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运用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、英国气象局的海温资料和国家气候中心整编的160站月降水量资料,对江淮夏季降水及其前期冬季环流和海温场进行分析,并利用NCAR CCM3模式进行海温的敏感性试验。结果表明:前期环流在亚洲中高纬地区有明显的异常,这种环流异常与北太平洋西北部的海温异常有关,西北太平洋海温异常偏高(低)是江淮夏季降水偏多(少)的重要原因之一,即当前期西北太平洋海温异常偏高时,后期夏季从乌拉尔山到鄂霍次克海附近为高度正距平,亚洲中纬度为弱的负距平,这时亚洲中高纬度多阻塞高压活动,中纬度多低槽活动,有利于冷暖空气在江淮地区交汇,江淮流域降水偏多;反之,江淮流域降水偏少。  相似文献   
春季一次暴雪过程的多普勒雷达动力学诊断   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用太原C波段多普勒天气雷达基数据资料和自动雨量站资料,对2006年4月11日发生在山西省的一次区域性暴雪过程进行了分析。应用改进的EVAD技术,定量计算垂直高度层的平均散度和平均垂直速度,并分析平均散度和平均垂直速度随时间和高度的变化以及与降雪的对应关系。结果表明:2.5km以下始终维持一个较强的上升气流,是强降雪维持的基本动力条件;整层出现辐合上升运动,且强上升速度中心的高度随时间的演变逐渐下降,同时中高层出现强辐散下沉气流与之配合时,未来2小时将出现强降雪;降雪的强度与雷达探测范围内各高度层的辐舍、辐散有着密切的关系,且辐合、辐散的增强与减弱时间早于降雪强度的增大和减小时间,这对预报降雪的生消、雪强的增大与减小提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   
低层偏南气流对一次暴雨过程的动力作用分析和数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
肖递祥  肖丹  周长春  周春花  谌贵珣 《气象》2013,39(3):281-290
利用常规观测资料和NCEP再分析资料,对2010年7月22-25日四川盆地西部出现的一次暴雨过程进行了诊断分析.结果表明:暴雨出现在对流层低层南海至四川盆地一直维持偏南气流的环流背景下,暴雨与这支偏南气流的风速演变密切相关,降雨强度随南风气流的增强而增强,南风气流增强所形成的风速辐合及正涡度平流是暴雨的主要动力触发因子,暴雨与低层辐合和正涡度平流区域有很好的对应关系.WRF数值模拟试验进一步表明:850 hPa层3h风速演变对中尺度对流系统的发展具有很好的指示意义,在3h风速增大区域的下风方,未来3h对流云团将迅速发展;盆地西部形成的气流辐合与其西侧的高原地形密切相关.  相似文献   
利用加拿大大气环境局第二次冬季风暴观测(简称CASPⅡ)的部分资料,对加拿在东海岸冬季风暴的发生,发展情况进行了分析,结果表明,大多数风暴能达到爆发性发展程度,并对其中一个形成眼区的强风暴例子做了进一步讨论。  相似文献   
通过对广西主汛期降水量的分析 ,初步确定了异常偏多和异常偏少年 ,分析广西主汛期平均降水量与太平洋海温场和大气环流的关系 ,筛选影响广西降水量的海温和 5 0 0 h Pa位势高度场因子 ;建立降水异常的统计诊断模型及概念诊断预测模型。  相似文献   
一次台风变性并入东北冷涡过程的动力诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁钊明  王东海 《大气科学》2015,39(2):397-412
台风北移变性并入东北冷涡是造成东北地区夏季大范围暴雨的主要形式之一, 但其中的热动力结构变化特征及其物理机制尚不清晰。本文利用美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)的再分析资料对一次台风变性并入东北冷涡过程进行动力诊断分析, 分析结果显示:冷涡冷空气的不断侵入以及台风移动形成的相对冷平流使得台风暖心结构消亡, 其低层低压辐合和高层高压辐散结构消失, 变性并入东北冷涡后气旋整层偏冷, 低层出现冷中心。台风变性并入东北冷涡过程中, 冷涡中心附近高空急流南侧的反气旋切变抑制气旋直接往高空发展, 而急流轴左侧的热动力分布特征有利于垂直涡度的发展, 变性后的气旋环流向冷涡的移近有利于急流轴维持倾斜, 从而促进气旋向高空冷涡倾斜发展。同时, 冷空气在气旋低层附近堆积导致等假相当位温线发生倾斜, 造成垂直涡度在气旋中层倾斜发展。台风变性并入东北冷涡后, 高空冷涡槽底的正垂直涡度平流促进气旋由中层直接向高层发展, 而高空冷涡槽底急流促进正垂直涡度平流的维持。气旋高空环流的发展反过来削弱了东北冷涡的高层环流, 导致高空冷涡中心出现北撤。  相似文献   
Traditional modal parameter identifi cation methods have many disadvantages,especially when used for processing nonlinear and non-stationary signals.In addition,they are usually not able to accurately identify the damping ratio and damage.In this study,methods based on the Hilbert-Huang transform(HHT) are investigated for structural modal parameter identifi cation and damage diagnosis.First,mirror extension and prediction via a radial basis function(RBF) neural network are used to restrain the troublesome end-effect issue in empirical mode decomposition(EMD),which is a crucial part of HHT.Then,the approaches based on HHT combined with other techniques,such as the random decrement technique(RDT),natural excitation technique(NExT) and stochastic subspace identifi cation(SSI),are proposed to identify modal parameters of structures.Furthermore,a damage diagnosis method based on the HHT is also proposed.Time-varying instantaneous frequency and instantaneous energy are used to identify the damage evolution of the structure.The relative amplitude of the Hilbert marginal spectrum is used to identify the damage location of the structure.Finally,acceleration records at gauge points from shaking table testing of a 12-story reinforced concrete frame model are taken to validate the proposed approaches.The results show that the proposed approaches based on HHT for modal parameter identifi cation and damage diagnosis are reliable and practical.  相似文献   
Although Escherichia coli is widely distributed in the marine environment, only a small percentage are pathogenic to humans. Nonetheless, the widespread occurrence of waterborne infections of E. coli origin in humans has become one of the major health problems worldwide. To date, several types of enterovirulent E. coli have been recognized as the aetiologic agents of various gastrointestinal infections in humans. The most commonly encountered are those belonging to the enterotoxigenic (ETEC), enteroinvasive (EIEC), enterohaemorrhagic (EHEC) and enteropathogenic (EPEC) subtypes. In order to better determine the health risks that are associated with exposure to some of these specific subtypes, we have developed a very sensitive multiplex PCR system for the rapid detection and typing of ETEC, EHEC and possibly EPEC strains of E. coli in the aquatic environment. The target genes chosen for this investigation included: the PHO-A housekeeping gene (present in all E. coli); the LT1, LT2 and ST1 genes of ETEC; the VT1 and VT2 verotoxin, and EAE virulence genes of EHEC and EPEC, respectively. Six pairs of oligonucleotide primers were designed to simultaneously amplify internal fragments of these genes by multiplex PCR to generate PCR products that could be analysed and confirmed with relative ease by gel electrophoresis and HincII enzyme digestion. The results showed that the six sets of PCR primers were highly specific for their target genes and produced specific amplimers of the expected size from several control strains of E. coli – ATCC 35401 (LT1+/ST1+); SA53 (LT2+/VT2+); and O157 (VT1+/VT2+/EAE+). The detection sensitivity of the multiplex PCR system for the six target genes in an E. coli cell mixture was optimized and enhanced by preincubating serially diluted cells in Luria-Bertani broth for 6 h prior to PCR analysis. The results obtained indicated a detection sensitivity of 10° CFU (of each strain) per 100 μl reaction. Multiplex PCR analysis of seawater samples collected from four sewage-polluted sites in Hong Kong indicated the presence in all four samples of E. coli bacteria that were positive for LT1, ST1, VT1 and EAE virulence genes. Overall, the data indicated that the multiplex PCR system described in this study is a potentially very useful and powerful method for routine monitoring and risk assessment of water quality.  相似文献   
目的探索周围型小肺癌的多层螺旋CT征象,评价肺癌的多层螺旋CT诊断准确性.方法对40例经病理证实的周围型小肺癌多层螺旋CT片进行回顾性分析研究.结果 40例周围型小肺癌中,腺癌32例、鳞癌5例、小细胞癌3例..周围型小肺癌的MSCT主要征象为:深分叶30例、棘状突起25例、空泡征5例、胸膜凹陷征8例、以及血管集束征7例.结论在周围型小肺癌诊断中,多层螺旋CT征象起着重要作用,多层螺旋CT扫描对诊断周围型小肺癌具有很大价值.  相似文献   
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