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郑淋淋  孙建华 《大气科学》2013,37(4):891-904
对2007~2010 年暖季(6~9 月)发生在江淮和黄淮流域46 个对流天气过程的环流背景和地面特征进行了统计研究。根据整层可降水量小于或大于等于50 mm 将这些个例发生的环境分成干环境(10 个个例)和湿环境(36 个个例)。干环境下发生强对流的天气形势可以分为槽后型和副高边缘型,湿环境下的天气形势可分为槽前型、副高边缘型和槽后型,湿环境下有明显的暖湿区配合。湿环境下槽前型发生的概率最高,地面系统较为复杂,有静止锋、倒槽、冷锋和暖锋,而干环境下在本研究的个例中无槽前型发生。干、湿环境下副高边缘型的对流,从地面到500 hPa 都发生在副高后部的“S”流型的拐弯处,但部分湿环境个例低层有切变线。干环境下槽后型的发生概率较高,而湿环境下发生概率则相对较少。由这些研究表明,干、湿环境下强对流系统的触发和维持机制存在明显的差异。  相似文献   
弧后盆地的形成与演化探讨:以东亚陆缘区为例   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
通过对弧后盆地大地构造体制的讨论,作者认为基属活化作用的产物根据地质,地球物理,地球化学等资料的分析,作者提出结论认为,由于东亚岛弧系岩石圈的均衡作用及海沟外侧冷却大洋岩石圈块体的下沉拖曳牵引等作用,使软流圈在岛弧系下方发生分异,这种分异作用带动东亚陆缘向东扩张,从而产生弧后的张开。  相似文献   
Microfossils in isolation basin sediments are frequently used to reconstruct sea‐level change, but preservation problems and non‐analogue situations can limit their usefulness. Here we investigate the potential of stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) and C/N ratios from bulk organic matter, as an alternative proxy of salinity within isolation basin sediments from a basin in northwest Scotland. Within the Holocene sediment δ13C and C/N are determined largely by the mean weighted values of the predominant source of the organic material. Analysis of modern materials and comparison with the diatom record shows that the marine parts of the sequence are dominated by high δ13C and variable C/N. In the fresh water sequences the organic material is a mixture of both freshwater aquatic and terrestrial plant input that have relatively low δ13C and high C/N. The application of δ13C and C/N ratios in the studied basin in general follow the environmental change recorded by the diatoms and shows the potential of bulk organic matter in the investigation of salinity change in isolation basins. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The method to determine the rates of tectonic movements is based on the use of dynamic models of sedimentary basins. A standard dataset should be provided as input information: the present-day position of sedimentary layer interfaces (chronostratigraphic boundaries), land surface and basement, the layer ages, and the uncertainty limits within which the depth of sedimentation of each layer may have differed. In terms of dynamic models, the paleotectonic analysis problem is reduced to the determination of such tectonic rates that, at prescribed reference times, the model surface topography within the assumed limits would be constrained. At the final moment, the interfaces would be brought into agreement with the contemporary geologic cross-section. The analysis the problem of tectonic rates determination has shown that it has no unique solution. One of the ways to obtain the unique solution is to seek it within a prescribed class of functions, for example, the Fourier series. This method differs from the paleotectonic analysis methodology in that it treats the tectonic rates of motion as functions of time and spatial variables. Under certain conditions, it proves feasible to reconstruct the rates of tectonic movements not only within the time intervals represented in the deposited strata, but within periods of erosion as well. It also is possible to take into account the deformation-induced changes in thickness of the layers. The method's application is illustrated with an example of the Terek-Caspian Trough. As follows from the computation, the tectonic movements since the Middle Jurassic may be presented as a sum of two components: an overall slowing-down subsidence whose rate is proportional to the square root of the age, and local movements which follow a regular oscillatory time pattern with a period of 60–70 MY. The character of the local movements is such that the profile appears to break into a northern and southern segment. When one was being uplifted, the other segment was sinking, andvice versa. These two segments are separated by a deep-seated fault. This may have been a result of an external compression on the trough.  相似文献   
 在分布式水文模型中,探索产生分布式降水数据的方法是该领域研究的热点之一,发展基于水文物理过程的模型校准方法是实践PUB的热点与难点。基于SWAT分布式水文模型,以资料稀缺的伊犁河上游为研究区域,针对流域的水资源评价关键问题,首先准确描述区域的降水空间分布特征,并基于流域水文过程采用综合流域特征、多时间尺度、多变量和多站点的适宜性模型校准新方法,取得了满意的模拟结果,表明模型较好地再现了流域的水文过程。另外,完善水文机理研究,提高降水及下垫面相关参数的观测水平是改善模型模拟的有效途径。  相似文献   
浑太流域降水极值的统计分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于浑太流域1966-2006年73个雨量站的日降水资料,建立了逐站年最大日降水量(AnnualMaximum,AM)序列和汛期4-9月日降水量<1.27mm.d-1的最长持续干旱天数(Munger Index,MI)序列,并对其时空分布规律进行了分析。采用广义极值(General Extreme Value,GEV)分布、广义帕雷托(General Pareto,GP)分布、韦布尔(Weibull,WB)分布、约翰逊SB(Jonhson SB,J-SB)分布、Burr分布和对数逻辑(Log-Logistic,L-LG)分布等6种极值分布函数对AM和MI序列进行了逐站分布拟合,结果表明,广泛应用的GEV分布整体拟合程度最好,有50个测站的KS检验统计量Dn<0.09,而未曾推广使用的Burr分布的拟合效果也非常好,有36个测站Dn<0.09。用GEV分布对50年一遇的AM和MI进行了估算,发现流域中心地区极端强降水和极端干旱的程度较高,分别为>208mm.d-1和>47d。  相似文献   
In this paper we describe the stratigraphy and sediments deposited in Lake Samra that occupied the Dead Sea basin between ∼ 135 and 75 ka. This information is combined with U/Th dating of primary aragonites in order to estimate a relative lake-level curve that serves as a regional paleohydrological monitor. The lake stood at an elevation of ∼ 340 m below mean sea level (MSL) during most of the last interglacial. This level is relatively higher than the average Holocene Dead Sea (∼ 400 ± 30 m below MSL). At ∼ 120 and ∼ 85 ka, Lake Samra rose to ∼ 320 m below MSL while it dropped to levels lower than ∼ 380 m below MSL at ∼ 135 and ∼ 75 ka, reflecting arid conditions in the drainage area. Lowstands are correlated with warm intervals in the Northern Hemisphere, while minor lake rises are probably related to cold episodes during MIS 5b and MIS 5d. Similar climate relationships are documented for the last glacial highstand Lake Lisan and the lowstand Holocene Dead Sea. Yet, the dominance of detrital calcites and precipitation of travertines in the Dead Sea basin during the last interglacial interval suggest intense pluvial conditions and possible contribution of southern sources of wetness to the region.  相似文献   
The Bonneville basin, located in north-western Utah, is a vast evaporite basin which is home to the world-renowned Bonneville Salt Flats international speedway and is a highly valued landscape undergoing rapid change and anthropogenic influence. Air quality, snowpack, the local hydrological system, and state tourism are all impacted by the nature of the surface sediments exposed in the Bonneville basin. Mapping the Bonneville basin over time with remote sensing methods provides insight into the dynamics and impacts of the changing surface landscape. Utilizing the Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) sensors, a set of band math indices are empirically established to map the predominant halite, gypsum, and carbonates mineralogical zones of the Bonneville basin. Spectral comparisons of representative samples from the study area and image-derived spectra indicate the halite of the Bonneville basin is wet and that gypsum deposits are slightly mixed with halite. The established indices are assessed in four ways, all of which support the ability of the indices to accentuate the associated mineralogical endmembers. Two study areas within the Bonneville basin are investigated temporally from 1986, 1995, 2005, and 2016 and show changing patterns in mineral distribution that align with surface processes active through these timescales. These indices provide a resource for mapping mineralogy though time in evaporite basins globally with diverse applications for questions about land use and environmental change.  相似文献   
Glacierised basins are significant sources of sediments generated by glacial retreat. Estimation of suspended sediment transfer from glacierised basins is very important in reservoir planning for hydropower projects in Himalaya. The present study indicates that storage and release of sediment in proglacial streams may categorise the pattern of suspended sediment transfer from these basins. Assessment of suspended sediment concentration (SSC), suspended sediment load (SSL) and yield has been undertaken for Dunagiri Glacier basin located in Garhwal Himalaya (30o33'20”N, 79o53'36”E), and its results are compared with the Gangotri and Dokriani glaciers sharing close proximity. Out of the total drainage basin area, about 14.3 % of the area is glacierised. Data were collected for five ablation seasons (1984–1989, barring 1986). The mean daily SSCs for July, August and September were 333.9, 286.0 and 147.15 mg/l, respectively, indicating highest concentration of mean daily suspended sediment in July followed by August. SSL trends were estimated to be 93.0, 57.0 and 21.3 tonnes. About 59% of the total SSL of the melt period was transported during the months of August and September. Sediment yield for the study basin was computed to be 296.3 t km?2 yr ?1. It is observed that the cumulative proportion of SSC precedes the discharge throughout the melt season except in the year 1987. Release of SSL in terms of total load is less in the early part of melt season than in the later stage as compared to that of discharge. Diurnal variations in SSC reach their maximum at 2400 h, and therefore, SSC was found to be high during night (2000–0400 h). There was a good relationship between SSC and SSL with discharge for the ablation seasons (1988 and 1989). Mean monthly SSC and mean monthly SSL provide a good exponentional relationship with mean monthly temperature. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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