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Reef-island topography and the vulnerability of atolls to sea-level rise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Low-lying reef islands on the rim of atolls are perceived as particularly vulnerable to the impacts of sea-level rise. Three effects are inferred: erosion of the shoreline, inundation of low-lying areas, and saline intrusion into the freshwater lens. Regional reconstruction of sea-level trends, supplementing the short observational instrumental record, indicates that monthly mean sea level is rising in the eastern Indian and western Pacific Oceans. This paper reviews the morphology and substrate characteristics of reef islands on Indo-Pacific atolls, and summarises their topography. On most atolls across this region, there is an oceanward ridge built by waves to a height of around 3 m above MSL; in a few cases these are topped by wind-blown dunes. The prominence of these ridges, together with radiocarbon dating and multi-temporal studies of shoreline position, indicate net accretion rather than long-term erosion on most of these oceanward shores. Less prominent lagoonward ridges occur, but their morphology and continuity are atoll-specific, being a function of the processes operating in each lagoon. Low-lying central areas are a feature of many islands, often locally excavated for production of taro. These lower-lying areas are already subject to inundation, which seems certain to increase as the sea rises. Tropical storms play an important role in the geomorphology of reef islands in those regions where they are experienced. Topographical differences, as well as features such as emergence of the reef flat and the stability of the substrate, mean that islands differ in terms of their susceptibility to sea-level rise. Further assessment of variations in shoreline vulnerability based on topography and substrate could form the basis for enhancing the natural resilience of these islands.  相似文献   
DGPS RTK技术在无验潮水下地形测量中的应用初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文简要介绍了DGPS RTK技术的基本原理和作业流程,阐明了该技术在无验潮水下地形测量中的适用性,并以除六泾水文大断面的测量为例介绍了利用该技术进行工程实测的过程,通过对实测数据成果的分析,得出一些有益的结论。  相似文献   
利用Topex/Posedion卫星的SSHA数据对黄、东海1993-2001年期间的平均海面地形的空间形态特征、变化速率的空间分布特征及年内变化特征等3个方面进行了分析.研究结果表明,该海区9a平均海面地形的基本特征为:东南高、西北低,由东南向西北倾斜,最大高差超过90 cm;1993-2001年期间全海区均呈现海面上升趋势,上升速率值在5~8.6 mm/a之间,海面上升的空间分异表现为南快北慢,东快西慢.海面地形的年内变化在时间上呈正弦波动,空间上中、北部区域变化速度快,年较差大;南部区域变化速度慢,年较差小;变化空间特征复杂.  相似文献   
将大气和海洋中f-平面上中尺度地形的扰动问题统一起来作为一个地球物理流体力学问题,应用涡度、能量和经圈动量守恒条件,将原来高度非线性方程变成一个二阶椭园型非线性方程,用数值模拟方法分析了大气中的过山运动和海洋中的沿岸上升流,给出了与观测接近的模拟结果以及运动过程对内部物理参数和外界条件的敏感性分析。所提方法可供进一步的动力学分析和数值研究参考。  相似文献   
通过对地形地貌资料4502个数据,白血病死亡调查资料2239例,研究了白血病死亡率与人群生存区的地形地貌类型(山区、丘陵、岗地、平原)的相关性。结果表明,山区、岗地、平原与白血病死亡率有明显的相关性,等级相关系数分别为-0.1963(P<0.05),0.2925(P<0.0025),0.3122(P<0.0025)。  相似文献   
DGPS(DifferentialGlobalPositioningSystem)测量技术即差分定位技术,包括实时差分和后处理差分定位技术,正在远海和近海测量中得到广泛应用。后处理差分定位与微波定位及GPS实时差分定位相比,具有作用距离远,不受基准台与船台之问的障碍物影响以及减少基准台等优点。对于近海大比例尺(大于1:1万)测量,可采用实时差分定位的方法,而小于1:1万中小比例尺海底地形图测绘及海上其他工程测量,采用后处理差分定位,既能满足精度要求,又能提高工作效率。本文主要介绍利用DGPS后处理定位方法,在测绘广西沿海1:5万海底地形图中的应用情况。  相似文献   
以云南鲁甸6.5级地震中房屋建筑破坏严重的龙头山集镇斜坡地形为例,通过地脉动测试分析得出斜坡及坡顶测点相对于坡脚参考点谱比峰值均>1,顺坡向谱比峰值大于垂直坡向谱比峰值,且谱比峰值从斜坡坡脚到坡顶逐渐增大,坡顶处约为3;顺坡向谱比峰值对应的频率为4.57~5.39 Hz,垂直坡向谱比峰值对应的频率稍高,为5.42~5.96 Hz。通过结合黏弹性边界的时域动力有限元方法分析斜坡地形在垂直入射地震动作用下的响应,数值模拟结果表明,斜坡坡顶处的位移放大作用显著,坡脚处放大作用较小;介质剪切波速对斜坡地震动的影响较明显,尤其是坡顶点处不同介质剪切波速模型位移峰值差异较大。由于斜坡地形复杂的散射效应,在斜坡及附近测点均出现明显的转换面波,坡顶点处波形转换最显著。数值模拟结果进一步验证了龙头山集镇依坡而建的房屋建筑破坏严重是由局部地形地震动放大效应与地震动差动共同作用引起的。  相似文献   
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