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There are large areas of Permian basaltic rocks in the Tarim basin (PBRT) in northwestern China. Precise Ar–Ar dating of these rocks revealed an eruption age span of 262 to 285 Ma. Most of the PBRT is composed of alkaline basaltic rocks with high TiO2 (2.43%–4.59%, weight percent), high Fe2O3 + FeO (12.63%–17.83%) and P2O5 (0.32%–1.38%) contents. Trace elements of these rocks have affinities with oceanic island basalts (OIB), as shown in chondrite normalized rare earth elements (REE) diagrams and primitive mantle normalized incompatible elements diagrams. The rocks show complex Sr–Nd isotopic character based on which they can be subdivided into two distinct groups: group 1 has relatively small initial (t = 280 Ma)87Sr/86Sr ratio ( 0.7048) and positive εNd(t) (3.42–4.66) values. Group 2 has relatively large initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.7060–0.7083) and negative εNd(t) (from − 2.79 to − 2.16) values. Lead isotopes are even more complex with variations of (206Pb/204Pb)t, (207Pb/204Pb)t and (208Pb/204Pb)t ranging from 17.9265 to 18.5778, 15.4789 to 15.6067 and 37.2922 to 38.1437, respectively. Moreover, these two groups have different trace elements ratios such as Nb/La, Ba/Nb, Zr/Nb, Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf, implying different magmatic processes. Based on the geochemistry of basaltic rocks and an evaluation of the tectonics, deformation, and the compositions of crust and lithospheric mantle in Tarim, we conclude that these basaltic rocks resulted from plume–lithosphere interaction. Permian mantle plume caused an upwelling of the Tarim lithosphere leading to melting of the asthenospheric mantle by decompression. The magma ascended rapidly to the base of lower crust, where different degrees of assimilation of OIB-like materials and fractionation occurred. Group 1 rocks formed where the upwelling is most pronounced and the assimilation was negligible. In other places, different degrees of assimilation and fractionation account for the geochemical traits of group 2.  相似文献   
塔里木西部柯坪地区出露的早二叠纪玄武岩与盆地内其他地区广泛分布的玄武岩共同构成一个面积约0.25Mkm2的溢流玄武岩省。巴楚地区出露的早二叠纪辉绿岩、正长岩、石英正长岩与石英正长斑岩等多种岩浆岩构成了连续的基性-中性-酸性岩浆序列。野外露头观察表明,巴楚麻扎尔塔格地区的基性-中性-酸性岩浆岩为近同时侵位。柯坪塔格开派兹雷克组顶部层位玄武岩的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄为279.0±4.5Ma, 该年龄值可限定该区二叠纪溢流玄武岩喷发的最晚时限。巴楚麻扎尔塔格石英正长斑岩脉的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄为273.0±3.7Ma, 与前人测定的巴楚辉绿岩脉和正长岩的锆石年龄在误差范围内一致,表明巴楚地区的基性-中性-酸性岩浆岩为近同时侵位,时间在275Ma左右。综合已发表的塔里木二叠纪岩浆岩高精度年代数据,本文提出:整个塔里木大火成岩省岩浆作用的持续时间约为20Myrs; 291~287Ma喷发的巨量溢流玄武岩可能构成塔里木大火成岩省的主体,是地幔柱头部熔融的直接产物; 283~272Ma侵位的巴楚、一间房和塔北地区的其它类型岩浆岩体积较小,为塔里木大火成岩省晚期岩浆作用的产物。  相似文献   
Palaeoproterozoic mafic dike swarms of different ages are well exposed in the eastern Dharwar craton of India. Available U-Pb mineral ages on these dikes indicate four discrete episodes, viz. (1) ~2.37 Ga Bangalore swarm, (2) ~2.21 Ga Kunigal swarm, (3) ~2.18 Ga Mahbubnagar swarm, and (4) ~1.89 Ga Bastar-Dharwar swarm. These are mostly sub-alkaline tholeiitic suites, with ~1.89 Ga samples having a slightly higher concentration of high-field strength elements than other swarms with a similar MgO contents. Mg number (Mg#) in the four swarms suggest that the two older swarms were derived from primary mantle melts, whereas the two younger swarms were derived from slightly evolved mantle melt. Trace element petrogenetic models suggest that magmas of the ~2.37 Ga swarm were generated within the spinel stability field by ~15–20% melting of a depleted mantle source, whereas magmas of the other three swarms may have been generated within the garnet stability field with percentage of melting lowering from the ~2.21 Ga swarm (~25%), ~2.18 Ga swarm (~15–20%), to ~1.89 Ga swarm (~10–12%). These observations indicate that the melting depth increased with time for mafic dike magmas. Large igneous province (LIP) records of the eastern Dharwar craton are compared to those of similar mafic events observed from other shield areas. The Dharwar and the North Atlantic cratons were probably together at ~2.37 Ga, although such an episode is not found in any other craton. The ~2.21 Ga mafic magmatic event is reported from the Dharwar, Superior, North Atlantic, and Slave cratons, suggesting the presence of a supercontinent, ‘Superia’. It is difficult to find any match for the ~2.18 Ga mafic dikes of the eastern Dharwar craton, except in the Superior Province. The ~1.88–1.90 Ga mafic magmatic event is reported from many different blocks, and therefore may not be very useful for supercontinent reconstructions.  相似文献   
Emeishan large igneous province, SW China   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
In recent years, there have been major advances in our understanding of the Emeishan large igneous province (LIP) of SW China following publication of a number of LIP-focused investigations of the terrain and associated rocks. This paper reviews the current state of knowledge. The volcanic and upper-intrusive portion of the province is relatively small (0.3×106 km3), even when offset fragments, eroded sections and buried portions are included in the volume calculation. The most reliable radiometric age dates (zircon U–Pb SHRIMP from an associated layered intrusive body several kilometers in area) indicate generation at 259 Ma, consistent with the end-Guadalupian (end Middle Permian) stratigraphic age. In addition, several Ar–Ar dating studies have been carried out, mainly on the volcanic rocks, with a number of reported dates 253–251 Ma (Late Permian), but a consensus is emerging that these ages are problematic because they are in conflict with the stratigraphic data (possibly due to a monitor standard miscalibration). The Ar–Ar investigations have also yielded a large number of secondary ages, which are clustered at 175, 142, 98 and 42 Ma, and these are inferred to record sub-regional tectonic events that affected the western Yangtze Block as East Asia was assembled and later deformed by India’s collision–indentation into Asia. Magnetostratigraphic data and field observations suggest that the bulk of the volcanic sequence formed within 1–2 my. The geochemistry of the volcanic rocks and bio-lithostratigraphic studies of the underlying Maokou Formation suggests a mantle plume generated the province. The basalts can be classified into low and high Ti groups with different parental magmas. The low Ti basalts are confined to the western part of the province and are overlain by the high Ti basalts. The low Ti magmas formed at shallow mantle depths in the spinel–garnet field transition zone (60–80 km), whereas the high Ti magmas formed by low degrees of partial melting within the deeper garnet stability field. This observation suggests a deepening of the melting column as the lithosphere thickened due to under-plating and a transition from peak basalt generation to the waning stage. Outstanding issues, which might focus future studies, are also outlined.  相似文献   
Many geological and geochemical changes are recorded on Earth between 3 and 2 Ga.Among the more important of these are the following:(1)increasing proportion of basalts with"arc-like"mantle sources;(2)an increasing abundance of basalts derived from enriched(EM)and depleted(DM)mantle sources;(3)onset of a Great Thermal Divergence in the mantle;(4)a decrease in degree of melting of the mantle;(5)beginning of large lateral plate motions;(6)appearance of eclogite inclusions in diamonds;(7)appearance and rapid increase in frequency of collisional orogens;(8)rapid increase in the production rate of continental crust as recorded by zircon age peaks;(9)appearance of ophiolites in the geologic record,and(10)appearance of global LIP(large igneous province)events some of which correlate with global zircon age peaks.All of these changes may be tied directly or indirectly to cooling of Earth's mantle and corresponding changes in convective style and the strength of the lithosphere,and they may record the gradual onset and propagation of plate tectonics around the planet.To further understand the changes that occurred between 3 and 2 Ga,it is necessary to compare rocks,rock associations,tectonics and geochemistry during and between zircon age peaks.Geochemistry of peak and inter-peak basalts and TTGs needs to be evaluated in terms of geodynamic models that predict the existence of an episodic thermal regime between stagnant-lid and plate tectonic regimes in early planetary evolution.  相似文献   
Geochronology of continental flood basalts sampled from the Emei large igneous province (LIP) on the western margin of the Yangtze platform was investigated by the laser microprobe 40Ar/39Ar dating technique. These basalts yield a fairly wide range of 40Ar/39Ar ages, varying from 259 to 135 Ma. One basalt sample, at least altered, recorded the oldest 40Ar/39Ar age of about 259 Ma, corresponding to a peak eruption age of the Emei LIP continental flood basalts. Most of the samples yield much younger ages from 135 to 177 Ma, which are consistent with the K-Ar ages for the same samples (122.8-172.1 Ma). The dating data suggest that these Permian basalts had been widely affected by the regional tectonothermal event at 177-135 Ma. The event was probably caused by the convergence and collision among the Laurasia, Yangtze and Qiangtang-Qamdo continental blocks on the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau after the late Triassic. The age of the event reflects the timing of the peak collisional orogeny.  相似文献   
The Early Cretaceous South Atlantic Magmatic Province (SAMP), which includes the Paraná-Etendeka LIP, produced about 8 million km3 of tholeiitic basalt and diabase over an area of 4 million km2. Huge pre-salt oil reserves, discovered in 2007 by Petrobras in non-marine carbonates, are estimated at more than 45 billion barrels. Here we show the close causal relationship of the southward increasing width of the wedge-shaped South Atlantic rift with the similarly southward increase in igneous activity, in the thicknesses of non-marine carbonate and salt, and in the size of oil reserves, all controlled mainly by South America’s early clockwise rotation away from Africa about a pole in its northeast. Large diabase dike swarms transversal to the rift witness to South America’s rotation that opened in its wake the southward widening South Atlantic rift. Westward increasing pressure on the Equatorial margin by South America’s clockwise rotation forced open the Benue trough and created pre-late-Aptian folds in the Demerara Plateau and in Brazil’s Solimões (Upper Amazonas) basin. Prerift and synrift volcanic activity increases southward, culminating in the Parana-Etendeka LIP and in the offshore volcanic SDRSs that continue southward to the Cape Basin. Berriasian-Valanginian rift sediments deposited from about 145 Ma, 10 Ma before the flood basalts of the Parana-Etendeka LIP. The largest transversal dike swarm continued in the proto-Walvis Ridge that separated the central South Atlantic endorheic rift basin from the sea in the south; erosion and leaching of basalts supplied Ca, Mg, and SiO2 to the endorheic basin for the deposition of non-marine carbonates and authigenic clays. Basalt flows intercalated with carbonates nearly until salt deposition about 113 Ma. Hypogenic leaching of carbonates by mantle-derived CO2 created optimal reservoirs. Supergiant oil deposits occur where the widest endorheic basin and the volcanic province overlap.  相似文献   
坡一侵入体位于塔里木板块东北部坡北岩体内,是该岩体第三阶段岩浆活动形成的十几个小侵入体中的一个,锆石U-Pb年龄为278±2Ma。该侵入体属于以超镁铁质岩石为主的层状岩系,堆晶结构与韵律性堆晶层理非常发育。岩浆分异充分,形成了从纯橄岩到石英闪长岩的多种岩石类型。在超镁铁质岩石中,所有的橄榄石和大部分斜方辉石是堆晶相,少量斜方辉石是填隙相,大部分单斜辉石、褐色普通角闪石和黑云母是填隙相。在镁铁质岩石中,橄榄石和斜方辉石全部是堆晶相,单斜辉石与斜长石既可以是堆晶相,也可以是填隙相;褐色普通角闪石、黑云母和石英均为填隙相。超镁铁质岩石属拉斑玄武岩系列,镁铁质岩石属钙碱性系列。侵入体中大量存在的捕掳体、微量元素地球化学、Nd-Sr同位素组成的EMⅡ型演化趋势,充分证明了同化混染作用伴随岩浆演化过程而逐渐增强,并不断促进了岩浆的分异,而且导致了岩石化学系列的转化。PGE和亲硫元素地球化学以及硫同位素组成证明,硫主要来自于岩浆,硫化物形成于岩浆阶段,岩浆未经历过早期硫化物熔离作用,硫化物熔离起始于橄榄岩相结晶的晚期阶段,并伴随着此后的岩浆演化过程而继续熔离。硫化物熔离是岩浆自身演化和同化混染共同作用的结果。橄榄石Fo分子含量和全岩FeO含量显示,原生岩浆是苦橄质岩浆;源区物质应该是石榴石辉石岩;岩浆生成于地幔柱轴部。在塔里木板块东北部还存在分别来自于软流圈和亏损型大陆岩石圈地幔的二叠纪岩浆岩,它们都应该是塔里木大火成岩省的组成部分。  相似文献   
塔里木溢流玄武岩的喷发特征   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
上官时迈  田伟  徐义刚  关平  潘路 《岩石学报》2012,28(4):1261-1272
通过对柯坪地区二叠系野外火山岩露头剖面和英买力、哈拉哈塘井区二叠系火山岩钻井剖面的对比,将塔里木早二叠世溢流玄武岩划分为三个旋回,从老到新依次是:库普库兹满溢流玄武岩旋回(KP),长英质火山碎屑岩旋回(FP)和开派兹雷克溢流玄武岩旋回(KZ)。KP旋回以巨厚溢流玄武岩夹凝灰岩为特征,在柯坪露头区和英买力井区均可划分出三层巨厚玄武质熔岩流,至哈拉哈塘井区减少为一层玄武岩流,但长英质火山碎屑岩和熔岩厚度增加。FP旋回在柯坪露头区自下而上包括空落相凝灰岩,熔结凝灰岩,再沉积火山碎屑岩和正常碎屑岩夹火山灰层,该层可与英买力及哈拉哈塘井区的凝灰岩层对比,表明在塔北存在一期面积广泛的长英质火山喷发。KZ旋回以溢流玄武岩为主,在开派兹雷克剖面识别出四期喷发共8层溢流玄武岩和一期安山质玄武岩,每期喷发之间夹少量碎屑岩,但未见长英质火山碎屑岩夹层,该特征与英买力和哈拉哈塘井区的火山层序组合不同,而与塔中溢流玄武岩类似。三个火山旋回的划分表明塔里木大火成岩省经历了"基性溢流玄武岩-酸性火山碎屑岩-基性溢流玄武岩"的演变过程,与Afro-Arabian溢流玄武岩省相似,可进行对比研究。  相似文献   
On the ages of flood basalt events   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We review available data constraining the extent, volume, age and duration of all major Phanerozoic continental flood basalts (CFB or traps) and oceanic plateaus (OP), together forming the group of large igneous provinces (LIP), going from the smallest Columbia flood basalts at ~16 Ma to the as yet ill-known remnants of a possible trap at ~360 Ma in eastern Siberia. The 16 traps (CFB and OP) reviewed form a rather unimodal distribution with an initial modal volume of the order of 2.5 Mkm3. Most provinces agree with a rather simple first order model in which volcanism may have lasted of the order of 10 Ma, often resulting in continental break-up, but where most of the volume was erupted in about 1 Ma or sometimes less. This makes CFBs/OPs (LIPs) major geodynamic events, with fluxes exceeding the total output of present day hot spots and even possibly exceeding over short times the entire crustal production of mid-ocean ridges. The proposed correlation between trap ages and the ages of several geological events, including mass extinctions and oceanic anoxia, is found to have improved steadily as more data have become available, to the point that the list of trap ages may coincide with many major divisions in the geological time scale. The four largest mass extinctions in the last 260 Ma coincide to the best resolution available with four traps, making a causal connection between the two through some form of catastrophic climatic perturbations the most likely hypothesis. The time sequence of LIPs appears to have been random and there is no robust evidence for long time trends in the corresponding crustal production rate over the last 260 Ma.  相似文献   
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