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为了能够精确地测量海底表层沉积物的声学参数, 自主研制了一种新型海底沉积物声学原位测量系统, 与国内外传统的声学原位测量系统相比, 该系统能够实时显示声波波形, 调整测量参数, 其工作方式除了站位式测量之外, 还实现了拖行式连续测量, 极大地提高了工作效率.根据前期海试情况, 对海底仪器结构进行了重新设计, 使之可以同时测量海底沉积物及海底海水的声学参数, 同时建立了双向数字信道, 解决了测量过程中系统信号的干扰问题.该系统的结构分为两部分:甲板控制单元和水下测量单元, 整套系统通过主机控制程序进行控制, 采用GPS定位系统测定仪器的大地坐标.为了检验系统的稳定性及准确性, 分别进行了实验室水槽实验和海上试验.利用水声测量设备对测量系统进行实验室水槽标定分析, 实验结果表明系统测量值相对误差仅为0.04%, 测量结果具有较高的精度.海上试验在青岛胶州湾和东海海域进行, 获得了试验区域海底沉积物声速和声衰减系数的测量数据, 将测量数据与他人的研究结果进行对比分析, 结果表明测量数据与前人研究结果一致, 较为准确.该原位测量系统在站位式测量和拖行式测量中都能够快速准确地测量出沉积物声速和声衰减系数, 可以作为海底底质声学测量的调查设备.  相似文献   
《China Geology》2020,3(2):269-282
Seabed fluid escape is active in the Makran subduction zone, Arabian Sea. Based on the new high-resolution 2D seismic data, acoustic blanking zones and seafloor mounds are identified. Acoustic blanking zones include three kinds of geometries: Bell-shaped, vertically columnar and tilted zones. The bell-shaped blanking zone is characterized by weak and discontinuous reflections in the interior and up-bending reflections on the top, interpreted as gas chimneys. Vertically columnar blanking zone is interpreted as side-imaged gas chimneys associated with focused fluid flow and topped by a seafloor anomaly expressed as a localized reflection discontinuity, which may together serve as a vent structure. Tilted acoustic blanking zone could be induced by accretionary thrust activity and rapid sedimentation surrounding slope. Seafloor mounds occur at the sites of bell-shaped acoustic blanking zone and may be associated with the material intrusion. Bottom simulating refectors (BSRs) are widely distributed and exhibit a series of characteristics including diminished amplitude, low continuity as well as local shoaling overlapping with these acoustic blanking zones. The large amount of gases dissociated from the gas hydrates migrated upwards and then arrived at the near-seafloor sediments, followed by the formation of the gas hydrates and hence the seafloor mound.  相似文献   

本文融合SIO(Scripps Institution of Oceanography)发布的垂线偏差、重力异常和垂直重力梯度数据及NCEI(National Centers for Environmental Information)发布的船载测深数据, 利用多层感知机神经网络(Multi-Layer Perceptron, MLP)建立南海海域(108°E—121°E, 6°N—23°N)分辨率为1'×1'的海底地形模型(MLP_Depth).首先, 将642716个船载测深控制点的位置信息与周围4'×4'格网点处的地球重力信息(垂线偏差、重力异常、垂直重力梯度)作为输入数据, 将船载测深控制点处实测水深值作为输出数据, 训练MLP神经网络模型, 训练结束时决定系数R2为99%, 平均绝对误差MAE为39.33 m.然后, 将研究区域内1'×1'格网正中心点处的输入数据输入于MLP模型中, 可得格网正中心点处的预测海深值.最后, 根据预测海深值建立研究区域范围内分辨率为1'×1'的MLP_Depth模型.将MLP_Depth模型预测水深与160679个检核点处实测水深对比, 其差值的标准差STD(75.38 m)、平均绝对百分比误差MAPE(5.89%)与平均绝对误差MAE(42.91 m)皆优于GEBCO_2021模型、topo_23.1模型、ETOPO1模型与检核点实测水深差值的STD(108.88 m、113.41 m、229.67 m)、MAPE(6.11%、6.94%、18.37%)与MAE(47.33 m、52.24 m、130.08 m).同时, 为了研究不同区域内利用该方法建立的海底地形模型的精度, 本文在研究区域内分别建立了A、B区域的海底地形模型(MLP_Depth_A、MLP_Depth_B).经过验证得: MLP_Depth_A、MLP_Depth_B相比于MLP_Depth模型具有更高的精度, 更能反应海底地形的变化趋势.

Although megafaunal organisms play an important role in deep benthic ecosystems and contribute significantly to benthic biomass in the Arctic little is known about their temporal dynamics. Here, we assessed the interannual dynamics of megafaunal organisms from the HAUSGARTEN observatory in the Fram Strait, an area where the effects of climatic forcing are particularly evident. We analysed three congruent camera transects taken in 2002, 2004 and 2007. Environmental parameters were measured in order to be able to put our faunal results into an environmental context.Our results indicate that although the densities of megafaunal species show different patterns over time, most exhibit an overall decrease between 2002 and 2007 and total megafaunal densities decreased regularly from 2002 to 2004 to 2007 (12.16±0.96 to 7.41±0.43 ind m−2). This concurs with a steady increase in bottom-water temperatures and a decrease in the total organic content and microbial biomass of surficial sediments at the same time period. Although suspension feeder densities also decreased, predator/scavenger and deposit feeder densities have declined to such an extent that suspension feeders accounted for almost 100% of the megafauna in 2007. It could thus be argued that the trophic diversity at the central HAUSGARTEN station (2500 m) has decreased. Temperature-related changes in the production of the surface layers may lead to changes in the quality and/or quantity of particles exported to the deep seafloor. The densities of deposit feeders (i.e. holothurians) peaked (1.14±0.13 ind m−2) in 2004, the year following the longest ice cover. These results indicate the importance of ice-related export of particles to the deep seafloor and highlight the need for time-series transects, especially in an era when productive marginal ice zones tend to disappear with the receding sea ice. Although there is a general consensus that the Arctic is in a transition towards a warmer state, only continued observation will allow us to assess if the interannual changes observed are a result of decadal cycles related to the Arctic and North Atlantic Oscillation or if they are indicators of long-term change.  相似文献   
Marine minerals such as manganese nodules, Co-rich ferromanganese crusts, and seafloor massive sulfides are commonly seen as possible future resources that could potentially add to the global raw materials supply. At present, a proper assessment of these resources is not possible due to a severe lack of information regarding their size, distribution, and composition. It is clear, however, that manganese nodules and Co-rich ferromanganese crusts are a vast resource and mining them could have a profound impact on global metal markets, whereas the global resource potential of seafloor massive sulfides appears to be small. These deep-sea mineral commodities are formed by very different geological processes resulting in deposits with distinctly different characteristics. The geological boundary conditions also determine the size of any future mining operations and the area that will be affected by mining. Similarly, the sizes of the most favorable areas that need to be explored for a global resource assessment are also dependent on the geological environment. Size reaches 38 million km2 for manganese nodules, while those for Co-rich crusts (1.7 million km2) and massive sulfides (3.2 million km2) are much smaller. Moreover, different commodities are more abundant in some jurisdictions than in others. While only 19% of the favorable area for manganese nodules lies within the Exclusive Economic Zone of coastal states or is covered by proposals for the extension of the continental shelf, 42% of the favorable areas for massive sulfides and 54% for Co-rich crusts are located in EEZs.  相似文献   
In this study, the self-organizing map (SOM), which is an unsupervised clustering algorithm, and a supervised proportional learning vector quantization (PLVQ), are employed to develop a combined method of seafloor classification using multibeam sonar backscatter data. The PLVQ is a generalized learning vector quantization based on the proportional learning law (PLL). The proposed method was evaluated in an area where there are four types of sediments. The results show that the performance of the proposed method is better than the SOM and a statistical classification method.  相似文献   

From September to October 2002, shallow drilling, using the submersible (5 m) Rockdrill of the British Geological Survey and the German R/V Sonne revealed critical information on the subsurface nature of two distinct hydrothermal systems in the New Ireland fore-arc and the Manus Basin of Papua New Guinea. Drilling at Conical Seamount significantly extends the known surface extent of the previously discovered vein-style gold mineralization (up to 230 g/t Au) at this site. Drilling the conventional PACMANUS volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposit recovered complexly textured massive sulfide with spectacular concentrations of gold in several core sections including 0.5 m @ 28 g/t Au, 0.35 m @ 30 g/t Au, and 0.20 m @ 57 g/t Au. Shallow drilling is a fast and cost efficient method that bridges the gap between surface sampling and deep (ODP) drilling and will become a standard practice in the future study of seafloor hydrothermal systems and massive sulfide deposits.  相似文献   

This article describes the design and initial tests of the GPS portion of a system for making seafloor geodesy measurements. In the planned system, GPS antennas on a floating platform will be used to measure the location of an acoustic transducer, attached below the platform, which interrogates an array of transponders on the seafloor. Since the GPS antennas are necessarily some distance above the transducer, a short‐baseline GPS interferometer consisting of three antennas is used to measure the platform's orientation.

A preliminary test of several crucial elements of the system was performed at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) in December 1989. The test involved a fixed antenna on the pier and a second antenna floating on a buoy about 80 m away. GPS measurements of the vertical component of this baseline, analyzed independently by two groups using different software, agree with each other and with an independent measurement within a centimeter.

The first test of an integrated GPS/acoustic system took place in the Santa Cruz Basin off the coast of southern California in May 1990. In this test a much larger buoy, designed and built at SIO, was equipped with three GPS antennas and an acoustic transducer that interrogated a transponder on the ocean floor. Preliminary analysis indicates that the horizontal position of the transponder can be determined with a precision of about a centimeter. Further analysis will be required to investigate the magnitude of systematic errors.  相似文献   
Utilizing a hull-mounted, multinarrow beam echosounder onboard RV Polarstern, we measured variation of acoustic backscatter with incidence angles at two different sites in the Southern Oceans (Agulhas Plateau and the Riiser Larsen Sea). We modeled the data, using a composite roughness model, including water-sediment interface roughness and sediment volume roughness parameters. The model effectively uses the near normal incidence angle backscatter to determine the seafloor interface roughness parameters employing Helmholtz-Kirchhoff theory. Beyond 20° incidence angles, an application of Rayleigh-Rice theory is made by using a necessary splicing technique (combining both of the theories at 20° incidence angle). The estimated interface and volume roughness parameters are found to be in accordance with the known area geology.  相似文献   
The hydrostatic energy of high-pressure seawater is a renewable and green energy source for ocean exploration and have been used to replace underwater electrical energy transmission through the cable and underwater battery pack to power seafloor equipment. The advantage of the energy supply method is the cost-effective and the robustness. In the paper, the energy performance of the existing hydrostatic seafloor sediment samplers powered by seawater hydrostatic energy are modelled and analyzed and compared. In view of the common shortcoming of existing technology, a novel hydrostatic seafloor sediment sampler is proposed. The model of energy conversion of the new sampler is built, and its energy performance is obtained. The analysis results indicate that the energy conversion efficiency of the novel sediment sampler is much higher than the existing ones, which means that the new sampler can collect much longer sample with the limited amount of hydrostatic energy. The seawater hydrostatic energy conversion system of the new sampler can also be used to power other seafloor equipment.  相似文献   
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