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参照青海省柴达木盆地北缘寒武纪和奥陶纪地层相关文献资料,通过野外地质调查和系统样品分析结果,在柴北缘寒武纪—奥陶纪地层中梳理和识别出了19层海相红层。其中,寒武纪地层中识别出了12层海相红层,奥陶纪地层中识别出了7层海相红层。除奥陶纪石灰沟组海相红层(QORB3,QORB4,QORB5及QORB6)为深水大洋红层外,其余15层海相红层均属浅水—半深水陆棚红层。依据海相红层及其上下层位所含化石,本文初步论述了各海相红层的大致时代,并与我国主要块体的同期海相红层进行对比。上述研究对进一步开展全国乃至全球寒武纪、奥陶纪海相红层分布及对比提供了基础数据和资料。此外,通过国内同期红层的对比,本文还讨论了河北唐山寒武纪海相红层的分布及中国南方中奥陶世大坪期—达瑞威尔期早期海相红层广布事件。  相似文献   
昌宁-孟连结合带是西南三江地区重要的古特提斯结合带,本文报道该带牛井山蛇绿混杂岩带内的早古生代英云闪长岩的锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素、全岩地球化学特征,探讨其岩石成因,揭示早古生代(原)特提斯演化过程和恢复古地理格局。利用LA-ICP-MS对英云闪长岩进行锆石U-Pb定年,获得~(206)Pb/~(238)U加权平均年龄为468±2Ma(MSWD=1.4,n=22),代表岩浆岩结晶时代。对锆石进行原位微区Hf同位素分析获得锆石ε_(Hf)(t)=+1.6~+2.8。牛井山英云闪长岩具有高的SiO_2(61.6%~67.16%),Al_2O_3(15.4%~17.64%),Na_2O(2.93%~3.25%)含量,高的Na_2O/K_2O(3.9~5.4)比值。微量元素具有高Sr(469×10~(-6)~533×10~(-6)),低Yb(0.66×10~(-6)~1.22×10~(-6))和Y(8.5×10~(-6)~16.3×10~(-6)),Eu正异常(1.01~1.37)的特征。此外,在同等SiO 2条件下,还具有相对高的Mg~#和MgO(Mg~#=50~51,MgO=2.84%~3.58%)。这些特征表明英云闪长岩具有高镁埃达克岩的性质。岩石成因研究表明牛井山高镁埃达克岩很可能是俯冲洋壳加上部分大洋沉积物部分熔融并与上覆地幔橄榄岩反应的产物。早古生代洋壳俯冲成因的埃达克岩的发现证明昌宁-孟连特提斯洋演化历史可追溯至约468Ma。昌宁-孟连结合带早古生代岩浆作用与龙木错-双湖结合带早古生代洋壳残片的时代一致、构造属性相似,我们认为昌宁-孟连结合带与木错-双湖结合带可对比,它们代表了一个统一的古生代特提斯大洋残余。  相似文献   
通过对造山带内洋岛玄武岩的时代及地球化学性质研究,不仅可以进行古海山/大洋高原的识别,而且还可以进行古洋盆演化及古构造格局恢复。笔者等最新在西准噶尔玛依勒山北侧识别出一套枕状玄武岩,其与火山碎屑岩、硅质岩共生。枕状玄武岩斜长石微晶普遍发育中空骸晶结构,是在水下熔岩急剧萃冷条件下迅速结晶的产物。通过LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年,获得枕状玄武岩206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为437.2±2.2Ma,该年龄的获得填补了志留纪碱性玄武岩的空白。岩石地球化学分析结果显示,玛依勒枕状玄武岩为碱性玄武岩系列,岩石具有中等Si O2(44.89%~47.81%),高Ti O2(3.28%~4.12%)及P2O5(0.50%~0.70%),低Mg O(3.49%~6.79%),轻、重稀土元素分异较为明显((La/Yb)N=5.5~7.3),无明显Eu异常(Eu/Eu*=0.96~1.06),相对富集Rb、Th、U,亏损Ba、K、Sr,没有明显Nb、Ta负异常,这些地球化学特征与洋岛玄武岩(OIB)极其相似。微量元素含量及反映源区性质的比值表明,枕状玄武岩来源于富集地幔源区,主要组成为尖晶石和石榴石二辉橄榄岩,并发生了5%±的部分熔融,其形成于大洋板内与地幔柱有关的海山/大洋岛屿环境。结合前人研究,认为西准噶尔乃至古亚洲洋在中古生代洋内俯冲的同时,大洋板内可能存在地幔柱活动。  相似文献   
较全面地介绍了北京气候中心气候系统模式(BCC_CSM)研发所取得的一些进展及其在气候变化研究中的应用,重点介绍了全球近280 km较低分辨率的全球海-陆-气-冰-生物多圈层耦合的气候系统模式BCC_CSM1.1和110 km中等大气分辨率的BCC_CSM1.1(m),以及大气、陆面、海洋、海冰各分量模式的发展。BCC_CSM1.1和BCC_CSM1.1(m)气候系统模式均包含了全球碳循环和动态植被过程。当给定全球人类活动导致的碳源排放后,就可以模拟和预估人类活动对气候变化的影响。BCC_CSM1.1和BCC_CSM1.1(m)已应用于IPCC AR5模式比较,为中外开展气候变化机理分析和未来气候变化预估提供了大量的试验数据。还介绍了BCC_CSM1.1和BCC_CSM1.1(m)参与国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP5)的大量试验分析评估结果,BCC_CSM能够较好地模拟20世纪气温和降水等气候平均态和季节变化特征,以及近1000年的历史气候变化,所预估的未来100年气候变化与国际上其他模式的CMIP5试验预估结果相当。初步的分析表明,分辨率相对高的BCC_CSM1.1(m)在区域气候平均态的模拟上优于分辨率较低的BCC_CSM1.1。  相似文献   
We investigated the dynamics of upwelling fronts near a coast. This work was first motivated by laboratory experiments [Bouruet-Aubertot, Linden, Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 2002] in which the front is produced by the adjustment of a buoyant fluid initially confined within a bottomless cylinder. It was shown that cyclonic eddies consisting of coastal waters are enhanced when the front is unstable near the coast (the outer vertical boundary). The purpose of this paper is to provide further insights into this process. We reproduced the experimental configuration using a three-dimensional model of the primitive equations. We first show that for coastal fronts more potential energy, in terms of the maximum available potential energy, is released than for open-ocean fronts. Therefore, waves of larger amplitude are generated during the adjustment and the mean flow that establishes has a higher kinetic energy in the former case. Then as baroclinic instability starts and wave crests reach the boundary, cyclonic eddies are enhanced as in the laboratory experiments and in a similar way. However, in contrast to the laboratory experiments, offshore advection of cyclonic eddies can occur in two stages, depending on the spatial organization of the baroclinic wave. When the baroclinic wave consists of the sum of different modes and is thus highly asymmetric, the offshore advection of cyclonic eddies occurs just after their enhancement at the boundary, as in the laboratory experiments. By contrast, when a single-mode baroclinic wave develops, neighboring cyclonic eddies first merge before being advected offshore. Very different behavior is observed for open-ocean fronts. First a mixed baroclinic–barotropic instability grows. Then the eddies transfer their energy to the mean flow and the barotropic and baroclinic instabilities start again. An excellent agreement is obtained with the main result obtained in the laboratory experiments: the ratio between growth rates of surface cyclonic and anticyclonic vorticity increases as the instability develops nearer to the coast.  相似文献   
南天山额尔宾山中部出露的盲起苏侵入岩主要由花岗闪长岩组成,前人认为是泥盆纪产物,对其中锆石进行SHRIMP定年,获得侵入岩形成年龄296.9±5.4Ma和304.2±11.6Ma。其岩石学具有偏铝和过铝同碰撞花岗岩的特征,结合该带二叠纪后造山花岗岩及其它方面的区域资料,从而提出南天山古生代洋盆的闭合时限为晚石炭世。  相似文献   
We numerically model the formation and acceleration of a neutral gas shell as an ionization-shock front propagates in a spherical cloud by taking into account the photoionization and radiative heating of the gas, the spectral radiative transfer. We suggest and implement an approximation of the cooling function that allows calculations to be performed in a wide range of gas ionization fractions and temperatures. The total mass, average velocity, and thickness of the shell have been determined. The results are compared with approximate formulas known in the literature. Based on the parameters of the shell found, we estimate its acceleration, characteristic scales, and the growth times of unstable perturbations. We analyze the influence of the cloud particle density, cloud radius, stellar temperature, and radiation spectrum on the integrated characteristics of the neutral gas in the layer between the ionization and shock fronts. The distribution of matter in the shell and its thickness are shown to differ significantly from those used in approximate models.  相似文献   
Uncertainty representation of ocean fronts based on fuzzy-rough set theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analysis of ocean fronts' uncertainties indicates that they result from indiseemibility of their spatial position and fuzzi-ness of their intensity. In view of this, a flow hierarchy for uncertainty representation of ocean fronts is proposed on the basis of fuzzy-rough set theory. Firstly, raster scanning and blurring are carried out on an ocean front, and the upper and lower approximate sets, the indiscernible relation in fuzzy-rough theories and related operators in fuzzy set theories are adopted to represent its uncer-tainties, then they are classified into three sets: with members one hundred pereent belonging to the ocean front, belonging to the ocean front's edge and definitely not belonging to the ocean front. Finally, the approximate precision and roughness degree are util-ized to evaluate the ocean front's degree of uncertainties and the precision of the representation. It has been proven that the method is not only capable of representing ocean fronts' uncertainties, but also provides a new theory and method for uncertainty representation of other oceanic phenomena.  相似文献   
海洋世纪呼唤海洋科技人才,召唤海洋高等教育,广东海洋大学必须增强海洋意识、加强海洋观教育、普及海洋知识、整合现有海洋资源、重新架构学科专业,才能彰显广东海洋大学的"海洋"办学特色。  相似文献   
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