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分子生物学技术在赤潮毒素分析监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有毒赤潮事件的频繁爆发,不仅对海洋生物及自然资源造成了极大的危害,还严重威胁到公众健康。因此,各国都在积极寻求快速灵敏的检测方法,加强对赤潮毒素的分析及监测。现代分子生物学技术的发展为新型快速检测方法的建立提供了可能。对利用分子生物学技术对赤潮毒素进行检测的几种方法——全细胞PCR法、DNA探针法及信使基因细胞受体法进行了讨论。这些新技术旨在检测出环境中的痕量赤潮毒素和有害生物,杜绝赤潮毒素或有毒藻进入到食物链,从而最大限度保护公众健康、水环境及自然资源。  相似文献   
在建立斑节对虾实验室养殖模式的基础上,对野外采集的有白斑综合症病毒(WSSV)病典型症状的斑节对虾初步纯化其病毒,并进行WSSV的PCR检测,得到WSSV的感染用样品。对健康斑节对虾分别进行浸浴感染,投喂感染和注射感染。对感染死亡个体进行WSSA的PCR检测和细菌检测,证实WSSV感染性和致死性。浸浴感染、投喂感染和注射感染的感染量分别为4mL/L、0.2g/10g虾体、1/2稀释液0.05mL/10g虾体,死亡开始时间分别为16d、42h、28h,三种感染模式最终死亡率100%,从开始死亡到全部死亡延续时间分别为15d、82h、44h。  相似文献   
在干燥环境中,由于蒸发失水,膨胀土发生收缩,表面容易产生纵横交错的裂隙网络(龟裂)。龟裂的产生会极大弱化土体的工程性质,并导致各种工程问题。随着极端干旱气候的频发,膨胀土龟裂问题将会越来越多,越来越显著。开展龟裂研究对揭示龟裂现象的本质规律和指导膨胀土地区的工程实践有重要意义。龟裂的形成和发展是一个动态的过程,与土中水分的蒸发速率、应力状态、收缩特性等直接相关:龟裂形成时水分蒸发处于常速率阶段; 吸力和抗拉强度是制约龟裂形成的两个关键力学参数,当土体中的吸力引起的张拉应力超过土体的抗拉强度时,龟裂便会产生; 龟裂是孔隙发生收缩的直观表现。总体上,力的作用和收缩空间是土体龟裂形成的两个必要条件。此外,膨胀土龟裂具有非常复杂的发生发展过程,受土质学、土力学、土结构、试验条件和方法等许多因素的影响。龟裂定量分析是龟裂研究的重要内容之一,能为龟裂机理研究及相关理论模型的建立提供必要参数。计算机图形处理技术具有效率高、操作性强、精度高等优点,为龟裂定量分析提供了强有力的工具。目前关于土体龟裂研究还存在许多不足之处,在今后的工作中,应该重视龟裂形成和发展过程的动态特征,围绕与土体龟裂相关的水-土作用关系、力学机制、收缩变形机制、大尺度现场试验和三维观测分析技术等方面开展更多的针对性研究,综合考虑龟裂形成过程中的土质学、土力学和土结构因素,结合宏观现象与微观分析,建立土体龟裂的理论体系。  相似文献   
通过对岩溶洞穴垮塌的岩石力学原理及塔里木盆地奥陶系实钻资料的分析,基本明确了洞穴埋藏垮塌的控制因素是岩石抗弯强度、洞穴尺度、洞穴距风化暴露面的距离等,并得到了洞穴垮塌深度的定量图版。该图版对于钻前预测现今埋藏于地下的碳酸盐岩洞穴是否已经垮塌、洞穴埋藏演化史精确恢复以及对裂缝—洞穴型储层的评价预测具有较强的实践意义。  相似文献   
 The prediction of the hydrocarbon potential of a specific trap or of a number of specific traps (venture), referred to herein as prospect appraisal, concerns a probabilistic exercise based on the quantification of geology in terms of structural closure, reservoir quality, hydrocarbon charge, and the retention potential of the seal. Its objectives include: (a) prediction of the hydrocarbon volumes that could be present in the trap from an analysis of its geologic attributes; (b) the amount of uncertainty introduced in the volumetric prediction by the uncertainties in the subsurface geology; (c) the risk that one or more of the essential attributes of the prospect are underdeveloped and recoverable reserves are absent. The uncertainty of the geologic input requires a probabilistic approach, for which the Monte Carlo procedure is well suited. Prospect appraisal forms the basis for decision-making in oil exploration and development and, therefore, should be reliable, consistent, and auditable. This requires the use of a consistent methodology, the development of reliable models to quantify the geologic processes involved, and the collection of comprehensive and relational databases for the many geologic variables. As a result of data availability, uncertainty and risk tend to increase strongly from mature, producing basins to areas of frontier exploration. This may complicate management of exploration portfolios. Received: 1 July 1996/Accepted: 25 November 1996  相似文献   
In order to assess the diversity and spatial distribution of bacterial and archaeal communities in a CO2-rich and meromictic lake, samples were collected along the water column of Lake Monoun and analyzed using PCR-DGGE and quantitative analyses of the 16S rRNA gene. The retrieved sequences were affiliated to 6 bacterial phyla and two archaeal phyla which plausible environmental functions map with the physico-chemical parameters of the lake. Unclassified sequences were also detected. This suggests heterogeneity in community composition and existence of potential candidate divisions. For instance, amongst the bacterial sequences, 18.2% matched with methanotrophic bacteria of the order methylococcales and amongst the archaeal sequences, 16.6% matched with methanogenic species of the order methanomicrobiales. Hence, evidencing the existence of methane-related prokaryotes in the lake, a finding that would play a key role in our understanding of the methane puzzle of Lake Monoun. Other groups capable of a wide range of metal and nutrients transformations were also detected, as well as those of unknown functions. The layering of microbial communities also appeared to directly or indirectly depend on oxygen availability. DGGE and qPCR analyses both suggested a scarcity of archaea in the surface samples. Furthermore, qPCR revealed that bacteria were numerically more important than archaea in all the samples. The general distribution along the water column indicated that archaeal abundance increases with depth.  相似文献   
在活断层的力学性质参数中 ,摩擦系数有着特别重要的意义 .它是建立活断层运动学与动力学之间物理力学关系进而促进地震地质研究沿着“由静到动、由定性到定量”方向深入发展的关键性参数之一 ,也是建立活断层重新滑动准则从而定量评估断层稳定性或地震危险性不可缺少的物理参数 .目前 ,断层摩擦系数主要是应用双剪法对采自断层的断层泥进行实验室测试和研究而取得的 .这样取得的结果很难说能够代表断层实际摩擦系数 ,尤其很难反映断层深部摩擦性状 ,采用实验室方法是无法测知不同地质时期断层活动所显示的摩擦性状及其演化特征的 .因此 ,必须寻找定量确定断层摩擦系数及其演化特征的新途径 .通过理论研究和实际应用提出了根据对活断层运动学实测资料的分析并结合年代学测试定量确定断层摩擦系数和动力学主要参数及其演化特征的新途径 .  相似文献   
东海原甲藻cDNA文库构建及尝试性EST分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东海原甲藻(Prorocentrumdonghaiense)是中国沿海频繁发生的大规模赤潮的原因种之一,大规模分离鉴定东海原甲藻功能基因是理解东海原甲藻赤潮形成过程和机理的重要基础。取对数生长期藻体,经微量总RNA抽提、cDNA合成、cDNA扩增和克隆等步骤,构建了东海原甲藻cDNA文库并进行了尝试性表达序列标签分析。从含有约5000个转化子的文库中随机取150个测序,获得126条EST序列。经网上BlastN及BlastX分析,共发现11个是已知功能的基因的标签。这些基因与东海原甲藻生长发育、物质转换和能量代谢相关。  相似文献   
补体系统作为先天免疫的重要组成部分,是一种复杂的限制性蛋白水解系统,其在免疫系统中发挥着重要的防御作用。为分析马氏珠母贝补体系统的组成及作用机制,使用血细胞样品进行了全长转录组测序建库、基因比对、功能注释,共挖掘到212个潜在补体样组分相关基因。补体样组分基因经同源性比对和结构域检测分析表明,检索到的基因分别编码89个含C1q结构域蛋白、57个C型凝集素蛋白、33个纤维胶凝蛋白、11个纤维蛋白原相关蛋白、8个甘露糖结合型凝集素关联丝氨酸蛋白酶、2个含硫酯蛋白(1个C3分子,1个TEP分子)、1个补体受体、2个补体因子、9个丝氨酸蛋白酶。随机选择12个补体相关基因,使用溶藻弧菌刺激前后的血细胞样品进行实时定量PCR检测其表达水平,结果显示C1q(C1q domain containing protein)、C-lectin、MBL(mannose-binding lectin)、ficolin、MASP(mannan-binding lectin serine protease)等基因均呈现出显著差异表达,表明马氏珠母贝补体系统是一个复杂的多组分效应系统,且可能通过凝集素途径或类似于凝集素途径激活补体系统的免疫作用。研究结果为进一步验证马氏珠母贝中存在的原始补体系统提供了分子生物学证据,同时对深入了解马氏珠母贝免疫防御机制,丰富和发展海洋无脊椎动物免疫学内容也具有重要理论意义。  相似文献   
A large amount of deep oil has been discovered in the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin whereas the oil source is still controversial. An integrated geochemical approach was utilized to unravel the characteristics, origin and alteration of the deep oils. This study showed that the Lower Cambrian oil from well ZS1C (
1x) was featured by small or trace amounts of biomarkers, unusually high concentration of dibenzothiophenes (DBTs), high δ34S of DBTs and high δ13C value of n-alkanes. These suggest a close genetic relationship with the Cambrian source rocks and TSR alteration. On the contrary, the Middle Cambrian oils from well ZS1 (
2a) were characterized by low δ13C of n-alkanes and relatively high δ34S of individual sulfur compounds and a general “V” shape of steranes, indicating a good genetic affinity with the Middle–Upper Ordovician source rocks. The middle Cambrian salt rock separating the oils was suggested to be one of the factors responsible for the differentiation. It was suggested that most of the deep oils in the Tazhong Uplift were mixed source based on biomarkers and carbon isotope, which contain TSR altered oil in varied degree. The percentage of the oils contributed by the Cambrian–Lower Ordovician was in the range of 19–100% (average 57%) controlled by several geological and geochemical events. Significant variations in the δ34S values for individual compounds in the oils were observed suggesting a combination of different extent of TSR and thermal maturation alterations. The unusually high DBTs concentrations in the Tazhong-4 oilfield suggested as a result of mixing with the ZS1C oil (
1x) and Lower Ordovician oils based on δ34S values of DBT. This study will enhance our understanding of both deep and shallow oil sources in the Tazhong Uplift and clarify the formation mechanisms of the unusually high DBTs oils in the region.  相似文献   
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