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两种海藻提取物抗水产动物病原菌活性的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了两种大型海藻——羊栖菜(Sargassum fusiforme)、条浒苔(Enteromorpha clathrata)提取物对11种水产动物病原菌的抑制活性。结果显示:羊栖菜乙醇粗提物乙酸乙酯相对溶藻弧菌(Vibrio algi-nolyticus)的抑制作用最明显,抑菌圈可达21.6 mm;薄层层析表明羊栖菜乙醇粗提取物乙酸乙酯相有6条层析带,其中Rf=0.54带对哈氏弧菌(Vibrio harveyi)的抑制作用最强,抑菌圈可达13.6 mm;条浒苔乙醚粗脂对11种水产动物病原菌均表现出了较强的抑制作用,其中对灿烂弧菌(Vibrio splendidus)的抑制作用最强,抑菌圈可达24.7 mm;进一步的实验显示,条浒苔乙醚粗脂3种洗脱组分抗菌性均比粗脂减弱了,而其95%乙醇洗脱组分对恶臭假单胞菌(Pseudomonas putida)的抑菌圈仍可达13.8 mm。说明利用羊栖菜、条浒苔为开发海洋药物资源提供了可能。  相似文献   
羊栖菜(Sargassum fusiforme)多糖在多种肿瘤细胞系中表现出良好的抗癌活性,具有针对肿瘤细胞的选择活性和较小的毒副作用,可以作为现有肿瘤化疗药物的替代品进行开发。羊栖菜多糖主要通过诱导细胞凋亡作用于肿瘤细胞,其通过细胞周期停滞,增强机体免疫功能,改变细胞膜钙通道与流动性,破坏线粒体膜和产生一氧化氮来杀死癌细胞并防止转移。本文就国内外发表的羊栖菜多糖抗肿瘤功能及作用机制进行系统的归纳和总结,旨在为羊栖菜多糖抗肿瘤药物的深入研究、开发提供理论依据。  相似文献   
We examined temporal changes at the Three Kings Islands, New Zealand in 1993 and 2002 in the diet of the endemic herbivorous fish Odax cyanoallix (Family Labridae) and in habitat‐forming macroalgae, and compared these with published accounts from 1979. The diet of O. cyanoallix predominantly comprised the laminarian Ecklonia radiata in 1993, and the fucoids Sargassum johnsonii and Landsburgia quercifolia in 2002. In depths <10 m, the endemic fucoid S. johnsonii was dominant in 1979 and 2002 and absent in 1993. E. radiata was absent in 1979, abundant in 1993, and rare in 2002. A period of significantly lower sea‐surface temperatures (SST) at the Three Kings Islands in 1990–95 corresponded to an unusually long El Niño event. The low SST may have resulted in the failure of S. johnsonii to grow and/or recruit during the El Niño event, leading to the observed changes. This study demonstrates variability in fucoid and laminarian assemblages over large time scales that are reflected in diet shifts in a species of herbivorous fish.  相似文献   
亨氏马尾藻硫酸多糖抗肿瘤活性的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
近年来,不少学者研究证明,昆布科水石昆布、真昆布和马尾藻科鼠尾藻、海黍子等海藻的抽提物具有抗肿瘤作用。本文选用广东、福建两省特有的亨氏马尾藻(Sargassumhenslowianum)为原料,对其提取物的成分和抗肿瘤活性进行了研究,为寻找新的保健食品原料和医药工业原料提供了依据。1 材料与方法1.1 材料亨氏马尾藻 1994年10月,1995年10月采自广东省海丰县硫酸多糖 从亨氏马尾藻中提取实验动物 由第一军医大学提供的雄性纯种昆明小鼠,体重20±2g,随机分组。瘤株 艾氏腹水瘤(EAC)瘤株、腹水型肉瘤S180由中山医科大学提供。1.2 方法1.2.1…  相似文献   
Results of neutron activation analysis (NAA) ofSargassum thumbergii samples collected from the Qingdao Taipingjiao coast on March 20, 1996 showed that (1)Sargassum thunbergii can to some extent accumulate potassium and calcium (the accumulation coefficient was 10); (2) it can accumulate almost all trace elements, especially iron, managanese and zinc; (3) it can accumulate strontium, aluminium thorium, and rare earth elements. Contribution No.3308 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The study supported by the National Ninth-Five-Year Key Project “96-916-04-01”.  相似文献   
为了综合评价经济海藻羊栖菜(Sargassum fusiforme)受精卵的营养价值及开发利用前景,本文检测了羊栖菜受精卵碳水化合物、膳食纤维、氨基酸、脂肪酸等生物活性物质与矿质元素成分,并与文献报道的孢子体相应成分进行了比较。结果发现:羊栖菜受精卵富含碳水化合物、蛋白质、氨基酸及膳食纤维,其含量分别为(20.4±0.07)、(22.7±0.03)、(16.7±0.04)和(39.2±0.03)g/100g DW;谷氨酸、维生素E和β-类胡萝卜素含量尤其高,分别达到(9.82±0.05)g/100g DW、(11.8±0.01)mg/100g DW和(3.0×103±7.07)μg/100gDW;而脂肪含量偏低,只有1.03%。矿质元素中微量元素铁、钙和镁的含量较高,分别为(4.54×103±49.50)、(1.83×103±7.78)和(1.40×103±28.28)mg/100g DW。通过与文献报道的羊栖菜孢子体生化成分相比较,羊栖菜受精卵中蛋白质、氨基酸、β-类胡萝卜素、钾、钠、磷、铁、钙、锌、锰及铜元素的含量均高于羊栖菜孢子体。说明羊栖菜受精卵具有更高的天然产物提取、开发和利用价值。  相似文献   
Talitrid amphipods are the most abundant herbivores on exposed sandy beaches. Despite their important role as trophic intermediates between macrophytes and higher levels (i.e. insect and bird) of beach food webs, very little information is available on their feeding patterns. The main aim of this study was to investigate intraspecific differences in the feeding behaviour of Talitrus saltator. We tested the hypotheses that: (1) adult females and males showed different isotope signatures and therefore relied on different sources of food; and (2) patterns of variation of isotope signatures of juveniles differed from those of adult specimens, evidencing a diet shift during the development. We used stable isotope signatures and tested for differences upon the level on the shore, times of the year and beaches experiencing similar morpho-dynamic and environmental conditions. Finally, we investigated the trophic significance of macrophyte detritus in the diet of males, females and juveniles. Results showed that adult males had a more variable diet than females and juveniles (inferred from δ13C and δ15N values). Dual-isotope graphs suggested that Sargassum muticum and Cystoseira baccata wrack could be among the main food sources for both juvenile and adult stage.  相似文献   
海带和马尾藻中褐藻胶的糖醛酸组成与序列结构的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从中国产海带和3种马尾藻中提取褐藻胶,用IR谱分析其褐藻酸的结构特征,用高分辨~1H-NMR(400MHz)测定无损褐藻酸钠的单体组成和序列结构。IR谱表明了这4种褐藻酸单体组成的差异性。NMR谱的结果表明:海带、海蒿子、海黍子和鼠尾藻中褐藻胶的G组分摩尔分数F_G依次为0.35,0.40,0.45和0.44,而相应的GG二聚重复单元摩尔分数F_(GG)分别为0.21,0.37,0.36和0.34,即海带的F_(GG)明显小于三种马尾藻。文中引入一嵌段分布参数η=F_(MG)/(F_M·F_G),相应的η值依次为0.62,0.13,0.36和0.41,这表明了序列分布的差异性。  相似文献   
在全缘马尾藻生殖细胞同步成熟的基础上,研究了生殖细胞的排放规律以及人工促排的条件。结果表明:(1)在温度(25±0.5)°C,光照强度(3000±100)lx,光照周期12h︰12h[光照(L)︰黑暗(D)],盐度33±0.5,pH值8.2±0.2、静置暂养条件下,雄生殖托排放精子与雌生殖托排放卵细胞基本同步;雌生殖托排放卵细胞集中在夜间,为间断式排卵,完成整个排卵过程约需3d;雌生殖托的排卵量与其重量呈正相关,3d内排出卵细胞(14431±1288)个/g;卵细胞在排出后4h内完成受精,得到受精卵8358±734个/g;雌生殖托表面的"挂卵"量约为10000个/g,受精卵的脱落量与排卵量相关。(2)在光照周期0h:24h(L︰D)、pH值8.2培养条件的基础上,最适生殖细胞促排条件分别为温度31°C,盐度33±1,水流速度(6±1)cm/s,在该条件下得到的脱落受精卵量最多,所需促排及排放时间最短。在最适条件下,将雌、雄生殖托混合的重量比例改变为1︰6,受精率可提高至(94.4±0.3)%,相比暂养条件下的排卵过程,排卵提前4d,排卵周期缩短2d。  相似文献   
This study investigated the community structure and functional traits of the mollusk fauna associated with macroalgae with different thallus morphologies in a reef environment in Northeastern Brazil. A total of 15 individuals of each species of macroalgae adhered to natural substrate and 15 individuals of Padina gymnospora detached from the substrate were collected. The structural complexity of algal habitats was measured and the associated malacofauna screened and identified. All three macroalgae differed significantly in the complexity of their habitat, with Sargassum polyceratium being the most complex. A total of 823 specimens of mollusks belonging to 22 species and 11 families were recorded, of which Columbellidae was the most represented with six species. The functional trait “size” revealed that micromollusks smaller than 10 millimeters were predominant in the community; however, individuals of larger sizes (up to 24.54 millimeters) belonging to young stages of other species were also present. Eight functional trophic groups were identified, of which “carnivorous” stood out with seven species. Six functional groups of microhabitats were identified, with intra‐specific variation in habitats, while habitat expansion was documented for species not yet recorded in association with macroalgae. The structure of the molluskan community differed among the three algae species with the greatest richness, abundance, and diversity of mollusks and functional traits occurring with S. polyceratium. Community structure differed between algae adhered to natural substrate and detached algae, with the latter having lower mollusk richness and diversity, but with greater abundance of some species that remained on algal fronds after release from the reef environment. This study reinforces the importance of algal habitat for marine invertebrate fauna, especially for micromollusks that spend their entire life cycle, or part of it, in association with macroalgae.  相似文献   
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