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白领国  李源汇 《探矿工程》2021,48(6):95-101
针对煤矿大口径工程井采用常规水泥浮塞下管技术存在的施工工序多、钻井液易污染、水泥块沉渣多和易残留等工艺缺陷,以霍州某煤矿大口径瓦斯抽采钻孔工程实践为例,开展钢板式浮塞下管技术研究。介绍了该技术的工艺原理,对瓦斯孔工作套管发生弹性失稳变形和材料屈服破坏的临界强度进行校核计算,开展了钢板浮塞的结构和装配方案设计,并对其强度进行验算。采用本工艺完成直径836 mm,重150 t瓦斯抽采管路的下放作业。经实践验证,该技术可减少下管固井期间起下钻工作量,缩短作业时间,成井后套管内无水泥块残留,且工艺制作过程简单、操作方便,可为今后类似工程施工提供经验和借鉴。  相似文献   
硬悬挂钻井隔水管涡激振动特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对深水钻井过程中遭遇强台风,基于安全性考虑要求钻井平台悬挂隔水管提前撤离的问题,采用软件SHEAR7针对HYSY981钻井平台硬悬挂隔水管系统避台风撤离作业过程中,受南海一年一遇海流作用时诱发涡激振动(VIV)的情况,研究航速与悬挂长度对VIV特性的影响。研究表明,浮力块覆盖率越高,隔水管系统张力越小;浮力块分布对隔水管系统VIV响应影响较大,25%交错布置方案VIV响应最弱。隔水管并非越短越好,要综合考虑洋流剖面、隔水管配置和平台航行的影响;在不同悬挂长度及航行条件下的VIV响应,在撤离作业前应尽量避免在高流速区布置浮力单根,撤离作业时应尽量采用顺流而避免平台逆流航向。  相似文献   
1.IntroductionThe spar technology has been used off shore for many years in applications such as research ves-sels,communicationrelaystations,andstorage and offloading platformslikethe Brent spar(Downieetal.,2000;Incecik,2000;Marcioet al.,2003).In1996,the…  相似文献   
BIE  Shean 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(2):263-272
In this paper, the buoyancy, kinetic properties and stability of air floated structures have been studied by theoretical and experimental methods. The ecpjations for calculation of the buoyancy of the air floated buoy are derived according to the Boyler law and the equilibrium equations of the air floated structure are established. Through simplification of the air floated structure as a single freedom rigid body and spring system, the natura! period of heaving and some kinetic properties are discussed. In the stability analysis, the formulas for calculation of the meta centric height are presented. The theoretical results are in good agreement with the data observed from the model test and prototype test. The air buoyancy de-crease coefficient presented in this paper has a large influence on the floating state, stability and dynamic properties of the air floated structure. The stability of the air floated structure can also be judged by the parameter of meta centric height, and calculations show that t  相似文献   
The overall goal of this study was to strengthen understanding of the hydrographic structure in shallow estuaries as influenced by seasonal and depth-dependent variability, and by variability from extreme meteorological events. The mesohaline Neuse Estuary, North Carolina, U.S.A., which was the focus, receives surface inputs from upriver and tributary freshwater sources and bottom inputs from downriver high-salinity sound water sources, resulting in varying degrees of stratification. To assess depth-dependent, estuary-wide changes in salinity, a multiple time series was created using data from four discrete depths (surface and 1, 2, and 3 m±0.25 m). The database was developed from weekly to biweekly sampling of the entire water column, and included side-channel as well as mid-channel data. We characterized seasonal differences in halocline depth affecting the hydrographic structure of the mesohaline estuary and site-specific variation in nutrient concentrations, based on a comprehensive eight-year physical/chemical database. The first two years of the record showed an expected seasonal signal and included events that impacted the surface layer from freshwater inputs. Remaining years had greater variability over seasons and depths, with freshening events that affected all depths. Halocline depth was compared at specific locations, and a “snapshot” view was provided of the relative depth of these water masses within the estuary by season. We also examined flow patterns at the same cross-estuary sites over a three-year period, using a boat-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) with bottom-tracking capability. Composite visualizations constructed with single-transect ADCP data revealed a classical estuarine circulation pattern of outflow at the surface/southern shore and inflow at the bottom/northern shore. Although this pattern deviated under extreme climatological events and was sometimes variable, the estuary generally exhibited a high probability of direction of flow. Wind fields, hurricanes, and small-scale, high-precipitation events represented significant forcing variables.  相似文献   
In general, competition between buoyancy mechanisms and mixing dynamics largely determines the water column structure in a shelf sea. A three dimensional baroclinic ocean model forced by surface heat fluxes and the 2.5 order Mellor-Yamada turbulence scheme is used to simulate the annual cycle of the temperature in the Bohai Sea. The difference between the sea surface temperature (SST) and sea bottom temperature (SBT) is used to examine the evolution of its vertical stratification. It is found that the water column is well-mixed from October to March and that the seasonal thermocline appears in April, peaks in July and then weakens afterwards, closely following the heat budget. In addition, the Loder parameter based on the topography and tidal current amplitude is also computed in order to examine tidal fronts in the BS, which are evident in summer months when the wind stirring mechanism is weak.  相似文献   
根据实测资料(1986-1990年),分析了热带西太平洋(165°E,10°N~10°S)浮力频率的垂直分布和经向变化,讨论了浮力频率与海水稳定度和海洋内波位能的关系。分析结果表明,赤道海域浮力频率的垂直分布和经向变化具有明显的年际变化。其垂直分布的特点是:浮力频率的垂直变化与位温梯度dθdz的垂直变化相似。在ENSO前期或初期,浮力频率在垂直方向上的极大值达到最大,此时跃层最强,但其厚度最薄;在LaNi na期间,垂直方向的极大值明显小于ENSO前期和初期,此时跃层较厚,跃层强度次之;在ENSO末期,垂直方向上的极值介于上述两者之间。此时跃层厚度最为深厚,跃层强度最弱。浮力频率的经向变化是:在ENSO前期和初期,赤道海域的垂向极大值明显高于赤道外海洋;在LaNi na期间,它明显低于赤道外海洋;而在ENSO末期,则与赤道外海洋无显著差异;在8°N,有一个近乎定常的浮力频率峰值,几乎与ENSO或LaNi na的年际变化无关。  相似文献   
朱红钧  黄栏  高岳  唐堂 《海洋工程》2024,(3):107-118
由于氢气密度低,泄漏后的掺氢天然气在海洋波流作用下的浮升扩散行为有别于纯天然气,其泄漏扩散规律有待明晰。利用计算流体力学方法数值模拟了波流联合作用下掺氢输气海管泄漏扩散的过程,结果表明气体泄漏的过程可分为泄漏初期、向上浮升以及横向迁移3个阶段。当掺氢比φH2 <50%时,氢气泡的运动轨迹受天然气泡的影响显著。气体浮升高度和扩散直径的变化与时间成正相关,且随着掺氢比的增大,泄漏气体到达液面所需的时间延长。天然气泡和氢气泡直径在上升的过程中都逐渐增大,两者的浮升速度随浮升高度的增加先增大后减小,天然气泡的浮升速度衰减更快。氢气泡直径随掺氢量的增加而增大,天然气泡直径随掺氢量的增大而减小,两者的上升速度随着掺氢量的增大都表现出先增大后减小的趋势,且氢气泡的上升速度大于天然气泡的上升速度。波长和海流流速越大,泄漏气体的扩散直径越大。  相似文献   
采用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分别将一日4次、日平均、月平均资料作为输入进行计算,分析了浮力频率在不同尺度下的时间变化及空间变化,发现浮力频率的分布与纬度和高度、海洋和陆地、山脉和地形分布等有关。一般认为,浮力频率取决于上下层的温度差。通过对其表达式的推演,指出浮力频率除了与上下层温度差有关外,也与气温本身有关,是两者的非线性函数。针对不同时间尺度及空间的采样样本,研究了气温和垂直温差在浮力频率时空变化中的相对重要性。结果表明,对浮力频率的某些时空变化,在一些区域,气温本身的变化也很重要,其影响甚至能超过上下层温度差的作用。  相似文献   
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