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文章概述夏季池塘养殖刺参死亡症状和灾情特点,分析刺参死亡原因主要包括池水盐度骤降、池水温度升高、池水pH值下降、池水分层、有机污染和刺参自身原因。在此基础上,提出池塘养殖刺参安全度夏的技术措施,主要包括科学合理选择养殖地址、规范池塘建设、做好度夏前准备工作、水质管理、及时清除水草和大型藻类、采取降温措施以及补充营养等,涉及大量具体操作方法,具有科学性和实用性。  相似文献   
吕宋冷涡时空特征概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在收集南海以及台湾周边海域1900~2004年共105a的海洋调查资料,按0.5°×0.5°网格进行温盐计算统计分析,制作了逐月平面、断面分布图的基础上,参考相关文献和海洋水文图集,阐明了吕宋冷涡的空间、季节特点及其变化规律。中尺度涡对海洋科学、舰艇航行及国防建设等都有重要的学术意义和实际应用意义。  相似文献   
Seasonal and interannual variations in the East Sakhalin Current (ESC) are investigated using ten-year records of the sea level anomaly (SLA) observed by the TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) altimeter. The T/P SLA clearly documents seasonal and interannual variations in the ESC along the east coast of Sakhalin Island, although sea ice masks the region from January to April. Estimates of surface current velocity anomaly derived from T/P SLA are in good agreement with drifting buoy observations. The ESC is strong in winter, with a typical current velocity of 30–40 cm s−1 in December, and almost disappears in summer. Southward flow of the ESC is confined to the shelf and slope region and consists of two velocity cores. These features of the ESC are consistent with short-term observations reported in previous studies. Analysis of the ten-year records of T/P SLA confirms that the structure of the ESC is maintained each winter and the seasonal cycle is repeated every year, although the strength of the ESC shows large interannual variations. Seasonal and interannual variations in the ESC are discussed in relation to wind-driven circulation in the Sea of Okhotsk, using wind stress and wind stress curl fields derived from European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis data and a scatterometer-derived wind product. Seasonal and interannual variations of the anticyclonic eddy in the Kuril Basin are also revealed using T/P SLA.  相似文献   
Cycladophora davisiana, a radiolarian species dwelling at mesopelagic depths, is known as a representative glacial fauna due to its unique distribution during glacial periods. In the present ocean, abundant production of C. davisiana is only observed in the Okhotsk Sea, indicating an adaptation of C. davisiana for seasonal sea-ice covered conditions. We found pronounced abundant production of C. davisiana during the early to middle Holocene in the Okhotsk Sea, suggesting more favorable conditions for C. davisiana than the present Okhotsk Sea. In order to clarify the reason, oceanographic conditions during the Holocene were reconstructed based on biomarkers, lithogenic grains including ice-rafted debris (IRD), biogenic opal, and total organic carbon (TOC) in two sediment cores from the Okhotsk Sea. These indicators suggest that the pronounced C. davisiana production may be attributed to: 1) a supply to mesopelagic depths under intensified stratification of fine organic particles derived from coccolithophorids, bacteria, and detrital materials; and 2) cold, well-ventilated intermediate water formation.  相似文献   
通过对日本海Ulleung盆地KCES-1孔元素地球化学分析,探讨了过去48 ka以来日本海古生产力和古氧化还原环境的变化规律和影响因素。多种替代指标质量累积速率(总有机碳、CaCO3,磷、过剩钡、镉含量)显示日本海古生产力自48 ka以来发生了显著的变化。在48~18 ka低海平面和有限的水体交换导致表层水古生产力相对较低。在18~11 ka随着海平面的上升,富营养盐水团(亲潮和东海沿岸流水团)的流入导致古生产力逐渐增大,在12.6~11.5 ka古生产力达到最大值。在全新世对马暖流成为影响古生产力变化的重要因素,并且自5 ka以来古生产力保持相对稳定。古氧化还原替代指标(总有机碳、钼、铀、锰、碳与硫含量之比、自生铀、自生钼含量)显示在12~9 ka日本海底层水可能为无氧环境。古生产力高和底层水体有限的交换是诱发底层水缺氧的主要因素,而这又与全球气候变化和海平面变化有关。  相似文献   
黄海冷水团演变过程及其与邻近水团关系的分析   总被引:43,自引:12,他引:43  
黄海冷水团是出现在黄海的一种独特的水文现象.文中利用覆盖整个黄海的GDEM三维水温资料,结合近期一些大型调查所获得的有关观测研究结果,首先较系统地分析了黄海冷水团的形成和演变过程,并对冷水团3个冷中心的季节演变提出了一些与前不同的认识.同时,通过对黄海冷水团形成、发展和消亡与该海域温跃层演变关系的分析,进一步揭示了黄海冷水团演变的机理.然后,探讨了黄海冷水团演变过程中与青岛和仁川东南海域冷水团以及东海北部底层冷水的关系.分析表明,在黄海冷水团发展的鼎盛时期,青岛冷水团和仁川东南海域冷水团以及东海北部底层冷水皆包络其中.  相似文献   
南海天然气水合物稳定带的影响因素   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
文章利用南海所积累的大量热流、海底温度和地温梯度数据,针对地温梯度的变化,对地温梯度数据进行了初步校正。分情况研究了纯甲烷,甲烷、乙烷、丙烷混合物分别在纯水、海水条件下形成的天然气水合物在南海的可能分布范围;进而对影响天然气水合物分布的影响因素进行了讨论。研究表明,随着天然气中重烃含量的增加,孔隙水盐度的降低,水合物稳定带在平面上的分布范围越来越大,水合物稳定带的厚度也越来越大。比较而言,气体组成的影响要比孔隙水盐度的大。同时,天然气水合物稳定带的厚度与热流有一定的负相关关系。在南海2000m水深范围之内,由于受海底温度的控制,水合物稳定带的厚度与水深呈明显的正相关关系。  相似文献   
It is very important to establish cooperative mechanism to guarantee all members to develop their e-conomies in the Yellow Sea Rim. In this paper, the development strategies ofshipplng centers and transportation networkare discussed based on economic giobalization tendency. The results argue that a united transportation network should bebuilt in order to promote the economic competition of Northeast Asia in the world. As a key component of the economiccooperation, a hierarchical shipping centers network should be established with Hong Kong, Shanghai, Pusan, Koho,and Tokyo as cores. The authorities of China, Japan, R. O. Korea and D. P. B. Korea should make more efforts tobuild a set of cooperation institutions based on raising the transportation efficiency.  相似文献   
通过北极4个区的海水DQ%指数和全国160站7月份降水关系的诊断分析指出,6月份格陵兰海冰异常与黄河中上游7月份旱涝存在着明显的联系,6月份格陵兰海冰少(多)时,黄河中上游7月份易涝(旱)。产生这种联系的物理机制是6月份格陵兰海冰异常影响7月份欧亚大气环流,导致黄河中上游7月份降水产生异常。通过对相关场进行显著性检验,确认了6月份格陵兰海冰异常与黄河中上游7月份旱涝联系在统计上的可靠性。同时发现,有时随机数序列与气象要素场的相关场会达到很高的显著水平,而且这种相关场中的显著相关区的分布并不是杂乱无章的,而是成片分布的。这项工作指出了把对相关场的显著性检验与相关场成因的物理机制分析相结合的必要性。  相似文献   
FGOALS_gg1.1极地气候模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室发展的气候系统模式FGOALS_g1.1的极地气候模拟现状进行了较为全面的评估.结果表明,FGOALS_g1.1对南北极海冰的主要分布特征、季节变化和年代际变化趋势具有一定的模拟能力.但也注意到,与观测相比,模式存在以下几方面的问题:(1)模拟的海冰总面积北极偏多,而南极偏少.北极,北大西洋海冰全年明显偏多;夏季,西伯利亚沿海海冰偏多,而波弗特海海冰偏少.南极,威德尔海和罗斯海冬季海冰偏少.南北极海冰边缘都存在异常的较大范围密集度很小的碎冰区,夏季尤为显著.(2)海冰流速在南北极海冰边缘和南极大陆沿岸附近较大.北极,模式没能模拟出波弗特涡流,并且由于模式网格中北极点的处理问题,造成其附近错误的海冰流场及厚度分布.这些海冰偏差与模式模拟的大气和海洋状况有着密切的联系.进一步分析表明,FGOALS_g1.1模拟的冰岛低压和南极绕极西风带明显偏弱,其通过大气环流和海表面风应力影响向极地的热量输送,在很大程度上导致上述的海冰偏差.此外,耦合模式中大气-海冰-海洋的相互作用可以放大子模式中的偏差.  相似文献   
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