of mineral deposit occurrence. Buffering of each optimal exploration focal point, based on proximity analysis, resulted in optimal exploration target zones. Many of these target zones coincided spatially with at least one occurrence of mineral deposit of the type sought in the subset of cross-validation (i.e., presumed undiscovered) mineral deposits of the type sought. The results of the study showed the usefulness of the proposed methodology for objective delineation of optimal exploration target zones based on a probabilistic mineral prospectivity map.  相似文献   
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