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三维冰雹云催化数值模式   总被引:79,自引:10,他引:79  
洪延超 《气象学报》1998,56(6):641-653
为了研究冰雹形成机制、催化防雹机制和通过数值试验获得冰雹云优化催化技术,在以前工作的基础上,发展了一个3维弹性冰雹云催化数值模式。模式考虑了冰雹云中详细的微物理过程,各种粒子采用双变参数谱,将云中水物质分成水汽、云水、雨水、冰晶、雪、霰、冻滴和雹8类,可以预报粒子的比浓度和比含量,尤其可以计算以霰或冻滴为胚胎的雹块的数量,非常适合研究冰雹的形成机制。此外,建立了催化剂AgI的守恒方程,考虑了人工冰核的凝华核化及与云、雨滴接触的冻结核化过程,并用地面降雹动能通量检验催化防雹效果,因此,也可以研究催化防雹机制和对雹云的催化技术。  相似文献   
改进的Kuo-Type积云对流参数化方案   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对热力学方程和水汽方程两端作计算的对比,指出Kuo-Type参数化方案的一种改进型Krishnamurti回归方案在长江中下游地区应用的不足之处,同时结合本地区的积层云共存及相互作用的事实,以实用性为目的,提出一种改进的Kuo-Type参数化方案。它具有以下特点:积云对流发生的判据具有区域特点;采用Krishnamurti的具有明确物理意义的对流参数,但不从统计回归中求得,而是直接由“实时资料  相似文献   
马琴  刘新  李伟平  丁宝弘 《大气科学》2014,38(2):337-351
本文针对青藏高原部分地区土壤有机质和砾石含量较高的特点,在前人工作的基础上,发展了一个新的参数化方案以描述土壤有机质和砾石对土壤导热率、导水率的影响。通过对通用陆面模式CoLM中的土壤水、热参数化方案以及地表蒸发阻抗三方面的逐步改进,对青藏高原藏东南站和纳木错站两种不同下垫面进行单点数值模拟分析。对比原方案与最终优化方案的模拟结果表明:采用新方案的CoLM模式对藏东南站土壤湿度模拟性能明显提高,平均偏差减小到0.04,而对纳木错站浅层20 cm以上土壤湿度的模拟偏差略微增大。新方案在藏东南站对土壤内部温度的模拟改善较为显著,平均偏差减小了0.2℃;而在纳木错站40 cm以上有所改进。新参数化方案较好地模拟了两个观测站表面能量通量的时间变化,纳木错站7、8月份的潜热通量改进尤为明显,比原方案减少大约20 W m-2,与观测结果较为接近。  相似文献   
严中伟  季劲钧 《高原气象》1995,14(4):415-424
为了用气候模式研究冰雪圈变化的气候效应,我们在已经发展的土壤-植被-大气模式基础上,考虑积雪改变表水文和反照率的参数化,建立了包含雪盖问题的陆面过程模式。利用中国西北黑河地区的HEIFE实测气象和辐射资料,检验了模式对大气降雨和降雪的响应,结果表明,该模式描写的各种物理过程合理,一些可观测要素(如地面温度和地表净辐射通量)的演变特征与实况相当一致。  相似文献   
可能最大风暴潮风险评估中各等级热带气旋设定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可能最大热带气旋的设定是可能最大风暴潮计算的基础,对风暴潮灾害应急疏散具有重要意义。利用1949~2011年中国气象局(CMA)西北太平洋热带气旋最佳路径数据集、美国联合台风预警中心(JTWC)以及美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)最大风速半径数据集,基于各等级热带气旋参数之间的定量关系,建立了各等级可能最大热带气旋最大风速、中心气压、最大风速半径、移动速度、移动方向等参数设定及路径合成的方法。以福建省连江县为例,按照台风、强台风及超强台风强度等级,分强度衰减和不衰减2种情况,设定3种移动方向,合成了共216场热带气旋作为可能最大风暴潮的计算输入。另外,对参数敏感性、风场参数设定、参数设定与计算量的关系、叠加天文潮以及溃堤等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
黄丽萍  陈德辉  马明 《气象学报》2012,70(2):291-301
为了探索雷电天气的数值预报新方法,在高分辨GRAPES_Meso中尺度预报模式中添加了各种水成物电荷密度预报方程组,同时从传统基于云模式的三维雷电模式中剥离出起电过程和放电过程参数化方案,作为中尺度模式的一种物理过程参数化方案嵌套进中尺度模式,使得整套中尺度模式包含了大气动力、雷电过程及各种物理过程,建立了大气动力-物理过程和雷电过程一体化的数值预报模式GRAPES_LM,建立的GRAPES_LM模式包含了多种复杂的微物理过程参数化方案,其中,包括中国气象科学研究院开发研制的双参数对流云参数化方案;包含了霰/雹与冰晶/雪晶碰撞回弹的非感应起电、霰/雹与云滴碰撞的感应起电及霰碰撞大云滴造成冰晶繁生的次生冰晶起电3种起电参数化方案以及最新的随机双向放电参数化。并利用美国CCOPE观测试验中的个例观测资料(1981年7月19日),进行了初步应用模拟试验,对模式的雷电数值预报的可行性进行了验证分析。结果表明,高分辨率GRAPES_LM模式对1981年7月19日的雷电过程个例做出了成功的模拟预报,较好地给出了雷暴云的动力、微物理和电过程的时空演变,雷电天气数值预报新方法的可行性得到了初步验证。  相似文献   
Based on previous research results on river re-distribution models, a modification on the effects of topographic slopes for a runoff parameterization was proposed and implemented to the NCAR's land sur face model (LSM). This modification has two aspects: firstly, the topographic slopes cause outflows from higher topography and inflows into the lower topography points; secondly, topographic slopes also cause decrease of infiltration at higher topography and increases of infiltration at lower topography. Then changes in infiltration result in changes in soil moisture, surface fluxes and then in surface temperature, and eventual ly in the upper atmosphere and the climate. This mechanism is very clearly demonstrated in the point bud gets analysis at the Andes Mountains vicinities. Analysis from a regional scale perspective in the Mackenzie GEWEX Study (MAGS) area, the focus of the ongoing Canadian GEWEX program, shows that the modi fied runoff parameterization does bring significant changes in the regional surface climate. More important ly, detailed analysis from a global perspective shows many encouraging improvements introduced by the modified LSM over the original model in simulating basic atmospheric climate properties such as thermodynamic features (temperature and humidity). All of these improvements in the atmospheric climate simulation illustrate that the inclusion of topographic effects in the LSM can force the AGCM to produce a more realistic model climate.  相似文献   
In this research the dynamic downscaling method by Regional Climate Model (RegCM4.5) was used to assess the performance and sensitivity of seasonal simulated North and West of Iran (NI&WI) climate factors to different convection schemes, and transforms the large-scale simulated climate variables into land surface states over the North of Iran (NI) and West of Iran (WI). A 30-year (1986–2015) numerical integration simulation of climate over NI&WI was conducted using the regional climate model RegCM4.5 nested in one-way ERA-Interim reanalysis data. The Grell, Kuo and MIT-Emanuel cumulus convection with Holtslag and University of Washington (UW) planetary boundary layer (PBL) parameterization schemes were applied in the running of RegCM4.5 to test their capability in simulating precipitation and temperature in winter-spring (January–April) over NI and WI. The results demonstrated that the RegCM4.5 model has a good potential for simulating the variables and trend of surface temperature over the NI and WI region. Magnitude of the model bias for land surface temperature over different regions of Iran varies by convection parameterization schemes. In most cases, the root mean square error between post-processed simulated seasonal average temperature and observation value was less than 1 °C, but there is a systematic “cold bias”. In general, with respect to land surface temperature simulations, a better performance is obtained when using post-processing model’s data with Holtslag PBL-Grell and Holtslag PBL-Kuo configuration schemes, compared to the other simulations, over the NI&WI region. Also, the UW PBL convection schemes show a relatively excellent spatial correlations and normalized standard deviations closer to 1 for thirty-year seasonal land surface temperature anomalies over the entire NI&WI region. However, the simulation accuracy of model for precipitation is not as optimal as for temperature. The dominant feature in model simulations is a dry bias with the largest average value (∼1.04 mm/day) over NI region, while the lowest mean bias precipitation (∼−0.47 mm/day), mainly located in WI region. In the comparison of six configuration convection schemes, the Emanuel scheme has been proven to be the most accurate for simulating winter-spring seasonal mean precipitation over NI&WI region. The accuracy of the scheme also showed great difference in simulated station interpolation of precipitation, which urges the improvement for the simulation capability of spatial distribution of precipitation. In general, for seasonal variation of precipitation, the Emanuel convection with two (Holtslag, UW) PBL configuration schemes outperforms with a good correlation score between 0.7−0.8 and normalized standard deviations closer to 1.  相似文献   
混合云在GCM气候模拟中的重要性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文章提出了一种简单且适用于大气环流模式(GCM)的冰云辐射参数化。利用该参数化和UGAMP大气环流模式研究了混合云在GCM气候模拟中的重要性。结果表明,云的相态变化及其所产生的反馈作用对模拟的气候状态有显著的影响。在高纬地区,云的相态变化可使地气系统净辐射增加。而在热带则使净辐射减少。  相似文献   
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