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利用近三十年逐月的OISST和ERSST资料、NCEP2表面风场等资料和数据分析了南印度洋偶极子的形成原因、结构特征.结果表明:南印度洋偶极子形态的年际SST异常出现在10-12月,有两个明显的冷暖中心,达到极值是在次年的2月份,然后在4-5月份消亡;南印度洋偶极子的形成主要是风场、潜热通量起作用,另外,短波辐射通量也对其有重要的影响;SIOD在北半球春冬季出现,达到盛期是在次年的二月份或三月份,超前ENSO9-10个月,且具有季节锁相特征,在70年代中期的年代际气候突变后,SIOD与ENSO的关系显著增强.  相似文献   
淮河流域夏季降水异常与北太平洋海温异常的关系   总被引:18,自引:9,他引:18  
研究淮河流域降水异常与北太平洋海温异常的相关关系,初步探讨北太平洋海温异常对淮河流域降水的可能影响机制。结果表明:淮河流域夏季降水与上年8-10月北太平洋中部关键海区(162.5~177.5°W,36.5~41.5°N)的SSTA存在持续高的正相关关系;淮河流域夏季降水异常对应着一种大范围的海温异常分布型,而关键海区正好位子其相关最显著地区;正是由于北太平洋大范围持续的海温异常引起了次年夏季大气环流的异常,导致了淮河流域夏季降水异常,这也正是海温与降水具有很好相关的内在原因。  相似文献   
黑潮区域海温异常与我国冬季气温和降水的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用NOAA提供的延长重构(extended reconstructed)的月平均海表温度场等资料,采用相关分析和经验正交函数分解等方法,探讨冬季黑潮SSTA与我国冬季气温及降水的相关性,结果表明:冬季黑潮SSTA具有整体一致的空间变化特征,冬季黑潮区域海温与我国冬季气温存在较好的相关性,当黑潮海域海温升高(降低)时,会出现全国范围的升(降)温现象;冬季黑潮区域海温与我国冬季降水存在一定的相关性,具有明显的区域分布特征。  相似文献   
During June–July 2020, the strongest recorded mei-yu rainfall occurred in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The rainfall processes exhibited an obvious quasi-biweekly(biweekly in brief) variability, and there are altogether five cycles. It is found that the biweekly rainfall cycle mainly arises from the collaborative effects of biweekly variabilities from both the tropics and extratropics. As for the tropics, the biweekly meridional march and retreat of the western Pacific subtr...  相似文献   
The relationships of variations of sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) in the South Pacific with ENSO and Southern Hemisphere Annular Mode (SAM) are examined in the present article by employing the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis from 1951 to 2006. Two principal modes of South Pacific SSTA are obtained using the EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function) analysis for austral winter (June, July and August). Our results suggest that EOF1 is closely related with ENSO and EOF2 links to SAM. The EOF1 varies largely on an interannual and EOF2 on a decadal scale. The time series of coefficients of EOF1 is highly correlated simultaneously with Nino3 index. However, the time series of coefficients of EOF2 is significantly correlated with the March-April-May mean SAM index. Both the EOF1 and EOF2 are found in significant correlation to summer precipitation over China. With higher-than-normal SSTs in the eastern South Pacific and simultaneously lower SSTs in the western South Pacific in June-July-August, the summertime rainfall is found to be less than normal in northern China. As displayed in EOF2 of SSTA, in years with lower-than-normal SSTs in mid-latitude southern and equatorial eastern Pacific and higher-than-normal SSTs in the equatorial middle Pacific in March-April-May, the summer precipitation in August tends to be more than normal in regions south of Yangtze River.  相似文献   
1月份黑潮区域海温异常与我国夏季降水的关系   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
分析了1月份黑潮区域海表温度异常与我国夏季(6—8月平均)降水的相关关系及其与夏季东亚大气环流的关系。结果表明:1月份黑潮区域海温偏高(低)时,乌拉尔山附近和雅库茨克附近的阻高加强(减弱),在这两个阻高之间的低压槽加深(减弱),西北太平洋副热带高压加强(减弱)、西伸(东撤),亚洲夏季风明显偏弱(强),导致副热带高压西侧的暖湿气流输送到长江中下游地区(我国北方地区),从而使长江中下游地区的夏季降水增多(减少)。  相似文献   
The teleconnection distribution characteristics of sea surface temperature (SST) over the India Ocean and the precipitation during rainy season in China were studied by using the methods of EOF and CCA. The results indicate that the change of SST field will affect the change of rain belt during rainy seasons in China, and greatly affect the precipitation in northwest and southwest China, the Yangzi and Yellow River downstream basins. Strong signal phenomena of SSTA over India Ocean were revealed that showed the anomalous distribution of drought and flood in China. It shows that the precipitation during rainy seasons in China may be forecast by analyzing SST distribution characteristics over the India Ocean.  相似文献   
江苏夏季降水特征及其与太平洋海温的关系   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用江苏省13个代表站41 a(1960-2000年)的夏季降水资料及 NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料,运用合成和相关分析方法考察了江苏夏季旱涝年环流特征以及夏季降水异常与太平洋海温的关系.结果表明:江苏夏季降水存在明显年际变化;江苏夏季涝(旱)年500 hPa东亚及西太平洋地区从低纬到中高纬呈"正负正"("负正负")的高度距平分布;江苏夏季降水与东亚夏季风指数反相关;江苏夏季降水的偏多(少)通常与前冬北太平洋海温偏暖(冷)有关.春季赤道东太平洋海温偏暖(冷),夏季降水偏多(少).  相似文献   
1IntroductionRelationshipbetweenseasurfacetemper-atureanomaly(SSTA)andclimateanomalyisattheheartofair-seainteractionstudy.ManyresearchershaveinvestigatedhowSSTAworksonclimate.Sincethe1960s,ithasbeenpointedoutthattheequatorialeastPacificwarming(ElNinoevent)resultsinclimateanomalyinthenorthernAmericaviaanoma-lousenergytransportationbyHadleycircula-tions(Bjerknes1966;1969).Afterthe1980s,owingtothedevelopmentofnumericalmodelanddynamicaltheory,itiswellacceptedthatatmospherecirculationwouldbei…  相似文献   
西北太平洋热带气旋活动的年际变化引起了业内广泛关注。本文选取1950—2016年7—10月的西北太平洋热带气旋为研究对象,分析各等级热带气旋活动特征与Ni珘no-3.4区7—10月平均海表面温度异常(SSTA)的关系,统计了生成频数、生命期、累积气旋能量指数(ACE)、生成位置及路径的变化特征,并探究ENSO循环的暖事件年与冷事件年中大尺度背景场的差异。结果表明:(1)在暖事件年,强台风和超强台风的生成频数、生命期均有增加的趋势,ACE指数与SSTA正相关性更强,说明其强度有所增加,冷事件年情况相反。(2)强台风和超强台风在暖事件年生成位置偏东偏南,在冷事件年生成位置偏西偏北。(3)季风槽区的高低层环流形势配合垂直风切变及对流层暖湿空气,导致热带气旋的生成位置在冷暖事件中发生变化。  相似文献   
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