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Summary. A first-order form of the Euler's equations for rays in an ellipsoidal model of the Earth is obtained. The conditions affecting the velocity law for a monotonic increase, with respect to the arc length, in the angular distance to the epicentre, and in the angle of incidence, are the same in the ellipsoidal and spherical models. It is therefore possible to trace rays and to compute travel times directly in an ellipsoidal earth as in the spherical model. Thus comparison with the rays of the same coordinates in a spherical earth provides an estimate of the various deviations of these rays due to the Earth's flattening, and the corresponding travel-time differences, for mantle P -waves and for shallow earthquakes. All these deviations are functions both of the latitude and of the epicentral distance. The difference in the distance to the Earth's centre at points with the same geocentric latitude on rays in the ellipsoidal and in the spherical model may reach several kilometres. Directly related to the deformation of the isovelocity surfaces, this difference is the only cause of significant perturbation in travel times. Other differences, such as that corresponding to the ray torsion, are of the first order in ellipticity, and may exceed 1 km. They induce only small differences in travel time, less than 0.01s. Thus, we show that the ellipticity correction obtained by Jeffreys (1935) and Bullen (1937) by a perturbational method can be recovered by a direct evaluation of the travel times in an ellipsoidal model of the Earth. Moreover, as stated by Dziewonski & Gilbert (1976), we verify the non-dependence of this correction on the choice of the velocity law.  相似文献   
大别山黄石-六安反射地震剖面新的地质解释   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在大别山黄石至六安反射地震剖面上有很多近水平的反射体,表明大别山中心部位的中、下地壳内也有近水平的分层性。反映有流变性和动力学方面的差异,与大型薄皮构造理论对岩石圈性质的认识一致,因而在其运动过程中应服从薄皮构造的运动规律。结合以往对大别山区划分的岩石一构造组合,在前人对此反射地震剖面所作的地质解释的基础上,对反射地震剖面作了较为详细的地质解释,并建立了大别山造山带在此剖面上的两维几何结构。剖面南部为造山过程中形成的背斜构造。地表15km深度内为由碰撞混杂岩组成的扬子与中一朝大陆之间的主滑脱带。剖面中部为造山期后的侵入体。剖面北部为主滑脱带的根带(通常认为的缝合带),根带被中生代形成的晓天磨子潭断裂带切割。剖面最北端为变质复理石中略晚于主滑脱带的反向冲断带。推溺l下地壳的断开距离在扬子大陆俯冲时(三叠纪前)规模较大,然后逐渐缩小,直至保留到今天的规模。  相似文献   
随机地震动场激励下拱坝多点输入的抗震可靠度分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
本文首次将空间随机地震场输入用于拱坝随机振动分析之中,与拱坝三维动力学有限元法结合,完成了三维拱坝在空间随机地震动场作用下的随机振动分析方法及算法的研究,另外考虑动力和静力的叠加,提出了三维空间随机地震动场的拱坝抗震可靠度分析方法,最后编制了相应的程序,对小湾拱坝进行了抗震可靠度分析,并与随机变量的结果进行了比较。  相似文献   
The use of energy dissipation systems for the seismic control of steel structures represents a valid alternative to conventional seismic design methods. The seismic devices currently employed are mostly based on the metallic yielding technology due to the large feasibility and efficiency they can provide. Within this context, in the current paper an innovative solution based on the adoption of low‐yield‐strength pure aluminium shear panels (SPs) for seismic protection of steel moment‐resisting frames is proposed and investigated. In order to prove the effectiveness of the system, a wide numerical study based on both static and dynamic non‐linear analyses has been carried out, considering a number of different frame‐to‐shear panel combinations, aiming at assessing the effect of the main influential parameters on the seismic response of the structure. The obtained results show that the contribution provided by aluminium SPs is rather significant, allowing a remarkable improvement of the seismic performance of the structure in terms of stiffness, strength and ductility, with the possibility to strongly limit the damage occurring in the members of moment‐resisting frames. In particular, it is clearly emphasized that the stiffening effect provided by SPs allows a more rational design procedure to be adopted, since the serviceability limit state check does not lead to unavoidable and uneconomical increase of the size of main structural members. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
三维地震在铁法矿区的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以铁法矿区采区三维地震工程实践为例,论述了三维高分辨率地震勘探技术在采矿工作面合理布置等方面的作用。采掘实践证明,三维地震勘探成果的应用消除了地质风险,已回采的几个综采工作面,未发生意外及重大地质变化。  相似文献   
秦小军 《华南地震》1993,13(2):55-60
利用长江三峡链子崖、黄腊石地质灾害体周围地区的天然地震记录,对此两地质灾害体的地震危险性进行了分析.应用随机过程理论,计算了两场址的场地地面运动加速度峰值、频谱特征和地震持续时间的人工合成地震加速度时程曲线,以作为两地质灾害体抗震防治的依据.本文的方法也可为重要的建筑结构,如核电厂、海洋平台和超高层建筑的抗震设计提供动力分析所需的人工地震地面运动时程曲线。  相似文献   
云南省区域数字地震遥测台网自1999年建成以来,记录了大量地震波形资料,从2000年1月至2006年2月,云南省及邻区共发生ML≥4.0地震168次,对这些地震的震级重新进行了测定,结果表明,对于云南省的区域地震,近震的体波震级ML和面波震级MS之间不满足昆明地震台网多年使用的MS=1.13ML-1.08这一换算公式,且发现ML也不一定大于MS。  相似文献   
基于芦山地震的震源破裂过程反演结果,利用有限断层模型,以芦山地区三维地壳速率结构模型为基础,对芦山“4·20”7.0级强烈地震引起的强地面运动进行了模拟.对这次地震中由典型盲断层引起的强地面运动数值模拟结果反映了与实际震害相近的分布特征:断层上盘的宝盛、龙门及芦山以北位于极震区,也是强地面运动的高强度集中区,特别是垂向分量的速度、加速度峰值均在该地区达到了最大值,最能反映地表震害特征的竖向地震加速度在龙门一带达到了350gal,与极震区Ⅸ度的烈度相当,而在芦山以北龙门一带,瞬时竖向位移峰值高达110cm,这些特征与实际震害分布是非常相近的.综合分析认为,这次地震强地面运动表现出了明显的逆冲断层引起的强地面运动的分布特征,同时在强地震动传播过程中,由于高陡峭地形地貌特征及四川盆地内山间盆地的影响,地形地貌和盆地效应对地震波的反射和放大作用明显加强,也是该地区地震破坏强度增大的重要因素.  相似文献   
Bucharest, capital of Romania, is one of the most exposed big cities in Europe to seismic damage, due to the intermediate-depth earthquakes in the Vrancea region, to the vulnerable building stock and local soil conditions.This paper tries to answer very important questions related to the seismic risk at city scale that were not yet adequately answered. First, we analyze and highlight the bottlenecks of previous risk-related studies. Based on new researches in the hazard of Bucharest (recent microzonation map and ground-motion prediction equations, reprocessed real recorded data) and in vulnerability assessment (analytical methods, earthquake loss estimation software like SELENA and ELER, the recently implemented Near Real-Time System for Estimating the Seismic Damage in Romania) we provide an improved estimation of the number of buildings and population that could be affected, for different earthquake scenarios. A new method for enhancing the spatial resolution of the building stock data is used successfully.  相似文献   
来自海底高速层径向波的理论地震图研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文


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