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We have developed a significant body of new field-based evidence relating to the history of crustal extension in western Turkey. We establish that two of the NE–SW-trending basins in this region, the Gördes and Selendi Basins, whose sedimentary successions begin in the early Miocene, are unlikely to relate to late-stage Alpine compressional orogeny or to E–W extension of Tibetan-type grabens as previously suggested. We argue instead that these basins are the result of earlier (?) late Oligocene, low-angle normal faulting that created approximately N–S “scoop-shaped” depressions in which clastic to lacustine and later tuffaceous sediments accumulated during early–mid-Miocene time, separated by elongate structural highs. These basins were later cut by E–W-trending (?) Plio–Quaternary normal faults that post-date accumulation of the Neogene deposits. In addition, we interpret the Alaşehir (Gediz) Graben in terms of two phases of extension, an early phase lasting from the early Miocene to the (?) late Miocene and a young Plio–Quaternary phase that is still active. Taking into account our inferred earlier phase of regional extension, we thus propose a new three-phase “pulsed extension” model for western Turkey. We relate the first two phases to “roll-back” of the south Aegean subduction zone and the third phase to the westward “tectonic escape” of Anatolia.  相似文献   
Based on field analysis of fault-slip data from different rock units of the Cretaceous basins along the middle part of the Tan-Lu fault zone (Shandong Province, eastern China), we document polyphase tectonic stress fields and address the changes in sense of motion of the Tan-Lu fault zone during the Cretaceous. The Cretaceous deformation history of the Tan-Lu fault zone can be divided into four main stages. The first stage, during the earliest Cretaceous, was dominated by N-S extension responsible for the formation of the Jiaolai basin. We interpret this extension to be related to dextral strike-slip pull-apart opening guided by the Tan-Lu fault zone. The second stage, during the middle Early Cretaceous, was overwhelmingly rift-dominated and characterized by widespread silicic to intermediate volcanism, normal faulting and basin subsidence. It was at this stage that the Tan-Lu-parallel Yi-Shu Rift was initiated by E-W to WNW-ESE extension. The tectonic regime then changed during the late Early Cretaceous to NW-SE-oriented transpression, causing inversion of the Early Cretaceous rift basin and sinistral slip along the Tan-Lu fault zone. During the Late Cretaceous, dextral activation of the Tan-Lu fault zone resulted in pull-apart opening of the Zhucheng basin, which was subsequently deformed by NE-SW compression. This deformation chronology of the Tan-Lu fault zone and the associated Cretaceous basins allow us to constrain the regional kinematic models as related to subduction along the eastern margin of Asia, or related to collision in the Tibet region.  相似文献   
A new model is suggested for the history of the Baikal Rift,in deviation from the classic two-stage evolution scenario,based on a synthesis of the available data from the Baikal Basin and revised correlation between tectonic-lithological-stratigraphic complexes(TLSC) in sedimentary sections around Lake Baikal and seismic stratigraphic sequences(SSS) in the lake sediments.Unlike the previous models,the revised model places the onset of rifting during Late Cretaceous and comprises three major stages which are subdivided into several substages.The stages and the substages are separated by events of tectonic activity and stress reversal when additional compression produced folds and shear structures.The events that mark the stage boundaries show up as gaps,unconformities,and deformation features in the deposition patterns. The earliest Late Cretaceous-Oligocene stage began long before the India-Eurasia collision in a setting of diffuse extension that acted over a large territory of Asia.The NW-SE far-field pure extension produced an NE-striking half-graben oriented along an old zone of weakness at the edge of the Siberian craton.That was already the onset of rift evolution recorded in weathered lacustrine deposits on the Baikal shore and in a wedge-shaped acoustically transparent seismic unit in the lake sediments.The second stage spanning Late Oligocene-Early Pliocene time began with a stress change when the effect from the Eocene India-Eurasia collision had reached the region and became a major control of its geodynamics.The EW and NE transpression and shear from the collisional front transformed the Late Cretaceous half-graben into a U-shaped one which accumulated a deformed layered sequence of sediments.Rifting at the latest stage was driven by extension from a local source associated with hot mantle material rising to the base of the rifted crust.The asthenospheric upwarp first induced the growth of the Baikal dome and the related change from finer to coarser molasse deposition.With time,the upwarp became a more powerful stress source than the collision,and the stress vector returned to the previous NW-SE extension that changed the rift geometry back to a half-graben. The layered Late Pliocene-Quaternary subaerial tectonic-lithological-stratigraphic and the Quaternary submarine seismic stratigraphic units filling the latest half-graben remained almost undeformed.The rifting mechanisms were thus passive during two earlier stages and active during the third stage. The three-stage model of the rift history does not rule out the previous division into two major stages but rather extends its limits back into time as far as the Maastrichtian.Our model is consistent with geological, stratigraphic,structural,and geophysical data and provides further insights into the understanding of rifting in the Baikal region in particular and continental rifting in general.  相似文献   
Aeromagnetic signatures over the Edward VII Peninsula (E7) provide new insight into the largely ice-covered and unexplored eastern flank of the Ross Sea Rift (RSR). Positive anomalies, 10–40 km in wavelength and with amplitudes ranging from 50 to 500 nT could reveal buried Late Devonian(?)–Early Carboniferous Ford Granodiorite plutons. This is suggested by similar magnetic signature over exposed, coeval Admiralty Intrusives of the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM). Geochemical data from mid-Cretaceous Byrd Coast Granite, contact metamorphic effects on Swanson Formation and hornblende-bearing granitoid dredge samples strengthen this magnetic interpretation, making alternative explanations less probable. These magnetic anomalies over formerly adjacent TAM and western Marie Byrd Land (wMBL) terranes resemble signatures typically observed over magnetite-rich magmatic arc plutons. Shorter wavelength (5 km) 150 nT anomalies could speculatively mark mid-Cretaceous mafic dikes of the E7, similar to those exposed over the adjacent Ford Ranges. Anomalies with amplitudes of 100–360 nT over the Sulzberger Bay and at the margin of the Sulzberger Ice Shelf likely reveal mafic Late Cenozoic(?) volcanic rocks emplaced along linear rift fabric trends. Buried volcanic rock at the margin of the interpreted half-graben-like “Sulzberger Ice Shelf Block” is modelled in the Kizer Island area. The volcanic rock is marked by a coincident positive Bouguer gravity anomaly. Late Cenozoic volcanic rocks over the TAM, in the RSR, and beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet exhibit comparable magnetic anomaly signature reflecting regional West Antarctic Rift fabric. Interpreted mafic magmatism of the E7 is likely related to mid-Cretaceous and Late Cenozoic regional crustal extension and possible mantle plume activity over wMBL. Magnetic lineaments of the E7 are enhanced in maximum horizontal gradient of pseudo-gravity, vertical derivative and 3D Euler Deconvolution maps. Apparent vertical offsets in magnetic basement at the location of the lineaments and spatially associated mafic dikes and volcanic rocks result from 2.5D magnetic modelling. A rift-related fault origin for the magnetic lineaments, segmenting the E7 region into horst and graben blocks, is proposed by comparison with offshore seismic reflection, marine gravity, on-land gravity, radio-echo sounding, apatite fission track data and structural geology. The NNW magnetic lineament, which we interpret to mark the eastern RSR shoulder, forms the western margin of the “Alexandra Mountains horst”. This fundamental aeromagnetic feature lies on strike with the Colbeck Trough, a prominent NNW half-graben linked to Late Cretaceous(?) and Cenozoic(?) faulting in the eastern RSR. East–west and north–north–east to NE magnetic trends are also imaged. Magnetic trends, if interpreted as reflecting the signature of rift-related normal faults, would imply N–S to NE crustal extension followed by later northwest–southeast directed extension. NW–SE extension would be compatible with Cenozoic(?) oblique RSR rifting. Previous structural data from the Ford Ranges have, however, been interpreted to indicate that both Cretaceous and Cenozoic extensions were N–S to NE–SW directed.  相似文献   
The area reviewed covers the Mid-Norway continental margin between latitudes 62°N and 68°N. Main structural elements, as defined at the base Cretaceous level, are the Tröndelag Platform, underlying the inner shelf, the Möre and Vöring Basins, located beneath the outer shelf and slope, and the Möre Platform and the Outer Vöring Plateau, forming a base of slope trend of highs. Sediments contained in the Mid-Norway Basin range in age from Late Palaeozoic to Cenozoic. The basement was consolidated during the Caledonian orogenic cycle. Devonian and Early Carboniferous wrench movements along the axis of the Arctic-North Atlantic Caledonides are thought to have preceded the Namurian onset of crustal extension. Rifting processes were intermittently active for some 270 My until crustal separation between Greenland and Fennoscandia was achieved during the Early Eocene. During the evolution of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea rift system a stepwise concentration of tectonic activities to its axial zone (the area of subsequent continental separation) is observed. During the Late Palaeozoic to Mid-Jurassic a broad zone was affected by tensional faulting. During the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous the Tröndelag Platform was little affected by faulting whilst major rift systems in the Möre and Vöring Basins subsided rapidly and their shoulders became concomitantly upwarped. During the latest Cretaceous and Early Palaeogene terminal rifting phase only the western Möre and Vöring Basins were affected by intrusive and extrusive igneous activity. Following the Early Eocene crustal separation and the onset of sea floor spreading in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, the Vöring segment of the Mid-Norway marginal basin subsided less rapidly than the Möre segment. During the Early and Mid Tertiary, minor compressional deformations affected the Vöring Basin and to a lesser degree the Möre Basin. Tensional forces dominated the Late Palaeozoic to Early Cenozoic evolution of the Mid-Norway Basin and effected strain mainly in the area where the crust was weakened by the previous lateral displacements. The lithosphere thinned progressively and the effects of the passively upwelling hot asthenospheric material became more pronounced. Massive dyke invasion of the thinned crust preceded its rupture.  相似文献   
田培仁 《矿产与地质》1992,6(3):169-176
伊犁亚板块是自元古代发展起来的一个不同时期的裂谷带,被NE和NW向两组构造线左右,及海西期NWW、NNE和SN向构造叠加,构成伊犁亚板块格状、菱格状构造格架。区域主要金属矿产具有明显时空分布特点,受控于时代、岩性、构造和岩浆岩,并分出海相和陆相两个生成系列,对该区主要矿带作了划分,推荐了区域有望找矿靶区。  相似文献   
Epithermal deposits mined for fluorite in Patagonia, Argentina, are closely related to late Triassic through Jurassic magmatic activity which brought about felsic to intermediate magmatic rocks. The fluorite mineralization in the Patagonian epithermal system resulted from gaseous F-and CO2-enriched magmas which lead to an explosive phreatomagmatic volcanism, when getting in contact with groundwater near the surface. As a result of these hydrothermal processes, rapid cooling took place in the epithermal mineralization. Changes in the viscosity along with the cooling down of mineralizing fluids caused mottled mineral colors blurring the boundaries between the stages and ore textures.The fluids accountable for the main constituents fluorite, quartz, barite and silica were operative over a vertical extension of roughly 600 m. Their temperature of formation dropped from 379 °C through 64 °C, while the pH decreased from the heat center towards the paleosurface under oxidizing conditions. This steep temperature gradient conducive to the telescoping of mineral associations into each other was accompanied by a rapid loss in CO2, and a mixing of meteoric and magmatic fluids. Even the boundary between the hypogene and supergene alteration cannot be drawn precisely within the assemblage of Mn oxides, which bridge the gap between hypogene and supergen mineralization. The physical-chemical parameters of the fluids, particularly, the redox conditions did not allow sulfides to be preserved. A classification of the epithermal system as to its degree of sulfidation is based on K-feldspar and kaolinite which are present in significant amounts, whereas APS (aluminum-phosphate-sulfate) minerals are absent. Therefore a categorization as an epithermal fluorite deposit of low- to intermediate sulfidation is justified, because the only mineral of economic interest in the system is fluorite.The data obtained during this joint study render the Patagonian fluorite district a reference type of fluorite in an epithermal system of low- to intermediate sulfidation which are widespread in Argentina, e.g., Sierras Pampeanas, and evolved on part of the stable craton, called Gondwana and which grade into epithermal Au, Ag, In, Pb and Zn deposits.  相似文献   
The Western Volcanic Zone (WVZ) in Iceland is ∼120 km long and 40 km wide. It offers an opportunity to study rift zones in a local ultra-slow spreading area close to a hotspot. Fractures were mapped from aerial photographs and digital elevation models. Most surface fractures are located in the southern part of the WVZ. The majority of the fractures have a north-northeasterly orientation, some deviations occur from this, especially in the north part of the WVZ. Fracture orientations are therefore quite uniform in the southern, faster spreading part of the WVZ, but more irregular in the slower-spreading northern part. This suggests different stress fields in the north part, which could be due to the influence of the Hreppar microplate and possibly also due to stress fields induced by crustal deformation because of changes in glacial load in the area. Such glacially-induced stress fields may have similar or even more influence than crustal spreading in the slower spreading northern part of the WVZ. Lower fracture density towards the north within the WVZ suggests lower frequency of rifting events in the north part, in accordance with less spreading in the north as measured by GPS geodetic measurements.  相似文献   
松辽盆地构造演化及成盆动力学探讨   总被引:74,自引:25,他引:74  
松辽盆地晚侏罗世以来的构造演化经历了10个阶段:缓慢裂陷和快速坳陷—加速裂陷和快速坳陷—减速裂陷和慢速坳陷—慢速裂陷和快速坳陷—加速裂陷和加速坳陷—减速裂陷和减速坳陷—裂陷、坳陷终止和缓慢反转—快速反转和快速差异坳陷—慢速反转和慢速差异坳陷—反转停止和坳陷终止。构造发育演化的结果形成了“下断中坳上隆顶平”的盆地结构。“中坳”部分沉积的可容纳空间,54%来源于盆地基底的长期伸展坳陷;“上隆”部分沉积的可容纳空间,31%来源于盆地基底的受压坳陷。构造作用的转换起因于东部区域应力场的转变。  相似文献   
The Yinggehai basin is located on the northwestern shelf of the South China Sea. It is the seaward elongation of the Red River Fault Zone (RRFZ). The orientation and rift shape of the Yinggehai basin are mainly controlled by NW-, NNW- and nearly NS-trending basal faults. The depocenter migrated southeastward when the basin developed. The depocenter trended northwest before about 36 Ma, then jumped southward and became nearly N–S trending and migrated toward the southeast up to 21 Ma; thereafter, the depocenter trended northwest again. Based on above and structural evolution in neighbor areas, it is believed that the Yinggehai basin formation was mainly controlled by the extrusion accompanied by clockwise rotation of Indochina. We set up analogue models (thin basal plate model and thick basal plate model) to investigate the evolution of Yinggehai basin. From the experiments, we consider that the basin evolution was related to the extrusion and clockwise rotation of the Indochina block, which was caused by the collision of the Indian plate and Tibet. This process took place in four main stages: (1) Slow rifting stage (before 36 Ma) with a NW-trending depocenter; (2) rifting stage formed by sinistral slip of the Indochina block accompanied by rapid clockwise rotation between 36 and 21 Ma; (3) rifting-thermal subsidence stage affected by sinistral slip of the Indochina (21–5 Ma) block and (4) dextral strike–slip (5–0 Ma).  相似文献   
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