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多源遥感数据的降水空间降尺度研究——以川渝地区为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大量研究表明,通过传统地面气象站点实测的单点数据,不能有效地反映降水的空间变化特征。目前,以遥感数据获取的降水产品已得到了广泛的应用,但在地形地势复杂区域,遥感降水产品的空间分辨率与数据精度等方面仍然存在着极大的不足。因此,本文以四川重庆(川渝)地区为例,通过建立降水产品降尺度算法,以实现降水产品的降尺度估算,提高降水数据的空间分辨率。依据在不同尺度下(0.25°、0.50°、0.75°和1.00°),TRMM 3B43、地理因子,以及MOD13A3(NDVI)之间存在的相关关系,构建了多元回归模型。通过对比这4种尺度下的回归模型,选择其中精度最高的作为最终的降尺度算法,然后再把这种降尺度算法应用到1 km分辨率下进行降水估算。进一步,以区域差异分析(GDA)和区域比率分析法(GRA)对降尺度估算的降水数据进行校正,并结合部分地面气象站点实测的降水数据进行验证。验证结果表明:降尺度算法是可靠的,能有效提升降水产品的空间分辨率,同时GDA和GRA校正方法能减小误差,进一步提升降水估算的精度,满足区域地表过程应用的需求。  相似文献   

利用热带测雨卫星(TRMM)探测资料和ERA5再分析资料,研究了2006年7月6日发生在青藏高原东坡的一次强降水过程,并在此基础上分析了青藏高原东坡夏季(6—8月)的降水结构特征。研究结果表明:青藏高原东坡较强降水个例发生在低层辐合、高层辐散的降水环境背景场中,雨带呈东北-西南分布,最大降水强度超过20 mm·h-1。对流降水回波顶高超过17 km,层状降水回波顶高低于15 km,6.5 km高度存在亮带,且外形也似非高原地区的层状降水垂直结构。统计分析表明在高原东部偏南区、高原东部与四川盆地交界区南部的夏季降水频次高,而在高原东部偏北及四川盆地的降水频次、对流和层状降水频次均比上述地区小;多年夏季的日均降水量分布大体与降水频次分布类似。降水反射率因子的垂直结构具有地域性特点,高原东部偏南和偏北区的回波垂直结构相似,因受到地形高度的压缩,其降水垂直结构与非高原地区的不同;而高原东部与四川盆地交接区的降水垂直结构外形,介于高原与非高原之间;四川盆地的对流降水和层状降水垂直结构与中国东部平原及热带副热带洋面的相近,但层状降水的亮带高度高出1 km。

Tropical cyclone (TC) rainfall asymmetry is often influenced by vertical wind shear and storm motion. This study examined the effects of environmental vertical wind shear (200-850 hPa) and storm motion on TC rainfall asymmetry over the North Indian Ocean (NIO): the Bay of Bengal (BoB) and the Arabian Sea (AS). Four TC groups were used in this study: Cyclonic Storm (CS), Severe Cyclonic Storm (SCS), Very Severe Cyclonic Storm (VSCS) and Extreme Severe Cyclonic Storm (ESCS). The Fourier coefficients for wave number-1 was used to analyze the structure of TC rainfall asymmetry. Results show that the maximum TC rainfall asymmetry was predominantly in the downshear left quadrant in the BoB, while it placed to downshear right quadrant in the AS, likely due to the different primary circulation strength of the TC vortex. For the most intense cyclone (ESCS), the maximum TC rainfall asymmetry was in the upshear left quadrant in the BoB, whereas it was downshear right quadrant in the AS. It is evident for both basins that the magnitude of TC rainfall asymmetry declined (increased) with TC intensity (shear strength). This study also examined the collective effects of vertical wind shear and storm motion on TC rainfall asymmetry. Here, the analysis in case of the strong shear environment (>7 m s-1) omitted for the AS because the maximum value for this basin was about 7 m s-1. The result showed that the downshear left quadrant was dominant in the BoB for the maximum TC rainfall asymmetry. In a weak shear environment (<5 m s-1), on the other hand, downshear right quadrant is evident for the maximum TC rainfall asymmetry in the BoB, while it placed dominantly downshear left quadrant in the AS. In the case of motion-relative wavenumber-1, the maximum TC rainfall asymmetry was dominantly downshear for both basins.  相似文献   
该研究以中国中东部区域(17°~50°N,98°~135°E)为研究范围,在前人研究基础上,根据水汽与降水之间的关系,基于MOD05水汽产品,采用偏最小二乘法,对中国中东部区域2001—2010年10 a平均TRMM3B43_V 7月降水产品进行降尺度,旨在得到空间分辨率为1 km×1 km的月降水空间分布。通过比较分析,发现该降尺度模型能大幅提高TRMM产品空间分辨率,估算结果平均相对误差为15.35%,与地面观测较接近,能体现中国中东部区域降水宏观分布趋势,且估算结果精度高于前人基于归一化植被指数(NDVI)的降尺度模型,能满足降水产品的精细化需求。  相似文献   
雷暴天气过程中降水结构与闪电活动特征个例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为深入分析四川雷暴天气过程中降水和闪电活动特征,运用统计与对比方法,对四川东南部一次雷暴过程中闪电活动及降水结构之间的特征进行研究。结果表明,强降水易发生在低层辐合,高层辐散的流场中,局部地区最大降水强度发生在2~5km高度。降水开始1h后,地闪频数达到最高,地闪主要以负地闪为主,正地闪不活跃。对闪电活动与亮温分布关系知,闪电活动主要发生在低于220K降水云内,闪电活动发生的区域与降水落区一致。对总闪与地闪的分布知,负地闪主要分布在总闪的外围。通过对四川雷暴过程的研究,对雷暴预报有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
吴振豪  傅云飞 《大气科学》2024,69(5):2031-2044

云粒子有效半径是云微物理中的重要参数,准确获取云粒子有效半径的分布特征对分析云形成、降水及灾害性天气预报、地气辐射收支等都具有重要意义。利用1998~2012年6~8月(夏季)热带测雨卫星(Tropical Rain Measuring Mission,简称TRMM)搭载的可见光/红外扫描仪(Visible and Infrared Scanner,简称VIRS)的探测资料,分析了夏季热带和副热带地区云粒子有效半径的空间分布和廓线特征。结果表明云粒子有效半径在空间上分布不均匀,粒子尺度分布在5~30 µm之间,局部尺度可达30 µm以上,并且洋面的云粒子有效半径相比陆面的云粒子有效半径更大;标准差多分布在2~10 µm之间,但局部可达10 µm以上。不同区域的云粒子有效半径垂直廓线分布表明,随着亮温的降低,云粒子有效半径先增后减;对于小的云粒子有效半径,洋面比陆面的云粒子有效半径廓线大,且北半球副热带比南半球副热带的云粒子有效半径廓线大;对于大的云粒子有效半径,各区域间的云粒子有效半径廓线差异较小;云粒子有效半径标准差廓线分析表明,小粒子、适中粒子和大粒子的标准差大值分别位于冰云、混合云和水云区。本研究结果为模式模拟热带和副热带区域云中粒子有效半径分布特征提供了观测依据。

In this study, the micro- and macro-physical properties, thermal structure and precipitation characteristics of cyclone eye walls and their surrounding spiral clouds were analysed with CloudSat and TRMM data for five tropical cyclones (TCs) in 2013. The results show that the ice-phase clouds of a mature TC are mainly above 5 km. With increasing altitude, the cloud droplet effective radius decreases, and the particle number concentration increases. Ice water content first increases and then decreases with increasing height. In the eye area, in addition to the well-known warm-core area, another warm core is also apparent around the eye at a height of 8 to 15 km. The horizontal distribution of precipitation is characterized by large-scale stratiform precipitation mixed with independent convective precipitation. The height of precipitation is mostly below 7.5 km, and the heavy rain is mainly below 5 km. When the peripheral convective clouds are strong enough, ice particles would be generated, thus providing conditions that are favourable for the formation of precipitation below.  相似文献   
基于1998—2013年的TRMM (tropical rainfall measuring mission) 数据,分析青藏高原闪电活动与降水气候特征及时空对应关系,结果表明:青藏高原 (简称高原) 的闪电活动中心在高原中部和东北部,中部最大闪电密度达到6.2 fl·km-2·a-1;但高原降水最活跃的区域是东南部,年降水量超过800 mm。闪电活动和降水随月份均呈现出先西进再东退的特征,但高原东北部强闪电活动区位置几乎不变化。在固定区域闪电和降水月变化具有一致性,活跃期出现在5—9月,呈单峰结构,除西部和东南部外,闪电与降水峰值月份吻合。结合TRMM降水特征 (简称PFs) 资料研究单个闪电表征降水量 (rainyield per flash,RPF) 的空间分布特征表明,闪电活动可以作为高原深对流的指示因子,而RPF可以有效表征深对流系统在整个降水系统中的比例。高原中西部和东北部深对流系统在整个降水系统中的比例最大,而在高原东南部最小,高原东南部的降水更多由暖云降水系统贡献。  相似文献   
利用一个微波辐射传输模式,晴天下的大气探测廓线,地面的部分观测资料以及卫星观测的亮温,计算了淮河流域能量和水循环实验(HUBEx)中,寿县地区的热带降雨观测卫星微波成像仪(TRMM/TMI)微波频率的地表比辐射率。通过比较所计算的微波地表比辐射率随地表状况的改变,发现地表微波比辐射率随地表状况的变化存在敏感性,并且其变化是合理的。本中,地表肤温设定等于地表空气温度,并且仅计算了寿县的地表比辐射率,在HUBEx区域上的地表比辐射率的计算需要更多的观测资料。  相似文献   
Previous studies have recognized reflectivity maxima above the freezing level(RMAF) within stratiform precipitation over mountain slopes, however, quantitative studies are limited due to the lack of adequate identification criteria. Here, we establish an identification method for RMAF precipitation and apply it to the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM) Precipitation Radar(PR) observations. Using the TRMM 2A25 product from 1998 to 2013, we show that the RMAF structure in reflectivity profiles can be effectively identified. RMAF exists not only in stratiform precipitation but also in convective precipitation. RMAF frequency is positively correlated with elevation, which is thought to be caused by enhanced updrafts in the middle layers of stratiform precipitation, or in the low to middle layers of convective precipitation over mountains. The average RMAF heights in stratiform and convective precipitation were 1.35 and 2.01 km above the freezing level, respectively, which is lower than previous results. In addition, our results indicate that the RMAF structure increased the echo top height and enhanced precipitation processes above the RMAF height, but it suppressed the downward propagation of ice particles and the near-surface rain rate. Future studies of orographic precipitation should take into account the impact of the RMAF structure and its relevant dynamic triggers.  相似文献   
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