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Understanding the degree of sea/saltwater intrusion in coastal regions is of great significance to treating the intrusion and improving the environment. Based on the character analysis of the sea/saltwater intrusion, five factors were selected in the fuzzy-synthetical evaluation approach to form the index system, so as to evaluate the degree of sea/saltwater intrusion in southern Laizhou Bay. The results show that the sea/saltwater intrusion is stronger in the middle and northern areas and weaker on the sides and in southern area; currently, the intrusion is relatively serious, and the intrusion area has covered about 68.2% of the areas under study, among which the heavily intruded area is over 50%. Based on the factors analysis of the occurrence and development of sea/saltwater intrusion, the thesis proposes treatment measures.  相似文献   
Along with the consumption increase of the petroleum products,more countries have transferred their attentions to the offshore fields,especially the deepwater oil and gas reserves.For deepwater exploitation,the risers must be installed to act as the conduits connecting surface platforms to subsea facilities.In this paper,the typical risers sorted by different classes are introduced,and the correspondent installation methods are presented.By investigating the recent projects performed in the deepwater hot spots,and combining the challenges of HYSY201 for riser installation,a lifting device developed for assisting riser installation is proposed and detailed to satisfy the installation of deepwater risers in the LW3-1 Gas Field of in the South China Sea.Tests on both the functions and performances of such a new system exhibit the satisfaction of meeting all challenging requirements of HYSY201 for application to riser installation in waters up to a depth of in the South China Sea.  相似文献   
冬季刺参养殖环境与肠道内细菌菌群的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用传统细菌分离培养与分子生物学技术相结合的方法,对2008年11月至2009年1月冬季刺参(Apostichopus japonicus Liao)养殖池塘环境(养殖水、底泥、附着基)及刺参肠道内的细菌菌群进行了分析。应用平板稀释涂布培养计数法测得刺参养殖池塘水体、底泥、附着基和肠道细菌数量分别为0.75×102~1.4×104cfu/mL、8.7×104~8.1×105cfu/g、3.8×105~2.8×106cfu/g、7.1×105~1.5×107cfu/g;根据形态学差异从培养所得的细菌中筛选得到22株菌,用限制性内切酶Rsa I和Msp I对所分离菌株进行ARDRA(Amplified rDNA Restriction Analysis)分析,这22株菌被分为8种不同的分类单元(Operational Taxonomic Unit,OTU),其中OTU2与OTU3所包含的菌株分别占分离菌株种数的30%和20%;此外,作者对不同环境培养所得的优势度最高的细菌进行分子鉴定分析。结果表明:水环境中优势菌为施氏假单胞菌(Pseudomonas stutzeri)、门多萨假单胞菌(Pseudomonas mendocina)及巨大芽孢杆菌(Bacillus megaterium),沉积物中优势菌为巨大芽孢杆菌(B.megaterium)、施氏假单胞菌(P.stutzeri)、苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis),附着基中优势菌为巨大芽孢杆菌(B.megaterium)、苏云金芽孢杆菌(B.thuringiensis),灿烂弧菌(Vibrio splendidus),肠道中优势菌为巨大芽孢杆菌(B.megaterium)、苏云金芽孢杆菌(B.thuringiensis),灿烂弧菌(V.splendidus)、施氏假单胞菌(P.stutzeri)。通过对冬季刺参池塘细菌菌群多样性分析和优势菌鉴定,为筛选低温益生菌和防治刺参疾病提供了有益参考。  相似文献   
对南海南部ODP1143站氧同位素11-5e期大约2ka分辨率的粉红色Globigerinoides ruber进行分析,发现其冰期/间冰期旋回与代表全球冰量的底栖有孔虫氧同位素(δ^18O)的变化相反,即在间冰期时含量低,而冰期时高,与其他海区的记录相反。海水表层温度和温跃层深度转换函数结果以及碎壳率的变化显示,在一定的温度背景下,温跃层深度的变化可能是控制粉红色G.ruber冰期旋回的主要因素,而这段时期南海南部溶解作用的影响则不明显。  相似文献   
马静怡  徐永生 《海洋与湖沼》2018,49(6):1169-1177
吕宋海峡由于剧烈变化的地形成为内潮产生的源地,内潮是海洋混合的重要原因。为了认知南海的内潮能通量分布,对南海的内潮有更好的理解,本文利用21世纪以来发射的多颗高度计卫星:J2、J1T、GFO以及EN,提取了吕宋海峡附近内潮的能通量。研究使用了调和分析和高通滤波等方法来提取第一模态内潮,主要提取K_1,K_2,M_2,N_2,O_1,P_1,Q_1和S_2八个分潮。同时结合WOA数据对能通量进行计算。结果表明,目标区域潮汐以全日分潮为主,所选区域的全日分潮中K_1所占比例最大;半日分潮中M_2分潮最强,而内潮的能通量则是M_2分潮所占最大,在吕宋海峡区域M_2能通量为6.45GW。内潮主要产生在地形变化剧烈的地方,海域的大部分地区内潮能量很小。在吕宋海峡中部,全日分潮能通量要小于南部地区,而半日分潮则有较大值。  相似文献   
利用50a(1950—2007年)的SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)数据分析了南海上层温度锋分布特征以及季节变化规律。结果表明:受季风、太阳辐照以及诸多因素影响,温度锋季节变化明显,锋面结构复杂。冬季,温度锋基本沿陆架分布,存在于南海北部海区,从台湾海峡一直延伸到北部湾,发育比较显著;春季,主要出现在南海北部海区、北部湾、越南东部海岸,分布比较广泛;夏季温度锋出现概率增加,出现区域扩大,越南东部出现大面积温度锋;秋季南海中西部海域存在大面积的温度锋。  相似文献   
2002-05-20-26在东海进行小尺度船基浮游生物生态系围隔实验,研究浮游动物的群落结构、组成与环境之间的关系,探讨了优势种群的自然繁殖发育期。结果表明,浮游动物的种类组成较简单,优势种明显。浮游动物生物量、丰度及优势种群丰度三者的变化呈逐渐增加趋势。在实验期的1~5d,小拟哲水蚤的无节幼虫和早期幼体占绝对优势,该自然种群的丰度不断增加;随时间推移,无节幼虫逐渐发育为桡足幼体,而后又逐渐发育为成体。因此,本次实验期是实验海区优势种小拟哲水蚤种群的自然繁殖发育盛期。  相似文献   
The three-dimensional structure and associated dynamics of the prominent cold (cyclonic) West Luzon Eddy (WLE) were investigated by a high-resolution regional ocean model. The WLE was horizontally and vertically heterogeneous, exhibiting asymmetric structures in the circulation, vorticity, vertical motion and energy distributions within the eddy. The asymmetry was mainly attributed to the existence of an eddy dipole formed by a coexisting warm (anti-cyclonic) eddy to the south of the WLE. Analysis of the momentum balance revealed that the coexistence of two eddies intensified barotropic pressure gradients in the southern WLE to locally enhance the eastward jet. The positive (negative) vorticity of the jet strengthened (weakened) the eddy in the southern sector (periphery), which, together with the formation of a subsurface density front, intensified (suppressed) the corresponding upward motion and cooling. The baroclinic pressure gradients opposed the dominant barotropic components and spun down the eddy at greater depths with stronger weakening in the southern sector near the front. Asymmetric energy distributions showed that larger mean kinetic energy (MKE) and eddy available potential energy (EAPE) were stored in the southern sector of the WLE. While the larger MKE was directly linked with the stronger barotropic currents, the larger EAPE in the southern WLE was formed by baroclinic energy conversions due to a strong density gradient at the front.  相似文献   
Human presence, coastal erosion, and tourism activities are increasing the attention to coastal flooding risk. To perform risk assessments, long time series of observed or hindcast wave parameters and tide levels are then necessary. In some cases, only a few years of observation are available, so that observed extreme data are not always representative and reliable. A hindcast system aimed to reconstruct long time series of total tide levels may be of great help to perform robust extreme events analysis and then to protect human life, activities as well as to counteract coastal erosion by means of risk assessments. This work aims to propose a simplified method to hindcast storm surge levels time series in semi-enclosed basins with low computational costs. The method is an extension of a previous work of some of the authors and consists of a mixed approach in which the estimation of storm surge obtained by using the theory of linear dynamic system is corrected by using a statistical method. Both steps are characterized by low computational costs. Nevertheless, the results may be considered reliable enough also in view of the simplicity of the approach. The proposed method has been applied to the Manfredonia case study, a small village located in the Southern Adriatic Italian coast and often prone to coastal flooding events. The comparison of extreme events estimated on the basis of hindcast levels time series is satisfactorily similar to those estimated on the basis of observed tide series.  相似文献   
东海内陆架表层沉积物粒度及其净输运模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据对东海内陆架海底沉积物的粒度测试,运用Gao-Collins"粒度趋势分析"方法,探讨了东海内陆架海底表层沉积物的粒度分布特征和净输运趋势。结果表明,研究区表层沉积物可以分为两类:细颗粒(>5Φ)和粗颗粒(<5Φ);细颗粒分布于研究区的大部分区域,而粗颗粒主要分布在闽江、瓯江等入海河流口门以及马祖等海岛附近;表层沉积物的平均粒径、分选系数、偏态等粒度参数对应性较好,总体特征为粒径越粗,分选越差,偏态更正偏,而粒径越细,分选越好,偏态也较低;粒径趋势分析显示东海陆架表层沉积物的运移模式总体为NE—WS方向运移,而研究区边缘在运移过程中发生向左右两侧的偏移,南部闽江河口区沉积物由近岸向海方向辐射运移,研究区表层沉积物的净输运模式主要受控于流系和地形等多种因素。  相似文献   
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