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磷灰石裂变径迹在确定造山带隆升速率中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿物裂变径迹技术是一种低温热史及年代学测定技术,广泛应用于含油气盆地热史分析、沉积物来源、造山带隆升剥蚀、地质年代学测定等方面的研究。近年来,磷灰石裂变径迹在研究造山带构造隆升速率方面取得了大量成果。笔者在结合前人研究成果基础上,分别介绍了利用裂变径迹反演热史、裂变年龄和矿物对-封闭温度法确定构造隆升速率的原理、方法和应用,并分析其优缺点,指出应用磷灰石裂变径迹研究构造隆升速率时应该注意的问题。  相似文献   
Indian peninsular shield, which was once considered to be seismically stable, is experiencing many earthquakes recently. As part of the national level microzonation programme, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India has initiated microzonation of greater Bangalore region. The seismic hazard analysis of Bangalore region is carried out as part of this project. The paper presents the determination of maximum credible earthquake (MCE) and generation of synthetic acceleration time history plot for the Bangalore region. MCE has been determined by considering the regional seismotectonic activity in about 350 km radius around Bangalore city. The seismotectonic map has been prepared by considering the faults, lineaments, shear zones in the area and historic earthquake events of more than 150 events. Shortest distance from the Bangalore to the different sources is measured and then peak ground acceleration (PGA) is calculated for the different source and moment magnitude. Maximum credible earthquake found in terms of moment magnitude is 5.1 with PGA value of 0.146 g at city centre with assuming the hypo central distance of 15.88 km from the focal point. Also, correlations for the fault length with historic earthquake in terms of moment magnitude, yields (taking the rupture fault length as 5% of the total fault length) a PGA value of 0.159 g. Acceleration time history (ground motion) and a response acceleration spectrum for the corresponding magnitude has been generated using synthetic earthquake model considering the regional seismotectonic parameters. The maximum spectral acceleration obtained is 0.332 g for predominant period of 0.06 s. The PGA value and synthetic earthquake ground motion data from the identified vulnerable source using seismotectonic map will be useful for the PGA mapping and microzonation of the area.  相似文献   
江南造山带位于扬子和华夏地块中间,受华南陆块及其周缘多期次的碰撞、裂解及再造过程影响,经历了复杂的构造运动和变形,于中生代期间受区域构造-岩浆事件影响,发生成矿“大爆发”,是研究陆内深部过程、成矿作用的关键地区。受沉积覆盖、出露较少等因素影响,江南造山带中段地壳结构、深部过程及其边界范围等还存在争议。为进一步提高对江南造山带中段中生代深部构造背景、动力学过程及成矿作用的认识,本文利用武宁—吉安深反射地震数据,进行随机介质参数的计算,获得了相关长度剖面。结果发现江南造山带中段地壳厚度沿剖面由北向南逐渐减薄,结合前人研究推测研究区受控于燕山期晚期伸展构造体制,在伸展构造背景下,导致地壳减薄,诱发幔源物质上涌,受地幔上涌影响由南往北逐渐减弱。同时揭示了宜丰—景德镇断裂深大断裂极性,进一步证明了萍乡—广丰断裂为江南造山带中段与华夏地块的边界。最后综合分析了中生代区域构造对成矿的影响,认为在伸展构造背景下,幔源物质沿断裂上涌控制了该区金、钨等矿床的形成。  相似文献   
潮汐强度与咸潮上溯距离试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用物理模型实验方法对不同潮差驱动下咸水入侵距离进行实验研究,结果表明存在潮差临界值使得咸水入侵距离最短,当潮差小于该临界值,咸水入侵距离随潮差增大呈快速减小趋势,而大于该临界值则呈缓慢增大趋势。基于实验数据对盐淡水混合进行理论分析,揭示了实验现象的产生机制:①潮差增大过程中盐淡水混合由高度分层变为均匀混合,导致驱动咸潮入侵的动力发生了改变;②当盐淡水为弱混合类型,盐淡水高度分层,重力环流输运是盐进入河口的主要方式,潮汐强度增大减小了盐淡水分层,减弱了重力环流的输运作用,因此入侵距离变小;③当盐淡水为强混合类型,盐淡水混合均匀,重力环流输运作用大大减弱,潮汐扩散成为主要的输运方式,潮汐增强使得扩散能力增大,因此潮汐强度越大,咸潮入侵距离越大。  相似文献   
Embankment slopes composed of spatially variable soils have a variety of different failure modes that are affected by the correlation distances of the material properties and the geometry and total length of the slope. This paper examines the reliability of soil slopes for embankments of different length and uses parallel computing to analyse very long embankments (up to 100 times the embankment height) for a clay soil characterised by a spatially varying undrained shear strength. Based on a series of analyses using the 3D random finite element method (RFEM), it is first shown that the reliability of slopes of various length can be efficiently computed by combining simple probability theory with a detailed 3D RFEM analysis of a representative shorter slope of length 10 times the slope height. RFEM predictions of reliability indices for longer slopes are then compared with results obtained using Vanmarcke's (1977a) simplified 3D method and Calle's (1985) extended 2D approach. It is shown that these methods can give significantly different results, depending on the horizontal scale of fluctuation relative to the slope length, with RFEM predicting a lower slope reliability than the Vanmarcke and Calle solutions in all cases. The differences in the solutions are evaluated and attributed to differences in the assumed and computed failure surface geometries.  相似文献   
吴海威 《地质科学》2018,(2):774-780
天长(一天时长)是地球自转速度的直接反映。古生代-中生代化石记录的天长数据表明,古生代-中生代期间的天长随时间呈线性增加。根据角动量守恒定律,这意味着同时段地球自转速度呈线性衰减。如果把这个趋势应用于地球历史的全过程,计算结果为4.519~4.495 Ga,与目前公认的地球绝对年龄4.54 Ga一致。这意味着,从这个时间点起,地球有一种自转速度衰减的总趋势。地球自转速度衰减年龄等值于地球年龄说明:1)所测量的陨石样本生成的时间(表征地球年龄)与地球受月球吸引形成自转减速的时间几乎相同。这意味着地-月体系形成之前的地球比该陨石表征的地球年龄更为古老。2)地球、月球、自转速度衰减时长,三者的年龄呈现等值状态,因而此结果与月球起源于大碰撞的假说可以匹配。  相似文献   
This paper presents an instability theory that can be used to understand the fundamental behavior of an acidization dissolution front when it propagates in fluid‐saturated carbonate rocks. The proposed theory includes two fundamental concepts, namely the intrinsic time and length of an acidization dissolution system, and a theoretical criterion that involves the comparison of the Zhao number and its critical value of the acidization dissolution system. The intrinsic time is used to determine the time scale at which the acidization dissolution front is formed, while the intrinsic length is used to determine the length scale at which the instability of the acidization dissolution front can be initiated. Under the assumption that the acidization dissolution reaction is a fast process, the critical Zhao number, which is used to assess the instability likelihood of an acidization dissolution front propagating in fluid‐saturated carbonate rocks, has been derived in a strictly mathematical manner. Based on the proposed instability theory of a propagating acidization dissolution front, it has been theoretically recognized that: (i) the increase of the mineral dissolution ratio can stabilize the acidization dissolution front in fluid‐saturated carbonate rocks; (ii) the increase of the final porosity of the carbonate rock can destabilize the acidization dissolution front, while the increase of the initial porosity can stabilize the acidization dissolution front in fluid‐saturated carbonate rocks; (iii) the increase of the mineral dissolution ratio can cause an increase in the dimensionless propagation speed of the acidization dissolution front; (iv) the increase of the initial porosity can enable the acidization dissolution front to propagate faster, while the increase of the final porosity can enable the acidization dissolution front to propagate slower in the acidization dissolution system. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
付文光  罗小满  孙春阳 《岩土力学》2012,33(Z1):156-160
现行《建筑边坡工程技术规范》存在着一些争议。规范中规定适用范围可为岩石基坑,但很多条款是针对边坡工程的,对基坑工程不适用,建议适用范围不要扩大到基坑;规定临时性边坡使用年限为2年,已不满足工程建设要求,建议提高为5年;几个术语定义不准确,宜重新定义;适用边坡高度及边坡安全等级已不满足工程建设要求,建议适当调整;滑塌区范围估算公式意义不大且有缺陷,建议取消;对坡率法适用范围限制过于严格,建议放宽;查坡率表设计法已过时,建议取消;规定锚杆基本试验时可将锚固段长度减短,但这样得到的极限粘结强度值偏高,将导致工程设计不安全,不能减短;锚杆验收试验标准不明确且应用困难,建议按相关原则重新编写等等。这些意见供规范修编时参考。  相似文献   
通过现场试验研究了岩质边坡中压力型锚索的受力和破坏机理。试验锚索采用130 mm孔径,6束标准钢绞线,符合实际工程的常用锚索规格。严格控制锚固段与非锚固段尺寸,设置了不同的锚固段长度用以研究锚索的抗拔力学性能。试验获得了岩质条件下足尺压力型锚索的荷载位移全曲线。用应变砖测试了锚固段注浆体在受力过程中的应变规律,测试结果与理论计算的结果吻合。对试验结果进行分析发现,在较软岩条件下,试验锚索的最佳锚固长度在2 m左右。压力型锚索的位移延性性能非常优秀,在锚索整体位移较大时还能维持较高的承载力,可以提供良好的破坏预警。根据实测的轴向应变发现,随着锚固长度的增加,应力传递长度也略有增加。提出压力型锚索的破坏要经历局部塑性,整体塑性两个阶段。  相似文献   
实散组合桩承载原理及应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文提出了实散组合桩概念,即一根桩由上下两段组成,上段是实体桩,下段是散体桩。这样就克服了散体桩通常桩头承载能力低的缺陷。本文对实散组合桩的受力概念进行了分析研究,给出了其承载力、沉降、临界桩长等计算方法和公式。最后介绍了首次工程实例。  相似文献   
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