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离散型湖泊水体提取方法精度对比分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
基于卫星遥感的陆地水体提取方法多种多样,并且应用广泛.对于水体分布支离破碎的枯水期湖泊,准确的水体提取方法尚不明晰,直接影响湖泊水域面积的提取精度.以鄱阳湖湖区为研究对象,利用ALOS遥感影像,以2.5 m高分辨率全色波段融合影像非监督分类(ISODATA)得到的水体面积为参考值,分别使用归一化水体指数(NDWI)法、NDWIISODATA法和基于近红外(NIR)的ISODATA法提取了10 m分辨率的水体分布,分析了不同方法提取结果之间的差异性及产生原因.结果表明:3种方法均可以较好地提取出水体,但利用ISODATA法提取的水体细部信息更为明显,面积值较NDWI法更大;相对于近红外单波段而言,基于NDWI图像的ISODATA法提取水体的精度更高.纵观3种方法,基于NDWI图像的ISODATA法提取的水体精度最高,基于近红外波段的ISODATA法提取结果次之,NDWI阈值法的提取效果最差.研究结果对于离散型湖泊水体提取方法及数据源的选择等具有重要的借鉴和参考意义.  相似文献   
Based on the body strain record of Tiantanghe station from 2008 to 2014,we make a statistical analysis of the relationship between the maximum amplitude of the body strain record and the surface-wave magnitude,epicenter distance of the earthquakes,which occurred in the Chinese mainland and its surrounding areas with MS≥6. 0 and the rest of the world with MS≥7. 0. According to statistical results,we propose a statistical formula between the surface-wave magnitude of earthquake and the maximum amplitude of the body strain record,the epicenter distance: M_S~*= 0. 37 ln A_max+ 0. 57 ln D + 0. 07. We can also derive a theoretical estimation formula for the maximum amplitude: A_max=e~(2. 7(M_S~*-0. 07))D~(-1. 54). This demonstrates that the maximum amplitude of the body strain record increases exponentially with the increase of the surface-wave magnitude, and decreases with the increase of the epicenter distance,and shows a negative correlation with their product. We further discuss the necessity of adding instruments with high frequency sampling to earthquake monitoring, and dicuss the prospects for precise earthquake prediction in future.  相似文献   
气汞的第一个同震效应记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用杭州超距科技有限公司最近研发的ATG-6138型测汞仪在云南省弥勒井气汞(Hg)观测中记录到尼泊尔8.1级地震的同震效应。这是我国气汞观测的第一个同震效应的纪录。这一事实表明了进一步提升地震地下流体化学量观测仪器的观测精度与采样率,有可能记录到固体潮与同震效应等更多的地壳动力作用信息,从而进一步提升其地震前兆监测能力。  相似文献   
The analysis of seismic ambient noise acquired during temporary or permanent microseismic monitoring campaigns (e.g., improved/enhanced oil recovery monitoring, surveillance of induced seismicity) is potentially well suited for time‐lapse studies based on seismic interferometry. No additional data acquisition required, ambient noise processing can be automatized to a high degree, and seismic interferometry is very sensitive to small medium changes. Thus there is an opportunity for detection and monitoring of velocity variations in a reservoir at negligible additional cost and effort. Data and results are presented from an ambient noise interferometry study applied to two wells in a producing oil field in Romania. Borehole microseismic monitoring on three component geophones was performed for four weeks, concurrent with a water‐flooding phase for improved oil recovery from a reservoir in ca. 1 km depth. Both low‐frequency (2 Hz–50 Hz) P‐ and S‐waves propagating through the vertical borehole arrays were reconstructed from ambient noise by the virtual source method. The obtained interferograms clearly indicate an origin of the ambient seismic energy from above the arrays, thus suggesting surface activities as sources. It is shown that ambient noise from time periods as short as 30 seconds is sufficient to obtain robust interferograms. Sonic log data confirm that the vertical and horizontal components comprise first arrivals of P‐wave and S‐waves, respectively. The consistency and high quality of the interferograms throughout the entire observation period further indicate that the high‐frequency part (up to 100 Hz) represents the scattered wave field. The temporal variation of apparent velocities based on first‐arrival times partly correlates with the water injection rate and occurrence of microseismic events. It is concluded that borehole ambient noise interferometry in production settings is a potentially useful method for permanent reservoir monitoring due to its high sensitivity and robustness.  相似文献   
Feeding interactions among functional feeding groups (FFGs) of macroinvertebrates are robust indicators of aquatic ecosystem interactions. They provide information regarding organic matter processing, habitat condition and trophic dynamics. In tropical rivers with pronounced wet and dry seasons, macroinvertebrate based ecological monitoring tools are explicitly focused on metrics and indices, while ignoring interactions of FFGs. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the functional feeding type metrics, diversity indices and feeding interactions among FFGs of macroinvertebrates along the water pollution gradient in Gilgel Gibe watershed, Ethiopia. Water quality parameters and macroinvertebrate community attributes were assessed for samples collected from upstream sites (15 sites), urban-impacted stretches (12 sites) and wetland-affected river zones (7 sites) of the watershed during the rainy (July) and dry (February) seasons. To understand the effect of pollution on the feeding interactions, stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes were analyzed. Macroinvertebrate-based diversity indices and functional feeding type metric showed deterioration of ecological integrity at the urban-impacted sites and substantial recovery in the wetland-affected downstream sites. Omnivorous feeding behavior of macroinvertebrates was noted for the upstream sites, whereas clear trophic guilds of FFGs were suggested for the wetland-affected river zones by the stable isotope results. The results of pollution gradient analysis and feeding interactions among FFGs revealed that the urban-impacted sites showed weaker interactions when compared to upstream and wetland influenced sites. This affirms the potential importance of feeding interactions among FFGs of macroinvertebrates in water quality monitoring.  相似文献   
2017年8月8日九寨沟7.0级地震引发贯通重灾区的S301省道、Z120县道多处损坏,给应急救援和灾后重建带来较大困难。利用高分辨率无人机和卫星影像可以对道路震害情况进行评估。本文首先对道路震害进行破坏类型和破坏等级的划分,针对不同分辨率影像所表现的道路破坏特征,建立各破坏等级、各损坏类型的解译标志,并完成灾区遥感图像覆盖范围内主要道路震害的研判与评估。经统计分析,研究区域共出现110处明显破坏,其中,68处为部分损坏,42处为完全损毁,道路整体破坏严重。  相似文献   
An external small disturbance may trigger seismic events when the fault is in a critical state. The problems related with earthquakes triggered by the dynamic stress such as blasting loads, impact loads, volcanic eruptions and strong earthquakes, have usually drawn wide concerns in earthquake science, and the corresponding research contents are quite extensive, including earthquake triggering mechanisms, triggering earthquake uncertainty, aftershock triggering, and so on. Among them, experimental research is an important way to understand the stress triggering conditions and physical mechanisms, such as the influence of load disturbance on fault friction traits, the influence of periodic disturbance of tidal stress on fault instability, etc., all of which can be gained through experimental investigations. Among them, "how to trigger" is a basic scientific problem to increase the understanding of earthquake prediction theory, thus receiving more attention. There are also some studies that focus on "what happened after the trigger", that is, the sliding instability generated by the triggering method, and then the evolution characteristics of the sliding instability process. The well-known experimental study of the super-shear rupture process is conducted by using the electric explosion method to trigger the fault instability, and the high-speed camera records the super-shear rupture during the fault instability. This means that when the trigger source is controllable, it is possible to generate different types of instability processes, and then to explore which earthquakes will be triggered at different time and space positions under different stress states by means of active triggering. The study of stability analysis and instability process has important scientific significance.A stable system of capacitive high-voltage pulse discharge and recharge is one of basic techniques for studying the triggered earthquakes in laboratory. Based on the wire electric explosion method, this paper develops a controllable trigger experiment system. By designing a new capacitive high-voltage pulse charge and discharge system, while considering the actual needs of monitoring and system timing, multiple functions are integrated into one system. Functionally, in addition to realizing the dynamic loading and unloading function of the wire electric explosion method, the discharge process can be monitored, and the triggering, synchronization and timing signal output is performed with other observation systems, thus realizing the whole process monitoring of the dynamic disturbance action. After testing, the following functions are achieved:1)The voltage and current of the high-voltage charging power supply system can be automatically adjusted, and the system can be shut off after charging; 2)Control modes include manual and remote controls. These two modes can control the recharge, release and pulse discharge of the high voltage capacitor; 3)The system can produce multi-channel synchronous output, which satisfy multiple systems working together. In particular, the remote sensing method greatly improves the experimental maneuverability and security; 4)The system has multiple sets of gas discharge tube to trigger discharge, with a wide range of discharge voltage of 500~5 000V; 5)Roche coil resistance integral current detection can meet the transient resistance, large current detection. Test results indicate that this system has good repeatability and stability with the same discharge energy and discharge energy regulator, which is conducive to carry out single channel trigger of high-pressure discharge experiment. In short, the new charging and discharging system can meet the requirements of experimental study of triggering earthquake. In addition, this system can be used to generate the stress disturbance under certain static and dynamic conditions, and then judge whether this kind of mechanical conditions in active fault systems is currently stable.In short, a controllable single-shot discharge system is developed by a capacitive high-voltage pulse discharge system, which provides a good technical basis for experimental research on triggering earthquakes. In addition, the new system also has application significance:1)multiple triggering output can simultaneously start multiple systems and improve the efficiency of observation. Fault instability is a characteristic of transient response, so, its observation requires high-speed acquisition equipment, which is difficult to control on observation; the trigger system is controllable, with active synchronization observation using physical parameters; 2)stress disturbance can be triggered under static and dynamic loads to detect the safety and stability of the fault system with active trigger.  相似文献   
对比中外跨断层形变监测研究进展,认为中外跨断层形变监测在监测目的、监测区域控制范围大小、监测断裂活动年代要求、监测周期、监测地区等存在差别,而且中国跨断层形变监测具有细致周全的监测规范。中国开展跨断层形变监测,有利于最大限度地提高地震活动监控能力和监测水平。  相似文献   
镇江地震台网理论监测能力评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于近震震级公式,对镇江地震台网理论监测能力进行评估,绘制地震监测能力图,以确定监测区不同地点发生地震时能被台网有效分析和定位的地震最小震级。镇江市句容县在该台网理论监测震级最小,为ML1.2—1.3;在镇江及相邻城市,发生ML 1.8分析认为,以上地震均能被有效监测。  相似文献   
为了解辽宁省地震重点监视防御区典型村镇房屋抗震能力现状,通过现场调查的方式对辽阳、锦州和盘锦等地的村镇民居进行了随机抽样调查,并从场地选择、地基基础、建筑材料、构件的连接及抗震构造措施等方面对其抗震性能进行了分析。总体上看:房屋抗震能力不足的比例占85%左右,主要体现在抗震构造措施缺失及构件连接问题上。在此基础上对提高村镇房屋抗震性能提出了一些对策和建议,为辽宁省农村防震减灾工作提供参考。  相似文献   
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