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We present a hybrid simulation study (kinetic ions, fluid electrons) of Titan's plasma interaction during an excursion of this moon from Saturn's magnetosphere into its magnetosheath, as observed for the first time during Cassini's T32 flyby on 13 June 2007. In contrast to earlier simulations of Titan's plasma environment under non-stationary upstream conditions, our model considers a difference in the flow directions of magnetospheric and magnetosheath plasma. Two complementary scenarios are investigated, with the flow directions of the impinging magnetospheric/magnetosheath plasmas being (A) antiparallel and (B) parallel. In both cases, our simulations show that due to the drastically reduced convection speed in the slow and dense heavy ion plasma near Titan, the satellite carries a bundle of “fossilized” magnetic field lines from the magnetosphere in the magnetosheath. Furthermore, the passage through Saturn's magnetopause goes along with a disruption of Titan's pick-up tail. Although the tail is not detached from the satellite, large clouds of heavy ion plasma are stripped of its outer flank, featuring a wave-like pattern. Whereas in case (B) under parallel flow conditions there is only a small retardation of about 5 min between the passage of Titan through the magnetopause and the reconfiguration of the pick-up tail, the tail reconfiguration in the case (A) scenario is completed not until 25 min after the magnetopause passage. The lifetime of fossil fields in the moon's ionosphere is approximately 25 min, regardless of whether parallel or antiparallel flow conditions are applied.  相似文献   
We analyze the variability of the ambient magnetic field near Titan during Cassini encounters TA-T62 (October 2004-October 2009). Cassini magnetometer (MAG) data show that the moon's magnetic environment is strongly affected by its proximity to Saturn's warped and highly dynamic magnetodisk. In the nightside sector of Saturn's magnetosphere, the magnetic field near Titan is controlled by intense vertical flapping motions of the magnetodisk current sheet, alternately exposing the moon to radially stretched lobe-type fields and to more dipolar, but highly distorted current sheet fields. In southern summer, when most of the Cassini encounters took place, the magnetodisk current sheet was on average located above Titan's orbital plane. However, around equinox in August 2009, the distortions of Titan's magnetic environment due to the rapidly moving current sheet reached a maximum, thus suggesting that the equilibrium position of the sheet at that time was significantly closer to the moon's orbital plane. In the dayside magnetosphere, the formation of the magnetodisk lobes is partially suppressed due to the proximity of the magnetopause. Therefore, during most encounters that took place near noon, Titan was embedded in highly distorted current sheet fields. Within the framework of this study, we not only provide a systematic classification of all Titan flybys between October 2004 and October 2009 as lobe-type or current sheet scenarios, but we also calculate the magnetospheric background field near Titan's orbit whenever possible. Our results show that so far, there is not a single Cassini flyby that matches the frequently applied picture of Titan's plasma interaction from the pre-Cassini era (background field homogeneous, stationary and perpendicular to the moon's orbital plane). The time scales upon which the ambient magnetospheric field close to Titan undergoes significant changes range between only a few minutes and up to several hours. The implications for the development of numerical models for Titan's local plasma interaction are discussed as well.  相似文献   
Particle acceleration at plasma shocks appears to be ubiquitous in the universe, spanning systems in the heliosphere, supernova remnants, and relativistic jets in distant active galaxies and gamma-ray bursts. This review addresses some of the key issues for shock acceleration theory that require resolution in order to propel our understanding of particle energization in astrophysical environments. These include magnetic field amplification in shock ramps, the non-linear hydrodynamic interplay between thermal ions and their extremely energetic counterparts possessing ultrarelativistic energies, and the ability to inject and accelerate electrons in both non-relativistic and relativistic shocks. Recent observational developments that impact these issues are summarized. While these topics are currently being probed by astrophysicists using numerical simulations, they are also ripe for investigation in laboratory experiments, which potentially can provide valuable insights into the physics of cosmic shocks.  相似文献   
The problem of effective transform of Poynting flux energy into the kinetic energy of relativistic plasma outflow in a magnetosphere is considered. In this article we present an example of such acceleration. In order to perform it, we use the approach of ideal axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). For highly magnetized plasma outflow we show that a linear growth of Lorentz factor with a cylindrical distance from the rotational axis is a general result for any field configuration in the sub-magnetosonic flow. In the far region the full magnetohydrodynamics problem for one-dimensional flow is considered. It turns out that the effective plasma outflow acceleration is possible in the paraboloidal magnetic field. It is shown that such an acceleration is due to the drift of charged particles in the crossed electric and magnetic field. The clear explanation of the absence of acceleration in the monopole magnetic field if given.   相似文献   
In this study we discuss the proton circulation and the neutral atom emission at Mercury. The H+ distribution in space, energy and pitch angle has been simulated by means of a single-particle Monte Carlo model. The applied electric and magnetic field model has been parameterized to take into account different boundary conditions such as interplanetary magnetic field and cross-tail potential drop. Particular attention has been paid to the estimation of the surface-sputtered neutral atoms and the energetic neutral atoms generated via charge-exchange process. The peculiar configuration of the hermean magnetosphere, as it is expected after the Mariner-10 observation of a weak magnetic field, allows a significant part of the incoming solar wind to enter Mercury's environment. For the Bz<−10 nT conditions, intense ion fluxes are expected in the cusp regions, which are extremely large when compared to the Earth's ones. The solar wind particles are likely to rapidly leave the hermean magnetosphere or precipitate onto the planetary surface, thus originating neutral particle emission via ion-sputtering. Two instruments, proposed to fly on board ESA mission BepiColombo (namely: the NPA-IS SERENA suite on the MPO segment and the ENA instrument on the MMO segment) will monitor the neutral signal as well as the precipitating ion particles. The modeled distribution presented here may be considered as a reference tool for the future observations.  相似文献   
Plasma science is rich in distinguishable scales ranging from the atomic to the galactic to the meta-galactic, i.e., themesoscale. Thus plasma science has an important contribution to make in understanding the connection between microscopic and macroscopic phenomena. Plasma is a system composed of a large number of particles which interact primarily, but not exclusively, through the electromagnetic field. The problem of understanding the linkages and couplings in multi-scale processes is a frontier problem of modern science involving fields as diverse as plasma phenomena in the laboratory to galactic dynamics.Unlike the first three states of matter, plasma, often called the fourth state of matter, involves the mesoscale and its interdisciplinary founding have drawn upon various subfields of physics including engineering, astronomy, and chemistry. Basic plasma research is now posed to provide, with major developments in instrumentation and large-scale computational resources, fundamental insights into the properties of matter on scales ranging from the atomic to the galactic. In all cases, these are treated as mesoscale systems. Thus, basic plasma research, when applied to the study of astrophysical and space plasmas, recognizes that the behavior of the near-earth plasma environment may depend to some extent on the behavior of the stellar plasma, that may in turn be governed by galactic plasmas. However, unlike laboratory plasmas, astrophysical plasmas will forever be inaccessible to in situ observation. The inability to test concepts and theories of large-scale plasmas leaves only virtual testing as a means to understand the universe. Advances in in computer technology and the capability of performing physics first principles, fully three-dimensional, particle-in-cell simulations, are making virtual testing a viable alternative to verify our predictions about the far universe.The first part of this paper explores the dynamical and fluid properties of the plasma state, plasma kinetics, and the radiation emitted from plasmas. The second part of this paper outlines the formulation for the particle-in-cell simulation of astrophysical plasmas and advances in simulational techniques and algorithms, as-well-as the advances that may be expected as the computational resource grows to petaflop speed/memory capabilities.Dedicated to the memories of Hannes Alfvén and Oscar Buneman; Founders of the Subject.  相似文献   
We describe a method for removing ionospheric effects from single-frequency radio data a posteriori. This method is based on a theoretical climatological model developed by the USAF, which returns along the line of sight to the source. Together with a model of , ionospheric delay and Faraday rotation values ensue. If contemporaneous ionospheric data – GPS TEC observations or ionosonde profiles – exist, they can be incorporated to update the modeled ne.  相似文献   
We present new and definitive results of Cassini plasma spectrometer (CAPS) data acquired during passage through Saturn's inner plasmasphere by the Cassini spacecraft during the approach phase of the Saturn orbit insertion period. This analysis extends the original analysis of Sittler et al. [2005. Preliminary results on Saturn's inner plasmasphere as observed by Cassini: comparison with Voyager. Geophys. Res. Lett. 32, L14S07, doi:10.1029/2005GL022653] to L∼10 along with also providing a more comprehensive study of the interrelationship of the various fluid parameters. Coincidence data are sub-divided into protons and water group ions. Our revised analysis uses an improved convergence algorithm which provides a more definitive and independent estimate of the spacecraft potential ΦSC for which we enforce the protons and water group ions to co-move with each other. This has allowed us to include spacecraft charging corrections to our fluid parameter estimations and allow accurate estimations of fluctuations in the fluid parameters for future correlative studies. In the appendix we describe the ion moments algorithm, and minor corrections introduced by not weighting the moments with sinθ term in Sittler et al. [2005] (Correction offset by revisions to instruments geometric factor). Estimates of the spacecraft potential and revised proton densities are presented. Our total ion densities are in close agreement with the electron densities reported by Moncuquet et al. [2005. Quasi-thermal noise spectroscopy in the inner magnetosphere of Saturn with Cassini/RPWS: electron temperatures and density. Geophys. Res. Lett. 32, L20S02, doi:10.1029/2005GL022508] who used upper hybrid resonance (UHR) emission lines observed by the radio and plasma wave science (RPWS) instrument. We show a positive correlation between proton temperature and water group ion temperature. The proton and thermal electron temperatures track each with both having a positive radial gradient. These results are consistent with pickup ion energization via Saturn's rotational electric field. We see evidence for an anti-correlation between radial flow velocity VR and azimuthal velocity Vφ, which is consistent with the magnetosphere tending to conserve angular momentum. Evidence for MHD waves is also present. We show clear evidence for outward transport of the plasma via flux tube interchange motions with the radial velocity of the flow showing positive radial gradient with functional dependence for 4<L<10 (i.e., if we assume to be diffusive transport then DLLD0L11 for fixed stochastic time step δt). Previous models with centrifugal transport have used DLLD0L3 dependence. The radial transport seems to begin at Enceladus’ L shell, L∼4, where we also see a minimum in the W+ ion temperature . For the first time, we are measuring the actual flux tube interchange motions in the magnetosphere and how it varies with radial distance. These observations can be used as a constraint with regard to future transport models for Saturn's magnetosphere. Finally, we evaluate the thermodynamic properties of the plasma, which are all consistent with the pickup process being the dominant energy source for the plasma.  相似文献   
过去在用Stark效应研究天体活动过程的光谱时,一般仅考虑Holtsmark场的作用,所得出的电子密度只是一个上限。近来的研究表明,等离子体湍动电场在其中也起着重要的作用,而且当计及这种场的作用时,电子密度减小很多。本文给出Balmer线从H_3—H_(30)的Stark致宽函数S(α,α),它们是考虑到Holtsmark场和湍动场的联合作用以及对两者的不同比值而计算的,所给出的结果与Underhill等和Galdetskii等分别对纯Holtsmark场和纯湍动场而得到的类似数值不同。由于除了极少数外,大部分太阳耀斑和爆发日珥以及其他天体活动过程可能都处于弱或中等等离子体湍动状态,因而所算出的S(α,α)值可用于这些过程的氢线轮廓或半宽的分析。  相似文献   
The MESSENGER Fast Imaging Plasma Spectrometer (FIPS) measured the bulk plasma characteristics of Mercury's magnetosphere and solar wind environment during the spacecraft's first two flybys of the planet on 14 January 2008 (M1) and 6 October 2008 (M2), producing the first measurements of thermal ions in Mercury's magnetosphere. In this work, we identify major features of the Mercury magnetosphere in the FIPS proton data and describe the data analysis process used for recovery of proton density (np) and temperature (Tp) with a forward modeling technique, required because of limitations in measurement geometry. We focus on three regions where the magnetospheric flow speed is likely to be low and meets our criteria for the recovery process: the M1 plasma sheet and the M1 and M2 dayside and nightside boundary-layer regions. Interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions were substantially different between the two flybys, with intense reconnection signatures observed by the Magnetometer during M2 versus a relatively quiet magnetosphere during M1. The recovered ion density and temperature values for the M1 quiet-time plasma sheet yielded np∼1–10 cm−3, Tp∼2×106 K, and plasma β∼2. The nightside boundary-layer proton densities during M1 and M2 were similar, at np∼4–5 cm−3, but the temperature during M1 (Tp∼4–8×106 K) was 50% less than during M2 (Tp∼8×106 K), presumably due to reconnection in the tail. The dayside boundary layer observed during M1 had a density of ∼16 cm−3 and temperature of 2×106 K, whereas during M2 this region was less dense and hotter (np∼8 cm−3 and Tp∼10×106 K), again, most likely due to magnetopause reconnection. Overall, the southward interplanetary magnetic field during M2 clearly produced higher Tp in the dayside and nightside magnetosphere, as well as higher plasma β in the nightside boundary, ∼20 during M2 compared with ∼2 during M1. The proton plasma pressure accounts for only a fraction (24% for M1 and 64% for M2) of the drop in magnetic pressure upon entry into the dayside boundary layer. This result suggests that heavy ions of planetary origin, not considered in this analysis, may provide the “missing” pressure. If these planetary ions were hot due to “pickup” in the magnetosheath, the required density for pressure balance would be an ion density of ∼1 cm−3 for an ion temperature of ∼108 K.  相似文献   
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