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This article focuses on the science–policy interaction in international negotiations in the context of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe's Convention for Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). It addresses the question how participants in the assessment process divide and co-ordinate work between science and policy and how this enhances credibility, legitimacy and relevance with multiple audiences. For this purpose the article combines an analytical framework to approach effectiveness of scientific assessment in policy making, with the notion of boundary work and co-production of science and policy. The article argues that knowledge produced within the CLRTAP process and the institutional setting in which this knowledge production takes place cannot be separated from each other. Furthermore credibility, legitimacy and relevance are to a large extent determined by boundary work in an early stage of the process. At the same time boundary work has to take place continuously in order keep the assessment process credible, legitimate and relevant for new audiences. The application of a combined framework for analysing credibility, legitimacy and relevance and for analysing boundary work turns out to be helpful in describing in detail what happens in practice at the science–policy interface. In particular it helps to address the question of the way participants in the assessment process divide and co-ordinate work, how this shapes design elements and how this enhances credibility legitimacy and relevance of an assessment.  相似文献   
为解决分析预报等相关专业软件访问前兆数据库时存在的性能与安全问题,本文设计了地震前兆数据库系统共享接口软件。该软件可以隔离数据库与应用程序,对应用程序的数据使用情况进行审计与控制,切断非法、低效的数据访问请求;同时,使用连接池、数据缓存和数据压缩等技术提高前兆数据的访问速度。软件无需安装Oracle客户端,易于使用,屏蔽了数据库表结构的复杂性。  相似文献   
氧化还原条件对红枫湖沉积物磷释放影响的微尺度分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
选取贵州红枫湖为研究对象,在实验室条件下模拟了自然、好氧和厌氧条件下沉积物内源磷的释放过程,联合应用微电极技术和沉积物磷形态分析对沉积物—水界面开展了微尺度观测与研究.结果表明,厌氧条件下红枫湖沉积物总磷含量显著降低,且主要是NaOH提取态磷(NaOH-P)和残渣态磷(rest-P)含量降低所致,厌氧条件下沉积物孔隙水中磷酸盐浓度明显升高,而好氧条件下沉积物孔隙水磷酸盐浓度显著降低,反映厌氧条件显著促进了红枫湖沉积物磷释放.厌氧条件下沉积物内部溶解氧浓度下降、硫还原活动增强可能是导致NaOH-P释放的主要原因.O_2浓度的降低加速了沉积物还原作用并产生大量H2S,进而与二价铁离子形成硫化亚铁沉淀,最终导致NaOH-P(Fe-P)释放到孔隙水中.好氧条件向厌氧条件的转换可通过改变沉积物内部pH值分布和微生物活动促使rest-P释放:厌氧条件下,厌氧微生物不仅可以消耗硫酸根产生H_2S,导致pH值降低,还可消耗有机质,将有机磷转变为无机磷.上述研究结果表明,沉积物—水界面氧化还原环境可影响沉积物氧渗透深度、pH值分布、微生物活动、硫循环以及有机质降解过程,进而控制沉积物磷的形态转化与释放.联合应用微电极技术和沉积物磷形态分析对湖泊沉积物—水界面开展微尺度观测研究是揭示沉积物内源磷释放机制与控制因素的有效途径.  相似文献   
袋装石土工袋堆叠过程中在土工袋接触面形成的咬合和嵌固作用,对土工袋剪切力学强度和破坏形式有较大的影响。通过一系列直剪试验研究了咬合和嵌固作用的影响,试验结果表明:袋装石土工袋层间咬合和嵌固作用能够增大土工袋抗剪强度;咬合作用随着土工袋上部竖向应力的增大有所减小,而嵌固作用则有所增大;袋装石土工袋在剪切过程中会产生两种破坏形式,分别为土工袋袋体自身变形和层间滑动破坏;土工袋组合体在受到水平剪切力时会发生整体变形,随后在组合体内部产生阶梯型滑动面,滑裂面的形状随着竖向荷载的增大而有所不同,相应的抗剪强度也会随着滑动面的改变而变化。  相似文献   


In engineering practice, a rapid loading rate can result in ground failure when the strength of soft soils is relatively low, and a multistage loading scheme is always utilized to deal with this situation. Firstly, under a multistage load and the continuous drainage boundary, an analytical solution of excess pore-water pressure and consolidation degree is obtained by virtue of the superposition formula of excess pore-water pressure, and a more general continuous drainage boundary under arbitrary time-dependent load is developed. Then, a comparison with existing analytical solutions is conducted to verify the present solution. A preliminary attempt on applying the continuous drainage boundary into the finite element model is made, and the feasibility of the numerical model for the one-dimensional consolidation under the continuous drainage boundary is verified by comparing the results calculated by FEM with that from present analytical solution. Finally, the consolidation behavior of soil is investigated in detail for different int erface parameters or loading scheme. The results show that, in land reclamation projects, a horizontal drain should be placed close to the boundary with a smaller interface parameter to improve the consolidation efficiency. The degree of consolidation is also related to the applied time-dependent load and interface parameters.  相似文献   
In this paper, an enhanced backtracking search algorithm (so-called MBSA-LS) for parameter identification is proposed with two modifications: (a) modifying the mutation of original backtracking search algorithm (BSA) considering the contribution of current best individual for accelerating convergence speed and (b) novelly incorporating an efficient differential evolution (DE) as local search for improving the quality of population. The proposed MBSA-LS is first validated with better performance than the original BSA and some other typical state-of-the-art optimization algorithms on a benchmark of soil parameter identification in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and robustness. Then, the efficiency of the MBSA-LS is further illustrated by two representative cases: identifying soil parameters from both laboratory tests and field measurements. All comparisons demonstrate that the proposed MBSA-LS algorithm can give accurate results in a short time. Finally, to conveniently solve the problems of parameter identification, a practical tool ErosOpt for parameter identification is developed by integrating the proposed MBSA-LS and some other efficient algorithms for readers to conduct the parameter identification using optimisation algorithms.  相似文献   
MODerate resolution atmospheric TRANsmission (MODTRAN) is a commercial remote sensing (RS) software package that has been widely used to simulate radiative transfer of electromagnetic radiation through the Earth's atmosphere and the radiation observed by a remote sensor. However, when very large RS datasets must be processed in simulation applications at a global scale, it is extremely time-consuming to operate MODTRAN on a modern workstation. Under this circumstance, the use of parallel cluster computing to speed up the process becomes vital to this time-consuming task. This paper presents PMODTRAN, an implementation of a parallel task-scheduling algorithm based on MODTRAN. PMODTRAN was able to reduce the processing time of the test cases used here from over 4.4 months on a workstation to less than a week on a local computer cluster. In addition, PMODTRAN can distribute tasks with different levels of granularity and has some extra features, such as dynamic load balancing and parameter checking.  相似文献   
Cretaceous-Paleocene organic-rich sediments in Egypt occur as an east-west trending belt extending from the Quseir-Safaga district (Red Sea) to the Kharga-Dakhla (Western Desert) region. They are associated with the Duwi Formation (phosphate-bearing) and the overlying Dakhla Formation (deeper epicontinental shale/marl). This study aims to reconstruct the paleo-redox conditions during deposition of these thermally immature organic-rich sediments using carbon-sulfur-iron systematics and trace metal proxies in two cores, one each from the Quseir and Abu Tartur areas. Paleoproductivity, based on P content, seems to have been higher in the Quseir section than in the Abu Tartur section. The Quseir section also records a relatively greater occurrence of anoxic conditions during the accumulation of these sediments than the Abu Tartur section. This difference is indicated by its markedly higher total organic carbon (TOC) content as well as higher contributions of redox-sensitive and sulfide-forming metals (Mo, U, Ni, V, and Co). A weak correlation exists between S and TOC, and a positive S intercept (>1) was observed in most of the rock units of the study sections. A high consistency between the TOC-S-Fe relations and trace metals findings was found. The uppermost Duwi and the lowermost Dakhla strata, which have the highest TOC and represent a maximum sea transgression during the Late Cretaceous, have the highest contents of redox-sensitive trace metals. The carbonate-dominated transgressive Baris and Beida members of the Dakhla Formation record relatively stronger oxygen-depleted conditions during their accumulation than others, which led to relatively higher TOC contents and redox-sensitive metal accumulations. A scenario for the environmental conditions that existed during the deposition of these organic-rich successions, based on compiled trace metals and TOC-S-Fe implications, is reconstructed here.  相似文献   
基于重庆市境内长江航道雷达站拍摄的雾天气过程影像资料,利用K最近邻、支持向量机、BP神经网络、随机森林等机器学习算法,对无雾和5类有雾天气个例进行图像识别训练,构建雾图像识别模型,并检验了识别准确率。结果表明:机器学习能够有效识别雾图像,随机森林算法的识别效果优于其余3种算法。对于能见度超过1500 m的无雾天气,模型的识别准确率为100%,对于能见度在1000—1500 m范围内的轻雾、能见度低于50 m的强浓雾,模型的识别准确率在90%以上,对于能见度在50—1000 m范围内的雾、大雾和浓雾,识别准确率超过70%。  相似文献   
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