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The bathymetry data of marine bodies have been collected over a century, and the collected data have a wide range of resolution and accuracy. Acquisition of bathymetry data is very costly and time-consuming. One can use the old, low-quality bathymetry data to fill the gap in high-quality, recently acquired bathymetry data after correcting the old data to improve its quality so that it is comparable to the high-quality data. The old data correction can be treated as a nonlinear inverse problem. Simulated annealing (SA) global optimization method was used here in solving this problem. The two sets of data that were used are project survey (PS) and Vietnamese Navy Chart (VNC) data. The PS data were collected in 2000 in an offshore survey from the Vietnam coast in the South China Sea (SCS). The VNC data were obtained by digitizing VNC that was published in 1981. Inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolation method was used for forward modeling. Weperformed the SA algorithm run starting at a high "temperature," then lowering the "temperature" gradually up to the "critical temperature" and then staying there for the rest of the run. The best model chosen by the algorithm showed an improvement of 63% from the original model. We then constructed a digital bathymetry model (DBM) of the study area with the combined corrected VNC and the PS data.  相似文献   
Extreme sea levels associated with severe cyclonic storms are common occurrences along the east coast of India. The coastal districts of Orissa have experienced major surges in the past. The recent Paradip super cyclone is one of the most severe cyclones, causing extensive damage to property and loss of lives. Extreme sea levels are major causes for coastal flooding in this region. Damages can be minimized if the extreme sea levels are forecast well in advance. In the present study, we develop a location specific, fine resolution model for the Orissa coast on the lines similar to that of IIT-D storm surge model (Dube et al. 1994). The model runs on a personal computer. The bathymetry for the model is extracted from very fine resolution naval hydrographic charts for the region extending from the south of Orissa to south of West Bengal. A simple drying scheme has also been included in the model in order to avoid the exposure of land near the coast due to strong negative sea surface elevations. An attempt was made in this study to simulate extreme sea levels along the Orissa coast using the data of past severe cyclones. The model results reported in the present study are in good agreement with available observations or estimates.  相似文献   
Hourly sea level records from three stations in eastern Canada (Québec-Lauzon, Harrington-Harbour and Halifax) are analyzed both in frequency domain from 1970 to 1979 and in time domain during 1973. At the three stations, the deterministic model explains 90 to 96% of the total variability of sea level. The semidiurnal and diurnal tides contribute largely to its variations. The residual series, less than 10% of the initial variations of sea level, contain irregular values including extreme values of seiches and storm surges. Such random variations are analyzed and modeled following the method described by Box and Jenkins (1976). The long period variations (2 to 30 days) can be attributed to meteorological forcing (atmospheric pressure and winds). The short period variations (some hours to one day) can be attributed to longitudinal seiches, semidiurnal and diurnal atmospheric tides, and inertial oscillations. The water discharge from the St. Lawrence River contributes 29% of the monthly residual sea level at Qué  相似文献   
主要介绍了青岛沿海地区栽培和野生冬观果树木的种类,开花结果日期,分布状况,生长习性及用途。对栽培种在青岛市沿海新建城镇园林绿化中宜积极应用,野生种宜在沿海苗圃先进行引种驯化再加以推广使用。  相似文献   
The mode of deglaciation of the last Scottish ice sheet is assessed from evidence provided by geomorphological mapping and sedimentology. Ice-marginal deposits in the Dee valley have a distinctive morphological expression and a characteristically varied sedimentology that strongly resembles those from subpolar glaciers. The deposits tend to occur in certain topographic situations which can be accounted for by compression of ice near the margin and formation of an ice-cored supraglacial land system. A series of recessional stages of the ice-front can be mapped demonstrating that active retreat occurred. However, additional evidence shows there was probably a thin marginal zone of stagnant ice. Recessional stages are inferred to be stillstands that are considered to be topographically controlled rather than related to climate. Development of the supraglacial land system during deglaciation suggests that the ice sheet had a polythermal basal regime with a cold-based margin. This implies that deglaciation took place in northeast Scotland while the climate remained cold, probably due to a precipitation deficit, which agrees well with chronostratigraphic data.  相似文献   
The extent of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) in northern Scotland is disputed. A restricted ice sheet model holds that at the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; ca. 23–19 ka) the BIIS terminated on land in northern Scotland, leaving Buchan, Caithness and the Orkney Islands ice‐free. An alternative model implies that these three areas were ice‐covered at the LGM, with the BIIS extending offshore onto the adjacent shelves. We test the two models using cosmogenic 10Be surface exposure dating of erratic boulders and glacially eroded bedrock from the three areas. Our results indicate that the last BIIS covered all of northern Scotland during the LGM, but that widespread deglaciation of Caithness and Orkney occurred prior to rapid warming at ca. 14.5 ka. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The heavy mineral placer deposits of the coastal sediments in south Maharashtra stretch for 12.5 km from Pirwadi in the north to Talashil in the south. The area is a sand bar represented by a narrow submergent coastal plain lying between the Achara and Gad Rivers. The sediments in the area are mainly sands which are moderately well sorted to well sorted. The heavy mineral concentration in the surficial sediments ranges between 0.69 and 98.32 wt % (28.73 wt % in average). The heavy mineral concentration shows an increasing trend from north to south. The heavy mineral suite consists predominantly of opaque minerals (ilmenite, magnetite and chromite), garnet, pyroxene, amphibole, zircon, tourmaline, rutile, staurolite, etc. Ilmenite grains are fresh whereas magnetite grains show the effect of weathering and alteration. The chromite grains are rounded to sub-rounded with alteration at the margin of the grains. The surficial textures of the opaque minerals show mechanical breaking that indicates limited distance of transportation. Ilmenite has TiO2 in the range between 40.04 and 46.6 wt %. Based on ore microscopy studies, the magnetite grains appear to be of two types: pure magnetite and titano-magnetite. Compositionally, the total magnetite fractions have Fe2O3 between 32 and 46 wt %, FeO between 19.0 and 25 wt % and TiO2 between 14.3 and 23.9 wt %. The chromite grains are an admixture of two varieties, ferro-chromite and magnesio-chromite. The chromite grains have 32.06–47.5 wt % of Cr2O3 with total iron between 23.86 wt % (4.73% Fe2O3 and 19.13% FeO) and 27.89 wt % (4.36% Fe2O3 and 23.53% FeO) and MgO between 12 and 40 wt %. The observed variations in the distribution of heavy minerals in the area are due to differences in the sediment supply, their specific gravity and oceanographic processes all of which result in a selective sorting of the sediments. The observed mineral assemblages of transparent heavy minerals (pyroxene, amphibole, tourmaline, kyanite, garnet, zircon and olivine) are suggestive of their derivation from a heterogeneous provenance comprising of igneous rocks, high grade metamorphic rocks and reworked Kaladgi sediments. The chromite grains appear to have been derived from ultrabasic rocks present in the upper reaches of the Gad River. The inferred reserves of ilmenite, magnetite and chromite are 0.175, 0.395 and 0.032 million tons, respectively.  相似文献   
The Paleoproterozoic domain of the Ivory Coast lies in the central part of the West African Craton (WAC) and is mainly constituted by TTG, greenstones, supracrustal rocks and leucogranites. A compilation of metamorphic and radiometric data highlights that: i) metamorphic conditions are rather homogeneous through the domain, without important metamorphic jumps, ii) HP-LT assemblages are absent and iii) important volumes of magmas emplaced during the overall Paleoproterozoic orogeny suggesting the occurrence of long-lived rather hot geotherms. Results of the structural analysis, focused on three areas within the Ivory Coast, suggest that the deformation is homogeneous and distributed through the Paleoproterozoic domain. In details, results of this study point out the long-lived character of vertical movements during the Eburnean orogeny with a two folds evolution. The first stage is characterized by the development of “domes and basins” geometries without any boundary tectonic forces and the second stage is marked by coeval diapiric movements and horizontal regional-scale shortening. These features suggest that the crust is affected by vertical movements during the overall orogeny. The Eburnean orogen can then be considered as an example of long-lived Paleoproterozoic “weak type” orogen.  相似文献   
阮雅青  张瑞峰 《海洋科学》2023,47(11):35-44
铜(Cu)是海洋浮游植物生长不可或缺的痕量金属之一,对海洋初级生产力起着关键作用。河流是海洋中Cu的重要来源,河口及边缘海对河流输入的Cu起着重要的改造作用,但目前对Cu在浙闽沿岸的生物地球化学行为尚不明确。本研究使用自动固相萃取-电感耦合等离子体联用技术对2021年11月浙闽沿岸及其邻近水域表层水的溶解态铜(dCu)浓度进行分析。结果显示,该区域dCu浓度范围为3.38~26.28 nmol·L–1,平均浓度为11.66±5.83nmol·L–1。在研究区域内, dCu的空间分布呈北高南低,近岸高、远岸低的特征。此外, dCu在浙闽沿岸表现出较高的保守性,其与盐度呈显著负相关关系,表明dCu在一定程度上可用于指示人为影响。相关性分析表明,浙闽沿岸及其邻近水域表层dCu的生物地球化学行为和分布可能受到陆源输入、水团输运混合、化学絮凝与吸附等过程的影响。本研究结果有助于进一步理解Cu在海洋中的生物地球化学过程,为探究该区域的生态环境变化提供科学依据。  相似文献   
河北昌黎黄金海岸是我国海岸沙丘的集中分布区,选择其中形态典型的新月形沙丘,分不同部位采集了42个沙丘表面沉积物粒度样品,通过对采集样品粒度及其参数的分析与计算,研究了其表面粒度分异。结果表明,昌黎黄金海岸新月形沙丘两翼、迎风坡脚、迎风坡、沙丘顶部、背风坡、背风坡脚的粒度总体上是中砂、分选好、偏度近对称和中等峰态,只有平均粒径在新月形沙丘表面的不同部位存在一定的差异,自迎风坡脚到沙丘顶部粒径变粗,背风坡粒径相对变细,到背风坡脚粒径又变粗,整个沙丘表面粒径顶部最粗、背风坡最细,其分布可以归入沙丘顶部砂物质最粗的分布模式。该粒度分布模式是本区域主风向与强风向交替变化及其风力差异、沙丘两侧不对称和凹型迎风坡形态等组合作用的结果。  相似文献   
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