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龙门山北段矿山梁构造解析及其油气勘探   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
矿山梁构造是龙门山冲断带北段典型的前锋构造之一,经历了晚三叠世和新生代两期构造挤压变形。矿山梁构造几何学上表现为一个双重构造:浅层是一个晚三叠世形成的断层转折褶皱;深层则是在新生代形成的三个逆冲岩片叠置所构成的隐伏堆垛背斜构造。深部构造的发育改造了上覆晚三叠世形成的浅层构造。矿山梁构造的有利勘探部位是深部的隐伏冲断构造,尤其是新生代构造变形中最早形成的构造岩片即岩片1,但该构造能否具有较好的油气潜力则取决于深部构造顶部滑脱层的封堵能力。分析认为新生代形成的隐伏冲断构造是龙门山冲断带前锋带中油气勘探的新领域。  相似文献   
通过岩心化验、测井资料及生产动态等资料,绘制长6各小层的有效砂体厚度等值线图、沉积相图及油气平面分布图和油藏剖面,对杏子川油田郝84井区长6层段沉积特征、油藏类型、油气分布特征及其控制因素进行综合分析研究。研究表明:郝84井区长6储层为三角洲前缘沉积,水下分流河道和河口坝发育,长6油藏为岩性油藏,主要受岩性控制,石油沿有效砂体呈条带状北东向展布,主要富集在水下分流河道及河口坝砂体中。  相似文献   
利用1961—2005年西北及内蒙古地区208个地面气象站春季沙尘暴日数的观测资料,对沙尘暴发生的年代际变化进行了分析。结果显示,20世纪60年代和70年代沙尘暴偏多,80年代沙尘暴开始减少,90年代最少,21世纪的前5 a沙尘暴呈现出先增多后减少的趋势。基于1961—2005年的NCEP资料进行了原因探析,结果表明:①在沙尘暴多发年代,我国北方大部分区域风速出现了正距平,而在沙尘暴少发的年代,风速呈现出负距平;②在沙尘暴多发的年代,我国中高纬地区出现明显的气旋性流场距平,其南侧西风增强了我国西北及内蒙古地区偏西风风速,而在沙尘暴少发的年代,则与之相反;③极锋锋区在60—70年代强度偏强,从80年代开始强度呈现出明显的减弱趋势,21世纪初期锋区强度继续减弱,但其中心位置有小幅的自北向南移动。  相似文献   
渤海层化结构及潮汐锋面季节变化的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘浩  潘伟然 《水科学进展》2007,18(3):398-403
采用三维斜压海流模式(POM)模拟了渤海海温的季节变化,以海表与海底温差ΔT作为判别依据,发现3月份前整个渤海的表、底温差小于0.5℃,说明渤海处于充分混合状态;进入4月份以后,莱州湾、渤海中部以及渤海海峡的局部水域出现超过2℃的表、底温差,意味着垂向层化结构开始形成;层化区域面积随着海表热通量增大的趋势可一直持续到8月,9月后由于日照量逐渐减小,季节性温越层逐渐消失,11月以后渤海又恢复到充分混合的状态.  相似文献   
为揭示河流-地下水系统水力连通状态演化特征,以分层沉积物季节性失水河流-地下水系统为研究对象,解析水力连通状态判别标准,剖析系统内渗流变异机制,阐明水力连通状态变异类型与机制,完善演化理论框架。构建6个具有不同分层沉积物的河流-地下水系统渗流模型,利用数值模拟方法模拟水力连通状态演化及变异。结果表明:湿润锋曲线和饱和带前锋曲线是刻画水力连通状态演化的特征曲线;沉积物内渗透能力和毛细力作用差异是导致变异的原因。湿润锋曲线变异类型为陡坎型、缓坡型或交替型;饱和带前锋曲线变异类型为后移型、前突型或交替型。研究成果为进一步开展河流-地下水系统内水量评估、物质迁移和能量传输研究提供理论支撑。  相似文献   
In the present study, a severe squall line (SL) was analyzed by using intensive observational surface data and radar monitoring products. In this process, mesoscale convergence lines, such as the sea breeze front (SBF), gust front and dry line, served as the main triggering and strengthening factors. The transition from convection triggering to the formation of the initial shape was mainly affected by the convergence line of the SBF, which combined with thermal convection to form the main parts of the SL. In the later stage, the convergence line of the gust front merged with other convergence lines to form a series of strong convective cells. The SBF had good indicative significance in terms of severe convective weather warnings. The suitable conditions of heat, water vapor and vertical wind shear on the Shandong Peninsula were beneficial to the maintenance of the SL. Before SL occurrence, tropopause folding strengthened, which consequently enhanced the baroclinic property in the middle and upper troposphere. The high sensible heat flux at the surface easily produced a positive potential vorticity anomaly in the low layer, resulting in convective instability, which was conducive to the maintenance of these processes. In the system, when precipitation particles passed through the unsaturated air layer, they underwent strong evaporation, melting or sublimation, and the cooling effect formed negative buoyancy, which accelerated the sinking of the air and promoted the sustained development of the surface gale. Together with the development of low- level mesocyclones, the air pressure decreased rapidly, which was conducive to gale initiation.  相似文献   
文章利用2012年冬季南海西北部的航次探空资料,研究了寒潮过程和海洋锋面对大气波导特征演变的共同影响。文中观测发现,航次期间的大气波导以悬空波导为主,平均波底高度约738.64m,平均厚度约185.17m,平均强度10.21M单位。观测前期,天气形势稳定,东北季风较弱,在锋面暖水区一侧的悬空波导较为深厚,且高度较低。其主要成因是大气边界层顶部925hPa至850hPa高度左右存在深厚的逆温层,且具有显著的日变化特征。航次中期的寒潮过程导致东北季风大幅增强,使得大气边界层顶部的逆温层被破坏,从而导致悬空波导显著变薄变弱。而锋面冷水区一侧,低水温抑制湍流发展导致大气修正折射率(M)的负梯度扰动较弱,较难形成稳定且有一定强度的波导层,且无显著日变化。但当东南暖湿气流覆盖锋面冷水区上空时,容易形成较稳定的表面波导。  相似文献   
用反射地震方法研究物理海洋-地震海洋学简介   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
地震海洋学是通过传统反射地震勘探方法研究物理海洋学的一种新方法.相对于传统的接触式温盐深测量方法,该方法具有较高的横向分辨率和能快速对整个海水剖面成像等优点,是一种非常有前途的新方法.本文将详细阐述反射地震方法在探测海洋锋温盐细结构、刻画水团边界、海洋内波、黑潮等方面的研究进展.目前海水层温度差异主要通过叠加剖面的反射轴振幅计算得到,但是叠加剖面并没有做真振幅处理.为了解决计算过程中的误差,最后提出在地震海洋学仲利用真振幅偏移结果可以使计算更加合理的设想.  相似文献   
侯增谦  李振清 《地质学报》2004,78(4):482-493
为了获得西藏碰撞造山带的深部信息 ,并约束印度大陆俯冲碰撞过程 ,系统研究了藏南地区活动热泉的氦同位素。本文资料和前人成果表明 ,青藏高原热泉气体 He同位素组成变化极大 ,R/ Ra介于 0 .0 17~5 .38之间 ,可分为两个不同的 He变化域 ,即幔源 He域 (R/ Ra:0 .11~ 5 .38;R为样品的 3He/ 4He值 ,Ra为空气的 3He/ 4He值 ,下同 )和壳源 He域 (R/ Ra:0 .0 17~ 0 .0 72 )。前者主要分布于东构造结附近的腾冲热海 (R/ Ra:0 .4 0~ 5 .38)、西构造结附近的狮泉河热田 (R/ Ra:0 .2 7~ 0 .30 )以及 89°E以东的拉萨热水活动带 (R/ Ra:0 .11~ 0 .98) ,后者集中于 89°E以西的昂仁热水活动区 (R/ Ra:0 .0 17~ 0 .0 72 )。东西构造结附近的热泉受走滑断裂控制 ,有不超过 5 0 %的幔源气贡献 ,而高原腹地内的热水活动则受 SN向裂谷控制 ,幔源 He域与壳源 He域以 89°E为界 ,分别横跨雅江缝合带。热泉氦同位素与深部地球物理探测资料综合分析表明 ,高原腹地的现代热水活动主要受上地壳内部成片出现的岩浆房或部分熔融层驱动 ,但 89°E以东地区有来自幔源熔浆的热和物质 (He气 )贡献。本文提出 ,印度大陆板块总体呈斜向俯冲态势 ,在 89°E以西 ,向北北东方向缓角度俯冲的板片可能已越过雅江缝合带 ,而在89°E以  相似文献   
During the Meiyu period in June and July of 1998, intensified field observations have been carried out for the project “Huaihe River Basin Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (HUBEX)”. For studying Meiyu front and its precipitation in Huaihe River basin, the present paper has performed analysis on the middle and lower level wind fields in the troposphere by using the radar data obtained from the two Doppler radars located at Fengtai district and Shouxian County. From June 29 to July 3 in 1998, the continuous heavy precipitation occurred in Huaihe River basin around Meiyu front. The precipitation process on July 2 occurred within the observation range of the two Doppler radar in Fengtai district and Shouxian County. The maximum rainfall of the Meiyu front was over 100 mm in 24 h, so it can be regarded as a typical mesoscale heavy precipitation process related to Meiyu front. Based on the wind field retrieved from the dual Doppler radar, we find that there are meso-γ scale vertical circulations in the vertical cross-section perpendicular to Meiyu front, the strong upward motion of which corresponds to the position of the heavy rainfall area. Furthermore, other results obtained by this study are identical with the results by analyzing the conventional synoptic data years ago. For example: in the vicinity of 3 km level height ahead of Meiyu front there exists a southwest low-level jet; the rainstorm caused by Meiyu front mainly occurs at the left side of the southwest low-level jet; and the Meiyu front causes the intensification of the low-level convergence in front of it. This research was supported by Project HUBEX (Project Number: 49794030) which is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).  相似文献   
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