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A screening and ranking framework (SRF) has been developed to evaluate potential geologic carbon dioxide (CO2) storage sites on the basis of health, safety, and environmental (HSE) risk arising from CO2 leakage. The approach is based on the assumption that CO2 leakage risk is dependent on three basic characteristics of a geologic CO2 storage site: (1) the potential for primary containment by the target formation; (2) the potential for secondary containment if the primary formation leaks; and (3) the potential for attenuation and dispersion of leaking CO2 if the primary formation leaks and secondary containment fails. The framework is implemented in a spreadsheet in which users enter numerical scores representing expert opinions or published information along with estimates of uncertainty. Applications to three sites in California demonstrate the approach. Refinements and extensions are possible through the use of more detailed data or model results in place of property proxies.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional problem of isolation of vibration by a row of piles is studied numerically on the basis of a model replacing the row of piles by an effective trench in order to reduce the modelling complexity. The analysis is accomplished with the aid of an advanced frequency domain boundary element method, which is used for both the infilled trench and the soil medium in conjunction with a coupling procedure based on enforcement of equilibrium and compatibility at the trench–soil interface. Linear elastic or viscoelastic material behaviour is assumed for both the piles and the soil. The piles can be tubular or solid and have circular or square cross-section. The vibration source is a vertical force, harmonically varying with time, and the row of piles acts as a passive wave barrier. The effective trench model is constructed by invoking well known homogenization techniques used in the mechanics of fibre-reinforced composite materials, and its accuracy is compared against a rigorous boundary element analysis modelling each pile separately in full contact with the soil medium. On the basis of the effective trench model, the screening effectiveness of a row of piles is studied through parametric studies.  相似文献   
The sequential algorithm is widely used to simulate Gaussian random fields. However, a rigorous application of this algorithm is impractical and some simplifications are required, in particular a moving neighborhood has to be defined. To examine the effect of such restriction on the quality of the realizations, a reference case is presented and several parameters are reviewed, mainly the histogram, variogram, indicator variograms, as well as the ergodic fluctuations in the first and second-order statistics. The study concludes that, even in a favorable case where the simulated domain is large with respect to the range of the model, the realizations may poorly reproduce the second-order statistics and be inconsistent with the stationarity and ergodicity assumptions. Practical tips such as the multiple-grid strategy do not overcome these impediments. Finally, extending the original algorithm by using an ordinary kriging should be avoided, unless an intrinsic random function model is sought after.  相似文献   
随着贝类底播增养殖产业的迅猛发展,为保证底播贝苗的成活率,养殖企业对天然苗种更加重视。天然苗种采用中间育成方法,需要对苗种进行筛选作业,但目前筛选作业仍以人工作业为主,存在作业效率低、劳动强度大等问题。作者通过对大连地区虾夷扇贝(Patinopecten yessoensis)天然苗种筛选作业调研的基础上,设计了满足生产实际需求的扇贝苗种筛选装置,可实现3种规格贝苗的筛选作业。试验分2阶段进行,第1阶段对影响筛选准确性的因素进行正交分析于验证,确定了最佳工艺参数;第2阶段在大连旅顺进行的生产性对比试验得出,机械筛选的平均准确率为91.33%,误差率低于10%,且5组筛选结果无显著性差异(P0.05);同时机械筛选的平均作业效率为80g/(人/min),约为人工筛选作业效率的8倍。由此说明扇贝苗种筛选装置具有较高的准确性、稳定性和高效性,具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   
This study examines the electricity in two thunderstorms, typical for their respective locales (the Great Plains and the New Mexico mountains), by modeling them as a set of steady-state horizontal layers of external currents. The model electric sources, corresponding to the charge separation processes in the thundercloud, are embedded in an exponential conducting atmosphere. The source parameters are determined by fitting the model electric field to measured profiles. The resulting currents to the ionosphere (i.e., the Wilson current) from the two storms are 0.53 A and 0.16 A, while the calculated electrical energies of the storms are 2.3 × 1010 J and 2.8 × 109 J, respectively. The more vigorous storm is estimated to transfer 16 000 C in the global circuit during 8.5 h of its lifetime, while the weaker mountain storm transferred about 1200 C in its entire 2-h lifetime. Removal of the screening charge layer from above the updraft region in one modeled storm leads to only a small increase in the net Wilson current of less than 3%, while it provides a substantial local disturbance of the electric field. Overall, the model findings indicate that differences in the Wilson currents and electrical energies of the two storms result from differences in their internal dynamical and electrical structures as well as their geographical locations.  相似文献   
Almost every country requires some form of environmental licensing prior to the inception of development projects that may affect the integrity of the environment and its social context. We developed a new conceptual and methodological model to instruct the assessment of the potential impacts posed by proposed projects. Susceptibility to Human Interventions for Environmental Licensing Determination (SHIELD) includes a novel geomorphological interpretation of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). It considers the impact of human interventions on geomorphological processes and landscape functioning in the context of the entire ecosystem, going further than the classical concept of vulnerability. Estimated susceptibility of the site informs the screening stage, allowing local conditions to help define the criteria used in the process. Similarly, the level of detail of the environmental baseline is scoped by considering the degree of disturbance of natural processes posed by human intervention. Testing this geomorphological susceptibility model on different kinds of environments would allow shifting the environmental licensing practices from the prevailing anthropocentric and static conception of the environment towards an Ecosystem Approach. SHIELD addresses the need to improve the screening and scoping stages that form the basis of the rest of any EIA. SHIELD introduces several innovations to EIA including the incorporation of fuzzy logic, a preassembled database of contributions form experts, and a shifting of emphasis from the type of proposed intervention to the type of environment and its relative susceptibility.  相似文献   
The study applies the three-dimensional boundary element method in frequency domain to investigate the screening effectiveness of circular piles in a row for a massless square foundation subject to harmonic vertical loading. Four types of piles were studied: steel pipe piles, concrete hollow piles, concrete solid piles and timber piles. A parametric study was undertaken to examine the effects of pile dimensions, operational frequency, and source distance on the screening effectiveness. The results showed that screening effectiveness of steel pipe piles is generally better than that of solid piles, and that a concrete hollow pile barrier can be ineffective due to its stiffness. The influence of pile length on screening effectiveness is more significant than that of pile spacing and the distance between the vibrating foundation and the pile barrier.  相似文献   
地震学定量综合预报方法(Seismological Quantitative Integrated Prediction Method,简称SQIP方法)是笔者等在"九五"攻关研究项目中使用华北地区资料和震例自行研制的一种基于多项地震学参数的综合预测方法.本文依据该方法的指标筛选法及规则,对中国大陆西南、华北、新疆3个地区7级以上强震进行了研究,提取了相应的强震地震学综合预测指标,并由此给出适用于中国大陆典型地区的强地震SQIP预测方法.同时在西南地区进行了该方法的时空扫描检验.  相似文献   
中国对虾微卫星DNA的筛选   总被引:35,自引:5,他引:35  
于2000年2月以中国科学院海洋研究所水族楼暂养的中国虾对材料,采用常规方法从尾部肌肉中提取DNA,构建小片段部分基因组文章,采用人工设计合成的(CT)7,(AT)7重复征段作引物,利用RCR法对中国对虾小片段部分基因组文库进行筛,一实验首冼 对中国对虾中获得31个微卫星序列,分别分析于18个阳性重组克隆中,其中perfect共23个,占74%,imperfect2个,占7%,compound perfect1个,占3%,compound imperfect5个,占16%,结果还表明,在中国对虾基因组DNA中,(CT)n,(AT)n)形式的微卫星序列的含量非常丰富。  相似文献   
An understanding of the dynamic relationship between nitrogen supply and the formation of phytoplankton biomass is important in predicting and avoiding marine eutrophication. This relationship can be expressed as the short-term yield q of chlorophyll from dissolved available inorganic nitrogen (DAIN), the sum of nitrate, nitrite and ammonium. This paper communicates the results of a continuous culture nitrate enrichment experiment undertaken to investigate the cumulative yield of chlorophyll from DAIN (q). The purposes of the study were: to acquire a better understanding of the relationship between chlorophyll formation and DAIN; to obtain values that could be used in models for predicting eutrophication. The results of a time series experiment carried out using microplankton (all organisms <200 μm in size) indicate that the parameter q does not have a single value but is affected by the ecophysiological response of phytoplankton to changing nutrient status after an enrichment event. It is also dependent on changes in the allocation of nitrogen between autotrophs and heterotrophs. The value of yield obtained at the height of the bloom can be represented by q (max) (2.35 μg chl (μmol N)−1). The post-bloom, steady state value of q can be represented by qeq (0.95 μg chl (μmol N)−1). The microcosm steady state yield was not significantly different from the median value obtained from synoptic studies of Scottish west coast waters. It is proposed that qeq is the most appropriate value for assessing the general potential for eutrophication resulting from continuous nutrient enrichment into coastal waters. It is further proposed that q (max) be used for cases of sporadic enrichment and where a short burst of unrestricted growth may be detrimental.  相似文献   
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