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The Kachchh sedimentary basin in the western continental margin of India is a peri-cratonic rift basin which preserves a nearly complete rock record from Middle Jurassic to Recent, punctuated by several stratigraphic breaks. The Cenozoic sediments exposed in the western part of the Kachchh mainland extend offshore into the present-day continental shelf. The unique feature of the outcropping area is a nearly complete, richly fossiliferous and easily accessible Cenozoic succession. Detailed field mapping and litho-biostratigraphic studies have made it possible to identify the chronostratigraphic units, map them in the field and extend the correlation into the offshore, aided by the development of continuously recognizable key biostratigraphic horizons and time boundaries. Detailed field mapping of key sections integrated with the litho-biostratigraphic information has helped in working out a sequence stratigraphic framework for the Cenozoic succession in the basin. The succession comprises a first-order passive margin sequence. Excellent biostratigraphic control has enabled identification of unconformities of various magnitudes which in turn have helped in mapping 5 second-order and four third-order sequences. Each sequence is discussed with respect to its extent, nature of sequence boundaries, sedimentary fill, key sequence stratigraphic surfaces and depositional setup, to understand the Cenozoic sequence stratigraphic architecture of the basin.  相似文献   
采用RT-PCR技术和RACE技术成功克隆淡水鱼类斑鳢sGST基因cDNA全序列,推测得到氨基酸序列,初步分析其结构功能域及系统进化关系。结果表明,斑鳢sGST基因cDNA序列全长为898bp,编码225个氨基酸。斑鳢sGST与真鲷、金头鲷、鲽、黑头鲦、川鲽、大口黑鲈等最新定名为ρ型的sGST氨基酸同源性较高,ρ型sGST为水生生物所特有并共同占据进化树上独立的分枝;与大鼠、小鼠、人等哺乳动物sGST现有所有类型同源性均很低,并且在进化树上距离也较远,表明本研究成功克隆的sGST基因应属于ρ型,可能在鱼类等水生生物对水栖环境的适应上有重要作用。  相似文献   
The Baram Delta Province is located in the northern part of Sarawak (West Baram Delta) and extends north-eastward into Brunei and further into the south-western part of Sabah (East Baram Delta). The delta is a Neogene basin which developed over an accretionary wedge implying Cretaceous to Eocene sediments during the Late Eocene to Late Miocene times (Tongkul, 1991; Hutchison et al., 2000; Morley et al., 2003; Sapin et al., 2011).Facies and well log analyses were carried out on core and well data for the Late Miocene successions of Baram field, a medium-sized oilfield located in the north-eastern flank of the Baram Delta Oil Province, offshore Sarawak. A numerical model of sea-level fluctuations and progradational basin-fill was generated using the Clastic Modeling Program (Hardy and Waltham, 1992a and 1992b; Waltham, 1992) software to evaluate the possible controls of sea-level changes in the development of the siliciclastic successions and their bounding surfaces. This model was based on four lines of evidence, namely core data, fieldwide wireline logs correlation, seismic sections and average thickness variations across the field.Cored intervals of the Upper Cycle V (Late Miocene) display reservoir successions dominated by thick swaley cross-stratified (SCS) sandstones, thin hummocky cross-stratified sandstones and other shallow marine, wave and storm-dominated facies, interbedded with laminated shelfal mudstones. The vertical facies organisation suggests deposition during shoreface progradation associated with a fall of relative sea level.Analysis and correlation of well logs reveal stacking patterns comprising three scales of depositional cyclicity: the parasequences (∼10–∼30 m thick), the parasequence sets (∼45–∼130 m thick) and the major cycles (∼600–800 m thick).Field-wide, dip-oriented seismic sections show very well-developed horizontal to slightly upward convex layers traceable over great distances, which suggests a ramp-type margin, in which the basin floor dipped gradually seaward and lacked a distinct shelf-slope margin.The evidences gathered demonstrate that the deposition and build-up stratigraphy of the Late Miocene sedimentary successions could have been strongly controlled by superimposed short-term, medium-term and long-term sea-level changes.The simulated sea level and sedimentary basin-fill model, generated by the Clastic Modelling Program, match to the well log correlation. This model illustrates that high frequency sea-level fluctuations enable sands to be distributed over large areas within a shallow, low gradient shelf. Our study shows that integrated studies incorporating cores, well logs, seismic sections and simulated models can be employed as important tools for correlation and reservoir modelling.  相似文献   
The late Pleistocene–Holocene stratigraphic architecture on the steep and narrow shelf off Nha Trang, central Vietnam has been explored by high resolution seismic profiles integrated with sediment core data. Sequence stratigraphic results reveal five major seismic units and three bounding surfaces which are composed of two distinctive sequences. Those sequences are bounded by two regional unconformities (SB1, SB2) which have been formed in respond to different sea-level regimes. The revealed relict beach–ridge deposits at water depth of about ∼130 m below the present water depth indicate that the Last Glacial Lowstand (LGM) sea-level in this area was lower than in neighboring areas and it probably resulted from subsidence due to high sedimentation rate and/or neotectonic movements of the East Vietnam Fault System. The late Pleistocene high amplitude of sea-level change during a long fourth-order and superimposed by shorter fifth-order cycle is the principal factor in reorganizing the formation of the Nha Trang continental shelf sequence. Other local controlling factors as fluctuations in sediment supply, morphological variations of the LGM surface, subsidence rate and hydrodynamic conditions provided the distinctive features of the Nha Trang shelf sequence stratigraphic model in comparison with neighboring other areas.  相似文献   
The evolution of the North Aegean Sea is studied through the development of three deep basins: the North Aegean Trough, the North Skyros Basin and the Ikaria Basin. Bathymetric data, a 2D seismic dataset and the well-investigated stratigraphic records of the onshore deep basins of northern Greece and Western Turkey were used to make structural and seismic stratigraphic interpretations. The study area shows two sharp unconformities that correspond to the Eocene-Oligocene transition and the Miocene-Pliocene shift. These discontinuities were used as marker horizons for a more detailed structural and seismic stratigraphic interpretation resulting in the identification of several seismic units. A general seismic signature chart was established using onshore basin stratigraphy and well data, which was then used to constrain the ages of the different seismic units. The main features observed in the basins are interpreted as: 1) trans-tensional growth patterns in Pliocene and Quaternary sediments that combine NE–SW trending and steeply dipping fault zones that likely correspond to strike-slip corridors and E-W/WNW-ESE trending normal faults, 2) regional erosional truncations of Miocene sediments, likely related to the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC), 3) thick delta-turbidite deposits of Neogene age. Only the North Aegean Trough shows evidence of earlier development and polyphase deformation through inversion structures, and additional seismic units. Extension processes in the Aegean region have been driven by the Hellenic slab rollback since the middle Eocene. The widespread development of Neogene basins at the whole Aegean scale attests to a major tectonic change due to an acceleration of the trench retreat in the middle Miocene. The present study shows that the Neogene basins of the North Aegean Sea developed in dextral transtension with the northward migration of the associated NE-SW trending strike-slip faults. At regional scale, this tectonic pattern indicates that the westward escape of Anatolia started to interact with the trench retreat in the middle Miocene, around 10 Myr before the arrival of the North Anatolian Fault in the North Aegean Sea.  相似文献   
This article focuses on field- and laboratory-based characterization of vertically persistent fractures that are part of oblique-slip normal fault zones and crosscut the Cretaceous platform and overlaying ramp carbonates outcropping at Maiella Mountain (central Italy). The achieved results show that: (i) fault damage zones are wider and more densely fractured in the platform carbonates than in the ramp ones; (ii) joints and sheared joints composing the fault damage zones are taller, better connected and less spaced within the former rocks than in the ramp carbonates. The aforementioned structural differences are interpreted to be a consequence of the different mechanical properties of the platform and ramp carbonates during failure. At Maiella Mountain, platform carbonates are, indeed, made up of overall stiffer (higher Uniaxial Compressive Strength values) and less porous rocks, due to more abundant intergranular void-filling cement and presence of matrix.In terms of hydrocarbon flow and recovery, geometric and dimensional attributes of fractures suggest that the well-connected network of closely spaced fractures cutting across the platform carbonates may form efficient pathways for both vertical and horizontal hydrocarbon flow. In contrast, the relatively poorly connected and low-density fracture network affecting the ramp carbonates is likely less efficient in providing fairways for flowing hydrocarbons.  相似文献   
南黄海盆地钻遇二叠系的井仅有4口,对大面积无井区(如崂山隆起)的地层特征认识不统一。从二叠系岩性特征和海陆钻井地层对比为出发点,结合二叠系内部及其上下地层的地震波组和速度特征,认为南黄海盆地二叠系分上下2段。上段为大隆—龙潭组含煤碎屑岩地层,煤系地层较薄且分布不稳定,存在相变特征,使得该组地层在地震反射特征上的规律性变差,地震上表现为较连续、中—高频反射和低速特征;下段为栖霞组灰岩夹泥页岩地层,地震上表现为较连续、中—低频反射和高速特征。在无井区识别二叠系时,抓住二叠系地层界面极性为"2负+1正"的强反射特征。下二叠统—中、上石炭统地震波组特征相似,由4~5个同相轴组成,厚度稳定(时间约为200 ms),地震波极性表现为"上正下负"的地层界面反射特征,可作为全区追踪的标准层。  相似文献   
对南海西沙群岛附近陆坡、南海南部陆坡以及东沙群岛附近陆坡晚第四纪磁化率变化特征进行了综合对比,并初步分析了磁化率与碳酸钙百分含量之间的关系。就磁化率变化特征而言,西沙群岛附近陆坡和南海南部陆坡可归为一个单元,东沙群岛附近陆坡划为另一单元,其中,前一单元晚第四纪磁化率曲线的共性表现为深海氧同位素期次的奇数期向偶数期过渡时期以磁化率峰值为特点,偶数期向奇数期过渡时期以磁化率谷值为特点;后一单元晚第四纪磁化率曲线的共性表现为磁化率曲线大致平行于有孔虫氧同位素曲线。上述两个单元内的磁化率曲线共性都具有地层学意义,但这两个单元内部某些部位的晚第四纪磁化率变化具有地方局限性,不宜当作大范围地层对比的工具。南海陆坡磁化率曲线和碳酸钙百分含量曲线的关系存在镜像和平行两大基本类型,但这两种对应关系未必意味着磁化率和碳酸钙百分含量之间存在着直接的因果联系。南海陆坡磁化率变化的原因很可能与冰期旋回中南海陆源物质通量的变化密切相关,另外,局部海域磁化率还可能严重受沉积物早期成岩作用的影响。  相似文献   
The reservoir architecture of methane hydrate (MH) bearing turbidite channels in the eastern Nankai Trough, offshore Japan is evaluated using a combination of 3-D seismic and well data. On the 3-D seismic section, the MH-bearing turbidite channels correspond to complex patterns of strong seismic reflectors, which show the 3-D internal architecture of the channel complex. A seismic-sequence stratigraphic analysis reveals that the channel complex can be roughly classified into three different stages of depositional sequence (upper, middle, and lower). Each depositional sequence results in a different depositional system that primarily controls the reservoir architecture of the turbidite channels. To construct a 3-D facies model, the stacking patterns of the turbidite channels are interpreted, and the reservoir heterogeneities of MH-bearing sediments are discussed. The identified channels at the upper sequence around the β1 well exhibit low-sinuosity channels consisting of various channel widths that range from tens to several hundreds of meters. Paleo-current flow directions of the turbidite channels are typically oriented along the north-northeast-to-south-southwest direction. High-amplitude patterns were identified above the channels along the north-to-south and north-northeast-to-south-southeast directions. These roughly coincide with the paleo-current flow of the turbidite channels. An interval velocity using high-density velocity analysis shows that velocity anomalies (>2000 m/s) are found on the northeastern side of the turbidite channels. The depositional stage of the northeastern side of the turbidite channels exhibits slightly older sediment stages than the depositional stages of the remaining channels. Hence, the velocity anomalies of the northeastern side of the channels are related to the different stages of sediment supply, and this may lead to the different reservoir architectures of the turbidite channels.  相似文献   
The Laingsburg depocentre of the SW Karoo Basin, South Africa preserves a well-exposed 1200 m thick succession of upper Permian strata that record the early filling of a basin during an icehouse climate. Uniformly fine-grained sandstones were derived from far-field granitic sources, possibly in Patagonia, although the coeval staging and delivery systems are not preserved. Early condensed shallow marine deposits are overlain by distal basin plain siltstone-prone turbidites and volcanic ashes. An order of magnitude increase in siliciclastic input to the basin plain is represented by up to 270 m of siltstone with thin sandstone turbidites (Vischkuil Formation). The upper Vischkuil Formation comprises three depositional sequences, each bounded by a regionally developed zone of soft sediment deformation and associated 20-45 m thick debrite that represent the initiation of a major sand delivery system. The overlying 300 m thick sandy basin-floor fan system (Unit A) is divisible into three composite sequences arranged in a progradational-aggradational-retrogradational stacking pattern, followed by up to 40 m of basin-wide hemipelagic claystone. This claystone contains Interfan A/B, a distributive lobe system that lies 10 m beneath Unit B, a sandstone-dominated succession that averages 150 m thickness and is interpreted to represent a toe of slope channelized lobe system. Unit B and the A/B interfan together comprise 4 depositional sequences in a composite sequence with an overall basinward-stepping stacking pattern, overlain by 30 m of hemipelagic claystone. The overlying 400 m thick submarine slope succession (Fort Brown Formation) is characterized by 10-120 m thick sand-prone to heterolithic packages separated by 30-70 m thick claystone units. On the largest scale the slope stratigraphy is defined by two major cycles interpreted as composite sequence sets. The lower cycle comprises lithostratigraphic Units B/C, C and D while the upper cycle includes lithostratigraphic Units D/E, E and F. In each case a sandy basal composite sequence is represented by an intraslope lobe (Units B/C and D/E respectively). The second composite sequence in each cycle (Units C and E respectively) is characterized by slope channel-levee systems with distributive lobes 20-30 km down dip. The uppermost composite sequence in each cycle (Units D and F respectively) are characterised by deeply entrenched slope valley systems. Most composite sequences comprise three sequences separated by thin (<5 m thick) claystones. Architectural style is similar at individual sequence scale for comparable positions within each composite sequence set and each composite sequence. The main control on stratigraphic development is interpreted as late icehouse glacio-eustasy but along-strike changes associated with changing shelf edge delivery systems and variable bathymetry due to differential substrate compaction complicate the resultant stratigraphy.  相似文献   
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