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人口的聚集和城市的建设使城市内形成许多复杂的三维空间,如跨街建筑、地上下一体化设施等。面对集约化土地利用和城市空间管理的需求,三维地籍应运而生。3DGIS提供3D目标建模技术,可以有效地进行3D目标几何表达与管理,并将其与空间对象的属性、语义或社会交易关联,为三维地籍的系统实现奠定技术基础。从三维地籍管理的需求和特征出发,探讨应用3DGIS实现三维地籍的产权体表达、建模、可视化等几个方面的实践和挑战。  相似文献   
针对现有全球定位系统时间序列研究中不同时间序列跨度内噪声模型的建立对速度及其不确定度的影响方面研究较少,选取ITRF2008框架下中国区域的10个国际GNSS服务组织基准站的坐标时间序列,将每个序列按照时间跨度分为5a、10a、15a和20a四个时段,采用不同的噪声模型组合对它们进行噪声分析,并对结果进行对比。结果表明,在各时间序列跨度内,噪声模型的建立对精化速度场非常重要;随着时间序列长度的增加,速度不确定度比值呈上升趋势。  相似文献   
北京地铁国贸站隧道周围土体的蠕变试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京地铁10号线国贸站需穿过现有的国贸立交桥梁群桩基础,为研究该区域土体的流变性质对隧道-土层-桥梁基础及上部结构长期变形的影响,在室内进行了隧道周围土体的三轴排水蠕变试验,并给出了适合描述该土体蠕变性质的Mesri模型的参数。研究表明,隧道周围土体存在一定的蠕变特征,但稳定蠕变速率不大,偏应力较小时,Mesri模型的计算结果与试验结果吻合较好,而偏应力较大时与试验结果稍有差别,但该模型总体上能够较好地描述这一地区土体的蠕变变形特征。  相似文献   
The study of the interaction of mud-flows with obstacles is important to define inundation zones in urban areas and to design the possible structural countermeasures. The paper numerically investigates the impact of a mud-flow on rigid obstacles to evaluate the force acting on them using two different depth-integrated theoretical models, Single-Phase Model (SPM) and Two-Phase Model (TPM), to compare their performance and limits. In the first one the water-sediment mixture is represented as a homogeneous continuum described by a shear-thinning power-law rheology. Alternatively, the two-phase model proposed by Di Cristo et al in 2016 is used, which separately accounts for the liquid and solid phases. The considered test cases are represented by a 1D landslide flowing on a steep slope impacting on a rigid wall and a 2D mud dam-break flowing on a horizontal bottom in presence of single and multiple rigid obstacles. In the 1D test case, characterized by a very steep slope, the Two-Phase Model predicts the separation between the two phases with a significant longitudinal variation of the solid concentration. In this case the results indicate appreciable differences between the two models in the estimation of both the wave celerity and the magnitude of the impact, with an overestimation of the peak force when using the Single-Phase Model. In the 2D test-cases, where the liquid and solid phases remain mixed, even if the flow fields predicted by the two models present some differences, the essential features of the interaction with the obstacles, along with the maximum impact force, are comparable.  相似文献   
This paper presents an assessment of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) on a glaciated (Qugaqie) and a non-glaciated (Niyaqu) subbasin of the Nam Co Lake. The Nam Co Lake is located in the southern Tibetan Plateau, two subbasins having catchment areas of 59 km2 and 388 km2, respectively. The scores of examined evaluation indices (i.e., R2, NSE, and PBIAS) established that the performance of the SWAT model was better on the monthly scale compared to the daily scale. The respective monthly values of R2, NSE, and PBIAS were 0.94, 0.97, and 0.50 for the calibration period while 0.92, 0.88, and −8.80 for the validation period. Glacier melt contribution in the study domain was simulated by using the SWAT model in conjunction with the Degree Day Melt (DDM) approach. The conjunction of DDM with the SWAT Model ensued improved results during both calibration (R2=0.96, NSE=0.95, and PBIAS=−13.49) and validation (R2=0.97, NSE=0.96, and PBIAS=−2.87) periods on the monthly time scale. Average contribution (in percentage) of water balance components to the total streamflow of Niyaqu and Qugaqie subbasins was evaluated. We found that the major portion (99.45%) of the streamflow in the Niyaqu subbasin was generated by snowmelt or rainfall surface runoff (SURF_Q), followed by groundwater (GW_Q, 0.47%), and lateral (LAT_Q, 0.06%) flows. Conversely, in the Qugaqie subbasin, major contributor to the streamflow (79.63%) was glacier melt (GLC_Q), followed by SURF_Q (20.14%), GW_Q (0.13%), and LAT_Q (0.089%). The contribution of GLC_Q was the highest (86.79%) in July and lowest (69.95%) in September. This study concludes that the performance of the SWAT model in glaciated catchment is weak without considering glacier component in modeling; however, it performs reasonably well in non-glaciated catchment. Furthermore, the temperature index approach with elevation bands is viable in those catchments where streamflows are driven by snowmelt. Therefore, it is recommended to use the SWAT Model in conjunction with DDM or energy base model to simulate the glacier melt contribution to the total streamflow. This study might be helpful in quantification and better management of water resources in data scarce glaciated regions.  相似文献   
结构振动的问题在海洋工程、航空航天和土木工程等领域普遍存在。建筑结构在地震、风等动力荷载作用下,会产生较大的振动响应,影响生活的舒适性,这就使得结构振动控制变得尤为重要。非线性能量阱(NES)具有宽频、频率鲁棒性高、构造简单的优点;文中综述了非线性能量阱(NES)技术在减振中的应用,主要包括非线性能量阱的减振模型、研究进展、工程中的应用进展、减振装置的参数优化以及试验装置的研发等,对非线性能量阱在不同状况的耗能过程进行了详细分析;针对非线性能量阱在动力学中的减振机制,分析了非线性能量阱比传统减振装置对主体结构耗能方面的优越性;最后,对非线性能量阱在结构减振中的应用和研究进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   
沙尘暴本质为风携沙的气固两相流,对建构(筑)物产生的作用力由风荷载和沙粒的冲击荷载组成。遗憾的是,目前的结构抗风设计仅考虑风荷载作用,忽略了沙粒对结构的冲击效应,且因为研究手段有限,目前的研究成果不足以全面地反映风沙对结构物冲击行为的机理。文中将沙粒的冲击行为研究现状分为3部分:冲击前沙粒的运动、冲击时的接触碰撞以及冲击后的冲蚀磨损,以此概述了风沙对结构物冲击行为的研究现状,并总结了目前研究中出现的主要问题,最后提出将数学模型推导、风沙风洞试验、现场实测、数值模拟4个方面系统结合,综合开展风沙流及沙粒对结构的冲击机理及冲击作用研究的展望。  相似文献   
文中主要依据普通拉伸板材试样的试验结果对Q235B结构钢在单调颈缩后的塑性行为展开研究。为了准确观测Q235B结构钢颈缩后的变形历程,采用DIC光测系统对拉伸试样不同标距范围内的变形展开全过程追踪。此外,为了重现Q235B结构钢颈缩后的力学行为,提出了一种新型力学本构模型,并通过UMAT子程序的形式嵌入到ABAQUS平台。关于力学模型中的材料参数,提出了一种简单的标定流程。最后,采用经过标定的新型力学模型对四组拉伸试样展开有限元分析,数值模拟的拉伸曲线、最大力以及断裂时刻的轴向应变分布与试验结果高度吻合,表明新模型以及相关材料参数的选择与标定是合理且准确的。  相似文献   
砖砌体房屋在历次地震中的破坏均较为严重,为了准确评估其在大震作用下的抗震性能,选择高效的结构分析方法并选取合适的破坏状态指标至关重要。首先,在仔细比较现有结构非线性分析方法的基础上,结合砖砌体结构的特点,采用了可以“考虑构造柱影响”的砖墙体三线型恢复力模型,并建立了砖砌体结构的层剪切非线性分析模型,利用基于自平衡力的弹塑性动力反应分析方法实现了砖砌体结构的非线性动力时程分析;然后,选取延伸系数作为砖砌体结构的破坏状态指标,来判别结构的破坏状态;最后,利用一个带有震害的实际算例,采用三条能充分反映该工程场地特征的地震动对其进行非线性动力时程分析,验证了文中砖墙体恢复力模型、非线性动力时程分析方法以及破坏状态指标的合理性和有效性。文中所确定的模型、方法和破坏状态指标可为大震作用下砖砌体房屋的抗震性能鉴定和评估、抗震加固以及震害分析提供方法和依据。  相似文献   
隔震支座对桥梁抗震有重要意义,优化支座的参数可有效提升隔震效率。以一座三跨连续梁桥为例,建立了考虑桩-土-结构相互作用的有限元模型。将铅芯橡胶支座的特征强度及初始刚度视为优化变量,以最小化桥梁结构的系统地震易损性为目标。通过动力时程分析,得到支座参数对桥梁系统地震易损性的影响规律,确定支座参数的合理区间。高斯过程模型用来取代耗时的动力时程分析,降低隔震支座优化设计的计算成本。分析结果表明:铅芯橡胶支座的特征强度和初始刚度对桥梁系统地震易损性有明显影响;支座优化设计有效降低了桥梁系统地震易损性,大幅减小支座的剪切应变,提高了支座的隔震效率。  相似文献   
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