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Long‐term hydrological data are key to understanding catchment behaviour and for decision making within water management and planning. Given the lack of observed data in many regions worldwide, such as Central America, hydrological models are an alternative for reproducing historical streamflow series. Additional types of information—to locally observed discharge—can be used to constrain model parameter uncertainty for ungauged catchments. Given the strong influence that climatic large‐scale processes exert on streamflow variability in the Central American region, we explored the use of climate variability knowledge as process constraints to constrain the simulated discharge uncertainty for a Costa Rican catchment, assumed to be ungauged. To reduce model uncertainty, we first rejected parameter relationships that disagreed with our understanding of the system. Then, based on this reduced parameter space, we applied the climate‐based process constraints at long‐term, inter‐annual, and intra‐annual timescales. In the first step, we reduced the initial number of parameters by 52%, and then, we further reduced the number of parameters by 3% with the climate constraints. Finally, we compared the climate‐based constraints with a constraint based on global maps of low‐flow statistics. This latter constraint proved to be more restrictive than those based on climate variability (further reducing the number of parameters by 66% compared with 3%). Even so, the climate‐based constraints rejected inconsistent model simulations that were not rejected by the low‐flow statistics constraint. When taken all together, the constraints produced constrained simulation uncertainty bands, and the median simulated discharge followed the observed time series to a similar level as an optimized model. All the constraints were found useful in constraining model uncertainty for an—assumed to be—ungauged basin. This shows that our method is promising for modelling long‐term flow data for ungauged catchments on the Pacific side of Central America and that similar methods can be developed for ungauged basins in other regions where climate variability exerts a strong control on streamflow variability.  相似文献   
苏北盆地构造演化研究进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
苏北盆地位于苏鲁造山带南侧、下扬子地台的东北部,盆地所处的特殊构造位置使其演化历史颇为复杂。总结了近年来苏北盆地构造演化研究方面的进展,如盆地基底、深部构造、形成机制、盆地与下扬子区构造演化之间的关系等研究的进展。对近年来获得的新认识进行分析和归纳,提出了今后苏北盆地构造演化研究中一些值得关注的问题,如盆地基底构造与浅部构造之间的关系、苏鲁造山带与盆地构造演化的联系、郯庐断裂对盆地形成的影响、盆地形成的动力学机制等。  相似文献   
Overpressure systems are widely developed in the central depression and paleo-uplift in the Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan basins. They can be divided into three types according to the origin of abnormally high formation pressure in the reservoirs, i.e. the autochthonous, vertically-transmitted and laterally-transmitted types. The autochthonous overpressure system results from rapid disequilibrium sediment loading and compaction. In the allochthonous overpressure system, the increase of fluid pressure in sandstone originates from the invasion of overpressured fluid flowing vertically or laterally through the conduit units. The autochthonous overpressure system occurs in the deep-lying strata of Neogene age in the central depression of the Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan basins. The vertically transmitted overpressure system is developed in the shallow strata of Late Miocene and Pliocene ages in the diapiric zone of the central Yinggehai basin, and the laterally transmitted overpressure system occurs in the Oligo  相似文献   
杨鑫  李慧莉  张仲培  陈强路  陈跃  熊平 《地质学报》2017,91(8):1706-1719
下寒武统优质烃源岩的分布一直是塔里木盆地油气勘探的难点问题。在区域构造演化背景分析基础上,利用露头和新的钻井、地震资料,通过地层对比、构造解释和古地貌恢复,探讨了塔里木新元古代盆地原型、古构造及下寒武统烃源岩发育的构造背景。研究认为塔里木盆地西缘的柯坪和叶城地区,新元古代经历了陆内断陷到初始被动大陆边缘的盆地演化序列,而在塔东北的库鲁克塔格地区,主要以裂谷及其衰退期的拗陷为特征。地震反射特征进一步显示在塔里木陆内也具有相似的成盆作用,南华纪断陷具有清楚的垒、堑结构,震旦纪以后以拗陷阶段的均衡沉降为主。发生在晚震旦世末的柯坪运动造成全区抬升,奠定了塔里木盆地寒武系沉积前的构造古地貌,总体表现为西高东低,南高北低,控制了下寒武统烃源岩的形成、分布。塔西台地内中-下寒武统出现大面积增厚,可能与晚震旦世以后继承性的沉降作用有关,形成有利于玉尔吐斯组类型的碳酸盐质陆棚相烃源发育的沉积环境。而西山布拉克-西大山组类型的深水陆棚-盆地相的泥质烃源岩不仅在满加尔坳陷内发育,还可能在阿瓦提坳陷内分布。尽管中央隆起带大部分地区不利于优质烃源岩发育,但不能排除局部地区仍可能存在下寒武统泻湖相烃源岩。与盆地北部高碳酸盐岩含量的烃源岩不同,塔里木南缘改造边界附近具有形成高碎屑岩含量的深水泥质烃源岩的构造-沉积环境。  相似文献   
河西内陆河流域水资源转化分析   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
分析河西内陆河流域的水循环二元结构,揭示了各自水量转化特点及相互联系;对山区消耗水量,走廊盆地人工绿洲建设引起的地表水与地下水转化的变化和消耗水量的增加,以及内陆河下游水分亏缺问题作了评价.提出了理解流域水循环整体概念,评价山前平原水资源消耗的影响,在流域水资源开发利用中改善水资源转化.  相似文献   
This paper evaluates the impact of using different wind field products on the performance of the third generation wave model SWAN in the Black Sea and its capability for predicting both normal and extreme wave conditions during 1996. Wind data were obtained from NCEP CFSR, NASA MERRA, JRA-25, ECMWF Operational, ECMWF ERA40, and ECMWF ERA-Interim. Wave data were obtained in 1996 at three locations in the Black Sea within the NATO TU-WAVES project. The quality of wind fields was assessed by comparing them with satellite data. These wind data were used as forcing fields for the generation of wind waves. Time series of predicted significant wave height (Hmo), mean wave period (Tm02), and mean wave direction (DIR) were compared with observations at three offshore buoys in the Black Sea and its performance was quantified in terms of statistical parameters. In addition, wave model performance in terms of significant wave height was also assessed by comparing them against satellite data.The main scope of this work is the impact of the different available wind field products on the wave hindcast performance. In addition, the sensitivity of wave model forecasts due to variations in spatial and temporal resolutions of the wind field products was investigated. Finally, the impact of using various wind field products on predicting extreme wave events was analyzed by focussing on storm peaks and on an individual storm event in October 1996. The numerical results revealed that the CFSR winds are more suitable in comparison with the others for modelling both normal and extreme events in the Black Sea. The results also show that wave model output is critically sensitive to the choice of the wind field product, such that the quality of the wind fields is reflected in the quality of the wave predictions. A finer wind spatial resolution leads to an improvement of the wave model predictions, while a finer temporal resolution in the wind fields generally does not significantly improve agreement between observed and simulated wave data.  相似文献   
In the Korean Peninsula the Meso-Cenozoic basins were mainly formed due to fault block and block movement. The Mesozoic fracture structures correspond basically to modern large rivers in direction. Such faults were usually developed to rift and formed lake-type tectonic basin, such as the Amrokgang-, Taedonggang-, Ryesonggang-, Hochongang-, Jangphari-, Susongchon-, Pujon-, and Nampho basins. The Mesozoic strata are considered to be divided into the Lower Jurassic Taedong System, Upper Jurassic Jasong System, Upper Jurassic-early Lower Cretaceous Taebo System, and the Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene (Chonjaebong, Hongwon, Jaedok Series) . The Cenozoic block movement succeeded the Mesozoic fault block movement. The Kilju-Myonchon Graben and Tumangang Basin, etc, are the basins related to the fault zones developed from the Oligocene to Miocene. In addition, the Tertiary basins were formed in many areas in the Miocene ( e. g. Sinhung, Oro, Hamhung, Yonghung, Anbyon, Cholwon, etc) . The Cenozoic sedimentation occurred mainly from the late Oligocene to Miocene. The Kilju-Myongchon Graben was the fore deep connected to the sea and the basins inclined in the Chugaryong Fault Zone are intramountain basins. Therefore, coal-bearing beds and clastic rocks in the intramountain basins and rare marine strata and terrigenous clastic rocks are main sedimentary sequences in the Cenozoic.  相似文献   
地貌演化是地貌学研究的重要内容之一。通过选择若干反映地貌演化特征综合性较强的指标,以30 m分辨率的DEM数据为基础,对内蒙古十大孔兑流域的地貌演化格局进行了研究。在借助灰色GM(1,1)模型对研究区地貌演化特征的空间变化规律进行分析的同时,进一步结合构造活动、岩性特征及气候演变对孔兑流域地貌景观的成因机制及形成效应进行了探讨。结果表明:十大孔兑各流域目前除罕台川为接近壮年期的幼年地貌以及壕庆河为老年期地貌之外尚处于壮年期演化阶段,孔兑流域在未来较长时期内产沙潜力仍然巨大,其入黄泥沙中来自上游砒砂岩区的粗砂及库布齐沙漠沙分别在长短期尺度上扮演着重要角色;孔兑区所受的内外营力对抗作用或侵蚀强度以西部大于东部、中上游区表现突出为特点,其原因主要与西侧地表隆升程度较高有关,而降雨的空间差异对地貌演化效应的影响相对较小;与之相反,主沟纵剖面却以东部流域演化程度较高为特点,这主要与东部地表本身抬升程度低而慢有关,其次与东部降雨量略多以及岩性特征可能也存在一定关系。此外,从地貌景观的西高东低格局的形成时间考虑,其演化和发育时间主要集中在第四纪以来,期间由于气候变化可能经历过若干次“慢-快”发育的交互变化过程。  相似文献   
Having multiple tectonic evolution stages, South China belongs to a superimposed basin in nature. Most marine gas pools became secondary pools. The pool fluid sources serve as the principal pool-controlling factors. On the basis of eight typical petroleum pools, the type, evolution in time-space, and the controlling of petroleum distribution of pool fluid sources are comprehensively analyzed. The main types of pool fluid sources include hydrocarbon, generated primarily and secondly from source rocks, gas cracked from crude oil, gas dissolved in water, inorganic gas, and mixed gases. In terms of evolution, the primary hydrocarbon was predominant prior to Indosinian; during Indosinian to Yen- shanian the secondary gas includes gas cracked from crude oil, gas generated secondarily, gas dissolved in water, and inorganic gas dominated; during Yenshanian to Himalayan the most fluid sources were mixed gases. Controlled by pool fluid sources, the pools with mixed gas sources distributed mainly in Upper Yangtze block, especially Sichuan (四川) basin; the pools with primary hydrocarbon sources distributed in paleo-uplifts such as Jiangnan (江南), but most of these pools became fossil pools; the pools with secondary hydrocarbon source distributed in the areas covered by Cretaceous and Eogene in Middle-Lower Yangtze blocks, and Chuxiong (楚雄), Shiwandashan (十万大山), and Nanpanjiang (南盘江) basins; the pools with inorganic gas source mainly formed and distributed in tensional structure areas.  相似文献   
滇西新生代盆山耦合与砂岩型铀矿找矿方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
滇西新生代盆地初始成盆时间约为14Ma,与腾冲微板块东缘泸水-瑞丽弧形右旋走滑断裂带和西缘那邦右旋走滑断裂带晚期活动时间相耦合。新生代盆地演化可分为沉积成盆与改造盆地2个阶段,前者与走滑造山带走滑活动相耦合,形成走滑盆地;后者与盆地整体隆升剥蚀密切相关,形成残留盆地。滇西地区存在2种类型的新生代盆地,其盆地沉积演化、火山活动、地貌景观等不同,砂岩型铀矿成矿条件亦存在差异。寻找砂岩型铀矿最有利处是北部腾冲地区改造盆地阶段盆地持续隆升、存在大规模火山活动、深切割低山-丘陵-河谷阶地地貌的新生代盆地。  相似文献   
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