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OPA 90 set out stringent requirements and liabilities for tankers operating in US national waters. OPA 90 was in response to the public concern caused by the grounding of the Exxon Valdez in 1989. It made ship owners responsible for the cost of pollution incidents and required all tank ships/barges operating in US waters have double hulls by 2015. We model factors influencing oil spills and test whether OPA 90 helped reduce the number of those spills. After accounting for causal factors, both increased liability and double hulls were statistically significant factors in reducing the number of spills.  相似文献   
This paper presents an estimation of the economic effects of the Prestige oil spill in Galicia, focusing on the Death Coast fisheries and using fish landings as a market technique. Examining the evolution of landings in the Death Coast before and after the accident, the analysis reveals two opposing trends, with landings of some species increasing and those of other species diminishing.  相似文献   
中国海相碳酸盐岩的储层类型、勘探领域及勘探战略   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
中国海相碳酸盐岩有效储层成因类型主要包括古风化壳岩溶储层、礁滩储层及层状白云岩储层三大类。陆上中—古生界盆地三类储层均有分布,海上第三系盆地主要发育礁滩储层。针对我国海相油气地质特别是陆上中—古生界油气成藏的复杂性,提出应该加强对勘探及认识程度相对较低的礁滩储层形成的原生岩性-成岩圈闭油气藏的研究与勘探工作。石灰岩古风化壳岩溶储层具有强烈的非均质性,白云岩储层的含油气性比较依赖于有效储盖组合及构造圈闭。鉴于我国海相油气资源潜力巨大、勘探程度较低,故应该加强海相油气资源特别是陆上主要盆地海相油气资源及南海油气资源的研究与勘探开发,尤其要加强层序地层及岩相古地理编图等基础油气地质研究工作。  相似文献   
1 引言 石油,作为现代社会的主要能源,在全球经济迅速发展和人口激增的情况下,世界范围内的供求在不断增长,海洋石油勘探开发规模也在不断扩大.海洋油气开发已成为我国油气战略资源的主要来源之一.  相似文献   
Biodegradation and oil mixing in Silurian sandstone reservoirs of the Tarim Basin, one of the largest composite basins in China, were investigated by analyzing the molecular characteristics and stable carbon isotopic signatures of low-molecular-weight (LMW) saturated hydrocarbons and high-molecular-weight (HMW) asphaltenes. Detection of 25-norhopanes and 17-nortricyclic terpanes in most Silurian tar sands from the Tabei Uplift in the Tarim Basin suggests a much greater degree of biodegradation here than in the Tazhong Uplift. This explains the relatively more abundant tricyclic terpanes, gammacerane, pregnane and diasteranes in tar sands from the Tabei Uplift than in those from the Tazhong Uplift. Hence, care must be taken when assigning oil source correlations using biomarkers in tar sands because of the biodegradation and mixing of oils derived from multiple sources in such an old composite basin. Asphaltenes in the tar sands seem to be part of the oil charge before biodegradation, depending on the relative anti-biodegradation characteristics of asphaltenes, the similarity in carbon isotopic signatures for asphaltenes and their pyrolysates, and the consistent product distribution for flash pyrolysis and for regular steranes in asphaltene pyrolysates, regardless of whether the tar sands were charged with fresh oil. According to the relative distributions of regular steranes and the relatively abundant 1,2,3,4-tetramethylbenzene significantly enriched in 13C, the oil sources for asphaltenes in the tar sands might be related to lower Paleozoic marine source rocks formed in euxinic conditions. Nevertheless, the relatively low abundance of gammacerane and C28 regular steranes observed in asphaltene pyrolysates and residual hydrocarbons, within limited samples investigated in this work, made a direct correlation of oils originally charged into Silurian tar sands with those Cambrian source rocks, reported so far, seem not to be possible. Comparison of carbon isotopic signatures of n-alkanes in asphaltene pyrolysates with those of LMW saturated hydrocarbons is helpful in determining if the abundant n-alkanes in tar sands are derived from fresh oil charges after biodegradation. The limited carbon isotopic data for n-alkanes in LMW saturated hydrocarbons from the tar sands can be used to classify oils charged after biodegradation in the composite basin into four distinct groups.  相似文献   
Raw and retorted spent oil shales from Kentucky, as well as soil and overburden materials, were subjected to laboratory and field leaching tests. Standard batch leaching tests grossly undervalue the amount of dissolved ions as measured in the field, being too brief to enable slow reactions of the mineral matrix, such as hydrolysis and oxidation of sulfides or reactions of acidic leachates with soluble components of the clays. Laboratory column tests, devised to closely simulate natural leaching processes, achieved concentration levels and elemental release patterns similar to those found in field tests. The column tests provide a reliable means to assess the leachability of metals in these materials.  相似文献   
刘建中  李自强 《地震研究》1990,13(3):298-307
本文比较了从油田压裂资料获得的应力值与专门的水压致裂应力测量结果。研究结果表明,前者的最小水平主应力可以和后者的精度相当,最大水平主应力的精度略低。以长庆油田岭261—2井1985年11月15日实际压裂记录结果和吉林油田东33—35井的压裂记录为例,提出了处理油田资料的方法,给出了相应的处理结果  相似文献   
李宁 《地球物理学报》1989,32(5):580-592
本文导出了电阻率-孔隙度、电阻率-含油(气)饱和度关系的一般形式--两个对称的表达式,并给予了实验证明。同时,本文指出,Archie公式、Winsauer公式和双水公式都是一般形式在一定条件下的特例。在一般情况下,本文给出了14个能够逼近这两个表达式的函数类型,通过岩芯数据进行选优,可以得到适合不同地区或地层的最优方程。根据本文理论建立的解释方法和研制的软件已经在油田生产中推广应用并取得了良好效果。 由于涉及内容较多,全文分两部分撰写。以下是本文的第(Ⅰ)部分,即一般形式的导出及实验验证;而最佳函数类型的确定及其在生产中的应用将作为本文的第(Ⅱ)部分发表。  相似文献   
在我国东部沿海修建地下水封石洞油库若干问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国大陆架油、气田不断被发掘、开采,石油储运问题已指日可待。我国海岸线的基岩岸约占全长的2/3以上,其中,块状结晶岩体又占基岩岸的一半以上,这就给水封油库的布置提供了良好的基础。在油库的选择和兴建中,应加强对建库岩体和主要结构面、地应力及其分布的充分研究,以期能对洞库稳定问题、地下水位及水量的合理确定问题有所裨盖、  相似文献   
运用David A.White,1988介绍的方法,编制东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷和瓯江凹陷油气成藏组合图。通过图件编制的启示,对两个凹陷成藏主要特征和控制油气规律提出了一些新认识,并确定有利勘探区和勘探对象。  相似文献   
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