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Impacts of Coastal SST Variability on the East Asian Summer Monsoon   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The impacts of the seasonal and interannual SST variability in the East Asia coastal regions (EACRSST) on the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) have been examined using a regional climate model (PδRCM9) in this paper. The simulation results show that the correlation between the EACRSST and the EASM is strengthened after the mid-1970s and also the variability of the EACRSST forcing becomes much more important to the EASM interannual variability after the mid-1970s. The impacts of the EACRSST on the summer precipitation over each sub-region in the EASM region become weak gradually from south to north, and the temporal evolution features of the summer precipitation differences over North and Northeast China agree well with those of the index of EASM (IEASM) differences.
The mechanism analyses show that different EACRSST forcings result in the differences of sensible and latent heat flux exchanges at the air-sea interface, which alter the heating rate of the atmosphere. The heating rate differences induce low level air temperature differences over East Asia, resulting in the differences of the land-sea thermal contrast (LSTC) which lead to 850 hPa geopotential height changes. When the 850 hPa geopotential height increases over the East Asian continent and decreases over the coast of East China and the adjacent oceans during the weakening period of weakens consequently. On the contrary, the EASM enhances during the strengthening period of the LSTC.  相似文献   
宁夏南部“南北古脊梁”岩溶裂隙水流系统分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用构造控水分析、水化学同位素等方法,对宁南“南北古脊梁”岩溶裂隙水系统进行了深入的分析与讨论。该区储水空间以岩溶裂隙为主,岩溶水的空间分布明显受SN向大型断裂构造控制。岩溶地下水以大气降水起源为主,并表现为多元水混合而成。水质分布呈现南优北劣的分带特征,北部水一岩相互作用形式为溶滤一蒸发浓缩型,呈高矿化咸水,南部为溶滤一混合型,呈低矿化淡水。根据水动力场和水化学场特征,划分了3个相对独立的岩溶水子系统。  相似文献   
山东沂水杂岩由新太古代岩浆杂岩和中太古代的变质杂岩组成,其后者中的变基性岩石,特别是基性麻粒岩,常与紫苏花岗岩紧密伴生,而且多呈大小不等的包体或呈层状体产出。本文主要对变基性岩进行岩石地球化学和锆石SHRIMP UPb定年研究。根据岩石学特征,可将变基性岩分为三类:含紫苏辉石斜长角闪岩、含石榴子石角闪二辉斜长麻粒岩和含尖晶石—石榴子石的角闪二辉麻粒岩。它们原岩分别为安山质玄武岩、高铁镁质玄武岩和玄武质科马提岩(?)。三类岩石稀土元素和微量元素配分有一定差别:第一类含紫苏辉石斜长角闪岩富集轻稀土和大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf等高场强元素;后二类麻粒岩相变质岩的稀土配分模式为近平坦型或轻稀土略为富集, K、Rb、Ba等元素也轻微富集,其他元素与MORB的比值接近于1。变基性岩中锆石定年结果显示有四组年龄值,其中2719Ma和2560~2607Ma分别代表早期麻粒岩相变质作用的年龄下限和上限;2509~2522Ma代表另一期角闪岩相—麻粒岩相变质作用的时代,发生在沂水岩浆杂岩侵入之后;2485Ma和2497Ma代表与流体作用有关的变质作用和新生锆石的形成年龄。  相似文献   
气候变化对湖库水环境的潜在影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
本文着重归纳气候变化对湖库热力特性、冰期、溶解氧、营养盐、浮游植物和水生植物等方面的影响规律,探讨气候变化对湖库水环境潜在影响的区域差异,讨论现有研究方法的优缺点和发展前景.研究表明,气候变暖对湖库物理过程的影响最为显著;热带草原气候和温带海洋性气候对于气候变暖和降雨变化的响应较其他气候类型突出;气候变化对湖库水环境的影响效果具有两面性.通过分析各气候类型中气候变暖对磷水平的潜在影响差异表明,亚热带季风气候的湖库更可能受气候变暖的影响趋于富营养状态.在今后研究中,建议深入开展各气候类型中区域性气候变化对湖库水环境影响的实例研究.  相似文献   
This paper introduces a unique industrial configuration that has emerged in Beijing, where three economic clusters in the biomedical industry, originally established as industrial/research parks, have developed parallel to each other. This configuration of multiple co-located clusters of the same industry, which has not been discussed before, raises the question of whether the industrial/research parks are competing for the same resources, or whether they are complementary to each other and can collectively be viewed as a new type of industrial configuration. The paper conceptualizes a framework of multiple clusters in mega-city regions that distinguishes between collaborating and competing clusters and presents initial empirical evidence for the Beijing case. As such, this research aims to unravel the phenomenon of multiple clusters in mega-city regions and to understand the complex spatial interrelationships that exist within and beyond multiple co-located clusters in the same industry.  相似文献   
寒区和干旱区水文研究的回顾和展望   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
康尔泗 《冰川冻土》1998,20(3):238-244
寒区和干旱区水文研究冰川,积雪,冻土,高寒山区和山前地带已初步形成了较完整的观测实验和研究体系,80年代以来,在冰川融水径流,出山径流形成的观测实验,寒区水文过程,冰川作用流域水文过程和大气过程相互关系。乌鲁木齐地区的水资源问题,气候对水资源的影响,高亚洲冰冻圈水文,冰川洪水和融雪径流以及干旱区水文等方面已取得了多项研究成果,近年来,寒区和干旱区水文水资源的研究在内陆河流域水资源合理开发利用与社会  相似文献   
Theoretical and experimental aspects of the production, transformation, diffusion and loss of N2 in the upper atmosphere are considered. The N2-CO2 near-resonant system in theD andE regions is taken into account. We describe our understanding of the methods necessary to find the vibrational populations of N2 and CO2 (asymmetric mode of CO2). The calculations of the vibrational temperatures in theD, E, andF regions for the mid-latitude ionosphere and an aurora are presented. The connection between the excited species and the 4.26-m radiation intensities is considered. The models for the rate coefficient of the reaction of O+ with N2 and the electron density decrease resulting from N2 in the F region are discussed.  相似文献   
福建沿海赤潮灾害气象预报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据福建沿海2001~2008年赤潮灾害资料以及相应时期的气象数据,寻找与赤潮灾害发生密切相关的气象因子,分析赤潮灾害发生期间的地面及不同高度的天气形势,并探讨南方涛动指数与赤潮灾害发生的关系,在此基础上根据前期气温、风、云及海况进行福建沿海赤潮灾害气象预报。研究结果表明,福建沿海的风、气温、湿度、日照和气压等气象因子与赤潮的发生存在着密切的关系,但不同海区影响赤潮发生的主要气象因子不尽相同,低层850 hPa和地面形势能较好地反映福建沿海赤潮发生的天气背景,南方涛动指数与第2年赤潮发生日数有着很好的对应关系,二者相关系数为-0.745。  相似文献   
徐树建  王涛 《中国沙漠》2011,31(2):295-301
对山东半岛北部蓬莱林格庄黄土剖面进行了系统的野外考察,并进行了光释光测年以及粒度、磁化率指标分析。研究表明,磁化率的变化与不同粒级的百分含量具有一定的相关性,频率磁化率与粗颗粒含量基本呈一定的负相关。结合野外地层划分与光释光年代学测试可以将该剖面划分为3个黄土层和3个古土壤层,该剖面记录了末次间冰期以来该区气候和环境变化的历史。  相似文献   
Foundationitem:UndertheauspicesoftheKeyProjectoftheChineseAcademyofSciences(KZ951-Al-203)1IntroductionTherearellcoastalprovincesandprovince-levelmwhcipalihesinChina,excludingTaiwan,HongKong,andallcao,withl8OOodri-longcoastallines(FigUrl).Thisregionisaneconondodly-develoPedanddensely-populatedzonewithalandareaofl3.8%ofthenahon'stOtal,55.6%ofitSgrossdomesticproducLnd39-8%,PfitSPOPulationinl997.Thepopulallondensityis4.4hmesthaofthetalonalaverage.The299cihesinthesellcoastalprovincesare4…  相似文献   
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