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利用1990年以来江西省交通运输及相关统计数据,在分析和评价全省各地市客、货运量状况的基础上,运用地域非均衡系数、区域位势商指标,对江西省客、货流运输联系的空间演化特征及趋势进行了探讨。研究表明,全省在交通运输业快速发展的同时,客、货运输在空间分布上已由低水平的集中趋向均衡发展,客运的廊道效应初显,在京九铁路、浙赣铁路、昌九高速、赣粤高速沿线地区客流较为集中;货运重心南移,极化效应减弱,随着全省各地市的资源优势开始转为经济优势,货运地位出现有序演变。结合江西省经济发展所处阶段,对其运输化发展阶段进行了初步的分析和讨论。  相似文献   
The place of individuals in the politics of scale   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Julie Cidell 《Area》2006,38(2):196-203
Conceptualizations and re-conceptualizations of scale have been powerful tools for explaining spatial processes that transcend traditionally-bounded territories. Examining the role of individuals within a politics of scale can do even more to explain multi-scalar conflicts. This paper does so by examining struggles over airport expansion in the US, showing how an understanding of the various roles of individuals in the politics of scale – as sites of multiple scales, as actors constituting other scales, and as scales in and of themselves – better explains multi-scalar conflicts and offers more opportunities for resolving them.  相似文献   
我国航空客流网络发展及其地域系统研究   总被引:69,自引:19,他引:69  
金凤君 《地理研究》2001,20(1):31-39
“极化”效应是高速交通网络引导客货流演进的空间表象,由此导致空间作用关系的变化和空间结构的演化。轴心—附属式的“轴—辐”空间模式已经成为航空客流网络发展的基本模式。本文以航空客流为分析对象,探讨了我国城市间的相互作用特征,以及高速运输网络发展的社会经济意义。结果表明,我国大陆航空客流的网络体系形成了明显的地域分异现象,产生了以三个一级枢纽为核心的“轴—辐”系统,即北京、广州和上海系统,以及两个相对独立的次级系统——乌鲁木齐和昆明系统;航空客流存在显著的距离衰减规律,绝大部分客流发生的距离在2400km之内;超大城市是航空客流的集聚地,以其为枢纽的航空网络的合理组织具有重大的社会经济意义  相似文献   
本文用日本山梨大学片谷教孝等人建立的3维欧拉型污染物远距离输送模式,分别输入1988年6月月平均和逐时气象资料(风场、气压场、密度场、降水等),对夏季东亚地区SOx的远距离输送进行了数值模拟。所有实验均积分1个月,对SO2、SO2-4的地面浓度及沉降量进行了分析,实验结果表明:如果仅仅考虑SO2的远距离输送模拟,可以月平均场气象资料代替模式中需要的逐时场气象资料;而将逐时场的风、降水资料和月平均场的气压、密度资料共同使用则与输入逐时场气象资料对SO2及SO2-4模拟结果完全相当。由于实验中只使用了1988年6月的资料,故下一步的研究应对不同年、季的气象资料及不同污染物的远距离输送模拟进行比较,从而考察月平均场气象资料在污染物远距离输送的模拟中能否完全或部分代替逐时场气象资料。  相似文献   
台风Dan(9914)的水汽输送特征   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
利用ECMWF 2.5°×2.5°的再分析资料,用大尺度水汽通量流函数和速度势以及水汽收支对台风Dan(9914)在形成、加强和减弱过程中的水汽输送和收支进行了诊断分析。结果表明:台风Dan西行期的水汽主要从西边界和东边界流入台风,水汽主要是来自于副热带高压南侧偏东气流对水汽的输送;转向北移后则以西边界流入的水汽占主导作用,水汽主要是来自南海。台风Dan的水汽输送主要集中在对流层中低层,一般在925 hPa有最大的水汽总收支。在Dan发生发展的不同时期,由大尺度水汽通量流函数和速度势表示的水汽通量输送和辐合也有明显的变化,表明水汽输送和辐合在Dan的发生发展及消亡过程中有一定作用。  相似文献   
基于拉格朗日方法的江淮梅雨水汽输送特征分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
江志红  任伟  刘征宇  杨浩 《气象学报》2013,71(2):295-304
利用NCEP再分析资料,引入基于拉格朗日方法的气流轨迹模式(HYSPLITv4.9),结合用于海量轨迹分析的气块追踪分析方法,探讨了江淮梅雨气候平均的水汽输送特征以及梅雨异常年水汽输送的差异。结果表明,在气候态下,江淮梅雨的水汽主要来自印度洋、孟加拉湾—中国南海、太平洋和欧亚大陆4个区域,其对江淮梅雨的水汽输送贡献分别为35%、19%、22%和19%。其中,印度洋、孟加拉湾—中国南海和太平洋上的输送气流主要来自850 hPa以下的对流层低层,而欧亚大陆的输送气流主要来自600 hPa左右的对流层中层。进一步对比梅雨异常年水汽输送的差异,发现孟加拉湾—中国南海、太平洋和印度洋的水汽输送对江淮梅雨的异常有重要影响,梅雨偏多年来自孟加拉湾—中国南海的水汽输送较多,其对江淮梅雨的水汽输送贡献为24%,比梅雨偏少年约增加了13%,梅雨偏少年则是来自太平洋和印度洋的水汽输送较多,对江淮梅雨的水汽输送贡献分别达到了40%和30%,比梅雨偏多年约增加了5%和10%。  相似文献   
对1996年12月26~30日阿勒泰地区特大暴雪天气的分析表明,高空急流耦合的次级环流的加强了暴雪区的上升运动,低空急流为暴雪天气输送和集中了充分的水汽,深厚的上升运动和较强的位势不稳定是暴雪天气产生的动力学条件。  相似文献   
The closed-form analytical stormwater quality models are developed for simulating urban catchment pollutant buildup and washoff processes. By integrating the rainfall–runoff transformation with pollutant buildup and washoff functions, stormwater quality measures, such as the cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of pollutant loads, the expected value of pollutant event mean concentrations (EMCs) and the average annual pollutant load can be derived. This paper presents methodologies and major procedures for the development of urban stormwater quality models based on derived probability distribution theory. In order to investigate the spatial variation in model parameters and its impact on stormwater pollutant buildup and washoff processes as well as pollutant loads to receiving waters, an extended form of the original rainfall–runoff transformation which is based on lumped runoff coefficient approach is proposed to differentiate runoff generation mechanisms between the impervious and pervious areas of the catchment. In addition, as a contrast to the aggregated pollutant buildup models formulated with a single lumped buildup parameter, the disaggregated form of the pollutant buildup model is proposed by introducing a number of physically-based parameters associated with pollutant buildup and washoff processes into the pollutant load models. The results from the case study indicate that analytical urban stormwater management model are capable of providing results in good agreement with the field measurements, and can be employed as alternatives to continuous simulation models in the evaluation of long-term stormwater quality measures.  相似文献   
The flood in the Odra river in 1997 has led to considerable additional pollution of the Stettin Lagoon and the Baltic Sea with contaminated suspended solids. For some priority substances, the pollutant entries via suspended solids during the flood period are estimated to be approximately 1/3 of the usual annual load. Among these priority pollutants there are total organic carbon (TOC), nitrogen, and the heavy metals Cu, Pb and Zn. For the concentrations of the priority pollutants in suspended solids accumulation factors from 2 to 4 in the comparison with normal conditions were observed. On the basis of the analysis of sediments sampled after the flood, main sources of the pollutants should be evaluated. As reference area with an industrial background as well as a typical pollutant pattern the region around Glogow/Legnica is proposed.  相似文献   
通过滆湖磷的来源途径(入湖河道、湖区径流、湖面沉降、养殖技饵、底泥释放)和湖体各要素(水体、浮游植物、大型水生植物、鱼类等)中磷迁移过程调查资料的分析,建立了描述磷在上述各要素中迁移过程的数学模型.经实测资料验证,模型的计算值与实测值的平均相对误差在9.9%-18.6%.基本反映了磷的迁移过程及动态变化规律,对该湖磷浓度预测及磷资源合理利用具有重要的意义.  相似文献   
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