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基于气泡群平衡方程(BPBE),提出一种用于更系统表征舰船气泡尾流变化特征的数值模型。模型的创新处在于既能反映气体传质因素的影响,又考虑了尾流中实际存在的气泡聚并现象,且具有简单易行,运算效率高的特点。分析结果表明:聚并在近尾流区作用强烈,传质在远程尾流区作用明显;聚并对BND的分布变化影响不大,对气含量的发展变化则发挥着主要作用;尺寸为70~80 um的气泡BND最大,尺寸为200 um的气泡气含量最大。  相似文献   
Factors of shale gas accumulation can be divided into the external and internal factors, according to accumulation mechanism and characteristics of shale gas. The internal factors mainly refer to parameters of organic geochemistry, mineral components and physical parameters. Six factors were presented in this study, i. e. organic matter, maturity, quartz, carbonate, clay mineral and pore. The external factors mainly refer to geologic environment of shale gas reservoir, including four factors: temperature, pressure, depth and thickness. Based on the experiment results of 26 samples of drilling cores from Wuling fold belt in Lower Paleozoic Silurian of the Upper Yangtze Basin, combined with the integrated analysis of geology, logging and test, the correlation of the gas content of shale gas to the above-mentioned ten factors was concluded. Six important evaluation indicators were preliminarily established in the gas-bearing core area of marine shale in the Upper Yangtze Basin.  相似文献   
A very high-resolution carbon and oxygen stable isotope analysis (bulk-carbonate) of a biostratigraphically well-constrained Callovian–Oxfordian series is provided here for the first time. The homogeneity of the clayey series and the weak diagenetic alteration allow the isotopic signal variations to be considered as primary in origin. A prominent and brief negative excursion in the δ13C curve (−2‰), occurring at the start of the Middle Callovian (Jason Zone – Obductum Subzone) and correlated regionally, suggests a possible methane release. The increasing δ13C values thereafter up to the Early Oxfordian, concomitant with a warming episode, highlight the burial of carbon in organic-rich layers which, in return, may have triggered a decrease in atmospheric pCO2. At higher frequencies, observed fluctuations of the δ13C and δ18O values are orbitally driven (405-kyr and 100-kyr eccentricity cycles) and may correspond to the salinity and temperature variability recorded in sea water. The δ18O isotopic measurements from well-preserved diagenetically screened belemnites and bivalves along the series, compared to available data from Tethyan domains, agree with the scenario of a global cooling at the Middle-Late Jurassic transition. The well-dated δ18O isotopic curve suggests that the onset of this cooling event occurred at the end of the Coronatum Zone (Middle Callovian).  相似文献   
We studied diatom assemblages and CaCO3 contents of methane-derived authigenic carbonates from the eastern margin of the Sea of Japan and assessed the formation time of these samples. Radioactive 14C date was determined in selected samples to obtain the maximum age of the time. The results of our study suggest mass formation of carbonate nodules in a glacial period within ∼40 ky, consistent with a published U/Th dating result of carbonate nodules in the study area. Diatom assemblages and contents in the carbonate nodules (abundance of ∼106/g, dominance of neritic-littoral species, warm/cold water species ratio lower than ∼25) differ from the near-seafloor sediments in the study area, which have characteristics of Holocene sediments in the Sea of Japan, and suggest cementation of glacial sediments. Laminated sediments in some nodule samples are glacial sediments because laminations are records of a low sea level period in the semi-enclosed ocean. Similarity of diatom assemblages and contents in all carbonate samples is another evidence of glacial sediments in nodules. Glacial sediments with oceanic cold water species as low as Holocene sediments restricts the sediment age to before 20 cal. ky BP. Carbonate contents higher than 78 wt% suggest the cementation of poorly compacted sediments near the seafloor, and the date of carbonate cementation is, therefore, close to that of the cemented sediments. Most carbonate nodule samples in this study were formed in a glacial period and detection of 14C restricts this period to within ∼40 ky.  相似文献   
The unique physical and biogeochemical characteristics of oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) influence plankton ecology, including zooplankton trophic webs. Using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes, this study examined zooplankton trophic webs in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific (ETNP) OMZ. δ13C values were used to indicate zooplankton food sources, and δ15N values were used to indicate zooplankton trophic position and nitrogen cycle pathways. Vertically stratified MOCNESS net tows collected zooplankton from 0 to 1000 m at two stations along a north-south transect in the ETNP during 2007 and 2008, the Tehuantepec Bowl and the Costa Rica Dome. Zooplankton samples were separated into four size fractions for stable isotope analyses. Particulate organic matter (POM), assumed to represent a primary food source for zooplankton, was collected with McLane large volume in situ pumps.The isotopic composition and trophic ecology of the ETNP zooplankton community had distinct spatial and vertical patterns influenced by OMZ structure. The most pronounced vertical isotope gradients occurred near the upper and lower OMZ oxyclines. Material with lower δ13C values was apparently produced in the upper oxycline, possibly by chemoautotrophic microbes, and was subsequently consumed by zooplankton. Between-station differences in δ15N values suggested that different nitrogen cycle processes were dominant at the two locations, which influenced the isotopic characteristics of the zooplankton community. A strong depth gradient in zooplankton δ15N values in the lower oxycline suggested an increase in trophic cycling just below the core of the OMZ. Shallow POM (0–110 m) was likely the most important food source for mixed layer, upper oxycline, and OMZ core zooplankton, while deep POM was an important food source for most lower oxycline zooplankton (except for samples dominated by the seasonally migrating copepod Eucalanus inermis). There was no consistent isotopic progression among the four zooplankton size classes for these bulk mixed assemblage samples, implying overlapping trophic webs within the total size range considered.  相似文献   
一种统计技术结合动力释用的沿海海雾预报方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种利用历史相似个例查询技术,结合WRF模式输出释用的Gultepe沿海大雾业务预报方法。该方法可以较好的计算近地面大气中的液态水含量(LWC)和云滴粒子数密度(Nd)参数。利用该方法对2011—2013年的3—6月的历史沿海海雾个例进行试报,结果表明,恰当的结合统计方法和动力模式可以一定程度上克服目前数值模式不成熟的缺陷,从而提高WRF模式在大雾业务预报方面的释用水平。  相似文献   
以南京某边坡结构面中的滑带土为研究对象,定量分析不同的滑带土颗粒级配情况下,岩质边坡结构面中粘土矿物含量及含水率的变化对边坡稳定性影响机制及变化规律.随着粘土矿物的增加,安全系数值整体上呈现减小的趋势,安全系数在45%~55%之间时达到最低;随含水率的增加,安全系数值也呈下降的趋势.采用了粒子群算法对试验成果作以解析,结果显示,随着粘土矿物含量的增加,安全系数的变化为非线性,但始终表现出较好的相关性,其相关系数由小变大;安全系数值与含水率呈现出一种负相关的线性关系,且保持较高的相关性,相关系数在0.90以上,较符合一般的自然规律.  相似文献   
Late Pleistocene paleoclimatic variability on the northeastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (NE QTP) was reconstructed using a chronology based on AMS 14C and 230Th dating results and a stable oxygen isotopic record. These are derived from lake carbonates in a 102-m-long Qarhan sediment core (ISL1A) collected from the eastern Qaidam Basin. Previous research indicates that the δ18O values of lacustrine carbonates are mainly controlled by the isotopic composition of lake water, which in turn is a function of regional P/E balance and the proportion of precipitation that is monsoon-derived on the NE QTP. Modern isotopic observations indicate that the δ18O values of lake carbonates in hyper-arid Qaidam Basin are more positive during the warm and wet period. Due to strong evaporation and continental effect in this basin, the positive δ18O values in the arid region indicate drier climatic conditions. Based on this interpretation and the δ18O record of fine-grained lake carbonates and dating results in ISL1A, the results imply that drier climatic conditions in the Qarhan region occurred in three intervals, around 90–80 ka, 52–38 ka and 10–9 ka, which could correspond to late MIS 5, middle MIS 3 and early Holocene, respectively. These three phases were almost coincided with low lake level periods of Gahai, Toson and Qinghai Lakes (to the east of Qarhan Lake) influenced by ASM on the orbital timescales. Meanwhile, there was an episode of relatively high δ18O value during late MIS 3, suggesting that relatively dry climatic condition in this period, rather than “a uniform Qarhan mega-paleolake” spanning the ∼44 to 22 ka period. These results insight into the understanding of “the Greatest Lake Period” on the QTP.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地东南部油页岩资源评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鄂尔多斯盆地蕴藏着丰富的油页岩资源,积累了大量测井系列齐全的石油钻探资料,但针对油页岩的调查评价工作程度低,可利用的含油率数据十分有限,难以准确评价油页岩资源量。利用陕西铜川地区油页岩探井的测井与含油率分析资料,结合ΔlogR方法,建立了该区油页岩含油率测井解释模型,可较准确地识别油页岩层段和解释计算含油率。在此基础上,利用大量的油气井测井资料解释含油率、识别和统计油页岩厚度,对1.3×104km2工作区内三叠系延长组长7油页岩资源量进行了评价,估算油页岩分布面积为1.08×104km2,预测远景资源量为3866×108t,干馏油页岩油远景资源量为179×108t,具有形成大型—特大型油页岩矿产地的资源潜力,为该区油页岩勘查利用提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
四川盆地南部地区广泛发育下古生界寒武系、志留系等多套海相页岩层,其中龙马溪组是该区页岩气勘探开发的重点目标层。根据钻井岩心资料,通过有机碳、热解、碳同位素、等温吸附等地球化学实验分析,对川南地区下志留统龙马溪组页岩的有机质特征及其对页岩含气量的影响进行了研究。结果表明,川南地区龙马溪组页岩有机碳含量较高(平均1.53%),有机质类型较好(Ⅰ型和Ⅱ1型),热演化程度高(Ro为1.94%~2.42%),且页岩含气量较高(平均1.85m3/t)。页岩有机质特征是影响页岩含气量的主要因素,有机质丰度、有机质类型和热演化程度三者共同决定了川南地区龙马溪组页岩的含气量。  相似文献   
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