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Impact of urbanization on storm response of White Rock Creek,Dallas, TX   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study documents hydrological changes resulting from urbanization of the upper sub-basin of White Rock Creek watershed in Collin and Dallas counties, Texas. The 172-km2 watershed was transformed from 87% rural in 1961 to 95% urban in 2002, following construction of the Dallas suburbs of Richardson, Addison, Plano and Frisco. The objective of the study was to investigate changes in the storm response of White Rock Creek in terms of peak storm flow, storm flow volume and lag time. The approach employed to compare pre- and post-urbanization hydrology was to develop average unit hydrographs for each time period and use them to generate the creek’s storm flow response to a set of six hypothetical precipitation events. The results suggest that substantial hydrological changes have occurred. The average infiltration capacity of the watershed was reduced by about 60% so that storm flow was generated at lower precipitation intensities in the post-urbanization period. Storm flow peak discharge and volume were more than doubled for a hypothetical 10-year precipitation event. Average lag time was about 49 min shorter in the post-urbanization period. Urbanization has significantly impacted the storm response of the creek and increased the potential for flooding. It is anticipated that similar hydrological changes will occur in other rapidly urbanizing watersheds in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan region. Watershed managers should take likely changes in storm response into account when planning future storm water management needs.  相似文献   
Speculation regarding Tyrannosaurus in West Texas has been largely based upon a sub-adult tyrannosaurid maxilla from the Javelina Formation (Late Cretaceous–Maastrichtian) of Big Bend National Park. However, a very large anterior caudal vertebra, recently collected from the Javelina Formation, exhibits a morphology that can confidently be assigned to Tyrannosauridae and, because of its size, likely pertains to an adult Tyrannosaurus. The stratigraphic position of the specimen is closely bracketed by titanosaurid remains and further supports coexistence of these taxa. The stratigraphic position of the specimen possibly records one of the earliest occurrences of Tyrannosaurus. If so, Tyrannosaurus likely existed during roughly equivalent temporal intervals in disparate paleobiomes in both northern and southern late Maastrichtian faunal realms of North America.  相似文献   
White Rock Lake reservoir in Dallas, Texas contains a 150-cm sediment record of silty clay that documents land-use changes since its construction in 1912. Pollen analysis corroborates historical evidence that between 1912 and 1950 the watershed was primarily agricultural. Land disturbance by plowing coupled with strong and variable spring precipitation caused large amounts of sediment to enter the lake during this period. Diatoms were not preserved at this time probably because of low productivity compared to diatom dissolution by warm, alkaline water prior to burial in the sediments. After 1956, the watershed became progressively urbanized. Erosion decreased, land stabilized, and pollen of riparian trees increased as the lake water became somewhat less turbid. By 1986 the sediment record indicates that diatom productivity had increased beyond rates of diatom destruction. Neither increased nutrients nor reduced pesticides can account for increased diatom productivity, but grain size studies imply that before 1986 diatoms were light limited by high levels of turbidity. This study documents how reservoirs may relate to land-use practices and how watershed management could extend reservoir life and improve water quality.  相似文献   
This investigation examined plant survival and water sources for small depressions excavated to build an earthen dam and nature trail in north-central Texas, USA. These “inadvertent wetlands” occupy part of an outdoor education facility, overlying alluvial deposits of the Trinity River. A large lake behind the earthen dam strongly influences surface water and groundwater levels in the area. Excavated depressions receive direct precipitation, runoff, and groundwater inputs, losing water by seepage and evapotranspiration. Hydroperiods varied with location and water input: excavations receiving groundwater held water year round; others periodically desiccated. Groundwater-fed depressions had higher salinity; however, the highest average value (1,304 μS/cm) was within the freshwater range. A total of 66 to 75% of emergent and floating wetland species planted in three depressions survived after 2 years. The developing wetlands appear viable under hydrologic conditions typical of the study period. Ultimately, variable hydroperiods among wetlands, and water level fluctuations within individual wetlands, may foster diverse plant-species compositions. Depressed lake levels following long-term drought or increased water demands pose the greatest threat to the developing wetlands.  相似文献   
Water marketing, which involves the purchase or transfer of water supplies or rights between a willing buyer and seller, represents on strategy for redistributing water resources among competing users. Most frequently, municipalities purchase agricultural water rights to augment their existing supply and help meet projected water demand. In Texas, the most active water market is in the lower Rio Grande Valley where the cities of Brownsville, Harlingen, and McAllen have acquired surface water rights for converting water from agricultural to municipal and industrial uses. The existence of the Rio Grande Watermaster simplifies the procedure for transferring surface water rights, helps address problems such as the maintenance of instream flow and protection of senior water rights holders, and serves as an administrative model for water resource management.  相似文献   
The downstream fining of fluvial sediments is a fundamental tenet of drainage systems and, for decades, has been the subject of considerable research. Most of this research has focused on variability in channel-bed material. Other sedimentological components such as channel bars and banks, however, represent distinctively different processes occurring at various flow magnitudes and durations and thus provide an opportunity to examine a more comprehensive set of controls on the larger fluvial system. This study analyses downstream patterns of sediment size and composition for channel-bed material, bars, and banks in the Llano River watershed (11,568 km2) in central Texas, USA.Fluvial deposits in the study area were characterized through field, laboratory, and statistical analyses and standard sedimentary indices (d16, d50, d84, sorting) were computed. Two hundred thirty-eight sediment samples were collected at 15 sites along the main-stem channel with sampling occurring at the low-flow channel (thalweg), lateral bars, banks, and overbank locations. Channel-bar deposits are characterized by a downstream reduction in particle size, but low-flow-channel deposits have a substantially weaker trend, a discrepancy possibly attributed to uniformity and continuity of hydraulic sorting mechanisms during moderate and high flows. Channel-bar deposits reveal an abrupt downstream reduction in gravel size in the upper watershed, which is attributed to an increase in drainage area. Further, an abrupt gravel-to-sand transition occurs immediately downstream of a distinct lithologic change from mostly carbonate rocks to igneous and metamorphic rocks. The downstream decrease in channel-bar particle size occurs despite an increasingly constricted alluvial valley, commonly associated with greater unit stream power and relatively coarse sediment. Contrasting with channel-bed material, particle size of channel banks increases downstream, which is attributed to the addition of sand-sized sediment from igneous and metamorphic rocks. The consideration of distinctive sedimentological components of a dynamic fluvial system represents a more comprehensive and nuanced study of the topic of downstream sediment trends than prior studies, which is important to a range of engineering, biological, and planning issues at the watershed scale.  相似文献   
Caliche is a fairly widespread pedogenic carbonate that commonly has been used to reconstruct palaeoclimatological conditions. Stable isotopic analyses of three types of caliche nodules from Mission Bay, Texas, provide insights into the values and limitations in palaeoenvironmental interpretations. Soft incipient nodules (type I) and partially lithified chalky nodules (type II), composed of low Mg‐calcite, are in situ pedogenic products in the late Quaternary soils; they represent young to intermediate caliche nodules with no obvious diagenesis and, with constraints, can be used to investigate palaeoenvironmental conditions. The well‐lithified hard nodules (type III) dispersed on the beach and shallow bay exhibit complex shapes, fabrics, mineralogy and geochemical compositions. They are mature nodules that have undergone substantial diagenesis and, therefore, are believed to have lost their initial environmental signatures. The incipient nodules in the presently active grey soil and the older subjacent brown soil display significantly different δ13C values, ?8·4 and ?4·4‰, respectively, which indicates a change in palaeovegetation from C3/C4 mixed to C3‐dominated flora. The δ13C values probably reflect a marked climate shift from warm and dry to cool and wet conditions in the middle Holocene. However, in the same grey soil, there is a sub‐set of incipient caliche nodules with δ13C values around 0·1‰, which is probably due to the input of localized carbon sources in the soil (e.g. shell fragments). The occurrence of essentially identical nodules appearing from the same modern soil horizon with significantly different δ13C values questions the universal reliability of this type of data for palaeoenvironmental interpretation. This study demonstrates that, whereas the stable isotopic compositions of caliche nodules can be used for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, diagenesis and the influence of localized carbonate sources in the soils could lead to erroneous interpretations.  相似文献   
Ocean color satellite imagery has been used to detect blooms of phytoplankton for decades. A bloom in this sense is defined as a rapid increase in chlorophyll-a concentration from newly synthesized sources (primary production) within the photic zone. Chlorophyll also has the potential to enter the water column from benthic sources as a result of resuspension events. Currently available bio-optical ocean color algorithms estimate the near-surface chlorophyll concentration in the water column but cannot characterize the source. By estimating resuspension, one can isolate the proportion of the total chlorophyll present in the water column that originated from benthic sources. The increase in remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) at 670nm as measured by SeaWiFS appears as a result of an increase in suspended materials, therefore, providing an estimate of resuspension. After examining imagery in locations of variable resuspension along the Texas coast, a strong positive correlation between the Rrs(670) produced by resuspension and the ratio of resuspended chlorophyll to total water column chlorophyll was observed.  相似文献   
Interpreting sustainable yield of an aquifer using a fuzzy framework   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Reliable estimates for how much water can be safely withdrawn from aquifers without harming the environment is crucial for identifying new water supply sources and fostering sustainable growth. Methodologies to estimate groundwater availability that are rooted in science and yet accomplishable with minimal data are particularly useful for effectual aquifer management. Also, as groundwater management is increasingly becoming a participatory process, these methodologies must be transparent and easily understood by a wide range of audiences. In addition, proposed approaches must also reconcile imprecision and uncertainties arising from lack of data, differences in stakeholders’ perceptions and limitations associated with incomplete aquifer characterization. In this study, the fundamental concept of water balance is coupled with fuzzy regression to develop a scheme for assessing regional-scale groundwater availability. Using the mass-balance approach, anthropogenic water demands (municipal, industrial and agricultural) and ecological demands (baseflows to rivers) can be incorporated into the availability estimation process. The use of fuzzy regression enables the specification of decision makers’ preferences to the adopted procedure and renders the parameter estimation to be more robust in the presence of extreme values. The methodology is illustrated by using it to estimate groundwater availability in the Gulf coast aquifer, underlying Refugio County, TX, USA.  相似文献   
Vast areas of East Central Texas are overlain by deep unconsolidated sands, previously assumed to have been formed by in situ weathering and pedoturbation of the bedrock. This hypothesis would imply that palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions are of limited value. However, recent research has hinted that some elements of the landscape may have undergone repeated phases of erosion and redeposition, suggesting firstly that a reliable record of past environmental conditions may be gleaned from these deposits, and secondly that optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) may provide the key to unlocking this record. This research examines the depositional history of sites shown to provide a reliable chronology. Dates from these sites show that aeolian deposition occurred in East Central Texas at a number of times during the Holocene and Late Glacial, whilst three episodes of gullying occurred between approximately 123,000 and 44,000 years ago. The concordance of some of these results indicates that some phases of deposition may be regional.  相似文献   
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