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In marine strata from Sinian to Middle Triassic in South China, there develop four sets of regional and six sets of local source rocks, and ten sets of reservoir rocks. The occurrence of four main formation periods in association with five main reconstruction periods, results in a secondary origin for the most marine gas pools in South China. To improve the understanding of marine gas pools in South China with severely deformed geological background, the dominant control factors are discussed in this paper. The fluid sources, including the gas cracked from crude oil, the gas dissolved in water, the gas of inorganic origin, hydrocarbons generated during the second phase, and the mixed pool fluid source, were the most significant control factors of the types and the development stage of pools. The period of the pool formation and the reconstruction controlled the pool evolution and the distribution on a regional scale. Owing to the multiple periods of the pool formation and the reconstruction, the distribution of marine gas pools was complex both in space and in time, and the gas in the pools is heterogeneous. Pool elements, such as preservation conditions, traps and migration paths, and reservoir rocks and facies, also served as important control factors to marine gas pools in South China. Especially, the preservation conditions played a key role in maintaining marine oil and gas accumulations on a regional or local scale. According to several dominant control factors of a pool, the pool-controlling model can be constructed. As an example, the pool-controlling model of Sinian gas pool in Weiyuan gas field in Sichuan basin was summed up.  相似文献   
南方海相地震资料脊波非线性阈值去噪方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小波分析方法在数据处理中已得到成功广泛的应用,这主要得益于它的局部时频分析能力,但是小波分析对方向的表征能力有限。脊波变换具备优越的方向选择性能,能更好地处理含有线状变化特征的信号。本文针对低信噪比地震记录,尝试研究利用脊波变换方法对其进行处理,提高剖面资料信噪比,突出同相轴信息。在对南方某油田的实际地震资料的处理中,可以发现处理后的地震剖面同相轴品质及连续性有了明显改善,信噪比增强,分辨率相应提高,体现出了该方法相对常规小波分析方法的优越性。  相似文献   
In this paper,the structure of systematic and random errors in marine survey net are discussed in detail and the adjustment method for observations of marine survey net is studied,in which the rank-defect haracteristic is discovered first up to now.On the basis of the survey-line systematic error model,the formulae of the rank-defect adjustment model are deduced according to modern adjustment theory.An examle of calculations with really observed data is carried out to demonstrate the efficiency of this adjustment model.Moreover,it is proved that the semi-systematic error correction method used at present in marine gravimetry in China is a special case of the adjustment model presented in this paper.  相似文献   
记贵州顶效中三叠世一新的海生爬行动物   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在贵州兴义顶效绿荫村西大约150m绿荫水泥厂南面采石场出露的中三叠统杨柳并组(拉丁阶)灰黑色中薄层灰岩中发现一新的海生爬行动物-绿荫顶效龙Dingxiaosaurus luyinensisgen.et sp.nov。它的肢骨形态和结构颇为独特,股骨,胫,腓骨以及跗骨的形状和结构相似于原始的鱼龙,而趾骨形状和数目有些相似于最早的蛇颈龙,但又与所有已知的鱼龙和蛇颈类类的属种均明显不同,它是早期海生爬行动脉进化的一个比较原始而孤立的新种类,它的发现对早期海生爬行动物进化多样性的认识具有十分重要的科学意义。  相似文献   
分析河北省海洋资源开发存在的结构、技术和管理等若干方面的问题 ,提出海洋资源开发利用保护的对策和措施。  相似文献   
综述了从海洋真菌中分离出结构新奇、有特殊生物活性和有潜在实用意义的新化合物。  相似文献   
土结构性模型是 2 1世纪土力学学科的核心问题。基于海积软土一维固结蠕变的宏观力学性状与微观结构定量分析相结合的方法 ,提出了软土在外荷作用下微观结构的演变模式 ,由此建议了一个含结构参数的固结变形本构关系。用试验资料和工程实例进行了初步验证 ,表明所建模型可以预测多级加载条件下海积软土的变形规律。  相似文献   
海洋沉积物可溶铁Fe~(3+)/Fe~(2+)比值,已被海洋地质工作者作为海洋油气化探的一项间接指标应用于东海油气化探中。这种铁的含量受提取酸的种类、浓度、样品微沸时间、放置时间等条件的影响。必须采用统一的可溶铁测定方法,只有在同一标准条件下测定的海洋沉积物可溶铁结果才有对比意义。  相似文献   
松辽盆地东缘域位于松嫩—张广才岭微板块东部.自晚古生代以来该域经历了西拉木伦河缝合带闭合产生的北向挤压作用、蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋自西向东剪刀叉式闭合对其东侧东南侧产生的挤压作用以及西太平洋板块西向变向俯冲产生的挤压作用等区域构造应力场影响,从而产生了复杂的地壳变动.该东缘域的地壳结构与松辽盆地地壳是否具有相近的结构特点,这是至今未被研究的内容.在Songliao Drep研究中已经用深反射地震手段得到松辽盆地地壳结构的一组新认识.这些认识在其东缘域是否还成立,也需要用同样精度的手段予以研究.另外,莫霍界面的宏观特征与微观(内部)特征,从松辽盆地到其东缘域有什么样的变化,其形成机理是什么,也需要进一步研究.为了回答这些科学问题,从哈尔滨西至尚志市附近实施了一条东西向约150 km长的深反射地震剖面.通过研究发现东缘域与松辽盆地基底地壳具有明显的差别,即由松辽盆地地壳的三分性变到东缘域盆地外地壳的二分性,在剖面近东端得到近26 km深的莫霍界面深度,并用均衡理论分析莫霍界面形态特征的形成机理;上部地壳存在双向大型推覆断裂,推测其被推覆体主体是古亚洲洋沉积地层即C-P系海相地层.这些认识为中国东北地区探查晚古生代海相地层、研究东北亚地壳结构特征提供了理论依据.  相似文献   
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