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Early in the1970s,Madden and Julian[1,2]first re-vealed the existence of eastward propagation of the intraseasonal(or30-60-day)oscillation(ISO)in the zonal wind fields over the tropics.Later on,the northward propagation of the ISO activities over the Indian Ocean was discovered by Yasunari[3,4],which accounts for the seasonal variations of the Indian summer monsoon.Similar studies were carried out on the low-frequency oscillation activities related to the ENSO and the East Asian summer …  相似文献   
Numerical investigation of Hurricane Gilbert (1988) effect on the Loop Current warm core eddy (WCE) in the Gulf of Mexico is performed using the Modular Ocean Model version 2 (MOM2). Results show that the storm-induced maximum sea surface temperature (SST) decrease in Gilbert’s wake is over 2.5°C, as compared with the 3.5°C cooling in the absence of the WCE. The near-inertial oscillation in the wake reduces significantly in an along-track direction with the presence of the WCE. This effect is also reflected between the mixed layer and the thermocline, where the current directions are reversed with the upper layer. After two inertial periods (IP), the current reversal is much less obvious. In addition, it is demonstrated that Hurricane Gilbert wind stress increases the current speed of the WCE by approximate 133%. With the forcing of Gilbert, the simulated translation direction and speed of the WCE towards the Mexican coast are closer to the observed (42% more accurate in distance and 78% more accurate in direction) compared with the simulation without the Gilbert forcing. The simulated ocean response to Gilbert generally agrees with the recent observations in Hurricane Fabian.  相似文献   
利用内蒙古中西部50个气象观测站1961—2000年春季沙尘暴日数资料,国家气候中心提供的北半球月平均500 hPa高度场网格尺度为10°(经度)×5°(纬度)的网格点资料、北半球500 hPa月平均环流特征量资料、东亚季风资料分析研究冬春季中高纬度大气环流的年代际尺度的演变特征及其对内蒙古中西部沙尘暴的影响,进一步揭示内蒙古中西部春季沙尘暴年代际变化的原因。结果表明:青藏高原位势高度、贝加尔湖地区位势高度、乌拉尔山地区位势高度、东亚冬季风、亚州经向环流、印缅槽、西太平洋副热带高压强度都对内蒙古中西部春季沙尘暴年代际振荡产生不同的影响。为内蒙古中西部春季沙尘暴的短期气候预测提供年代际尺度上的基本环流背景。  相似文献   
An analysis of time variations of the earth‘s length of day (LOD) versus atmospheric geopotential height fields and lunar phase is presented. A strong correlation is found between LOD and geopotential height from which a close relationship is inferred and found between atmospheric circulation and the lunar cycle around the earth. It is found that there is a 27.3-day and 13.6-day east-west oscillation in the atmospheric circulation following the lunar phase change. The lunar revolution around the earth strongly influences the atmospheric circulation. During each lunar cycle around the earth there is, on average, an alternating change of 6.8-day-decrease, 6.8-day-increase, 6.8-day-deerease and 6.8-day-increase in atmospheric zonal wind, atmospheric angular momentum and LOD. The dominant factor producing such an oscillation in atmospheric circulation is the periodic change of lunar declination during the lunar revolution around the earth. The 27.3- day and 13.6-day atmospheric oscillatory phenomenon is akin to a strong atmospheric tide, which is different from the weak atmospheric tides, diurnal and semidiurnal, previously documented in the literature. Also it is different from the tides in the ocean in accordance with their frequency and date of occurrence. Estimation shows that the 27.3-day lunar forcing produces a 1-2 m s^-1 change in atmospheric zonal wind. Therefore, it should be considered in models of atmospheric circulation and short and middle term weather forecasting. The physical mechanism and dynamic processes in lunar forcing on atmospheric circulation are discussed.  相似文献   
The experimental study of the hydrodynamics of the sediments and the physical analysis of the process of exchange at the water-sediment interface in a zone of swash are essential for the understanding of the sedimentary transport processes in coastal environments, in particular to control and forecast the evolution of the coastline. The objective of this study was to exploit the technique of Ultrasonic Doppler Velocimetry (UDV) to examine the evolution of the velocity field at the water-sediment interface in a zone of swash in various conditions of incidental regular waves in a wave flume. The velocities were measured in different conditions of the swash within the sediment bed, and in the fluid vein at the swash edge. These measurements show: an exponential distribution of velocities inside the sediment bed; a difference in the velocity gradient at the water-sediment interface, between the velocity in the water vein at the swash edge and the interstitial flow in the swash. The measurements obtained in the wave flume made it possible to observe an evolution of the velocity profiles according to the phases of the swash, which are characterized by a phase shift between the free flow at the swash edge and the interstitial flow during the two phases of the swash: uprush and backwash.  相似文献   
New laboratory data are presented on the influence of free long waves, bound long waves and wave groups on sediment transport in the surf and swash zones. As a result of the very significant difficulties in isolating and identifying the morphodynamic influences of long waves and wave groups in field conditions, a laboratory study was designed specifically to enable measurements of sediment transport that resolve these influences. The evolution of model sand beaches, each with the same initial plane slope, was measured for a range of wave conditions, firstly using monochromatic short waves. Subsequently, the monochromatic conditions were perturbed with free long waves and then substituted with bichromatic wave groups with the same mean energy flux. The beach profile changes and net cross-shore transport rates were extracted and compared for the different wave conditions, with and without long waves and wave groups. The experiments include a range of wave conditions, e.g. high-energy, moderate-energy, low-energy waves, which induce both spilling and plunging breakers and different turbulent intensities, and the beaches evolve to form classical accretive, erosive, and intermediate beach states. The data clearly demonstrate that free long waves influence surf zone morphodynamics and promote increased onshore sediment transport during accretive conditions and decreased offshore transport under erosive conditions. In contrast, wave groups, which can generate both forced and free long waves, generally reduce onshore transport during accretive conditions and increase offshore transport under erosive conditions. The influence of the free long waves and wave groups is consistent with the concept of the relative fall velocity, H/wsT, as a dominant parameter controlling net beach erosion or accretion. Free long waves tend to reduce H/wsT, promoting accretion, while wave groups tend to increase the effective H/wsT, promoting erosion.  相似文献   
海—气相互作用及其对我国气候的若干影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柯东胜 《海洋预报》1993,10(4):23-29
本文综述了近年来我国学者在海-气相互作用方面的研究成果,集中探讨了海-气相互作用对我国气候的若干影响。结果表明:①我国许多地区的降水和气温变化具有明显的准3.5年振荡周期,这一特征与赤道太平洋地区的海面温度也表现出强烈的准3.5年振荡现象有着密切的联系;②我国气温与南方涛动存在着遥相关的事实,可以作为早期识别埃尔-尼诺的信号;③热带太平洋海温异常影响到副热带高压强弱和位置的变化,是导致我国东部夏季  相似文献   
Preliminarystudyonthedynamicmechanismofthedeepequatorialjets¥WuDexing(ReceivedDecember15,1993;acceptedMarch7,1994)(Instituteo...  相似文献   
l.Introducti0nTheclimateformationandvariabilityisnotonlythereflectionofatmosphericinternalbe-havi0rbutalsotheinnuencefromtheinteractionexistSintheclimatesystem.Becausetherela-tivecooIingandheatingsourcesofatmospherearelocatedinthePOlarandtropicalregionrespectively,itiseasytounderstandthattheArcticseaicecoverandSSTanomalieswhichim-pocttheatmosphericheatingtosomeextentcanexerttheirinfluenceontheremotCatmosphericcirculation-Inthisregard,thefocusrelatedtheinflueneeofArcticseaicecoverandtropica…  相似文献   
Junqi LIU  Riyu LU 《大气科学进展》2022,39(11):1885-1896
This study investigates the influences of boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation(BSISO), which originates from the equatorial Indian Ocean and prevails over the Indo-Pacific region, on precipitation over Southeast China, including South China and Yangtze River Valley. The results indicate that the BSISO-related precipitation anomalies are remarkably different between early summer(May–June) and late summer(July–August). The BSISO-related precipitation anomalies tend to appear more northward in l...  相似文献   
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