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本文通过传统微生物分离培养方法从富营养化环境中分离培养出可高效处理多种底物的污水并具备胞外电子传递能力和产电潜力的兼性厌氧光合细菌。在光照培养条件下,利用改良的能够将光合细菌富集/分离的培养基分离培养光合细菌,从形态学和16S rDNA的分子生物学角度鉴定菌株。运用多个指标检测光合细菌处理不同底物的污水培养基的能力,如化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand,COD)、总氮(total nitrogen,TN)、总磷(total phosphate,TP),并在电化学工作站检测光合细菌的产电能力。结果表明,获取的光合细菌菌株DH-3与光合细菌类球红细菌(Rhodobacter sphaeroides)有97%的相似性。该菌株拥有在多种底物的污水培养基中生长的能力,其中在以乙酸为底物的培养基中生长最好。通过检测发现该菌株对污水的COD、TN和TP均具有较高的去除率。电化学工作站检测结果表明,菌株DH-3的最大产电流量能达到7.5mA/m2,最大功率密度达到0.056W/m2。由此可见,光合细菌DH-3在污水处理及资源再循环利用等方面具有十分重要的应用潜力。  相似文献   
北冰洋中心区表层淡化层的藻类色素组成   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
季节性海冰融化在北冰洋中心区表层形成淡水层,影响了浮游植物的类群。研究发现岩藻黄素(Fuco,指示硅藻)是冰芯底部检测到的主要光合色素,叶黄素(Lut)和叶绿素b (Chl b)(指示绿藻)是冰水界面浓度最高的类胡萝卜素。海冰底部硅藻占据了绝对的优势,但在冰水界面藻类类群转变了以绿藻为主的结构。冰下水中,浮游植物群落随着深度的增加,由绿藻为主快速转变为以硅藻为主,盐度可能是导致这种变化的原因。  相似文献   
The ecosystem response of Lake Redó (Central Pyrenees) to fluctuations in seasonal air temperature during the last two centuries was investigated by comparison of reconstructed air temperatures with the sediment record. Fine slicing allowed a resolution of 3–6 years according to the 210Pb dating, although it was still difficult to easily investigate the response to air temperature forcing, since extreme fluctuations in temperature occur on interannual time-scales. However, the resolution was sufficient to show responses on decadal and century scales. An overall tendency to warming in mean annual temperature in the Central Pyrenees has been caused by summer and in particular by autumn increases. Many of the measured sediment variables apparently responded to these long term trends, but the significance of the relationships was highly conditioned by the structure of the data. The variables responding most on the finer time scales were the microfossils. For diatoms, chironomids and chrysophytes the main variability correlated to summer and to autumn temperatures. For two planktonic species, Fragilaria nanana and Cyclotella pseudostelligera, we found a link of their variability with temperature fluctuations in their growing months (September and October, respectively). This relationship appeared at a certain point during a general warming trend, indicating a threshold in the response. On the other hand, no significant changes in the dominant species could be linked to temperature, nor in any significant subgroup of the 180 diatom species present in the core. In contrast, for most chironomids (particularly Paratanytarsus austriacus, Heterotrissocladius marcidus and Micropsectra radialis) a negative relationship with summer temperature extended throughout the studied period. This response of the whole group gives chironomids a more robust role as indicators for recording temperature changes on long time-scales (e.g., through the Holocene) and for lake signal inter-comparison. Finally, our results indicated that, in all cases, there was a significant resilience to high frequency changes and hysteresis despite extreme fluctuations. Although we were dealing with organisms with one or many generations per year, their populations seemed to follow the decadal trends in air temperature.  相似文献   
对生长在漳江口红树林湿地国家级自然保护区不同盐度环境中(FZ1:7.95-10.00;FZ2:11.10-15.25;FZ3:15.60-20.08;FZ4:20.58-23.54)优势红树植物桐花树的光合色素含量和叶绿素荧光特征进行了研究,结果表明盐度最低的样地FZ1比其他样地具有更高的叶绿素a、叶绿素b和胡萝卜素含量(p〈0.05).Fv/Fm、Fv/F0和PIABS表现出同样的规律:FZ1、FZ2较高,尤其FZ1最高,与FZ3、FZ4有极显著水平差异(p〈0.01).叶绿素荧光诱导动力学曲线(O-J-I-P)起始部分变化不大,其余部分均是FZ3比其他3个样地低.比活性参数ABS/CS、TRo/CS各样地间无显著差异;ETo/RC、RC/CSo是FZ3比其他样地下降,尤其是与FZ1、FZ2有极显著差异.DIo/CS则是FZ3比其他样地高,尤其是与FZ1、FZ2有极显著差异.这些结果表明,在保护区内盐度7.95‰-15.25‰环境中的桐花树叶片光合色素含量较高,光合器官对光能的吸收、转化和利用效率更高.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONKnowledgeofthedistributionandcompositionofthechlorophyllandcarotenoidpigmentsincoastalmarinewatersprovidesinformationonthephytoplanktonbiomassandalsoonitschemotaxon omy ,thecontributionofriverineinputs,andtheearlydegradationroutesoccurringi…  相似文献   
Abstract. The biomass of the endolithic algae Ostreobium quekettii Phyllosiphoniaceae living within skeletons of the scleractinans Mycedium elephantotus and Leptoseris fragilis averages 300 μg protein. cm-2. This represents approximately 7% of the protein of the zooxanthekie-containing tissue of M. elephantotus and approximately 38% of that of L. fragilis. Oxygen production Pmaxnet of 0. querkettii in bare skeletons of M. elephantotus averaged 0.7 μg O2.cm-2· h-1 measured in large skeletal fragments. This amount is approximately 6% of the productivity of the zooxanthellae Symbiodinium microadriaticum living in the same scleractinian species at the same depth Pmaxnet 11 μg O2· Cm-2· h-1. Light compensation of O. quekettii - within skeletons - was reached at approximately 10 and saturation at 35 40 μE·m-2· s-1. Algae within the M. elephantotus skeletons receive a maximum of 4–6% of the ambient irradiance, which is approximately 0.9 μE · m-2· s-1 approximately 0.04% surface irradiance at a depth of 88 m. In L. fragilis at a depth of 145 m, the photon flux decreases to 0.3 μE·m-2· s-1, which is less than 0.004% of surface intensity. With increasing depth, the ratio of Chl b to Chl a increased in endolithic algae colonizing L. fragilis, indicating improvement of light harvesting under low light conditions. In free-living O. quekettii cultured at irradiance levels from 0.5–60 μE·m-2· s-1, the concentrations of chlorophylls increased and that of siphonein and β-carotene decreased with decreasing photon flux.  相似文献   
利用光合色素的生物标志性可以在"纲"水平上表征浮游植物群落结构。依托大洋科学考察第20航次和21航次,通过对西赤道太平洋不同区域5个站位的HPLC藻类色素分析及CHEMTAX程序因子分析,获取了暖池区光合色素及浮游植物群落的垂直分布信息。结果显示在寡营养的暖池区,玉米黄素(Zeaxanthin)及乙二烯叶绿素a(DV Chl a)与叶绿素a浓度呈显著的正相关,浮游植物群落结构以蓝细菌、原绿球藻及定鞭金藻为优势藻纲,按对生物量的贡献率原绿球藻大于蓝细菌大于定鞭金藻的。蓝细菌和原绿球藻分布在真光层不同深度,而在营养盐丰富的次表层优势浮游藻类为定鞭金藻。  相似文献   
Lake Mattamuskeet, North Carolina, USA is a large (162 km2) and shallow (mean depth = 1 m) coastal lake, which was significantly modified to support agricultural activities following European settlement in 1850. Paleolimnological proxies measured on a 400-cm sediment core collected from Lake Mattamuskeet reveal shifts in organic matter input and primary producer community structure in response to climatic and human impacts on the lake during the late Holocene. Stratigraphic changes in organic matter content, nutrients, metals, lignin phenols and photosynthetic pigments were used to divide the sediment core into three intervals. Interval I includes sediment deposited between A.D. 360–1584 and indicates a clear-water, sand-bottom state with low algal abundance. In addition, the lake catchment area experienced two significant fires during this interval that were recorded as charcoal layers in the core around A.D. 360 and A.D. 1435 (calibrated 14C AMS dates). Trophic structure changed with the onset of Interval II (A.D. 1584–1860) when total algal abundance increased, and the primary producer community was comprised primarily of diatoms, chrysophytes, cryptophytes and cyanobacteria. During this interval there was also an increase in terrestrial organic material input into the lake as well as a shift in plant type from woody gymnosperms to non-woody angiosperms as determined from lignin data. Sediment deposited in Lake Mattamuskeet following European settlement (Interval III, A.D. 1860-present) suggests a dramatic increase in organic-matter deposition, metals, primary-producer abundance and the onset of cyanobacterial dominance. Sedimentary evidence indicates that shallow-water primary producers can respond rapidly to climate change and human development.  相似文献   
A multiproxy paleolimnological study of Douglas Lake, Michigan, was undertaken to elucidate the history of productivity and oxygen depletion in three basins of this multi-depression lake. Indicators investigated in three dated cores included chlorophyll a, Fe and Mn stratigraphy, and fossil chironomid assemblages. The coring sites were chosen to correspond to modern studies of oxygen depletion rates, and to determine if conclusions reached in these studies were supported by paleolimnological evidence. Stratigraphies of chlorophyll a, Fe and Mn indicate that two of the basins, South Fishtail Bay and Fairy Island, have been eutrophic and anoxic for a long period of time, predating European settlement. The third basin, Grapevine Point, has been consistently less productive, and had less severe oxygen depletion. Results of the chironomid analysis agree with these conclusions, including a change from mesotrophic to eutrophic indicator taxa in the Grapevine Point basin. All three cores show evidence of increasing trophic state in the most recent sediments, supporting some of the conclusions reached in the modern studies. It is also demonstrated that deforestation of the watershed had profound effects on littoral chironomid assemblages. Paleolimnological investigations also demonstrated the individual nature of the separate basins in Douglas Lake.  相似文献   
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