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We have studied the science rationale, goals and requirements for a mission aimed at using the gravitational lensing from the Sun as a way of achieving high angular resolution and high signal amplification. We find that such a mission concept is compromised by several practical problems. Most severe are the effects due to the plasma in the solar atmosphere which cause refraction and scattering of the propagating rays. These effects either limit the frequencies that can be observed to those above ∼1 THz, or they move the optical point outwards beyond the vacuum value of ≥550 au. (Thus for observing frequency of 300 GHz the optical point is moved outwards to ∼ 680 au.) Density fluctuations in the inner solar atmosphere will further cause random pathlength differences for different rays. The corrections for the radiation from the Sun itself will also be a major challenge at any wavelength used, but could be mitigated with coronographic techniques. Given reasonable constraints on the spacecraft (particularly in terms of size and propulsion), source selection as well as severe navigational constraints further add to the difficulties for a potential mission. Nevertheless, unbiased surveys of small-scale structure on the sky at short wavelengths might be the most promising application of such a mission.  相似文献   
Diel patterns in the chlorophyll a specific absorption coefficient of surface picoplankton, a*pico (γ) (m2·[mg chlorophyll a]−1), were studied at 7 stations under daily cycle of in situ light condition in the western subarctic Pacific and Japan Sea. All the data were normalized by dividing the anomaly with daily averaged a*pico (γ). Opposite diel patterns were observed for the normalized a*pico (443) and a*pico (675) with maximum toward dawn or dusk and minimum toward midday at 4 stations under low-irradiance (LI) conditions and vice versa at 3 stations under high-irradiance (HI) conditions. The absorption efficiency factors at red absorption peak, Q a (675), were determined by reconstruction with intracellular chlorophyll a concentration and cell diameter. The normalized Q a (675) also showed diel pattern with maximum toward midday and minimum toward dawn or dusk under LI. The diel pattern in a*pico (675) and Q a (675) were primarily caused by changes in intracellular chlorophyll a concentration due to photoadaptation under LI. The diel pattern in a*pico (443) was influenced by pigmentation, as recognized by blue to red ratio [a*pico (443)/a*pico (675)] under HI. This study proposed that the opposite diel pattern in a*pico (γ) might occur for a wide range of algal species. The results presented here have important consequences for the interpretation of diel variations in optical properties observed in the open ocean.  相似文献   
A preliminary optical classification of lakes in Estonia and south Finland which can also be used for small bays of the Baltic Sea is elaborated. The classification is based on the optical properties of water (diffuse attenuation coefficient, diffuse reflectance) and parameters that are routinely monitored in water bodies (Secchi depth, concentration of chlorophyll-a, total suspended matter and yellow substance). The data complex used for our classification covers different types of water ecosystems (ranging from oligotrophic to hypertrophic) and the variability of water constituent concentrations in the ice-free period in Estonia and south Finland. Using cluster analysis, we found 5 optical classes of waters: clear (C), moderate (M), turbid (T), very turbid (V) and brown (B). There is satisfactory correspondence between class of water, shape of diffuse attenuation coefficient and diffuse reflectance spectra and trophic state of the lakes.  相似文献   
气溶胶光学厚度的时空变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在大气中气溶胶微粒是一种重要的大气微量成分。气溶胶光学厚度也是大气校正所需的重要大气参数,同时也是海洋水色卫星主要的数据产品。由于气溶胶光学厚度的时空变化较大,所以如何准确获取大气校正和卫星数据产品真实性检验所需的气溶胶光学厚度则是至关重要的。在简述气溶胶光学性质的基础上,并结合2002年6月HY—1南海实验数据来阐述现场气溶胶光学厚度的准确获取。  相似文献   
We simulate direct current (DC) borehole resistivity measurements acquired in steel-cased deviated wells for the assessment of rock formation properties. The assumed data acquisition configuration considers one current (emitter) and three voltage (collector) electrodes that are utilized to measure the second difference of the electric potential along the well trajectory. We assume a homogeneous, 1.27-cm-thick steel casing with resistivity equal to 10 − 5 Ω· m. Simulations are performed with two different numerical methodologies. The first one is based on transferring two-dimensional (2D) axisymmetric optimal grids to a three-dimensional (3D) simulation software. The second one automatically produces optimal 3D grids yielded by a 3D self-adaptive goal-oriented algorithm. Both methodologies utilize high-order finite elements (FE) that are specially well-suited for problems with high-contrast coefficients and rapid spatial variations of the electric field, as it occurs in simulations that involve steel-cased wells. The method based on transferring 2D-optimal grids is efficient in terms of CPU time (few seconds per logging position). Unfortunately, it may produce inaccurate 3D simulations in deviated wells, even though the error remains below 1% for the axisymmetric (vertical) well. The method based on optimal 3D grids, although less efficient in terms of CPU time (few hours per logging position), produces more accurate results that are validated by a built-in a posteriori error estimator. This paper provides the first existing simulations of through-casing resistivity measurements in deviated wells. Simulated resistivity measurements indicate that, for a 30° deviated well, measurements in conductive layers 0.01 Ω· m) are similar to those obtained in vertical wells. However, in resistive layers (10,000 Ω· m), we observe 100% larger readings in the 30° deviated well. This difference becomes 3,000% for the case of a 60° deviated well. For this highly-deviated well, readings corresponding to the conductive formation layer are about 30% smaller in magnitude than those in a vertical well. Shoulder effects significantly vary in deviated wells.  相似文献   
北京晴天紫外波段气溶胶光学厚度反演与分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用太阳一大气紫外光谱辐射计(SAUVS),测量到达北京地表的太阳直接和散射紫外光谱辐射,给出反演大气气溶胶光学厚度的一种方法。结果表明:在紫外波段,大气气溶胶的光学厚度随波长的增加而单调减小,用指数函数可以很好地拟合反演结果。统计得到了3个水平能见度状况下拟合函数的系数值,与全球气溶胶监测网络(AERONET)北京站的资料对比,表明反演结果基本合理。  相似文献   
During an international workshop at the Institute for Experimental Physics of the University of Vienna, Austria, which was coordinated within the Committee on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols (IAMAS-IUGG), 10 instruments for aerosol number concentration measurement were studied, covering a wide range of methods based on various different measuring principles. In order to investigate the detection limits of the instruments considered with respect to particle size, simultaneous number concentration measurements were performed for monodispersed aerosols with particle sizes ranging from 1.5 to 50 nm diameter and various compositions.The instruments considered show quite different response characteristics, apparently related to the different vapors used in the various counters to enlarge the particles to an optically detectable size. A strong dependence of the 50% cutoff diameter on the particle composition in correlation with the type of vapor used in the specific instrument was found. An enhanced detection efficiency for ultrafine hygroscopic sodium chloride aerosols was observed with water operated systems, an analogous trend was found for n-butanol operated systems with nonhygroscopic silver and tungsten oxide particles.  相似文献   
Leping coal is known for its high content of “barkinite”, which is a unique liptinite maceral apparently found only in the Late Permian coals of South China. “Barkinite” has previously identified as suberinite, but on the basis of further investigations, most coal petrologists conclude that “barkinite” is not suberinite, but a distinct maceral. The term “barkinite” was introduced by (State Bureau of Technical Supervision of the People's Republic of China, 1991, GB 12937-91 (in Chinese)), but it has not been recognized by ICCP and has not been accepted internationally.In this paper, elemental analyses (EA), pyrolysis-gas chromatography, Rock-Eval pyrolysis and optical techniques were used to study the optical features and the hydrocarbon-generating model of “barkinite”. The results show that “barkinite” with imbricate structure usually occurs in single or multiple layers or in a circular form, and no definite border exists between the cell walls and fillings, but there exist clear aperture among the cells.“Barkinite” is characterized by fluorescing in relatively high rank coals. At low maturity of 0.60–0.80%Ro, “barkinite” shows strong bright orange–yellow fluorescence, and the fluorescent colors of different cells are inhomogeneous in one sample. As vitrinite reflectance increases up to 0.90%Ro, “barkinite” also displays strong yellow or yellow–brown fluorescence; and most of “barkinite” lose fluorescence at the maturity of 1.20–1.30%Ro. However, most of suberinite types lose fluorescence at a vitrinite reflectance of 0.50% Ro, or at the stage of high volatile C bituminous coal. In particular, the cell walls of “barkinite” usually show red color, whereas the cell fillings show yellow color under transmitted light. This character is contrary to suberinite.“Barkinite” is also characterized by late generation of large amounts of liquid oil, which is different from the early generation of large amounts of liquid hydrocarbon. In addition, “barkinite” with high hydrocarbon generation potential, high elemental hydrogen, and low carbon content. The pyrolysis products of “barkinite” are dominated by aliphatic compounds, followed by low molecular-weight aromatic compounds (benzene, toluene, xylene and naphthalene), and a few isoprenoids. The pyrolysis hydrocarbons of “barkinite” are mostly composed of light oil (C6–C14) and wet gas (C2–C5), and that heavy oil (C15+) and methane (C1) are the minor hydrocarbon.In addition, suberinite is defined only as suberinized cell walls—it does not include the cell fillings, and the cell lumens were empty or filled by corpocollinites, which do not show any fluorescence. Whereas, “barkinite” not only includes the cell walls, but also includes the cell fillings, and the cell fillings show bright yellow fluorescence.Since the optical features and the hydrocarbon-generating model of “barkinite” are quite different from suberinite. We suggest that “barkinite” is a new type of maceral.  相似文献   
叶面积指数(LAI)的遥感定量方法综述   总被引:65,自引:10,他引:65  
总结了当前遥感定量研究叶面积指数(LAI)的两种主要方法:统计模型法和光学模型法,阐述了各自的机理和研究进展,在此基础上,讨论了两种方法的优缺点及未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   
Some achievements on the inhomogeneity test of climatological data series and some correlative conclusions were described,from which we concluded that it was very necessary to test the homogeneity of the Chinese climatological data series.Many techniques on this field developed by foreign experts are suitable for Chinese climatological series,and the main factors for the inhomogeneity of the Chinese climatological data are the relocation of stations and the change of instruments.  相似文献   
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