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我国气象科技期刊发展与作用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在对历史资料研究的基础上,对气象科技期刊的发展历程与作用进行了回顾及评述,并对目前气象科技期刊的现状及存在的问题做了简要分析。  相似文献   
Greater recognition of the seriousness of global environmental change has led to an increase in research that assesses the vulnerability of households, communities and regions to changing environmental or economic conditions. So far, however, there has been relatively little attention given to how assessments can be conducted in ways that help build capacity for local communities to understand and find their own solutions to their problems. This paper reports on an approach that was designed and used to work with a local grass roots organization in the Solomon Islands to promote inclusivity and participation in decision-making and to build the capacity of the organization to reduce the vulnerability of communities to drivers of change. The process involved working collaboratively with the organization and training its members to conduct vulnerability assessments with communities using participatory and deliberative methods. To make best use of the learning opportunities provided by the research process, specific periods for formal reflection were incorporated for the three key stakeholders involved: the primary researchers; research assistants; and community members. Overall, the approach: (1) promoted learning about the current situation in Kahua and encouraged deeper analysis of problems; (2) built capacity for communities to manage the challenges they were facing; and (3) fostered local ownership and responsibility for problems and set precedents for future participation in decision-making. While the local organization and the communities it serves still face significant challenges, the research approach set the scene for greater local participation and effort to maintain and enhance livelihoods and wellbeing. The outcomes highlight the need for greater emphasis on embedding participatory approaches in vulnerability assessments for communities to benefit fully from the process.  相似文献   
Vulnerability of Aboriginal health systems in Canada to climate change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate change has been identified as potentially the biggest health threat of the 21st century. Canada in general has a well developed public health system and low burden of health which will moderate vulnerability. However, there is significant heterogeneity in health outcomes, and health inequality is particularly pronounced among Aboriginal Canadians. Intervention is needed to prevent, prepare for, and manage climate change effects on Aboriginal health but is constrained by a limited understanding of vulnerability and its determinants. Despite limited research on climate change and Aboriginal health, however, there is a well established literature on Aboriginal health outcomes, determinants, and trends in Canada; characteristics that will determine vulnerability to climate change. In this paper we systematically review this literature, using a vulnerability framework to identify the broad level factors constraining adaptive capacity and increasing sensitivity to climate change. Determinants identified include: poverty, technological capacity constraints, socio-political values and inequality, institutional capacity challenges, and information deficit. The magnitude and nature of these determinants will be distributed unevenly within and between Aboriginal populations necessitating place-based and regional level studies to examine how these broad factors will affect vulnerability at lower levels. The study also supports the need for collaboration across all sectors and levels of government, open and meaningful dialogue between policy makers, scientists, health professionals, and Aboriginal communities, and capacity building at a local level, to plan for climate change. Ultimately, however, efforts to reduce the vulnerability of Aboriginal Canadians to climate change and intervene to prevent, reduce, and manage climate-sensitive health outcomes, will fail unless the broader determinants of socio-economic and health inequality are addressed.  相似文献   
石永怡  李如彬 《气象》2010,36(7):168-173
自然灾害公众教育可以提高全社会的灾害意识和忧患意识,增加公众的灾害知识,提高面对灾害的自救和互救能力,从而减少灾害的损失。为充分发挥电视在普及气象防灾减灾知识中的作用,依托已经发生或者新近发生的灾害事件,在纪实拍摄的基础上,充分利用数字媒体技术,设计了气象防灾减灾科普栏目《风云纪录》。节目采用故事化叙事手段,关注灾害事件中的受灾群体,将致灾的自然力量与社会人文因素交织在一起,把自然变化放在社会环境之中,气象专家、灾害专家和社会学者对灾害事件详细解读,使观众对灾害的认识更全面更深刻。对于抽象的知识、科学原理等,采用动画演示,以求通俗易懂。灾害纪实画面、灾害亲历者的现场采访、动画、解说、音乐、音效等表现形式经数字音视频编辑技术协调平衡,既真实生动,又具科普价值。自2003年以来,在栏目设计指导下,已经拍摄制作了200余期节目,通过各种播放,发挥了良好的科普效益,也为进一步做好气象灾害专题教育积累了经验。  相似文献   
This paper analyses the potential for social integration in post-apartheid urban South Africa by examining the lives of those already living in desegregated spaces. The case study is a low-cost state-assisted housing project situated in the wealthy southern suburbs of Cape Town. In this social housing project, named Westlake village, coloured and Black African (alongside a handful of white and Indian) residents were awarded state housing in 1999 as replacement for their previous homes (informal and formal), which were demolished to make way for a mixed land-use development, of which their new homes form a small component. Westlake’s desegregation is found to extend beyond mere residential abode, affecting resident’s everyday lives to the extent that apartheid’s history and geography are superseded by other factors (such as proximity and affordability) in decision-making. Furthermore, integration at the everyday level of informal neighbourly mixing is prevalent. Although more formal cross-race friendships are rare, discussion reveals this as a consequence of Westlake’s specific socio-historic identity rather than racial divisions per se. Empirical evidence is used to propose a continuum of social integration experience. This continuum addresses the form of integration, for example greeting in the street, visiting homes, inter-marriage; and also the spaces of integration, for example physical space (shared neighbourhood), economic space (common employment-type), social space (cross-race friendship), political space (common involvement in civic organisations) and cultural space (shared sense of belonging).  相似文献   
This research addresses recent environmental governance in Bolivia through its relations to indigeneity and respatializations. It introduces and develops the concept of “speaking like an indigenous state” to examine the Bolivian state’s recent use of a pair of indigenous linguistic concepts, Living Well and Earth Mother, representing the identities of citizens and their rights to resources and livelihoods. State relations to indigenous social movements highlight the use of Living Well and Earth Mother concepts through accommodation, resistance, and protaganism. Six active issues of environmental governance are examined: (1) climate change and justice movement; (2) agrarian reform, agrobiodiversity, and food justice; (3) water resources; (4) indigenous territories; (5) Protected Areas; and (6) extractive industries (mining, hydrocarbons). The usages of Living Well and Earth Mother show versatility as they have been mobilized in the respatializing of the politics and social-power dynamics of environmental issues at scales of the state, global and international institutions, and community and local levels. Analysis also reveals deployment of Living Well and Earth Mother that is discursively influential and yet conceptually reduced and unevenly applied, thus suggesting a characteristic of verisimilitude. My analysis determines that respatialization at various levels, including territorial transitions of sub-national regional spaces, are associated with the heightened articulation of environmental governance through indigeneity and “speaking like an indigenous state” amid resource nationalism. Linkages and logics operating within this conjuncture differ from the prevailing interpretation of the Bolivian state’s use of Living Well and Earth Mother as solely an unwitting contradiction or instrumentalist camouflage.  相似文献   
The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region is an important engine for China’s socioeconomic development. Timely and effectively assessing constraint factors of resources and environment is of great significance for the sustainability assessment and the sustainable development of this region. However, comprehensive assessment research considering key resource and environmental constraints are still lacking. In this study, therefore, the limiting factors of resources and the environment in the BTH region were assessed based on the framework of landscape sustainability science. First, we chose five limiting factors, including topographic condition, geological environment, water resource, land resource, and atmospheric environment, to assess the constraints of resources and the environment using the single-factor evaluation method and the multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method. Based on the results, we divided the whole region into five subregions, i.e., the ecological conservation subregion, the geological disaster subregion, the water resource scarcity subregion, the atmospheric pollution subregion, and the cropland protection subregion. The results revealed that the northern BTH region was highly constrained by topographic conditions, the central BTH region was strongly constrained by geological environment and water resources, whereas the southern BTH region was constrained mainly by land resources and atmospheric environment. In addition, water resource was the main limiting factor for regional population growth and economic development. In 2010, the water resource scarcity subregion had a total population of 39.59 million, an urban population of 76.90%, and a gross domestic product of 2 455.57 billion yuan. We argue that the sustainable development of the BTH region should explicitly consider the resource and environmental limiting factors, implement land use optimization according to local conditions, maintain multiple land use types and diverse management strategies, based on the perspective of “strong sustainability”, so as to promote the regional sustainable development.  相似文献   
在收集、整理和编译国外有关论坛和研讨会资料的基础上,给出了目前国际风险科学研究的动态,综述了地震灾害风险评估和减轻地震易损性方面的研究进展,介绍了目前有关国家的地震灾害风险减轻的理论研究和减灾计划与行动。  相似文献   
国际地球科学发展态势   总被引:24,自引:7,他引:24  
从学科发展的角度综述了20世纪80年代以来地球科学研究在思维方式、研究对象的时空尺度、研究内容、研究形式、组织形式、信息交流、方法手段等方面所发生的深刻变化,指出地球科学已经进入地球系统科学时代和为人类社会经济可持续发展服务的时代。进入21世纪,地球科学研究的主要趋向、热点与重点问题是:①突出地球系统科学,关注全球变化与地球各圈层相互作用及其变化的研究,以及人类活动引发的重大环境变化研究;②突出地球演化的动力过程研究,关注地球内部深层过程与岩石圈动力学、气候系统动力学与气候预测、生态系统动力学与生态环境的保护和建设;③突出地球信息科学,关注数字地球、3S(GIS、DIS和GPS)一体化和地球科学定量化的研究趋势;④突出地球管理科学,关注减灾防灾、环境保护治理、资源合理开发利用以及碳循环、水资源、食物与纤维、能源战略等问题;⑤突出地球科学跨学科研究进展与创新,关注经济社会发展对地球科学的影响与需求,重视地球科学在自然科学内部与其他学科的交叉融合以及高新技术在地球科学中的应用。  相似文献   
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