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During late February to mid-March, 1991, when mature N. japonica swarmed in the sea surface off Jimo County, Qingdao, seawater containing numerous early embryos was pumped into a nearby 2.7 ha. muddy-sand shrimp pond, where the embryos continued to develop. 800000 Penaeus chinensis seedlings were introduced into the pond on May 30, 1991. Monthly benthic samplings were carried out to determine the population dynamics and production of N. japonica in this atypical environ -ment.The density of N. japonica varied from 0 to 20400 ind./m2. The predation of P. chinensis was considered to be responsible for the mass mortality of N. japonica in June through July, when the worms were 2.2-3.3cm in length and lived in the top 2-4cm sediment. From August to September of 1991, the hottest period in the site, there was no substantial mortality of N. japonica as reported in earlier literature. This was explained by the deeper burrowing of the' worms that protected them from predation by shrimps.Monthly biomass ranged f  相似文献   
Polychaete Neanthes japonica is a species geographically specific in China and Japan with important scientific implication and commercial value. In this study, the relations of body weight, salinity and temperature to oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of N. japonica were determined. Three different groups in body weight (large: 2.34±0.36 g, middle: 1.50±0.21 g and small: 0.62±0.12 g) were set for all experiments. Results show that the body weight is negatively related to the rates of oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion; and the relationship is significant. The oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion at 24°C decreased at salinity from 5 to 30 and increased above 30, indicating that both lower and higher salinity are adverse and certain degree of salinity stress is necessary for enhancing the energy demand. At salinity 30, rising temperature from 18°C to 30°C, the oxygen consumption increased before 27°C and then decreased. However, the relation of ammonia excretion and temperature seems more complex. Two-way ANOVA shows that salinity, temperature and body weight all have a significant effect on the oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of the worm. Moreover, interaction between salinity/temperature and body weight is also significant. O:N (oxygen/nitrogen) ratio varies greatly in this case from 5.97 to 463.22, indicating that N. japonica can regulate the type of metabolic substrate against environment changes. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30490233) and the Three-Gorge Project and the Estuarine Environment (No. SX2004-018) from the Three Gorges Project Construction Committee  相似文献   
日本刺沙蚕摄食沉积物的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
日本刺沙蚕为典型的沉积食性底栖动物,通过大量吞食沉积物来获得能量,以维持自身的营养需求。作者于1996年10月在山东省丁字湾北部泥滩潮间带采集日本刺沙蚕,利用肠道内含物分析方法测定了日本刺沙蚕对自然沉积物的摄食率,其结果为5.71±2.76mg.mg-1.d-1,并估算出日本刺沙蚕饱食沉积物所需时间约为6.58h。日本刺沙蚕在摄食沉积物时偏向于选择较大的颗粒,这与最适觅食模型的结论相反。这一结果可用底栖生物对其栖居环境适应方式的特殊性来解释。  相似文献   
蔡立哲  林鹏  刘俊杰 《海洋学报》2000,22(3):110-116
深圳湾潮间带泥滩宽阔,低潮时面积约27km2,陆向以红树林沼泽地为边界,有深圳河和元郎溪等许多河流和小溪流入湾内.每年有数万只鸟类在深圳河口红树林区和泥滩栖息和觅食[1],因此,深圳湾的环境越来越受到重视[2].1993年,香港和深圳协作治理深圳河,由北京大学总承担,清华大学、厦门大学、汇亚环保顾问公司、环境科学顾问(亚洲)有限公司、世界自然(香港)基金会、深圳市环境监测站、华南环境科学研究院和广东内伶仃福田国家级自然保护区等协作进行环境影响评估研究.  相似文献   
运用实验生态学的方法探讨不同盐度下(15、20、25、30和35)日本刺沙蚕(Neanthes japonica)对饵料中氮的利用情况.结果表明,盐度对日本刺沙蚕的摄食氮、生长氮、粪便氮、氮的饵料转化率和特定生长率均有显著性的影响,它们均有随盐度升高而增加的趋势,到达最大值后(盐度30左右),又随盐度的升高而下降.排泄氮随盐度的变化趋势与此相反.盐度对氮的表观消化率没有显著的影响.根据回归方程计算得到日本刺沙蚕的最佳氮生长盐度为28~29.实验结果还显示日本刺沙蚕在适宜盐度下获得较高的氮生长主要归因于较高的氮摄食和氮的饵料转化率.盐度对日本刺沙蚕氮收支各组分均存在显著性影响,其中排泄氮的比例在盐度25时最小,而后随盐度的升高或降低都明显增大,这与生长氮和粪便氮比例的变化趋势相反.粪便氮的比例变化并不剧烈,范围为7.50%~9.41%.因此,排泄氮的比例和生长氮的比例主导着日本刺沙蚕的氮收支模式.日本刺沙蚕在5个盐度下的平均氮收支方程为100CN=49.01GN+42.45UN+8.54FN,其中,CN为摄食氮;GN为生长氮;UN为排泄氮;FN为粪便氮.此外,作者还对水生动物氮收支的模式做了初步的探讨.  相似文献   
日本刺沙蚕Neanthes japonica (Iznka)大规模育苗的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合生产实践 ,模拟野外温度、盐度等环境条件 ,在较大规模的育苗池环境条件下 ,对日本刺沙蚕胚胎和发育作了生殖生物学的观察和描述 ,为人工增养殖日本刺沙蚕提供了基础资料  相似文献   
丁字湾潮间带日本刺沙蚕幼体对底栖微藻的摄食率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用同位素 14 C现场同步示踪技术 ,测定了丁字湾北部泥质潮间带不同体长日本刺沙蚕幼年个体对底栖微藻的摄食率。结果表明 ,日本刺沙蚕的个体摄食率与虫体体长呈正相关 ,其总体摄食率为 0 .5 399× 10 -3 h-1,相当于摄食底栖微藻 1.985μg C· 10 cm-2 · h-1。同时得出 5月份现场条件下底质表层初级生产力为 38.2 4 μg C· 10 cm-2· h-1。  相似文献   
Polychaete Neanthesjaponica is a species geographically specific in China and Japan with important scientific implication and commercial value. In this study, the relations of body weight, salinity and temperature to oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of N. japonica were determined. Threedifferent groups in body weight (large: 2.34±0.36 g, middle: 1.50±0.21 g and small: 0.62±0.12 g) were set for all experiments. Results show that the body weight is negatively related to the rates of oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion; and the relationship is significant. The oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion at 24℃ decreased at salinity from 5 to 30 and increased above 30, indicating that both lower and higher salinity are adverse and certain degree of salinity stress is necessary for enhancing the energy demand. At salinity 30, rising temperature from 18℃ to 30℃, the oxygen consumption increased before 27℃ and then decreased. However, the relation of ammonia excretion and temperature seems more complex. Two-way ANOVA shows that salinity, temperature and body weight all have a significant effect on the oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of the worm. Moreover, interaction between salinity/temperature and body weight is also significant. O:N (oxygen/nitrogen) ratio varies greatly in this case from 5.97 to 463.22, indicating that N. japonica can regulate the type of metabolic substrate against environment changes.  相似文献   
中国对虾对日本刺沙蚕的摄食率研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于1996年6月在山东莱阳市养殖场采集中国对虾(体长4.5-6.0cm体重1.2-3.7g)和日本刺沙蚕(体长1.0-5.0cm)通过持续20的室内实验,研究中国对虾对日本刺沙蚕的摄食率,实验条件为:水温21-23℃,海水盐度30-31,pH=8.2-8.6,室内自然光照,实验结果表明,中国对虾对日本刺沙蚕的摄食率C(g.g^-1.d^-1)与体重W(g)的关系为C=0.153W^0.7072,在  相似文献   
Toxicity of 1,4-dichlorobenzene in sediments to juvenile polychaete worms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Investigation of sediment contamination associated with a marine sewage outfall in Victoria (BC, Canada) found elevated concentrations of 1,4-dichlorobenzene (1,4-DCB). Juvenile polychaete worm (Neanthes) growth was significantly reduced at or near the outfall, roughly corresponding to elevated 1,4-DCB concentrations. There are few data on 1,4-DCB toxicity to marine organisms and no published literature on its toxicity to benthic marine organisms. To determine whether reduced polychaete growth (measured as dry weight) was due to 1,4-DCB exposure, a laboratory investigation was conducted. Uncontaminated marine sediment was spiked with 1,4-DCB and juvenile Neanthes were exposed in 20-d sublethal toxicity tests. There were no adverse effects on survival at any test concentration; mean survival was 80–100%. Statistically significant decreases in average dry weight only occurred at the highest 1,4-DCB concentration (19,900 μg/kg, dry weight); this represented a 1,4-DCB concentration more than 10 times higher than previously measured at the outfall (1710 μg/kg, dry weight). There were no adverse effects on survival or dry weight at the range of concentrations previously measured in sediments from the vicinity of the outfall.  相似文献   
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