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Subtle traps or oil pools have become an important exploration play in the Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, east China. Despite recent successes in exploration, the formation mechanisms of subtle traps are still not well understood. The majority of subtle oil pools in the Dongying Depression are developed in the middle interval of the Es3 Member of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation with the subtle traps being primarily of lenticular basin-floor turbidite sands encompassed in mudstones. Oil in the subtle traps was previously thought to have migrated directly from the surrounding source rocks of the same formation (Es3). Detailed geochemical investigation of 41 oils and 41 rock samples from the depression now indicates that the oils from the subtle traps cannot be correlated well with the surrounding Es3 source rocks, which are characterized by high Pr/ Ph (〉1), low Gammacerane/C30hopane, representing a freshwater lacustrine setting. In contrast the oils features low Pr/Ph (〈1) and relatively high Gammacerane content, showing a genetic affinity with the underlying Es4 source rocks, which also have the same qualities, indicating a brackish lacustrine setting. Oils in the Es3 subtle traps are probably derived from mixed sources with the contribution from the upper Es4 source rocks predominating. Therefore unconventional oil migration and accumulation mechanisms need to be invoked to explain the pooling of oils from the ES4 source rocks, which probably came through a thick low interval of the Es3 source rocks with no apparent structural or stratigraphic pathways. We suggest that the subtle oil migration pathway probably plays an important role here. This finding may have significant implications for future exploration and the remaining resource evaluation in the Dongying Depression.  相似文献   
本文提出了以地理空间数据为支撑,结合手机信令、POI等多源数据刻画城市居民出行特征的方法。首先将信令数据与地理信息区块绑定,根据时间特征和地理区块的社会属性,识别居民的基本职住娱信息;然后综合民生POI点、出行特征拓展关键词、图谱等多源数据,运用工作日通勤分析模型和节假日出行特征提取模型,识别用户的通勤距离、通勤方式、日均通勤频次、周均工作时长、节假日出行场景、出行频次、驻留时长等内容,并形成涵盖职住娱信息的出行特征类标签集。以成都市为例,采集连续1个月的手机信令数据和同时期的POI等数据,验证了该方法的可行性,该成果作为反映城市实际人口规模数量和空间分布特征的城市人口地图大数据产品的重要内容,为政府部门、商企用户开展相关分析业务提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
大庆长垣南部浅层气主要为来源于嫩江组一二段的生物气, 混入少量的青山口组热成因气和无机成因的CO2.明水组沉积末期为嫩江组一二段大量生排生物气时期, 此时断裂活动导致黑帝庙油层背斜和断圈的形成, 并诱导生物气垂向运移, "三期复合"使大量生物气向黑帝庙油层运移.活动断层均为"断裂密集带"的边界断层, 沿其垂向运移的生物气聚集的部位取决于断层与两盘地层的配置关系, 与断层倾向相反的一盘是生物气聚集的主要部位, 大庆长垣南部总体为"西缓东陡"的不对称背斜, 生物气主要富集在断裂密集带东部边界的圈闭中.黑帝庙油层纵向上分为5套储盖组合, 下部3套组合盖层厚度较大, 受断层错断的概率较小, 是主要的目的层.黑帝庙油层大部分圈闭为"断圈", 断层侧向封闭性决定圈闭的潜力, 断层侧向封闭所需SGR低限为0.375, 利用Allan图解标定断层侧向封闭性并分析圈闭的潜力, 与不考虑断层侧向封闭性时圈闭有3种变化: 一是断层侧向封闭, 面积和幅度没有改变的圈闭(Ⅰ型); 二是断层侧向封闭具有分段性, 面积和幅度变小的圈闭(Ⅱ型); 三是断层侧向不封闭, 不存在的圈闭(Ⅲ型).其中Ⅰ和Ⅱ型圈闭是生物气聚集的有利目标.从大庆长垣南部看松辽盆地浅层气成藏关键因素是有沟通气源的断层控制的圈闭的完整性(背斜或断层侧向封闭性较好的断圈)和区域稳定分布的盖层.   相似文献   

西藏羊八井地热田是世界上著名的高温地热田, 历经四十多年的开发利用, 浅部地热资源日趋萎缩, 亟需开发深部高温地热资源来维持地热发电或新增装机容量.深刻了解断裂分布特征、地热流体的升流通道, 对于开发深部高温地热资源具有十分重要的意义.我们在羊八井地热田实施了6条电性源短偏移距瞬变电磁法(SOTEM)探测剖面, 通过反演获得了2 km深度范围内地层的电性结构.结合现有的构造地质、地球物理、地球化学、钻孔测温等资料, 取得了如下新认识: (1)确认F14断裂是地热流体从地热田北区向南区运移的主通道; (2)深部地热流体的上升通道出现在北区硫磺沟, 中尼公路附近下伏渗透性较差的基岩阻挡着地热流体在深处从北区向南区的侧向流动; (3)南区深处存在一个富水区, 汇聚着来自唐山的大气降水和冰雪融水, 与正在开采的浅层热储水力联系较弱; (4)在南区实施尾水回灌, 难以实现维持热储压力、延长地热田开采寿命的目的.

李兆中  甄峰  秦萧 《地理研究》2021,40(4):1025-1041
在深入理解城市国际化内涵的基础上,以来华外国人手机国际漫游信令数据为支撑,从外国人人流联系视角构建了城市国际化水平的评价方法框架,包括外国人流动网络中心度、外国人流动联系强度、外国人国籍多样度3个方面.以长三角三省一市为研究对象进行了实证分析,结果表明:城市的国际化水平与城市的规模及等级总体上具有正相关性,但中小城市通...  相似文献   
Gu JD  Fan Y  Shi H 《Marine pollution bulletin》2002,45(1-12):379-384
Degradation of selected indolic compounds including indole, 1-methylindole, 2-methylindole, and 3-methylindole was assessed under methanogenic and sulfate-reducing conditions using the serum-bottle anaerobic technique and marine sediment from Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong as an inoculum. Our results showed that indole degradation was achieved in 28 days by a methanogenic consortium and 35 days by a sulfate-reducing consortium. During degradation under both conditions, two intermediates were isolated, purified and identified as oxindole and isatin (indole-2,3-dione) suggesting that both methanogenic and sulfate-reducing bacteria use an identical degradation pathway. Degradation processes followed two steps of oxidation accomplished by hydroxylation and then dehydrogenation at 2- and then 3-position sequentially prior to the cleavage of the pyrrole ring between 2- and 3-positions. However, none of 1-methylindole or 2-methylindole was degraded under any conditions. 3-Methylindole (3-methyl-1H-indole, skatole) was transformed under methanogenic conditions and mineralized only under sulfate-reducing conditions. It is clear that methyl substitution on 1- or 2-position inhibits the initial attack by hydroxylation enzymes making them more persistent in the environment and posing longer toxic impact.  相似文献   
拥有强大的渗透压调节能力对广盐性鱼类的生存至关重要。目前,关于鱼类渗透压调节机制已有不少研究,但均存在较大的局限性。本文从广盐性鱼类渗透压信号转导机制、渗透胁迫的细胞调控机制、渗透调控的内分泌调节机制和无机离子通道和转运蛋白介导的渗透调控等方面对广盐性鱼类的渗透压适应性和生理可塑性机制进行分析,以期从分子、细胞、通路和生理等层次初步探索广盐性鱼类盐度胁迫后的可塑性表型变化和不同盐度条件下的应答机制,为广盐性鱼类的渗透压调节机制的深入研究奠定基础。对广盐性鱼类渗透压适应性与生理可塑性机制研究,有助于研究其环境适应机理,促进野生鱼种的人工化养殖以及新品种的育种从而提高经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,对促进水产养殖学进步以及养殖业的发展具有重要意义,同时,为研究广盐性鱼类的渗透压调节机制开辟新的研究方向。  相似文献   

Knowledge of the hydrochemical dynamics of the trace metal manganese (Mn) in upland catchments is required for water quality management. Stream water Mn and other solutes and flow were monitored in two upland catchments in northern England with different soils: one dominated by peat (HS7), the other by mineral soils (HS4). Maximum Mn concentrations occurred at different times in the two catchments: in summer baseflow at HS4 and during late summer storm events at HS7. A two-component chemical mixing model was used to identify the hydrological processes controlling Mn concentrations in stream water. This approach was more successful for HS4 than HS7, probably because of different processes of Mn release in the two catchments and also difficulties in selecting conservative solutes. Factor analysis of the stream water chemistry data set for each catchment was more useful in identifying the controls on Mn release into runoff. The factors indicate that the main source of Mn at HS4 is the hydrological pathway supplying summer baseflow, whereas at HS7 Mn is released during the rewetting of dried peat soils. Manganese concentrations in stream water in upland catchments appear to depend on soil type and antecedent moisture conditions. This has implications for the design of sampling strategies in upland catchments and also for managing the quality of water supplies from such areas.  相似文献   
先天免疫是宿主抵抗病原感染的第一道防线,在病原的传播和疾病的发展过程中发挥重要的作用。甲壳动物属于无脊椎动物,仅具有先天免疫,而不具备适应性免疫,其主要依靠细胞免疫和体液免疫来实现免疫防御功能,抑制病原体增殖。JAK/STAT途径是调节无脊椎动物免疫反应的主要途径之一,本文主要从细胞因子受体(Dome)、JAK酪氨酸激酶(JAK)、信号传导及转录激活因子(STAT)、调节因子的结构、在宿主体内的表达及发挥的功能等来综述在养殖甲壳动物中JAK/STAT信号通路的研究现状。目前已在对虾、螯虾和蟹等近十种甲壳动物中报道了此通路的元件,而且各元件均具有保守的典型结构域,同类元件在不同种类甲壳生物中的结构有所差异,但是功能基本相似。这些元件均被证实通过调节JAK/STAT通路的信号转导来影响抗病能力。目前仅在凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)中鉴定出JAK/STAT信号通路的所有元件,对其他甲壳动物中剩余元件的鉴定仍有必要,并且甲壳动物JAK/STAT信号通路对其他信号通路的影响还有待深入研究。通过本文希望能为该通路在甲壳动物中调控机制研究提供理论基础和参考。  相似文献   
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